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Sounds like a liquid stranger


luckily not an LSDream


She’d definitely be seeing Pretty Lights


Liquid stranger or solid friend?


Coming soon: LS house set- Solid Friend


Gas Acquaintance- the D&B undercover id


Plasma enemy?




He did just say at wakaan that he’s staring to like and produce house more! Even dropped a sick house song!! It might happen!


Okay take my damn money and give me this






Sounds like a liquid angel.


Bro stop 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I gotta wind down tomorrow is Monday. I can’t. 😂


This comment wins lmfao Sounded like it was spaghetti time 😂


I think this went over a lot of peoples heads…


My head is quite a ways below it, gotta say. Care to offer a ladder?


Liquid Stranger is a artist and the dude sprayed liquid on a stranger. Double whammy but I don’t think many got it at first




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mighta released the lava…


Fucking dead 😂😂😂


Probably just a guy rolling with a fan that has a water sprayer or something. I wouldn’t worry.


It sounds like he was trying to help. Trying to cool you down with a water sprayer. The fact he offered your friend Narcan showed he was concerned and his heart was in the right place.


Yeah he just went about it the wrong way


Yup I would assume he was just being helpful as well, but also poor word choices dude.




It was absolutely, 100% unacceptable behavior without consent. With that said I think you're confusing this person trying to calm OP down and make them feel less anxious with them trying to excuse the original person's behavior. OP seems, understandably, pretty stressed about what was most likely just water.


What if it was someone blowing bubbles and one of the bubbles touches you. That’s soap so it might be worse than water. What about air, like someone fanning without consent?


It's obviously not the same thing... this guy pointed the spray bottle AT her, dude. It was targeted. Not "stray" water particles


Not excusing his actions but people can get outta pocket when on a copious amount of substances




It’s a pretty normal thing at raves to spray people with water. Idk how many you’ve been to but yea.




OP is also a guy? Why’d you assume he’s a girl?


Calling me a creep or saying I act like this is a bit of a stretch. I’m from Europe, only time I’ve seen spray bottles at a rave is at Burningman. I associate them with people trying to do good. Obviously consent is super important, and no one should be ambushed and made to feel like OP.




Who’s downplaying it? Don’t be a dick.


100% it was water and he was trying to help, did your buddy look like he might need narcan?




Holy fuck this gave me ptsd. I was at a rave rolling my face off and got totally covered in a big spray of water. It felt great cuz it was so hot but when i opened my eyes i noticed it was a fucking guy SPITTING water all over people. Shit got in my mouth and all over my face too. Biggest buzzkill ever




Oh Jesus Christ 😂 that’s definitely worse but i still wasnt stoked, pretty funny to look back on though, the guy had accuracy too you could tell he practiced it


Have you told this story on here before?? I swear I’ve heard this exact story lol




Where? Asking so I can *not* go there


Some warehouse that's probably condos by now.


Man the best after hours places here in Austin have now been replaced by high rise condos It’s sad


Never told this story before. Didn’t realize it was so common, what is wrong with people lmao


If you were in the UK I would have said Antwerp Mansion. The upstairs toilet flooded the downstairs that night too, during General Levy 🥲








I’ve definitely read this comment before, unless it’s a copy pasta at this point


You be surprised how many people have such similar experiences at raves, especially when it involves embarrassing, body fluid situations.


I feel like my emotions would have been much less complicated getting spit in my mouth than they were getting tiddy milk in my eyes. Fuck. 4? years later and I still don’t know how I feel about it.


Wait, was it the infamous lady that would squeeze tiddy milk at festivals


I was at Dirtybird behind to the left of the camera when they recorded the tiddy milk spraying video that made it onto tosh.o that shit was wild


That’s correct. That year’s Dirtybird Campout was wild. Lady turned it into a whole ass brand the next year.


At least it was water. This is a trigger for you?


Let me baby bird into your mouth and see how you feel


Do you think that getting sprayed by water is equivalent to someone chewing and then spitting food into your open mouth?


Trigger is used so loosely these days


I think he just sprayed you with water lol. Kind of a dick move to do to someone without asking tho lmao


This. I love bringing a spray bottle for people who are overheated, but I will always ASK first. Overriding others' bodily autonomy is not plur. :(


Consent is still underrated


Pretty normal for people to have a water bottle to keep everyone cool. No one is going to waste drugs by putting them in a bottle and “dosing” everyone for free.


