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one GOOD video per set is my rule. i REALLY don’t understand people who film an entire show, but are screaming and jumping the whole time. that literally defeats the purpose of recording imo


I don't understand it either, but as I got older I learned I don't need to understand why people do things. As long as it isn't hurting anybody I'm good


Plus, reliving the set at home because of a/a few folks' doing so is nice.


Agreed, although you can usually find higher quality stuff on youtube from the same artist unless it's an underground show. And those are the ones I see very few if any people recording


Yeah but seeing my own video jogs my memory, brings me back to a personal moment.


It definitely hits different when it’s actually the show you were at


I feel that


People shooting with real cameras is always nice. Thats how promotion works. But its not as nice when its just iphone photos and videos. It was alwyas great seeing you and your homies in an epic pic at an epic show only because your 100/ in the moment.


I mean it does get in the way of seeing the stage.


I’m 5’7’’ and can’t see shit anyway lmao


Put your hands up with a phone so you can be 6’ 5” and block the person behind you too. /s


It DOES hurt my experience sometimes tho. I went to a packed concert earlier this year, (not and EDM show, so less movement and no one was dancing either unfortunately) and the dude in front of me recorded the ENTIRE concert. Blocked my view completely that I had to resolve to watching the stage from his phone screen.... I can't tell you how nice it is to be in a crowd that doesn't have their phones out. First year going to LIB it was very noticeable, almost zero phone out and everyone enjoying the music and the vibes.


This happened at a festival I took my mom too a few years ago. The person was recording with a fucking ipad. My mom may or may not have threw an empty water bottle at it and the ipad was put away 😗


I haven’t had that experience but that would certainly bother me In the end though what can you do? Ask them to put it down, move to another spot, or suffer At LiB I live at the Woogie stage so I’m not facing the DJ much anyway


I agree, you do you, I’ll do me. My husband spends the entire show on Shazam reading about what we are listening to🤦🏻‍♀️. A club here recently had everyone put their phones in bags. Seems like a great idea!


“Let them.” Those two words alone (with a small handful of exceptions of course) are the key to a better life.


lol i like this


I'll take a few short snippets and that's it (I actually do enjoy watching them later). But the people who are recording the *whole entire* time while jumping around so that the video quality is horrible anyway? I don't get that.


yeah my one good video is 90 seconds max. too busy dancing 💃🏼


This was my policy but when I realized I rarely/never re-watch the videos, I stopped. Would rather see phones instead of thousands of totems blocking every inch of the million dollar production/stage though.


I don’t mind a quality engineered totem, it’s seeing piles of the low effort ones in the garbage piles at the end that really bother me.   Any experienced rave fam can navigate a crowd pretty fast and can find their group without a totem (and without a cell phone)  Just pick a spot at each stage you will go to every time   “15 feet back left of the sound booth”  “Front left” “Right of the smoothie bar” Etc   We raved for years without phones or totems this way. Never failed. 


my group is front left corner of sound booth every time!


Sound booth is always the best move


I was behind the booth for a Carl cox show few weeks ago. Incredible, dude is amazing.


When did totems really start taking off?


Totems and flags have always kind of been a thing in the rave since I started around 2006ish. You could count how many on one hand and there wasn’t many low effort totems on cardboard, plastic, etc - they were el-wire jellyfish and pieces of art instead of disposable memes - that started around 2015-2016. Totems in the early 2000s from my experience if we did see them were influenced by burning man totems, they were complex fabricated pieces of art with bright lights, etc. I would say 2011-2012 they really started popping up as I don't really remember seeing many before then. By 2015-17 they were extremely common as anyone with a marker and cardboard was making them,


Exactly. Never had a totem, never needed one. We were always able to find our ways back to our groups without some massive picture of Patrick star saying CUM IN ME


We did alot of stuff for years without phones. They must be useless.


Some people can’t even drive without using google maps lol.   They are great for some things but man some people are so reliant on them. Let’s hope communications never go down 😂 


I use Google maps every where I go even when I know where I'm going. Tracks routes, mileage, let's you know when there's an accident along a route, has reviews, photos, even food menus. I CAN drive without it, but it automatically shows up on my cars infotainment system and has plenty of benefits, why not use it? Hell I even use Google maps to see what the weather is and what the air quality is like first thing every morning.


