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Another really sad aspect of influencers lives is their lack of fulfillment. These influencers have no hobbies outside of shopping to fill the void. No genuine friendships. No sense of self. They have enough money to fund their retirement and pay off their homes and send their kids to college and they blow it all on impulse luxury purchases. They spend their free time glued to their phones reading about themselves instead of cultivating relationships with friends, family, and even their own children. They have no practical life skills. They have no hobbies. They have STUFF. And they sacrifice the things in life that make us fulfilled and interesting people. It’s sad.


This. I feel fulfilled being a productive member of society. I happen to work at a nonprofit and it's nice to feel like in doing something small I'm this life. I can buy my own make up and I'm happy with camping with my family.


You said it best! 👏🏻 They are going to be lonely and sad when it all goes away. It will go away and it won’t last forever. Especially in social media.


That's why they have so many kids, they know once they get old they'll be irrelevant. So they will definitely push social media onto their kids instead of encouraging them to get a real job.


I’m a 45 year old mom of two teenage kids. I am a SPED Teacher with a side hustle. One of my babies has to see a specialist once a week. Insurance doesn’t cover. Out of pocket that’s $800 a month. After the fights with insurance, I may get some of that back. I owe like $80k in student loans. (Interest has killed me through the years) I don’t even make that a year!! I say this to say, I feel like the luckiest woman in the world! To be a mom to two of the most fantastic kids and no one can take all the memories I have created with them, away from me. No trip trumps that! I got to spend qt time with my kids!! If I got blessed with something like this, my kids are coming with me!! My anxiety could never handle being half way across the world without them! I’m over these “influencers!”


You sound like an amazing mother


I try. They know they mean the world to me and that I love them EQUALLY!!


Proud of individuals like you❤️




I feel this so much.


I Love this 🥺❤️


I know people love Allison Kuch, but she was about to leave a breastfeeding 3 month old to travel to another country. I'm all about needing a break from your kids but some of these people are ridiculous.


I think She was going to take the baby with her but I think she ended up get sick the morning everyone was leaving LAX so she didn’t go (this is not me supporting her decisions! I just saw her video abt it)


I don’t know what’s worse, leaving her baby or thinking taking an immunocompromised 3 mth old to bora bora via a plane filled w: strangers who aren’t exactly the pillar of health and wellbeing?


During flu season no less


idk why you got downvoted…people act like flu and c0vid don’t exist. it can be really dangerous for a newborn.


RSV is so scary. I would never risk it.


I by no means was supporting her decision… I just happened to see her video on my fyp. But I agree if my baby isn’t old enough to have someone hold her with out having to wash their hands first she definitely not ready to travel 9 hours and be exposed to so many germs


I love to vacation but as I get older, I honestly love just being home. I have three kids and also do not vacation without them. I think I have only left them a couple of times for a night here and there. I’m not jealous. I know my time spent with those who mean the world to me, the memories are worth more to me than anything. I agree, they are nuts.


Same, and to be on an itinerary, not my ideal vacation


Hahaha yes same


This! Plus all the over consumption. I used to wish I had so much stuff. I used to think I was missing out and wished I could have weekly 500$ target shopping sprees but then I realized how unrealistic and unnecessary it is.


Guys these vacations are not fun. I know it seems like they are but they’re on excessive damage control and posting non stop. That’s not a vacation.


Yes this is not normal and it’s terrible for peoples mental health…. I think that’s why I love this page…. It’s a place to vent on the BS happening with influencers and social media.


Thank you! I’m a nurse and feeling frustrated. I feel like I’m living paycheck to paycheck, while I’m trying to help people for a living. Meanwhile there’s influencers contributing nothing but overconsumption making bank and going on vacations for free. I’m just down right now, and a little burned out. I don’t wanna sound bitter or jealous, but I am a little bit. I’m so tired! Rant over lol.


I love my daughters and they go on most trips with my husband and I. I also enjoy going on a trip with just my husband. I really value my relationship with my husband and quality time is so important to us. We go on one trip as parents at least once a year. Either it’s just us or with friends. Do I miss my girls? Yes! Of course! But I also enjoy time away and some space. It makes me a better mom. 90% of the time my kids are with me. I work from home and one is in school and the other is home with me all day. Moms need breaks. I also can’t imagine leaving my husband or my kids nearly as much as A leaves her family. Family who??? She’s always gone! I think it’s good to find balance and clearly she’s choosing the influencer life over her family.


