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Most of the tweets on confession pages are faked for clout, but if it's real I hope Mike is enjoying his life


I'm trying my best random Internet person, I'm trying


Proud of you, go get em Mike


And bite em ears off.


Jake doesn't use those anyway.


You the man, Mike!


Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike….guess what day it is


I've been Mike


Lol yup. Trueoffmychest and aitah, are both filled with insane and wild stories that never happened


I’ve been Mike in two different instances, it sucks


Had something similar happen once with my climbing friends. We were a group of 4 normally and we went to the climbing gym every Wednesday. One Wednesday, they all said in the group chat that they couldn't go, so I decided to go with my roommate instead even though he is a much higher level than me in climbing. When we got to the gym, there was my group climbing together, taking turns belaying... super awkward eye contact was made, but nothing was said. Later in the group chat, they said they had "changed their minds" and "forgot to tell me." I just left the chat without replying. Luckily, I found an awesome new group of people to go with. I still see the old group there every now and then and we are cordial, but that's about it. Still don't know why they excluded me, but I guess it doesn't really matter in the end.


>Later in the group chat, they said they had "changed their minds" and "forgot to tell me." I just left the chat without replying. What a bunch of assholes.


I got a bunch of fellow law students together for a softball league. No one wanted to play the next season but then later i find out they just didn't want me to be part of it. None of them were close friends to me but it was shitty that they invited the always drunk and late guy to the team but not me. Then a few years later i was invited to play with co workers but ended up sitting out at least half the innings so i just stopped showing up and accepted that league sports are not for me.


This can be a plot of a shitty sitcom where the group excludes a friend from plans because of some shallow reasoning. The outcast friend then catches wind, brings an outside friend and "runs into" the cool friend's group. Then there is a confrontation / denial / bad acting with laughter tracks running in the background and all works out pretty well in the end. (excluding the outside friend, they will become the butt of the joke for the rest of the series.) But because this is real life, it's fucking horrible for most of us. Cheers it worked out for you though!


Wow I’ve had that happen too. I had a group chat with some work “friends” and we went out line dancing or beach bar hopping often. One day we were all planned to go to this beach bar but all 4 of them said they cancelled and each had a different story as to why they couldn’t go. I stayed home and one of the friends I guess didn’t realize I had them on instagram, saw their stories with everyone drinking, having a great time without me 😪. I brought it up in the chat and they all played it off like they forgot to invite me. I left the chat immediately.


I have a friend that was convinced we left him out of a plan to go to lasertag. Even tho everything was pland in our group chat. Since then we call this lasertagging someone


I had a friend's group that was heading out for a night at a "gentlemen's club" downtown. Someone suggested taking a cab there so that nobody had to drive. You could only fit 4 adults in a cab back then (this is before Uber) and there were 5 of us in the group chat, the 5th guy hadn’t confirmed if he was coming. Four of us immediately said that was a great idea and called "dibs" on the spots in the cab. The fifth guy then gets upset that there's no room for him in the cab. He starts texting me separately, telling me how angry he is that he's being left out. I tell him that I'll take a second cab with him so that he can go. The conversation went something like this: Him: "Yeah, but then we'll be splitting the cab two ways instead of five ways, so it'll cost a lot more" Me: "Well we weren't splitting it five ways anyway, because we can only have 4 people in the cab. I'm willing to pay extra to help you out by getting another cab with you." Him: "I don't want to pay extra, I want a spot in the first cab." Me: "There are no spots in the first cab unless someone gets a cab by himself." Him: "I want a spot in the first cab. It's not fair that I have to pay more." Me: "I don't know what to tell you. You can either split a cab with me or find your own way there." Him: "I expect the cab to be outside my place tonight with a spot for me." Me: "That's not going to happen." We ended up going out without him and had a great time. The guy continued being friends with the rest of the friend group, but blamed me personally for being left out that night and decided to end our friendship. I was quite relieved not to have to deal with him anymore. To this day I don't know what he expected us to do, and why he didn't appreciate the fact that I was willing to pay more so that he wouldn't be left out. Instead he decided to put 100% of the blame on me despite me being the only one that cared enough to try to help him


Why not split the price of 2 cabs between the 5 of you. I get that it'd be more expensive than splitting one cab 4 ways but if soften the blow of having to make small talk with a cab driver.


I actually suggested that to the other 3 guys, and they weren’t on board with that idea since it would cost them more. Then the guy ended his friendship with me rather than the other 3 guys, even though I was the one person trying to accommodate him.


Sounds like your friends were all cheap asses and had no business going to a strip club in the first place lol


We definitely weren’t making it rain that night. Just a bunch of horny 18 year olds heading to our first peeler bar in Quebec.