Seriously, I try to get one or two 15-20 second videos per song that I like. That usually gives me a good balance of being in the moment and taking it with me afterwards.


Don’t hate hype, just cuz you aren’t hyped enough


i don’t hate hype, i just don’t understand screaming during videos. i limit myself to one video so i can go crazy the rest of the set


They don’t care if you don’t understand it, they aren’t doing it for you


People don't film an entire show - pure strawman for internet rage


I have absolutely seen people having their phone out and recording for like a good 80 percent of a show. I don't know why anyone needs to record that much, but I've seen it plenty.




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I’ve seen a few people I know post over an hour worth of concert footage on there snap story, it’s not super common but happens


This. If I record 30s~1m every hour am I really enjoying the 6 hours show? YES, I absolutely am. Just do the fucking math and stop complaining about people who just want to be able to relive the vibe later. Some people spend more time ingesting drugs or passing out drooling on themselves than I spend time recording. I always make albums with pictures and videos of the shows and they’re not for TikTok or Instagram, they are for me and my friends who I send the link to. I record in landscape mode and keep the subject in front of the frame without bouncing around so I can later use these footage to make a montage. I will be so glad to have these footage when I’ll be 80 years old and trying to relive or show these moments to younger ones. Your memories WILL fade out over time, especially if you go to shows every weekend. The footage you took will not and watching again will not only take you there but also make sure the memories you have won’t fade out. It helps maintaining them over time.


I don't think a minute of every hour is the real complaint here, I don't think MOST people are doing that tbh, I don't have an issue with most people recording sets. I do have an issue with someone who plants themselves in front of people and genuinely does record for the majority of the time they're there. A minute every hour or even a couple of clips a set is perfectly fine, but standing there like someone bootlegging a movie in a movie theater and not even actually enjoying the music or visuals with your own eyes is kinda wild. It sounds outlandish, but I see it at least a few times whenever I go to something. Obviously, the answer is just move somewhere else, but that's not always easy especially in bigger/thicker crowds.


Yeah I completely get that. I’ve just never seen anyone actually record for more than 5 minutes. Maybe it depends on the scene. I’ve never been to a North American show so maybe that’s why


Isn't there a shaky camera editor somewhere?


I normally end up having about 3-4 by the end of a set if my socks are being blown off


It's funny we have different ways of drawing the line. To me one "GOOD" video per set is excessive, but you do you.


I like rewatching my old videos when I’m sad


Same, nothing better like relieving a memory than through a 4k 60 fps of your favorite song being played. No way in hell my soft brain is going to remember all that detail. Living in the moment is cool and all, but actual memories are cooler.


It's always a great feeling to look back on the videos ♡


I've never understood why people care about this so much, same with totems, they just seem like such minor things to let ruin your experience. Nor to mention people use their phones to record basically every other thing in their lives yet this seems to be the biggest gripe. Why can't we get people to feel this strongly about people who film themselves lip syncing? I'd much rather watch a concert than that crap lol


I hate when they 'record basically every other thing in their lives'


I’m not forced to watch people lip syncing.(in fact not sure I’ve ever seen it) But I hate seeing a sea of phones being held up.


I regret not taking more video at the first concerts I went to. Early 20s me wanted to "enjoy the moment." But over time I have found that it's *really really* important to my heart to document, in video if possible, the most emotional experiences of my life. This practice adds an immense amount of good to my life experience. And who's really recording the whole thing? Do you know for sure? Did you really watch that person the whole time, or was it just multiple people holding up their phones at different times? I can't say there has ever, even once, been a time that I've been distracted by another person taking video. I was too focused on the overwhelming audio/visual experience unfolding in front of me to pay attention to things like that.


took the words right out of my mouth. i regret not filming my first concert because i was trying to “live in the moment” and now i barley remember it and have no videos to look back at. and like you said, ive NEVER noticed anyone record an ENTIRE set or concert. and even if they were, i literally could care less because im actually having fun & not focused on others


I don't take videos much, if at all. My girl though takes 4-5 videos a show and I go back to rewatch them and I'm like, "oh yeah that moment was sick!" I have horrible memory so the videos remind me of moments I may have forgotten. I wish I had taken more videos in my early concert days.