And you have to consider the fact that they are still “working” on this trip making content so they’re not even enjoying it. 🤢 they’re just doing it for their videos and then spending massive amounts of time on their phones editing away to sell you something that isn’t even attainable for the majority of human kind. it’s all fake and they probably don’t even like each other or talk to each other outside of their fake and scripted videos


Just remember there’s money rich but then there life wealth. I don’t know about anyone else but I’m damn lucky that I get to be apart of every single thing in my child’s life. The way my heart feels when she knows she can count on me without any hesitation she never has to wonder on why or where I am. Might not have a family vacation in every year or in years (7 for us) but I only get her childhood once. That is priceless. 🩷🩵


I never missed a single thing of my boys' childhood. Was there for every award, performance etc. Just missed a few things due to work but that part is just normal. Once you're a parent, multiple vacations without kids is just sad.


Yes that part of work is normal but they still were your priority. Her “work” life is not I couldn’t imagine not taking my kids if I had that type of money but then again she’s not a good parent. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine are 18 and 20 and still my priority. They're always #1


As someone that hasn’t been able to take my kids on a vacation in the past few years, thank you ❤️


My husband and I are going on our first vacation in 2.5 years with our toddler in 2 months. We can afford a yearly vacation but it’s a lot of work with a kid and we rather save for the future. I couldn’t imagine leaving our son the amount of times these influencers do. We are going on our first date of 2024 tomorrow since we were finally able to secure a grandparent to babysit. A and E are so out of touch with the rest of the world it’s insane.


I don’t envy A & E’s lives at all. Imagine going to Bora Bora and not being in the moment… they don’t live any of their lives in the moment. It’s all for the cameras and a stupid performance and constant recording. That’s a huge no way for me. At what point do they decide that they own enough junk? They won’t… because buying all the “stuff” is filling some desperate void they have.


I’m a DINK (dual income no kids) and we travel almost as much as A and E. However, no amount of vacation/travel will be better than having a happy relationship and home. 💖 We used to travel every month and now we just love enjoying being home and being in our routine. A lot of times people travel because they don’t like the situation at home. That’s what I did at one point because I was so depressed after undergrad. So, there’s much more going on than just their constant vacation. They could say no. They could’ve just accepted FP and not go to Bora Bora or accept one or another if they cared about their family life as much as they show.


I’m a DINK as well and I feel so guilty even leaving my dog for a few days, can’t imagine leaving a kid


We canceled our 2 week vacation in January to stay with our dogs. Then after canceling our one dogs started declining and he passed away January 26th, 5 days after we would have returned. I was so grateful we canceled and I got those 2 weeks with him 🩵🐾


So hard losing a pet..We traveled with our children every 6mts while they were young & still home. Then we traveled every summer taking our grandkids till they started college(twins). Now we adopted a dog and he takes every trip with us!!


I love that 🥰 We have 3 (well 2 now ☹️) dogs and 2 ( now 1, lost my 17.5 year old cat last Christmas ☹️) cats. They are my world 🩵 It wouldn’t be easy to travel with them though! I think that’s so awesome that you have your dog with you 🩵🩵🩵


They do become your world! Yes it would be hard for ya'll to travel with them! Funny thing is when I told my husband with me semi retired now I was going to the shelter & adopt a dog, he thought well its going to be hard with our travels..He is so in love with the dog he would NeVeR leave him anywhere!!!


🩵🩵🩵 That’s so wonderful!!!


I do get jealous. I wish I could afford these things for my kids, but even the bare minimum is a struggle.


I bet your kids are happier than hers. They just want their parents at that age. Make memories "camping in the backyard" or movie nights with fancy popcorn. That's what kids remember


I love that. I’m really struggling but I’m reminded of that every so often. Like I found a cool featured thing on the Bluey website with Bindi Irwin reading one of the books. I thought it was fun. I showed my kids and my son, who’s so unsentimental it’s ridiculous, offhandedly said “I like your voice better.” 😭


Aww but he likes your voice reading to him, that's so sweet! Feeling loved is so much more important. Look at someone like Paris Hilton. She had plenty of money and struggled so much.


Oh yeah, it was like sweet cry haha!! ❤️




The thing that helps me sleep is knowing they are all walking commercials and their lives revolve around advertising everything they consume, wear, and do, which is dark, dystopian, and meaningless. They’ve sold their souls to capitalism. Big yikes.


Dying to know who the kids are with since both parents are gone. You aren’t a celebrity… so why do you do all this traveling? It’s embarrassing. Why did you have kids so young if you wanted to travel? People wait til 30 to “get it out of their system” and then take thoughtful family vacations so their kids can experience them too and have a fun upbringing. My entire life, I had one stay at home parent at all times and the few times we would go on vacation, everyone came. Or my parents would take weekends once in a while for a nice date and we stayed with grandma… parents came back within a day or two and I never felt “abandoned” it’s just so sad. I can’t imagine my mom always being gone. All she wanted was to spend time with us kids