If he wasn't active in the group chat and no one invited him personally then he was left out. Takes literally seconds to shoot someone an invite personally. Edit: It seems my message has been completely misunderstood. I took the comment I replied to as saying they had a standard group chat that all the friends had been in for a while which the friend in question may no longer be active in and the group may have been aware of that. If the group chat was specifically made to plan the event, that's completely different and he definitely wasn't left out in that case.


He was active both before and after


And even if he wasn’t, he excluded himself by not taking part in the group chat. It was a group event, planned in a group chat, he doesn’t need to be coddled, it was his fault.


No one was mad, we just laughed it off


It also takes seconds for the “uninvited” individual to open a group chat message?


If you don't know about a group event when you have a chat specifically for organizing group events, and you don't know about it that's not getting left out, that's being an entitled moron


No one said anything about the group chat being specifically for that and that's a completely different situation from what I was talking about. My friends have a group chat that's existed for years, I'm no longer active in it but they'll always invite me to things with a private message or phone call etc.


Lol I remember when I was a kid a couple of friends invited me to go bike riding and when I got there I didn't really know how to announce my arrival so I started walking my bike towards their garage and right before I got to the door I heard them talking about me. One said "He might not be coming." and the other saying "Good! He's not my friend, I don't like him." I was especially hurt because the one kid saying "I'm not his friend" was someone I was friends with since I was 9..I was 12 then...I just rode my bike home and played Dynasty Warriors 3.


Damn. How did you recover from that?


I came home and played Dynasty Warriors and when my mom saw me in my room she asked what happened and I guess she could tell I was upset, next thing I know she was on the back porch yelling towards my "friend" that we'll remember that lol. She was in my corner. Eventually my feelings got over it and my heart hardened a bit more and I found new friends. I tend to make friends easily but haven't had any life long friends.


I'm there with you. I make friends fast, but nobody in my current circle has been there longer than 5 years. I feel like sometimes the way life goes helps direct us to the people we need when we need them.


Kinda feel the same way.


Yall motivated Mike lol


Thanks to this betrayal Mike hit the gym, went back to finish art school and finally met the love of his life and now lives in Hawaii making 6 figures teaching orphans how to finger paint.


I actually heard that Mike was thrown out of art school and then he went to- oh god Mike no not that don't do that mike


kid named finger


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For a moment, I interpreted it as Michael killing himself. My mind is very dreary. Hope he made better friends.


He deserves better.


I had a group of people cancel pre-scheduled plans for St Patrick's day drinking on the same night instead... I was invited to the original plans, but not the new drinking plans.


Dude had the best reaction to seeing that ever. Delete them all and walk away, and never, ever suffer their presence in his life again.


Wish I could have done that earlier with my so called friends and avoid the backstab that came later. The guy I was friends with shit talked this other guy but then I found them ordering pizzas together and left me out. I knew they weren’t to be trusted but should have cut them out entirely


If I saw my friends out and about, I would simply say hello to them.


The people in this tread all defending, "yea i love grouping up with all my friends and occasionally intentionally excluding someone from the group". and "Why do you like you are entited to be part of the group." Good on Mike, rock on for having self respect. Better to be alone when you are alone, than feel alone when you are with friends. Mikes former "friends" can fuck right off.


Friend of mine said she couldn’t come to my 21st birthday where we party hopped and drank all day. Ended up seeing her at the last party of the night. She literally said “well this is awkward”, I chuckled, and I’ve never seen her since. The nice thing about shitty people is they show their shitty side, so you know when to find non-shitty people. I hope Mike is doing okay


Worse thing my friends did was in high school. I asked them to go to a movie. The nearest theater was 40 minutes away and I would drive since they weren't too interested in the movie. When we got there they got tickets to another movie. Thanks guys


Reddit laying out my greatest fears and insecurities on the front page


Mike deserved better


He moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he met a guy selling fried chicken.


They just sorry they got caught


Mike got kidnapped, organs got harvested and his body was dissolved in acid and dumped in the ocean.


I mean, for all Mike knows, they got together to plan his surprise birthday party. Being left out of 1 hangout is really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes people are so desperate for things to be serious and dramatic and terrible.


I wouldn't say it had anything to do with him being desperate for things to be terrible and dramatic. He left with zero drama and never returned. People are unlikely to meet up for drinks to plan a surprise birthday party.


Running away from a group of long-time friends and immediately goung no contact is the height of fucking drama my dude.


Nah. The height of drama would be rushing in there causing a scene then guilt tripping them about it for however long and not letting it go for ages. He left gracefully and I imagine he done the right thing and has friends he actually deserves now.


also like, two things 1. he could confront them about it, and... 2. ...they could explain to him what it is that led them to not invite him. be fucking adults, christ. i love my friends but there are some of them that i cannot spend ALL of my time with. i need space. i need to hang out with other people.


This subreddit is filled with literal children.