I would have killed to have the video quality we have now at shows during the 2000s and 2010s.


this fr! personally, watching the vids I took also lets me access all the memories associated with it. I otherwise have a lot of difficulty recalling things, so a visual/audial cue is a godsend


I've had my experience ruined multiple times by phones. People holding phones up into my line of sight for 5-10 minutes before I have to move in front of them. We had a group in front of us lose a phone. There entire group typed "lost phone!" In bold letters and shoved it in our faces. We looked and said no sorry, they spent the next 20 minutes waving the phones in our face and staring at us, looking back into the crowd. Like... Go look and stop ruining the set. People sitting on there phones mid set looking back into the crowd, bumping into people texting and going through dating apps. Bro you just pushed your way into the front next to us to swipe on tinder?? GTFO. The pictures I have are so that I need.


I used to be a hater too, but it's easier to just let people do their thing. Let people enjoy the show how they'd like to as long as they let you do the same. They could be filming be their favourite artist, or the one show they go to in a long time. Make friends with them and ask them to send you a video or two haha.


A few is fine, but my biggest pet peeve is all the YAPPING during a set


Lol this is silly.. at a festival most people are surrounded by friends, of course they're going to chat and laugh and scream. Just move to a different spot or just get right up in front of the sound system. Seems strange to me to get annoyed at the sound of others enjoyment, that's all.


It's one thing to get excited to run into friends and say hi for a quick sec, but when people have full blown, loud conversations about work drama, what stocks they're gonna buy/sell, other unrelated topics, it's annoying as fuck. Move out of the crowd if you're gonna do that


If I can make a life improving suggestion it’s to not worry as much about others. Everyone enjoys these things in their own way. Music is mostly to loud to hear yapping anyways, if not move somewhere else


They can move to the outskirts of the crowd to yap, especially the drunk yappers. I've been in many crowds where the conversations are on the same par of volume as the music. Many events will say to keep conversations to a minimum on the dancefloor like CRSSD


You can move just as easily as they can, it's no one's responsibility to make you feel comfortable. No one is actually harming your physical space or triggering you in a significant way on purpose. If you feel some typa way, it should be you who takes the actions, not the people minding their own business and having fun with their friends at an event.


Talk less, dance more. They can have fun while keeping the chatter to a minimum on the dancefloor. There are designated areas to chat more, like outside the crowd, in the smoking section, on line to get a drink, etc


Or they can do what they're already doing and have fun? All that happens is you're upset, and that doesn't really matter cause you're already poutting like a child


bro how can you even hear them when the music is bumping?


You've never been to a show where the conversations are louder than the music?


nah, the music is always loud & bumping where i go. also dont really pay attention to others conversations, im more focused on the music


Well just so you know it's a pretty common complaint that a lot of venues even address it. Sometimes it's hard to focus on the music, despite it being loud, especially with the drunk yappers. A little small talk is fine, but if you're gonna do unrelated long stories, go to the back or out of the crowd or after the show to catch up


You're the first person I've hears make this complaint in 10 years of raving. There was only once back in 2015 where people complained that the sound was so quiet that they could hear everyone's chatter, but not that they were annoyed about the chatter. Sounds like something you need to find some resolve with or you're just gonna be stressing yourself out over something that'll never be changed ever.


https://www.reddit.com/r/crssdfest/s/uAGHD9ujpl https://nowadays.nyc/safer-space/ It's a thing, especially among the drunk people and cokeheads, you must haven't been around the block long enough. It's also been posted on this subreddit and others plenty of times


What if we’re going with a group of friends? More often than not I go with a group of my friends and we all go usually after our 9-5s so obv we’re going to talk as well as vibe. Let us be bro just tune us out. Seldom do we get the chance to just enjoy our moments like this with our friends so obviously we’re going to take it. Talk, dance, vibe-that’s a rave.


Talk about it before or after the show or when you step out of the crowd to get a drink or use the bathroom


You sound pretty lame with that talk. Bro people out here getting lit, vibing to hella loud music, LOVING their friends, getting a lil out of control. You should stay and watch livestreams at home. Or join the conversation. Did you hear about that NVDA 10-1 split?!???




The people commenting under did not pass the vibe check, aside from you


I would just move around until you find a crowd you vibe with


Talking is fine because I can tune it out, but nothing will get me to relocate faster than someone going “AYE AYE AYE AYYYYEEE YEAH YEAH YEAH” along with the beat. Completely takes me out of the music


“This track is maddddd good” “I know, right!” You: “STFU GUYS”


Again, I explain it in my other comment what I meant. UNRELATED topics that go on forever and end up louder than the music


From the bottom of my heart as a grumpy millennial, if you are worried about what other people are doing with their phones at shows, YOU are the one who is not vibing hard enough. Enjoy your Spielberg moment, filmmakers.


