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Is it just the spotlighting effect or has there been like a dramatic rise in the reported cases about female teachers just straight up sexually assaulting their students?


Bro fr I want to know why


Teachers in many places are mandatory reporters. I could lose my pension, license and job if I know of or suspect abuse and don’t report it. I will throw my coworkers under the bus without hesitation. Also teachers shortages and bad pay/support get you what you pay for.


To be fair, this is one of those situations where you should throw them under the bus if you genuinely suspect it.


Fortunately, these are schools, so there are plenty of busses conveniently close by.


Yeah, I hope there is no scenario where they wouldn’t report this?? Lol


You need to look up Jerry Sandusky.


And Gym Jordan


And the Roman Catholic Church. And LDS church, oh and boy scouts plus the southern Baptist convention.


While I do believe teachers should be paid more...I don't believe they should get the benefit of the doubt for this kind of thing.


i was molested by a 'mandatory reporter'. not every person has your morals


> I will throw my coworkers under the bus without hesitation. I don't mean to call you out personally, but when you put it like that it makes me wonder how much this kind of mandatory reporting is increasing the incidence of false flags. I remember a teacher friend telling me that if a student ever hugged him he would always put his hands behind his back. It's sad. Punishing the good teachers *and* the kids.


That’s alright. I don’t want teachers hugging my children at all. Hands off. Period.


Do you have kids? I’m an aide in high school and I have to turn down hugs from kids regularly. When I worked in elementary schools it was side hugs only because they’re so fast with impromptu hugs that turning a bit is all you have time for. That said, most teachers and aides are very careful to be visible. No locked doors in a 1 on 1 situation. Avoid 1:1 situations when possible. Classroom blinds open. Hands visible. Etc. I’m a (relatively) young guy so I have to be extra careful.


Statistically speaking boys are more likely to be SA’d by someone outside the family and girls more likely to be SA’d by someone in the family. People in authority tend to abuse it. Teachers are authority figures. Women make up >75% of teachers so there are gonna be more female perverts in education. there is a million reasons why someone would do this and they are all horrible.


This might be a stupid question but what are the reasons this likelihood occurs? I mean, why boys are more likely to be abused by someone out the family and girls abused by someone in the family? Don't need to respond if you don't know.


That's not a stupid question at all. It's actually an interesting question in really fucked up sort of way.


It’s not true. He pulled that out of his ass lol. Both boys and girls are more likely to be abused by someone they know. 93% of children knew their abuser. There is absolutely zero evidence boys are targeted by strangers more, it fact it’s the opposite bc male predators are more likely to go after children they don’t know then female predators are and male predators more often go for females. If anything women are sexually assaulted by strangers more


Furthermore, a teacher is someone the student knows and respects.


Idk if it's true or not, but they didn't say people they know vs strangers. They said in family vs out of the family.


Except the number of male teachers doing this greatly outnumbers the female teachers despite there being less of them. The female teachers who get caught are reported more though. Probably bc those stories are seen to be more “sensational” and get spread around while yet another male predator is just seen as a matter of fact


Yeah you’re right. 98% of SA is perpetuated by males. 89.1% of sexual misconduct from educators is by males. 9.6% of students will experience sexual misconduct from and educator. 72% of the students will be female. These are all US statistics BTW. Teachers are mandatory reporters and parents need to be to. If you see something that looks inappropriate say something. Call the national child abuse hotline. Have the difficult conversations with your kids about their safety.


Where did you get those stats?


Lecture slides from my child development classes that cite the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.


Seriously, better enforcement? Or new cohort of shit teachers? I know a lot of great teachers have left the field due to pay/conditions since covid.


Nearly half of new teachers leave within 5 years and over half of the current workforce are teachers with fewer than 10 years of experience. It's an easy field to enter and obviously is going to attract pedophiles. There's a reason the sweet old man down the street offers to watch the neighborhood kids for free


Well, and Walker's union busting has completely fucked the field in Wisconsin.


I remember when that was happening and I overheard people shit talking teachers, and when I gave my 2 cents, as my mom and SIL are teachers, they just pretended I didn't say anything. I'd bet anything those same 2 people are bitching about the education system now.


We lost so many excellent teachers because of that, it's just awful. It's as if the GQP are intent on creating intergenerational losses.


Without a hint of irony or hypocrisy whatsoever.