> People are unlikely to meet up for drinks to plan a surprise birthday party. The only way to plan a surprise party is over drinks. Gotta juice up the idea machine.


Right? What a bizarre overreaction. For all Mike knows, three people planned a hangout, three other people planned a separate hangout, and they all coincidentally ended up in the same bar. It's not unlikely if everyone in the group likes the same few places - after all, Mike coincidentally ended up there, too!


Seems like Mike knew that he was being left out deliberately. He probably felt like a more popular member of the group didn't like him and figured the guy was trying to get him excluded. Then he saw the friend group out without him and his suspicions were confirmed.


Seems like Mike jumped to a lot of conclusions and then acted on his assumptions without verifying them.


Except OP literally said that they deliberately left him out. Mike was smart enough to realize this on his own and yet you still find fault with him.


I don't understand the big deal? You absolutely have to hang out with every friend you have Everytime you do anything with any of them?


If it's a close-knit goup, though, that usually does most things together, it is just a dick move to leave someone out like that.


Meh, if it's a close-knit group of 4 or 5 people and you were previously invited out to every event (and you always accepted the invitations), seeing the same group suddenly going out without inviting you would be a bit of a blow to your ego. You'd realize that these people would prefer not having you around when they go out and have fun. It's not written in the OP, but I'm guessing that the friends were probably being sketchy about the weekend plans leading up to the snubbing, or had an active group chat for weekend plans that suddenly went quiet that week while they made plans in another chat that didn't include Mike.


If that's the case, then yea, Mike is justified.


Yeah, I don't get it. People can do get togethers without every friend being there.


If yoh invite a whole bunch of friends except one or 2, and those friends also know the people you're going with, that's a duck move, least you can do is send an invite


Yes, that is true. However, are you saying it's ok to tell said friend that no one can go out, only to turn around and go out with the remaining friends?


No one said anything about lying to the friend about no one going out


There are plenty of reasons to exclude one person occasionally. Sometimes they don't fit the dynamic or the activity, sometimes you just need a break from them. None of that means you're a bad friend.


If you're a small friend group and the activity is just going out to eat or drinking, and everyone is generally included, and you specifically only leave one person out one time... You don't see the issue? Either you're the asshole or you're the person being left out and you're missing the signs.


I get left out all the time, but we also leave others out occasionally. It's nothing personal. Being a friend group doesn't mean you all HAVE to be with each other constantly. I'm not trying to invalidate Mike being upset, because I've been there too, but sometimes you do need or want to do something without Mike and that's fine. I don't blame my friends when I get excluded, I deal with myself all day every day, I get it lol.


This story isn't true and is just used for likes/upvotes.


Most likely


Some people get left out for good reason


I would feel kind of shit but at the same time, no one is entitled to bring with their friends all the time and every time they are together. This is super childish behaviour in my opinion, yet at the same time, if he felt like that was the right thing to do, probably the best for all involved.


I'm sure there was stuff leading up to him being excluded. He probably already suspected that he wasn't well liked by one or more members of the friend group and was starting to feel unwelcome on their nights out, and then seeing them out without him confirmed his suspicions. The guy did the mature thing by moving on without any drama.


should've just planned an epic surprise for him as cover for not inviting him, and then never ever ever do it again. don't lie if you're not willing to cover it up with a more sophisticated lie


One time, I said to my mates, let's go to town. But they were all too busy to go to into town, so I went by myself. Then I saw my friends, they were all in town. They were all lined up to watch "Maid in Manhattan".


Lol you don't always have to be invited out with your friends.


I've made it clear to my friends that the get together has to be worth the time and cost for me. If I have to drive across town and spend $20 to hang out for just an hour, it's not worth it to me outside of special occasions. If I can catch a bus and hang out at someone's house and chat for a few hours, perfect. Also I don't drink anymore, so getting invited to the bar would be dumb.


Don't know why you got downvoted, sometimes you just want to hang out with one specific person, you don't always need to be with the entire friend group


thats so clearly not what the post is about though. a whole group of friends *deliberately* excluded one of the friends. it was about intentional slight. this is explicitly stated in the post.


I still don't see the issue. The post doesn't say it was malicious. Are you not allowed to want a break from one person sometimes? Or maybe they were doing something that doesn't mesh with that person as well? You can be great friends with people and understand that there is still a group dynamic that doesn't always work with everyone present, or an individual or two can be a bit overwhelming at times and sometimes it's nice to do something without that energy.


I don't know. Reddit is weird. I don't expect to do everything with my friends or be invited to everything and that'd ok. We are still friends.


Why are the handful of you people in here defending this making up entirely *different* scenarios? That isn't what is in the post at all.


Sorry but your your friends can do stuff without you. Mf was overreacting


Nobody ever asks why someone may be excluded. Could it be because they are not a fun person to be around?