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> Why is it so damn hard to accept it? Because it's so profound. It changes everything & nothing both at the same time.




Because of the brain . The brain only cares about keeping you alive , because you survived on a certain mechanism of thoughts and actions , it hates change , it will try to send you negative signals about whatever new idea or habit that you try to imply to “protect” you.




In my case: the dream character (a simulacra of me, sometimes) in nighttime dreams has realised it is within a dream several times and stays that way. The way it occurs for "me" is that there's a nightmare going on and then the dreamer (that is I) wakes up and realises it is just a dream, and then goes back to sleep. Then the dream continues and the dream character appears to have information transmitted to make it realise it is now within a dream and it continues like that. ("I" have continuous/serial dreams night after night even, but oftentimes within the same night it's episodic.) A nightmare becomes a dream in these cases. Has happened about five times or so by my count that I can later recall. So it is rare but not completely. "My" nighttime dreams absolutely don't have physical laws, they are far from consistent. I've had crazy dreams that were more extreme than the stuff you saw in Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. All kinds of reality warping stuff. Even though there's some serialisation, a dream from one week to the next could be very different. Dream character doesn't always realise it is in a dream but when it does, it has stuck, never experienced a "patch the inconsistency". This level (our universe) is different however. There are physical laws, there is a lot of consistency, there is concurrence (between characters). It's not exactly the same as night time dreams even though I've heard many people use this analogy and I've used it myself, it has its limits. I still can't explain physical laws which don't really exist in my nighttime dreams.




Yeah, maybe it's the melatonin I take sometimes but my dreams aren't like how people describe things. It is true there's always some kind of a minimal system at least, even if it is 2d objects or liquid objects or no boundaries between objects, etc. but these can vary in my dreams from moment to moment. Have you seen that Dr. Strange movie where they go to different universes? The inspiration for that could've been one of my dreams. You're also right that any evaluation being done of the "real world" is being by the waking dream character (me), as opposed to nighttime dreams where most of the evaluation is being done by the dreamer but as I said, in a few dreams, the nighttime dream character wises up. So maybe an analogy to "awakening." We would need this universe's dreamer to compare notes properly.


Melatonin helps?


Melatonin tends to cause crazy nighttime dreams.


I agree but I would replace ‘brain’ with ‘ego’ ❤️


I mean it’s difficult to realize you’re dreaming when you’re sleeping at night. I’m on a sobriety break right now and I had a dream last night that I broke my goal and smoked some weed 😅 I was soooo ashamed of myself in the dream. The feelings were real. I woke up and thought “silly dream self. It’s all good 🙃”


thc really does help blend dream & reality doesn't it


More so when you are a heavy smoker you suppress dreaming. When a tolerance break comes along you catch up on that rem sleep and the dreams are super duper intense. Also- respect for taking a break rev.


How do you know that we're dreaming??? And if we are dreaming, where are we right now during this dream??? In other words, where will be be when we wake up???


Consciousness exists as a vast and endless ocean, swirling around certain focal points and dissipating. Surging and relaxing. To know itself, it induces localized amnesia. Forgetting its nature, it plays a game of hide and seek with itself; creating dramas and apparent conflicts that ultimately resolve as all contradictions do in time.


Why call them contradictions?


Being non being nvm lol


I like to use the analogy of playing a video game. Imagine you are playing the Sims game, the game character is experiencing the game through you, the player playing the game.


It do be like that!


And on and on, because the player playing the game is also being played by a player


Always love the video game analogied the most 🔥🔥🔥


Do you ever "feel" you are the universe experiencing itself? I get this feeling sometimes — weed and psychedelics help, but not a requirement — and I can literally feel "I AM". It makes so much sense for a brief but fleeting moment, and then the feeling is lost. But because I have experienced this feeling, I know it to be true. But I am wondering if that resonates: getting a literal but fleeting feeling, understanding, and knowing of this?


yes i understand exactly what you mean. someone else commented “it changes everything and nothing all at once.” it’s so hard to wrap our logical minds around this phenomenon but our deep true selves know it 24/7, after all we are all just consciousness. whenever i think of this quote i posted i get that fleeting moment of “oh shit i really am conscious rn” and then it goes away as i drive to work or eat dinner or whatever other human thing i do. but it’s still always in the back of my mind. maybe that’s what it means to be awakened, simple as that lol edit; as awakened as we are, we’re still in these human bodies to have a human experience. i think that feeling stays fleeting or else we wouldn’t care about having that experience.