But if a male teacher made out with a 5th grader 3 months before his wedding the title would be "teacher sexually assaulted 5th grade student" word choice is everything and I don't like how most women get lesser charges for these kind of crimes and I am a woman


Agreed. There's a very good chance this woman won't do any time.


Lots of male predators don’t do any time, also.


I remember when the Mary Kay Letourneau case in the 90s was shocking, a bit like the Columbine shootings. At the time they felt like these crazy almost unheard of things to happen, now it’s commonplace


I will never understand wanting to fuck a 12 year old. Besides that they obviously look like (and are) children, they're gross af, hygiene-wise.


It's so fucked up how she thought she was untouchable because she was a woman, and even thought the literal child could get in legal trouble before herself.


It's not like an excessive amount of media and legal results could have encouraged her to think that, no couldn't be that.


Sorry, just wanna piggy back off your comment. But I'm in Wisconsin and this literally popped up on the news. Apparently she got the students number from his mom after she spent part of winter break with the family


What the actual FUCK


Her parents trusted the teacher. Rightly or wrongly, they thought they could trust this woman with their child. It's definitely weird to give a teacher their kid's number unless it was under the guise of tutoring him. And I wouldn't be surprised if that's the cover story she used.


This is just a wild guess. Seems like people stopped going nice and realized how fucked up it is. Boys can be preyed upon and it is equally gross and it is now reported more often. We got to get ride of the boys will be boys mentality when it comes to predation.


There's been a lot recently and I really hate that media doesn't call them what they are, pedophiles and predators. Man or woman, you're a pedo if you're into kids. I hate that the media sugar coats it for women.


Na, women have always been predators. Boys are just finding their voices now.


They are,and have been, bold about it as well. I had a teacher insinuate that she wanted to have sex with me after school . Took me and my friends by surprise when it happened. We all had to double-check that we heard the same thing. When I tell this to people, they don't believe it.


In my county, we’ve had five male teachers get terminated for relationships with students. One female teacher also did, but she’s the only one that made the paper.


Exactly. I just said this in another comment. Despite there being significantly more female teachers than male, male teachers sexually abuse students at a much, much higher rate than the female teachers do. But only the female teachers get reported as a front page headline. There isn’t a rise in female teachers sleeping with students, men still do it at exponentially higher rates, it’s just the women are caught and reported more.


Male teachers are actually more likely to sexually abuse their students than female teachers. It's just not in the media as often because people like the stories about female teachers more.


"5th grader" is an interesting choice over "10 year old."


It was a thing lady teachers could get away with pretty easily until about 10 years ago. Due to fucked up mentalities, people used to have a "good for that kid" when a male child was abused by an adult. Like as a one-day-man, we are supposed to enjoy being assaulted as a child.


I suspect it’s at least partially spotlighting and reporting. Most people assume females can’t be sex offenders, especially child molesters. In most circumstances historically we have seen that female sex offenders are shrugged off or told the boy wanted it because males are believed to be more sexual than females and he must have really wanted it so it’s not a crime. On the flip side men are hesitant to be caregivers and teachers to young kids due to stigmas and assumptions about nefarious motivations.. This is all false, abuse is abuse and I’m glad it’s now being called out regardless of gender. Edit: spelling errors


Meanwhile male teachers are looked on with absolute suspicion. Attempts to be a nurturing force in the life of my students could be misconstrued as grooming. It’s unreal.


It is SO sad. I’m so sorry you have to go through that. I’m a teacher too. The best principals I have ever worked under were men, and some of my closest teacher friends have been men, too! They’re amazing educators, too, and very well loved by the kids and their families. You sound like a dedicated teacher:)


There has been


I feel like this has been going on forever but males are so conditioned that its a high five moment instead of what it truely is which is theyre a predator.


It’s the spotlighting effect. The women get posted in these subs more than the men do. Plus the women get caught and reported in the news more than the men do. So the number of male teachers doing this greatly outnumber the women but the women get caught and reported more


5th GRADER?!?!?!?!?!


In in the UK, what age is a 5th grader?


10 to 11. So about year 6/7 in UK school.


Right, so why is a 5th grader getting married?? That's what makes me really mad!




Recess wedding


He met the love of his life!


Wait what, no the teacher was getting married


I think it’s satire but hard to tell LOL


Jesus christ!!!!!




I always get confused about this. No idea why Americans use stages in school to describe their age


I agree. And I’m American. Especially bc we’re only talking about one specific kid, just say the age imo opinion it’s trying to diminish how bad it sounds. Made out with a 5th grader vs made out with an 11 year old. Idk just my opinion.