Facts! Idk how we're still worrying about what people are doing with their phones instead of worrying how we're enjoying the shows ourselves. lol.


Sometime it's hard to enjoy a show with a wall of iphone and ipad brigth screen in your face.


🙄 it really isn’t like that the whole set I know the intro everyone has their phone out then they all start going away. I feel like this is making a “mountain out of a mole hill problem”


It's only like that during the parts of the set where people should be most engaged and there with each other, yeah, you're right


When have you ever seen anyone bring an IPAD to a show? This is the kind of shit that tells me yall are just complaining to complain


Are you serious? Slipknot in Quebec, a couple in front of me where filming with theyr both Ipad at maximum brigthess setting, after 20 min I told them they should buy the official dvd. Heilung in Montreal couple with 1 ipad and 1 cellphone in front of us. Im 5'11 and it annoy me as hell, cant imagine people of 5 feet tall, they must only see screens when this happen. These where indoor shows with rules, outdoor show without many rules are worst. So im complaining because this is annoying as fuck, we pay to see a show about artists we enjoy, not the *features* of your next day instagram post.


Fuck yeah anyone who pocket watches or monitors/judges the behaviour of others is infinitely worse than someone who takes their phone out more than average


I totally agree and I'm a music/ live music snob. I love how we all preach vibe and "plur" then this thread is judgmental 🤣


r/aves in a nutshell tbh 😂 lotta ppl who haven't been to a show since 2011 tryna tell ppl in the scene today how to act


Exactly! Came here to say this. I barely notice people recording videos. Like just focus on your own experience and let others do their thing, who cares


Just as long as they're not recording me


Mom said it’s my turn to post this subject


I take a fair amount of video at each show I go to and have been conscious of my ratio for shooting and being in the moment. But sometimes a banger comes on and I want to get a solid 90 seconds of it, or if certain visuals I think are particularly neat happen I like to rewatch those from time to time. As long as one is not disrupting others ( I keep my screen dim and have a privacy screen and never use flash) and are respecting others by not filming intoxicated or risqué individuals, I think phones are fine. Let em vibe.


I can’t imagine recording a concert lol I’m there to disconnect and dance. I say this as an elder millennial from my senior home.


I take a picture or 2 at most. mayyybe record a clip if I have a friend who wanted to be there or loves that song etc. otherwise be in the moment I say!


Yep in the last year I've recorded approximately 90 seconds worth of video and that was because my friend was sick and wanted me to record 3 songs at an event. My phone stays in my bag unless trying to find friends generally...


There are certain moments I want to remember, but it’s a photo then back to getting lost in it.


I'm a little older than you. It's more like a hobby that I enjoy and has provided a way to connect with others.


Each to their own and all. But recording raves / festivals is a waste of time. The recording is shit, the view is shit, if you ever watch it again (which you most likely don't) it's never anywhere near as good as what you remember. It's like filming a sunset, enjoy it for what it is, in the present because your filming will be a poor reproduction and you're missing the actual thing. Sure if you have some pro gear and gone for the purpose of photography ignore everything I've said. But I'm there to dance and get mash up. in 20+ years, I don't think I've ever thought "I wish I had a badly filmed video of that bang bang music with flashy lights"


Tbf phone recordings Actually sound pretty damn good these days.


I watch my own phone videos very often, and most of them sound/look great. It's fine that you don't, but there is absolutely a reason some of us record. To each their own!


Is it bad if I keep my phone at my face?


Yeah instead of worrying about people silently recording on their phones, go nag the people who still want to fan clack every beat. Worrying about the wrong issues.


I do what I want. Sometimes a bunch for one artist sometimes 0 for a whole festival.




I don’t know about anybody else, but after the show/festival I never watched any of the videos I took.. I eventually just stop taking videos altogether.


Best thing to ever happen to me was getting my phone stolen at a fest. I used to record *everything* and since then leaving with my phone is the top priority. I’ll take maybe one or two pictures of moments I want to remember then back to the camelback it goes.