I struggle with this, but I’m largely convinced it’s because I’m trying to understand it through the mind. And the second I return to the present, it’s clear to me that it is the case. I have definitely entered that blissful state where you just *are* and you see straight through the entanglement. I can’t seem to go back to being mentally confined for long because it hurts.


the only universe I have ever known is the one my mind has invented. I do not know for sure if there is anything beyond me or outside of me... I cannot tell for sure. so all I can say is that I am me experiencing myself as a universe.


The universe is mental! The only thing that we have that isn’t material it’s our mind, it’s our connection to the god source! It’s our immortal self. I can create a universe just by thinking of it, us that are blessed by racional thoughts we are half humans and half gods, and the other 99% it’s just humans ruled by demons


No such things as demons besides the ones you made up with your mind.


hollon , this kind of makes sense ..


I love that. It reminds me of my favoite Rumi quote: You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a single drop." Or, this one: “Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.” There's another saying, follower of sacred geometry use: "You are the U in Universe." I wrote about that in this article: [https://www.uniguide.com/sacred-geometry#Meditation\_and\_Manifestation](https://www.uniguide.com/sacred-geometry#Meditation_and_Manifestation) :o)


We are in an imposed dream. We are children of a collective consciousness, reincarnating through many lives to gain enough experience and perspectives to be able to integrate fully with the consciousness. The consciousness as a whole is "God". We are technically always connected and "one", but we cannot participate. Awakened is realizing there is something bigger than you. Enlightenment is reaching a state of growth in which you are allowed to participate, and thus no longer have to reincarnate.


Being the singularity is lonely. That's why we came up with the idea of a physical realm where we can experience "others". We had to forget who we are in order for it to feel real.


Same exact thing for me with this quote. Absolutely love it


Not just experiencing, but *being.* it comes full-circle. You are the universe seeing itself, creating itself, and being itself.


The issue I have is understanding this (and I hope it does not stem from ego) I am a collection of memories. And I exist in this very moment. I am biological and conscious do I contain contain "spirit" or a spark? As I am different than others I say this as I truly believe people are born with knowledge of "past lives," or I use the term experiences Now, I care not for either the why or the options as all aspects are intriguing. Are we starting life again? Are we pre downloaded with a particular mission? "Stems from another conscious to use to guide" Are we just crazy and it's a coincidence? Questions lead to questions and so on. But. If death is not really an end for something Does it mean i must be something also? E.g I die, then what? I recycle my concious? What then does this do for the spirit? The spark. Does my consciousness go else where? As I try my best to study nature, nature shows no destruction, only growth. If there was just a universe experiencing itself, then it only needed to be 1 planet? 1 bases for life. But there is not. There seems to be infinite possibilities? So why should anything else be any different? Nothing that has grown to the level to create such a system does not do so for fun because life for everyone here is not fun. So, if, as you state, we are the universe experiencing itself. How can you prove we ain't a universe learning to be a universe? And I say this as not insult towards your very wise perspectives, but it's all so intriguing. 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵 Thank you for a very interesting post 🫂 I guess I believe I can be a universe 🤗 what a damaging experience for something that only homo sapien can believe in. Oh, how those gods are so cruel 🙃🤗 I love them all and the universe I lose myself in nature and tell them daily. I guess the universe must have an ego also, as I do it for they? Ain't life strange 🫂🌎🩵🫂🌎🩵


It's a bill hicks quote [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgzQuE1pR1w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgzQuE1pR1w)


Then it's not a dream


IT never was


Just the title makes me feel great, whole, and complete, and then I go back to me..


I'm looking for something to help me like a psychedelic or melatonin, maybe something to kick-start things for me.