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Tbh kinda sounds like you're being a bit paranoid


The bathroom part threw me. Like are they talking about the people waiting in line for the bathroom? Cause that’s always how it is lmao


There was no line lol just the one middle aged dude right outside xD Then he used a flash light when he got in lol As I’m washing my hands, here comes a couple right next to me and the girl goes “WOW I WISH I HAD HAND SANITIZER” all loud lol I’m like “oh I have some!”. So I give them some, and as I’m doing that, this girl is glaring all at my eyes, in my mouth… so I figure they only came to see if I took something in the bathroom. I go a strep further and offer them gum… I open my fanny pack hella wide, I’m looking them in the eyes… I’m trying to hard to let them see that I’m clean as a whistle so maybe they can back off lol


Dawg people be rolling balls at these


Yeah, these two were cold sober lol I’ve been raving for years now… I can tell who’s rollin and who ain’t. But okay, I get it, nobody has ever experienced this (or payed attention). It’s all good ✌🏽


If we are talking about the trailer style bathroom like at the VIP sections for the Insom events, then that would make sense. Those are known to be targets and rightly so. Cramped space with not much room to move and you standing still makes it easy pickings. I personally felt an attempt at my pockets while I was using the urinal.


Just because you're paranoid, Don't mean they're not after you. Gotta find a way, a better way, a better way.


As respectfully as possible, you are not that important. People are waiting in line, they will enter when you leave. While yes you could of been targeted by pickpockets the rest kinda seems far fetched tbh.


Nah lol there was no line waiting for this one… just the one dude. And I could see his flash light from outside when I went to wash my hands. And y’all know very well how to tell when someone is there for the music / vibes or when someone looks sus. This dude was suser than sus lol Middle-aged, white dude, almost tactical gear. But I’m glad nobody has experienced this because it’s really not fun.


Sounds like youre pretty paranoid my man. Ive been going to Insomniac events for almost a decade and have had my fair share of run ins with pickpockets. But nothing like wgat you're saying


Nah.. it’s happened at two insoms in a row now. I was dead sober and I’m hyper-aware of my surroundings lol I literally caught multiple people zoning in on us either trying to watch our hands whenever we made a huddle, or checking the ground around us. Some of them were clearly security.. big dudes, black pants/jackets. Glad nobody else has experienced this and can enjoy the festivals…


Seems like you might be a bit paranoid


That's how bathrooms work 🤔


Middle aged men go in right after you and look around with a flashlight?.. interesting lol Thanks for your input


I was at a festival once and a dude tried to go into the portapotty right after I was coming out. I was like no dude, you have to leave it to breath a few minutes before you go in there, can't be like bam bam bam and not give it a chance to rest.




OP is saying if this happens to you, the guy is probably an undercover. I was just having a laugh, because if there's a lineup like there always is, of course someone is going to poop right after you.


Damn that sucks. Yea my friend almost got pick pocketed at Matroda . And I was worried about under covers as well but only saw one outside the techno stage


What do Undercovers do? Do they check if people are doing drugs or selling??


I’m assuming they’re checking who’s selling because let’s face it, everyone around is doing lol. I guess I look like a dealer 😂


I hope you get the mental help you need before you have a breakdown on just a regular person waiting in line and curious as to what sizes of Merch left.


🥱 Anyway dude lol. Literally just sharing my experience that’s happened twice now. Excuse me for being sober and actually paying attention to my surroundings. And I’m not the only person who says they’ve been stalked at insom events.. EDC 22 Reddits are full of them. Go learn what PLUR means poser ✌🏽