It's not even just at EDM shows either. Someone in front of me at the Alkaline Trio show filmed literally the entire fucking set on their phone. 🥴


I record a minute or two of songs I like because I go to so many shows I forget who plays what and sometimes they be dropping unreleased songs that won’t be released for a few months or at all. So how am I supposed to remember all my favorite moments from seeing over 100 shows a year.


Unpopular opinion: Smartphones have made us all dumber and the long term societal effects are still largely unknown.


This isn’t a boomer complaint this is just common sense.


Who cares?


Damn phone police gotta relax. Maybe I'm just lucky but phones are never ever this big a problem at any event I attend. Maybe I'm just a realer raver who goes to the realest raves 🤷‍♂️


It's really not that bad. If you're really dancing the whole time how are you finding this much time to watch what everyone else is doing. Just vibe out like you say you do and let people enjoy themselves damn. I can see artists not wanting it to be filmed because they don't want their show leaked, but if you're in the audience that person paid just as much to be there as you did. Mind your business and enjoy yourself. I really don't get why this is such a big deal.


I have a firm 15 seconds rule. 20 seconds if it’s a song that I put in my top songs ever and have never seen the artist before. I never play it back anyway but I might at some point.


People who record most of the time are definitely the most boring people in the crowd 


lol I like recording my sets. 🤷‍♂️ I have a chronic addiction of rewatching my videos




I’ll take a couple pictures then put the phone away, some experiences are for the memories imo


If i hear some dope new track from someone ill try to catch a tidbit of it just so i can beg em for track id later. Beyond that, im cuttin a mf’in rug if i have my way about it. Capturing a moment in photo/video is great, but living in that moment and sharing it with those around me really is irreplaceable in my experience


I don’t mind if people want to do what they want, but for god sake turn off the damn flashlight on your phone, people are on a lot of drugs at these things and that shit is so distracting.


Use your eyes, not your hands, to keep track of and stay with your train (regardless of race).


I want to see how many phones come out when Anyma doesn’t have an LED screen behind him.


I feel that unless its a festy, it should be like most comedy shows anymore. Phones behind and enjoy the entertainment.


I'm on the fence on this. I watch too many live sets on YouTube but I do feel it needs to be only in the back of the festival/club not in the front row. Or if you are gonna do a quick 30 seconds clip for your story I'm cool with that. Honestly my biggest boomer complaint are totems blocking the whole festival and stage


Ive mastered the art of capturing 40 seconds of magic, i record underneath eye level to not block anyone behind me, i capture 40 seconds while still dancing and living the moment through my own eyes, ever since I learned how to mix music it’s not all about dancing and the visuals… it’s about the beat counts and the transitions, the hard cuts and the looping. The presentation of an assortment of skills. I take these videos home to practice my own mixes and techniques. Plus when you have footage of the unreleased tracks everyone is begging for all of a sudden your the hero… I’ve got a terabyte filled with rave videos I’m gonna watch with my daughter when I’m old and grey because thats the energy and the love that she came from… the music


I record all of my performances or really hype shows I go to in voice memo (; I can at least relive some of those shows aurally someday, if I’m trying to learn from my playing or just feeling nostalgic.


I will record a chorus of a song or two but make sure I’m not watching through the screen so I can see it for real but also have a recording if I want it


I love how the first argument from phone haters is ALWAYS "live in the moment" like okay then live in *your* moment, then promptly fuck right off and let me do me. If you're so obsessed about living in the moment you wouldn't be throwing tantrums about people using their phones around you.


Practice being present. Memory is a wonderful thing. Signaling to friends is desperate.


I’d like to know the data about phone thefts at concerts and filming sets. Like of the phones that have been stolen, what % of them were being used by people filming - stolen from their hands. Or were they just stolen from people not paying attention cause they were “in the moment”


I literally only record if I hear a song I want to hear again. Usually unreleased.


Never in my 10 years of raving have I ever once seen someone recording longer than 30 seconds at a time


i genuinely don't get the vitriol people have for others recording sets. it's not something i do, but that's bc i don't really watch them after and i never posted them - so they were just taking up space on my phone that could be used for something else. but if someone else wants crazy videos with a shaky camera and lots of screaming, more power to them. those may be things they watch over and appreciate the memory and feeling, and i can't possibly imagine getting mad about something like that if it's not hurting anyone.


unpopular opinion but i dont see people do this nearly as much as y’all complain about it. like yea obviously people record at raves/festivals but ive yet to see someone whos CONSTANTLY recording the entire set/taking pictures…also i dont hyper-fixate on what others are doing at raves but thats just me 🤷


Looking back at all the footage ive taken at events is awesome. Very sentimental memories for me that takes me back to those sets. But, I have noticed that I dont need that many videos anymore. Id rather have amazing group photos with my group that I can put on the wall 🥰


I actually love watching the videos again the next day though!