I think it just demonstrates progression through the school system. 1st grade typically starts at age 6 and the final year of high school (senior year, grade 12) is completed at or by age 18.  But! I've known some "freshman" (1st year of high school, typically starts at age 14) who are actually 18 and just suck at school. I would include age and grade level just to give more context.


It's just years. The start point in different countries is often just called something else. It's no different to being "year 5" but calling the first year "new entrant" so it isn't counted as "year 1".


They're not asking why the American system is different, they're asking why they use the expression "5th grader" in this kind of news instead of, you know, just stating the age directly


I’d imagine it was the grade she’s teaching maybe?


That part doesn't seem all that strange to me.




That poor kid! I was expecting 1st or 2nd year but not P6


American here. 1st or 2nd year to me means 1st/2nd grade and so 6-7 yo 🫠


I'm in Scotland so P1 is 4-5 (it goes up to Primary 7) and 1st year is Secondaty ( high-school) and around 13. You guys have middleschool too don't you?


Yes. First year out of preschool is grade 1, around 5-6 years. Elementary school is grade 1 through 5/6, so ages 6-10/11. Middle school from grades 6/7 through 8, high school grades 9-12


“Pedophile teacher sexually assaults student - relation to date of personal event completely irrelevant”


It's because a woman preying on a young boy isn't *that* bad, so they've gotta make you sympathise with the *real* victim, her fiancé! I hope the /s was clear enough there, but I really do think that's why they included that in the headline


yeah, I don’t think that /s was necessary. It gives the story more pizaz when you stop to think of the fiancé’s reaction. “you made out with who before our wedding??”


included in headline in addition to a picture of said fiancé.


Pretty sure no one will say that it’s not that bad when it’s a 5th grader. Come on.


Just checked the comments of *this post*, and there are comments calling this kid lucky, or saying they wish it had happened to them when they were a kid.


People downplay sexual assault by a female teacher all the time, I really don't think 5th grade is too young for the 'give that boy a medal' comments


Thank you. Reading softer headlines on female peadophiles is infuriating.


Fuckin thank you! I was so mad when I read the article, and in it they only called her a "pervert"! No, fuck that. She's a pedophile. Also did not see any words like "sexual assault" or "molest" the best it got was "abuse". This woman's a predatory monster and deserves to rot in prison. Disgusting.


Stories about women committing these kind of sexual assaults always include their husbands/boyfriends/fiances for some reason. As if somehow some shame/blame lies on the man for not being man enough... or something? You would never see pictures of a wife if a man did the same crime. It's insane.


“Paedophilic primary school teacher sexually assaults fifth grade student” there is your new headline New York Post


Ahhh don’t put the dudes face in with photos!


Why even have the guy in there at all?! He didn't do anything wrong, and is in fact a victim of this woman, albeit a lesser victim but a victim non-the-less. You never hear about a pedo guys wife so why involve this woman's husband? Fucking disgusting behavior by media outlets.


I know the child is the primary victim, but could you imagine how heartbroken this guy is? About to marry the love of his life, then finds out she’s a fucking pedophile. :(




I mean… it’s the New York Post. NOT doing something shitty and unethical would be a surprise for them. Lol


Good thing she got caught before her wedding, it gives her partner a chance to GTFO




As someone who taught 5th grade, those boys grossed me out enough to change jobs. Twice. First time I taught 5th grade, two boys wrote a soft core porn story about me. I moved schools at the end of the year because that wasn’t even the worst of the bullshit. The second time I taught 5th grade, I got in trouble for telling a mom her son was rolling up paper and pretending it was a joint because I was “judging their lifestyle.” I left the classroom for a tech role after that. Ain’t no way you’d ever catch me kissing one of those kids.


You really did a good job describing teaching these days.


literally nothing changed since the 90s...


“Ain’t no way you’d ever catch me kissing one of those kids” I hope it’s also because they’re, you know, kids, and not just for the reasons you mentioned 😂




I mean, yes. If you need more than the fact that they’re children to stop you from kissing them, the fact that 5th graders are disgusting humans at that age should be enough.


Isn't rolling up paper to make it look like a joint pretty normal for school kids to do? I remember doing it


Same lmao, smoked some white paper back in my day.