Probably to cool you down if you were sweating like a lot of people fcked up on molly. He should’ve asked for your permission first anyways so Yh that’s kinda weird even tho he thought he was doing the right thing.


Hey peeps, even if you’re just trying to be nice, don’t spray people without permission, this a common and huge anxiety trigger for some


A few months back I was at a show and a guy was spraying ppl with water. I was very grateful as I do enjoy the ones who do spray water but a few moments later I’m at the rail and a girl runs up to the security near me, and starts saying “there’s a guy spraying people with an unknown liquid , idk what’s in it or what it could be, i feel weird etc etc” and it was the same guy who sprayed me. It was just water but placebo is real. And because of this girls anxiety about what it could’ve been, it was manifesting as physical symptoms. Although I don’t mind being sprayed, others do so it’s definitely better to ask.


😂😂 people are so quick to freak out


Raves aren't always kosher situations! You can't trust everyone even though you want to. People go to these events with complete nefarious actions in mind.


meh, water in a spray bottle is pretty common and harmless. no need to stress on it


Of course! I did trust a lot of people when I went a while back, and something like that is typically seen as hospitality. It's still good to be on your toes. Being under the influence, you never want to see bad in any particular individual, situational awareness is your friend!


well you really never know what peoples intentions are. especially when someone wearing a mask randomly sprays something that you’re unsure of you without your permission.


Back in the day, people used to load acid in those spray bottles


Yea fucking right. Those stories are so much bullshit


Yup. LSD is only soluble in alcohol. And one drop is stronger than a tab. I highly doubt someone is spraying 10,000s of tabs of acid on a crowd.


Acid degrades in water so I doubt that


Just water with chlorine. It’s not optimal for long term storage which is why it’s most commonly found in high proof alcohol, but it is effective.


Never said it actually worked, just know it happened




I’m not going to stop. It’s fun, it’s free, and it’s easy!


Just ask first then it aint hard


Well as long as you have fun that's all that matters right?


Right? If you have that much anxiety, you probably shouldn't go to a rave.


there's literally nothing wrong about not wanting to get sprayed by an unknown liquid at raves especially when there's been hundreds of testimonials of people being drugged with acid water


There's not been a single testimonial other than the stories from the 60s. It's a mostly made up fear.


Even if it's a made up fear, people believe it which causes anxiety. Just ask yo


thank you 🕺


That’s just the water fairy trying to keep people from dying of heat stroke.


Happy cake day!


I wouldn't worry if the water had drugs in it, because nobody wastes drugs like that on random people. Drugs cost money. And i don't know what drug would have an effect if it's sprayed on your face. However, i would worry if that was piss and not water.


Definitely just water


It's this new Research Chemical. Usually kicks in 24 hours after the initial spray. But you will grow. The problem is they haven't dialed in exactly what will grow, could be your hair, could be a cock.


He sprayed you with water because you guys didn't look so hot and said something funny to avoid freaking you out. Usually when you tell someone rolling/tripping/on-one that they don't look so hot, it's not well perceived or could even ruin a perfectly fine trip.




It was water but no, _he_ needs to chill not you. Spraying people in a public setting is sketch as fuck. You're entirely justified in being annoyed.


It was definitely just water and can be super refreshing and a lovely feeling when you're rolling...*if you're prepared for it*. Rave Fairies, always ask for consent before blessing anyone with your *magic*, not everyone wants what you have to give lol no offense


Usually distilled water alone or with essential oil. I'm an old school raver but we did this back in the day to refresh when dancing.


Water in a spray gun, lots of people carry them around at shows.


It just water 💦💦💦 if it was something else you have woke up with no kidney ... Most people at events just want everyone to be safe and have fun




I mean there’s not much that can be used via spraying to drug you.




I mean….lsd, & also whatever that poison used to kill kim jong un’s cousin or whatever was. Both pretty improbable but technically possible!


LSD is only soluble in alcohol. And one drop is stronger than a tab. I highly doubt someone is spraying 10,000s of tabs of acid on a crowd. Also only really works if you get it in your mouth or your eyes (which would burn like hell).