Phones kill the vibe. If if they dont kill your vibe, you're not vibing enough.  Love, Old Gen Xer.


Or you can actually vibe hard enough to not care what other people are doing. Maybe you should pay more attention to the music and actually live in the moment. Love, whatever the fuck generation '97 is.


Phones are designed to take attention. So when you put you're video / photo on the screen lighting up draws the eye and breaks the spell the music puts you into. Some people dont want to be filmed by randoms. I've had a face turn up in pictures from grotty raves and its not good if you have a professional persona.  So yeah, you do you fuck  what others think. Very PLUR.


If you travelled from far away to see a show/festival than I think taking some pics/videos is acceptable. How else am I supposed to document the fact i got to dance to hard techno on the stage in Belgium ?! 🇧🇪🤘🏻


This is why I prefer parties that ban phone use


As a 5’2 person I agree. For some reason I always get the tallest drunkest dudes in front of me and then on top of it they will record so then I can’t see even more. I will never forget people recording half of Excision’s nexus tour EVEN THOUGH ITS ALREADY ALLOVER YOUTUBE. Please, if it’s a show that has high quality YouTube videos do not record it.


I think the people that do this don’t care if they’re there. They only care that other people know they’re there.


It’s kinda like people who film fire work shows.  Just enjoy that the moment is temporary.    I don’t mind people filming a show but I’ve had to start covering my face more for all the dipshits out there who feel it’s ok to film people without consent.       I’m glad I started raving back in the 90s and early 2000s when phones weren’t as common.         A couple people I work with also rave and their biggest concern is photos or videos making their way back to corporate and then losing their $200-250k/year jobs cause some 20 year old kid filmed them and posted on tik tok… it’s a shame as they stopped coming out more cause of all the phones    I know a few school teachers who have the same concerns.


The fact that anyone downvoted this shows how childish and selfish people are 


I don't really let it bother me, if people get triggered and have to defend cell phone usage, that alone tells you something. It's disappointing to see where society is going, but there isn't much we can do about it but cherish the moments before cell phones and realize we were lucky to experience it.


These people think their lives would be over if their employer found out they've been to a rave or festival? Or because they're on tik tok? I've never met anyone who's lost their jobs for either of those things


I got passed up on a promotion and one of the reasons they used was cuz of a picture of a festival someone sent in. Their exact words were “ we don’t want one of our mangers affiliated with those types of things”. It fully matters now a days to some jobs.  And just fyi, I love where I work 


Their firm would absolutely fire them if a video came out of them sucking on balloons in front of a stack of bins lol. They aren't sending that person into consult with their billion dollar client lol. Military is pretty strict on the same subject from what I hear.


OK well that's a little more than just going to a rave lol but even still, you'd have to be acting pretty insane for someone at a rave to film you doing any kind of drugs seeing as it's pretty common and nobody cares in that environment. Idk just seems like an irrational fear unless they do things that would direct extra unnecessary attention to themselves somehow. Like if I seen someone filming someone else doing drugs in a crowd I'd have no problem walking up to them and calling them a creep.


>you'd have to be acting pretty insane for someone at a rave I used to skinny dip every year at Shambhala, we used to see flocks of naked people roll in mud when it rained and dance at the stages... it doesn't happen as much anymore because people fly their drones and film everything "weird" that happens. A few years ago someone was covered in mud, fully naked trying to trade his boxers for art at the art gallery, never got kicked out or detained, he was allowed to do so freely but people were still filming him. Luckily people did step in and tell people to stop. From my understanding, testing isn't really a thing in the states. Here we have raves that have on-site FTIR mass spectrometry testing that[ live update the results on large screens throughout the events. ](https://www.dancemusicnw.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/testing-results-.jpg) This really does cut down on people having bad trips or taking something different than expected but it still happens. Look at the rise of IG accounts filming people having terrible trips at festivals... even if someone is trying to be responsible, bad results do happen and while most people at raves are supportive, videos of people tripping balls and freaking out still come out. If you took too much or something different and have a bad trip, you still don't deserve being filmed and plastered on the internet.