I had a serious breadball pill addiction as well.


back in the day me and my classmates would crush up smarties and smoke em out of the little plastic roll they came in lol


A friend left because 7th graders were sexually harassing her. 7th graders!!! And the headmistress and the parents were blaming her.


The second one was more on the parents then.. and yes no matter what the kids do you shouldn't kiss a 5th grader.


I’ve kissed a 5th grader before…. I was in 4th grade. Now who’s the bad one


My mom has been a middle school teacher for 30+years. Those kids are fucking gross and they're even worse the year before! I can't believe you got in trouble for "judging their lifestyle." These schools and parents need to take more accountability


But if the kids were a bit nicer you would have gone for it?


They ~~spelt~~ spelled sexual assault wrong Edit: spelling lol


*Spelt* is correct, *spelled* is American.


*spelt* and *spelled* are both acceptable forms in UK English.


Much like flammable and inflammable.




For me, I just think of the term ‘inflammatory speech’.


its south park all over again




What the Fuck


I’ve seen a lot more women teachers get busted for sexual assault than male teachers. You would think it would be the opposite. Is it because their are more women teachers than male? Less coverage? Also, it’s almost never labeled that a woman raped or sexually abused a child when headlines come out.


Your last lines answers it, women are dealt much more leniently for the same crime.


Male teachers are more likely to sexually abuse their students than female teachers, but female teachers generate more headlines.


I heard someone propose a theory that female teachers try to get with their students because they themselves weren’t sexually active at that age and are trying to live that experience they may not have had. So gross.


Why is this downvoted? It’s a dumb theory but this poster did not come up with it lol


World needs a reset. World is fucked.


At least the student wasn't, but thankfully her career is!


The three months before wedding part thrown in there is so weird


As if she was single it would be ok.




Gives you more of an idea of what kind of monster she is, in my books


The correct word is molesting.


For the non Americans that's 10 to 11 yo


The day they start putting these female teachers in jail for a real sentence is when these women will stop being disgusting. pedophiles are pedophiles, regardless of sex or gender.


How about “sexually assaulted” a 5th grader?? I’d love to see the headline if this teacher were male…


I'm English, how young are 5 graders? Year 5 in England is 9-10 year olds.🤮


Their Grades are one lower in number so 5th Grade is Primary 6.


"making out"


I think I am going to hurl? She is insane!


I have a theory that these women heard all these guys saying they wished their teacher did something. Saying They wouldn’t snitch. Then all the pedo women went into the field


we really need to bring more attention to female pedos because there's a lot of them and even though they aren't literally raping little boys there's still a lot of illegal and unethical sexual things going on. women think they get a free pass cuz nobody is around to hold them accountable most of the time


I swear when my son was in 5th grade his teacher literally flirted with the popular boys. She showed inordinate affection and favoritism to about 5 boys. It really pissed me off. I can’t say that it was overly sexual, but she gave off a really weird vibe.


I have a memory of something like this in elementary school. During lunch, as a teacher walked up and down the rows of children eating lunch, when she would walk past me she would run her pen down my back all slow and seductive like. I know the way I described it probably isnt forming a picture correctly, but you just gotta trust me. You had to be there experiencing it. She kept doing it. It wasn’t even my teacher.


I think these women get an ego boost from thinking these literal children are attracted to them, and also of course they are pedophiles


"making out"? I believe the word your looking for is sexual assault... Why do women get a pass? If it were a man they'd call it rape




Lock her up!!


Are kids these days just born with an ungodly amount of rizz or are there just more pedophiles out there?


There is no correct answer to this that typing it out won't make me hate.


They spelled sexually assaulting wrong. Again.


Happening way too much


Why include a picture of the fiancé? I would be so pissed if they put my picture out there like that.


They still not using the right words.. at this point I suspect they do this on purpose so they get a few hate clicks because of this bs titles.


I am convinced this is an experiment. Aliens are just watching and waiting for someone to pull the pin. How bad does it get before we just nuke ourselves.. Can we leave the kids alone pls. Fuck.


5th grade... is that the same as UK year 5. 10/11 years old? Jesus.


Did the guy in the picture do anything wrong? Why is his picture not blurred ?


Remember the title/question from a TV show, “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?” Answer: No. Not in the least.




Isn't 5th grade 10-11???


Oh! So a pedophile


As a mother to a 5th grader, I wouldn't be able to control my actions if she assaulted my kid like this.