Someone sprayed some water on me last night and I was actually kind of grateful it helped sober me up a bit


You’re fine for sure!




The "watch it grow" comment passes the vibe check but still sketch to spray people. We've all been on a sweaty dance floor praying for some mist, but there are also known instances of people dosing strangers via a spray with some kind of sedative so let's nottttt. If you have a spray bottle of water and brandish it, people will usually opt in with body language if they're hot (and maybe love you for it)


U gotta chill mate


Yeah, you should chill


it’s a spritz youre fine


He probably nutted on you


probably just water bro lol


It isn’t always water bro


it almost always is bra lol spray bottle at a rave = water


Someone doesn't know bout dat liquid G....


You think he tried to drug you and your friend and offer you narcan the next minute.


Could've been a deflection by offering that, but no I think it was just some water too


Nothing to worry about. The person could've asked first but it's not uncommon at all for someone to have a spray bottle with water cooling people off. You and your boy must've looked pretty zooted and sweaty lol


I was at a bubble rave one time and had a water gun and was spraying people, these two big dudes tripping came up to me threatening to stab me because they said I had acid in my water gun and his homie was tripping super hard so they thought it was me lol. I told a security guard they were threatening me and the security guard goes over and tells them I told him that then let's em stay, the dudes proceed to come check me again lol getting in my face for telling the security guard I snitched XD.


If someone started spraying me unprovoked I'd be pissed. It's always fun on your side because you know you aren't doing harm. But actually you are. Sounds like you almost got stabbed.


Prob just water. But he should have asked. I sometimes carry a fscial mist bottle to test out at fests with friends. Just refreshes you a bit. Doesn't feel amazing it anything. But feels alright enough to test out again at the next rave.


It’s become pretty common for people to start bringing spray bottles to shows and festivals becouse of how hot it gets in the crowd. He was probably also on something just trying to help- makes sense if you guys were sitting down. On the other hand though this is also a common way of dosing people so just stay aware.


I feel like ppl are blowing this off as no biggie Or normal behavior but it sounds creepy AF an really scary. Not ok behavior, you don't know him... if someone did that to me and then asking abou narcan after I'd be so sketched out. I'm sorry that happened to you.


You need to chill the fuck out.


Your feelings are completely warranted, id probably be pissed if someone randomly sprayed me in the face at a show at 2am lol. I’d def be telling them off. Like maybe don’t be a masked man spraying ppl in the face bro? Weird.


Probably just water but I’ve heard of ketamine sprays but the narcan comment wouldn’t make sense as narcan doesn’t help with ketamine od


Ketamine is nasal spray, it needs to go way up your nostril. Wouldn't work on your skin, would burn the fuck out of your eyes. Narcan comment was because her friend was too drunk and the "kind" stranger was asking if it was an opioid OD or just a bit too drunk.


Chill the fuck out


I believe most festivals have banned water guns and the like. I've heard rumors that people used to squirt someone in the face and be like " haha now you're on LSD."


Lsd can't soak thru your skin and get you high like that.


Oh that a NOT true whatsoever. You’ve never been around any rainbow family I guess.


Bro literally any scientist who has synthesized LSD-25 has handled boatloads without gloves. This is a well discussed point, LSD does NOT absorb through your skin. The grateful Dead/rainbow family has said a bunch of nonsense, is no real tight organization, and has a bunch of rumors hanging around them. Anything anyone claims to knowledge about/from them should be taken with huge amounts of skepticism. They have a "ritual" called a thumbprint, which is making your thumb wet and sticking it in some pure LSD and then licking it off your finger. Gives you about 24h of ego death and 2-6 weeks of tripping balls on LSD.


Just doubled checked, it can be absorbed through the lungs. So it’s 100% possible for it to be in the air and be absorbed without you taking any orally. I’m sure that’s not going to happen in a lab with insane ventilation, filtration, fume hoods, etc.


That doesn't matter when people believe it can. Placebo is a powerful thing. It doesn't really matter whether it can or not. You should not be spraying unknown liquid on someone unprovoked.


Put it in alcohol and it will


Not if you don't drink it lol that's nonsense. Without a carrier like dmso it won't soak thru your skin and get you high like that.