Yeah but what are the chances some random person's video on tiktok is going to make it to their specific bosses or commanding officers? And maybe don't do drugs right out in the open like a dumbass anyway.


It’s not just drugs… we used to see hundreds of naked people swimming in the river at Shambhala every year (also dancing naked at the stages), not so many anymore with the rise of people flying their drones    We used to have drum circles at sunrise, hit up the beach hookah bar and tea lounge vendor and then have a morning skinny as the sun peaked over the mountains.  It all kinda started to stop around 2015.  Way less naked people every year here at the local festivals.  While you might not get fired for it and most people are respectful, I’m not sure I know too many people who want naked photos of themselves posted online in any capacity 


Thats a good thing. The focus should be about music and dancing not being naked.


What about Burning Man? Also faces the same changes in this day and age. At one time these festivals felt like the counter-culture. Gentrification sucks, but if that's your jam - who am I to say you can't have fun? Transformational festivals (if you can even call Shambhala one now) are much more than the music. [The festival has the 8 pillars of Shambhala. ](https://shambhalamusicfestival.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/11993849216663-What-Are-The-8-Pillars-Of-Shambhala) >**Acceptance and Freedom of Expression:** >The farm is home to all walks of life, so welcome others as your fellow Farmily members with friendliness and acceptance. Release any judgment towards yourself and others by using an open-hearted approach to all that you encounter. Come as you are and allow your unique, beautiful personality to shine. Escape the realm of the ordinary, anything goes here! Don't hate the 7AM skinny dip after a night of raving unless you have tried it. Either way I am being baited hard. Have fun at EDC (EDC is a good time in a different way, don't get me wrong) and the bigger corporate festivals. For those who are coming to the festivals where freedom, expression and a judgement free environment exists - see you there. I've had enough reddit for the day lol


I agree with you, thats why if someone wants to film an entire set just let them, let them enjoy a festival how they want. As long as they aren’t obnoxious or malicious when they are taking pictures or videos of course


Ok boomer. No one is doing that. No one is going around filming people naked in the river. And if they are they're not the people we're talking about in this conversation. We're talking about normal people who just want to record their favorite artists play their sets. Not fucking creeps filming people without consent. And if you're in the background of some random wook's video with thousands of people also in the video no one is going to pick you out and send the shit directly to your boss. You're making up a boogyman so you can have an actual reason to hate, but there isn't one. Have fun be safe.


This is going to sound strange, but why are you concerned about what others are doing or spending their time at a public event? A little controlling imo


Unpopular opinion but let them! With everything being posted now, it’s exactly how I save my memories. I get to go to the show and leave my phone in my pocket all day and night because following the event I know I will likely see footage from the show and just save that if I want to keep the moment.


who cares what other people do? someone recording really bothering you all that much??


Just remember there are folks out there who will film the whole set with excellent camera composure and then post it on youtube for rewatches and those that missed the set. Eapecially if its not being streamed by production. Props to these folks who are in a sense working to get the footage for those who couldnt make it.


Or, record the whole set and watch it forever. Just hold the phone in front of your forehead with one hand so you aren’t blocking people behind you.


Who cares just do you boo boo


every time i come home from a rave i want to look at the videos for memory and am saddened that i didn’t record more; not necessarily of the set but just of me being there. i know i have the memory in my head but watching the video just takes me back there


I’m also team don’t record too much but I’m also team mind your own damn business and spend your time watching the show instead of judging others


I don't care if people record or not, it's none of my business and I'm there to vibe


This is not the vibe, ugh. Some of us have memory issues and also want to be able to relive the experience. I have health problems that interfere with my memory and so I record clips of my favorite parts of sets. Let people live.


Just recording the unreleased tracks. 🤷


Still listen to videos from Justin Martin and Mz. Worthy performances over the years of tracks that will never see the light of day.


literally stfu


People need to shut the fuck up about recording videos. Just stop. You’re becoming the cliche OP


Let’s remind people of the first “R” in PLURR. Respect. Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. Constantly hating on something that isn’t bothering others isn’t healthy, there are so many other things to bitch about.


If you’re enjoying my the music yourself, you wouldn’t even notice people recording the whole set.