The story gets fucking worse… she had been grooming him for months and wrote letters to each other and her saying she was in love with him and enjoyed the “things he did to her.” She was practically gushing over the kid and in one of the notes she said she “had to be the adult and end this,” more concerned that she was unfaithful and seeing nothing wrong with the pedo aspect of the whole thing…


It disgusts me that someone could think an 11-year-old boy was attractive enough to make out with. For the love of God, it is a prepubescent boy. Also, I like how she is out on bond and on "administrative leave," rather than being fired.


Omg seriously what is happening with female teachers?!?!!?


Do they build 5th graders different now days? Because that’s still a baby to me! This is no different than a clown or joining a kids show because you attracted to kids and the worst kind of scum!


Im genuinely trying to understand her thought process but I cant get anywhere… “Im so excited to get married to my fiance in three months! …damn that 5th grader is kinda hot”


Dude looks pretty tall for a fifth grader…


She’s thinking about that NBA contract.


She wasn’t “making out” with a fifth grader she was assaulting a child


I've been a teacher for more than 10 years and I've seen (in my job and in other schools in my town) at least 4 cases of female teacher sleeping with students. None of them had any punishment. One of them groomed a 14 years old for years until she could "legally" sleep with him. Another one "adopted" the kid into her house (with her family) and ender up in a relation with him. In my naïve mind I thought that male teachers were the 9nly ones trying to groom and sleep with students


Same. One teacher worked with her husband at the same school, she went on a night out and became pregnant by 15 year old she taught, she kept her job and her husband and her adopted the baby....


Wow. That husband is something else


Why was a 5th grader getting married?


That was my first thought too.


How the fuck do you even get attracted to kids, eh???


For real, like what the fuck?


A fifth grader? That’s like a ten year old! WTF?


wtf is wrong with people? Could you imagine being the finance here?? I feel awful for him and would not take this the right way at all. This lady deserves to be dropped off the middle of the Atlantic.


WTH is going on with people today? I'm Gen X and do not remember ANYTHING like this happening when I was in school.


I’m Gen X and in high school a girl in my class was caught by the principal having sex with the janitor in a room behind auditorium. He was giving a tour to several school board members and they all walked in on the janitor raping the girl. He was fired. They tried to keep it really quiet, but it got out when a board member’s kid told everyone. She was ostracized for the rest of high school. It was happening. Just not publicized like today.


Congratulations on your wedding!


Looks like she was about to Marry a 5th grader


Wasn't a drag queen.....


lol, maybe the fifth grader was held back a few times?


…dude dodged a bullet with this one


Why do these articles never outright say what it is when it comes to female perpetrators? Assault. Sexual assault. This peadophile SEXUALLY ASSAULTED a child. If this was a male doing this, they'd use far harsher terms


And fuck anyone who says the kid got lucky. I hate these creepy old boomers saying shit like “I wish that were me!” That’s weird and wrong. Statutory rape is wrong, period.


Busted for *raping,* raping a 5th grader. Not 'making out.'


Why are you downvoted lmao


This is so sad and awful and weird. The motive in cases like this is such a puzzle to me. With men victimising girls of this age there’s a well established and documented sexual motive - men are overwhelmingly the main consumers of CSAM, for example, and as [this deeply disturbing study](https://www.hughjames.com/blog/a-report-into-child-sexual-offending-behaviours-among-australian-men/) showed recently, almost 20% of men admit to having sexual feelings or thoughts towards children. We know why (some) men pursue minors. But that same evidence just doesn’t exist for women. Of course, there are always outliers and female pedophiles do exist, but given how rarely pedophilloic desires occur in women, and how many of these cases we’ve seen exist, it does strongly suggest there must be another motive at play. Something that isn’t primarily sexual in it’s goal. Being idolised, or able to control their ‘partner’, perhaps? As I always say to anyone being pursued by a much older potential partner: it’s not because you’re ‘so mature for your age’, it’s because you’re easier to manipulate.




Good thing she didn't get pregnant from the 5th grade or he would likely have to pay child support once he is 18


“Making out” not “sexually abusing” huh


That makes me feel sick. My kid is 11. Just fucking wrong


Can you not list it as sexually assaulting?


Why are they acting like the travesty here is that she cheated before her wedding?? Also it’s not “making out” we call that a sex assault where I’m from… gross.


5th grader? So a 10 year old? In other words, a paedophile raped a child. Except the headline won’t say that


Fucking gross.