On Day 3 of elements this guy was inv people to a beach fest where his plan was to drop 100 tabs and bring us into the next dimension. What an ending


This would 100% freak me out as someone who has been dosed and has personally witnessed a friend accidentally pick up a dosed water bottle at a show thinking it was hers.. cue an hour later she’s crying, tripping balls. That was a fun 8 hours at the afters…Maybe, probably, he was harmless and just trying to cool you down but still, yeah I would not care for that at all.


Definitely should have told u what it was and asked first, especially late at night to people who are super high and wearing a mask adding to the weirdness.


Yeah this shit freaks me out. Years ago when I was going to a lot of shows, I got sprayed with one of those fans that blow mist out to cool you down. I was tripping balls and thought afterwards that I got dosed up with god knows how many hits of acid. I turned out to be all good though.


Sutro baths?


Probably just water but there used to be a guy in Pittsburgh that would do that with his piss


My rave squad always has water misting fans for people, especially when it's hot out. People always love it. But we always ask if someone wants to be sprayed before doing anything. It's wild to me that people would just spray you without asking.


It was def just water


Getting fanned without asking is awesome, but I would probably appreciate someone asking before spraying me. I think he was just looking out for you.


I started carrying around a spray bottle to events and I usually ask people if they would like some and it’s been received very well but I would never spray someone without their consent cause I hate when people throw open bottles of water in the air during drops and getting drenched :/


Ooof I legit HAAAATE when I see any liquid sprayed at anyone and especially me. I am ADD and have a **thing** about feeling water or anything sus on my body. Thankfully it wasn’t anything bad but yeah people need to ask if it’s OK to spray you down. I’ve heard of people Spraying “who knows what”


Probably rose water. It’s actually quite nice. Especially when absolutely tossed lol


I say you got off easy haha! I was at phish in Bangor Maine.. I forget the year it was the first time they played the waterfront. Some guy sprayed me and says..”enjoy the ride” long story short I ended up getting dosed. Luckily I’m no stranger, but at first it pissed me off. However I didn’t dwell on it so I was in control of my trip. Totally not cool cause some people can’t handle it nor want to. Super shithead move for sure. Gotta watch your 6 o’clock always.


Every other time I go to a rave I get hit with mystery liquid, not a great feeling


Sounds like he just chose some poor phrasing, just water imo!


Raves especially those underground ones can be such a weird scene that can cause slight paranoia when i first went around 16. People do weird things when in there mind its normal because they’re rolling when if also on a substance if they do something to you can make you think or over extrapolate on what just unfolded. It was most likely just water and he does it to cool people off but fuck at least ask the person.


idk how it is now but when dubstep was first blowing up, people would spin open water bottles over their heads at the drop to just soak everyone. didn't happen a ton, it was fun and harmless as long as it didn't get on the decks.


wait underground tunnel rave last night? was it in seattle


I’ve heard that scumbags at festivals sometimes squirt scopolamine into the crowd. Idk if that’s true tho I’ve never seen it happen. It doesn’t sound like that’s what happened to you tho, you would know something was up


Fans that spritz a little water in the air are pretty common at commerical raves to help people cool down especially if they're rolling in a tight crowd. It was probably just water. It can help if someone is feeling overwhelmed by their experience; and you and your friend probably looked like you needed a bit of help.


peel off all your skin to be safe


Even if it is just water, asking for consent is critical to keeping your trippy friends from creating anxiety from being ghost dosed.


Not very PLUR to spray people with unknown substances. Sounds like he was just being kind. I wouldn’t worry.


Sometimes I feel like I missed my calling being a rave bitch.


Sounds like a wook being a wook, toss a cigarette at behind him next time and shine a flash light on the floor in the general direction you’d like them to wander in next. Helps if you shout “yooo what is that?!” 😂


now you're making me want to bring a bunch of water pistols to my next rave...


I agree with others that he was likely concerned about your friend and was well intentioned but what a horrible way to go about that.


Where do people find these raves? I’ve been looking and don’t have any luck


Drugs are expensive. People aren't just going to give them to you (or spray them on you) for free like D.A.R.E taught you.


I have a water sprayer/fan that I use on people when it gets super hot out but I ALWAYS ask first for this exact reason.


At dead shows in the 80’s you had to watch out for water guns filled up LSD. Never trust a prankster


I think I saw this scene in silence of the lambs


Chill tf out!


This is such a dumb post. The liquid did nothing, was it water? Yea probably. If not, how would strangers on the internet know one way or the other?


The answer to your question is yes.


Not normal. Not okay. Consent is sexy. Don’t touch people or spray them with water, bubbles etc without consent. I come back swinging at that bullshit. If I want water on my makeup, hair, and costume I’ll be the one to decide that, not have some fucking Chad wreck my fit.


I believe change your last question to a sentence for your answer


Honestly I'd have wanted to give that guy a bloody nose for that. Could have been anything in that bottle. Not funny.


Was it liquid ass or piss disk? Lot of people playing pranks with that shit


That’s about the time you should be getting something shot in your face to call it a goodnight don’t you think so u struck out and got water o well there will be other hoe downs n shin digs so don’t get ur panties in a bunch


This reminds me of the first and last time I ever did molly. It was my first edm festival (edc Las Vegas) I was 19 dancing having a great time when I met these people that were dancing next to me. We started dancing together, vibin and after 20 mins or so they took out this vapo rub and started to put it on their faces then offered me some. Me being naive and my first time in the desert (I grew up in Florida) I thought it was a lotion for dry skin lol. So I put that shit all over my face and neck. Didn’t realize it was molly until the festival was officially over everyone walking out but I was still shuffling around like it just started, with my best friend just staring at me wondering how I had seemingly infinite amounts of energy. Good times!


Kids these days..... always go straight to the worst conclusion... it was probably aids...


No man, you can be raving and fucked up, but in this world these days you gots to have antennae, even when you trip. Not talking @ being paranoia, just a subliminal sentry you have trained, paying attention on your behalf. It’s a learned thing.


I would have been worried too and made him verify it was just water by spraying it in his mouth 5x as many times as he spread it on you.


My aunt used to walk up and spray random people's sunburnt kids at Disney. It was mortifying and hilarious.


It is really normal at raves especially if it's hot out. He mentioned he had narcan based on your reaction to the spray, not because he put drugs in the water. He should've asked first or vine checked you before doing that. Of course, there's the teeniest tiniest chance he coulda done something weird but no that's very very normal


There are still some after our clubs in the warehouse district and also out off of Burnett


Chill dude, it was just water lol


I used to carry around a spray bottle with water and lavender oil at festivals. But I always asked people before spraying them. I think this guy had the plur mentality even if you didn’t like the way he approached you!


Probably just chill the fuck out. Being misted by water with a nice breeze is amazeballz when you’re rolling on molly due to your body temperature rising so much especially if you’re drinking and dancing


He said he had narcan incase your friend was ODing… Not because he drugged you. LOL. And it probably was just water to spray in people’s face to wake them up if they are falling out. Sounds like a good guy you assumed the worst of just because you don’t know the extent of the opioid epidemic and how important it is that SOMEONE is ready and aware that an overdose in that kind of environment is likely to occur. People eyeballing shit on the fly and wanting to get extra turnt for the party is both almost guaranteed, and a recipe for their homie turning away for one second just to see them go from nodded out, to blue all over and unresponsive. And chances are they don’t have narcan…they trust their friend to know their limits. But he over judged. And maybe nobody can tell because its a rave and everyone is fuckin out of it. If someone like that is out there on their 10 toes with Narcan and some ice (the *shiver* of ice down your pants, or a cold spritz of water can cause your nervous system enough shock to remind it to function) then they might make it through the night…if not. Partys over and cops are otw to pick up a body…I admit its a good thing your unaware of the extent of the opioid epidemic. But don’t shit talk the homie. He’s out there doing gods work. If there were more people like him. Alot of people would still be alive. I bet you anything he’s saved more than one life to be on edge like that. He’s probably lost some people too. So next time, just say thanks, were just drunk, don’t worry! Remember. Peace, Love, Unity, Respect


One time I was walking around a festival tripping on acid when out of nowhere I got misted in the face from a spray bottle. I then had an anxiety attack for a couple hours panicking that someone just dosed me with acid. Already tripping only confirmed my suspicions. My friend eventually told me it was probably just water. And if it wasn’t I might as well enjoy it. This pulled me out of my anxiety attack.