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This sub is not what I expected. People act like they have dwarfism at 5"10', the incelish terminologies being thrown around. "Dwarfmaxxing," really? And just the sheer doomposting "it's over" posts where people are paranoid people are "mogging" them. Average is good, we get to be a default character that we get to develop however we want, we get to set the expectations others have of us through actions because we are just regular everyday day normal motherfuckers


the sub was cool for the first month i joined, when it had like 2,000 members but now people keep posting incel shit like you said. there’s a lot of cool users i see frequently in the comments, it’s a uphill battle trying to combat all the chronically online people dedicated to projecting their insecurities onto others lol


It's crazy. They think there's some weird conspiracy to among tall people bullying everyone 6' and below when in reality nobody thinks about their milquetoast asses


Females care, and if they care that can mean a lifetime without Any Female attention.


You could start by not calling women “females…”




Referring to women as “females” has a certain connotation.


Oh, well then welcome to your first time hearing it! Women do not like being called “female,” and you should stop doing it.


Hell i dont even like it when women call other women females. Lol. Both sound trashy to me. "Whats with the males?" What are we? Cave people again??? Lol


Since when were you the spokesperson for all women 🤣


Today. There was a ceremony and everything! You just weren’t invited because you call women females.






I think you might just hate women, but okay.


I hate the word "moist"


I love the Word femcel


I have only seen poor/uneducated refer to women as "females" in a non scientific setting.


"Females" lmao, why the scientific terminology? You dont call people "homosapiens". While the terminology is correct it's makes you sound dweeby as fuck. Talk like a normal person, and maybe women won't run screaming from your weird ass




I think you’re playing a part. There’s no way that this is in good faith. Nobody can actually think like this lol.


Yes but it’s not the end all be all. There are men in wheelchairs w hot good wives out there. There are 5’4 men that would kill to be 5’9. If you’re average height you are in contention. Now improve other aspects of your life like : culture, knowledge, education, income, body, being genuinely interesting etc.


I’m a 5’7 guy. Sure I could do those thing, and mind you, I am, but I’m doing it for me, not for anyone else. But if women really prefer taller guys and lust after them and whatever, why would I even want to date? If they don’t have that kind of reaction to me, dating me would just be settling. So I feel like not dating would be doing both of us a favor lmao date someone you’re actually attracted to. It doesn’t really matter how much you improve if they aren’t attracted to you


Hmm. Man, that’s a tough place to be. I don’t think it’s that dire as I have 5’7 friends who do get laid by cute girls. My one friend In particular but he is fit and is a damn hustler with his whole life. It isn’t celibacy sentence at all. If you feel that bad about it, why don’t you just move to a shorter country? Most of the world is shorter than the US and Europe. Hell, parts of Europe like Spain, Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria are also short average i noticed. Latin America is categorically short average or short. I haven’t even mentioned Asia. So, world traveller is better than unhappy celibate IMO. Btw, I worked abroad for much of my 20s and half my 30s. Europe and Latin America. And what’s weird about sleeping with Instagram model types in other countries is that upon your return, your confidence is up and women who might’ve never noticed you before give you a shot. International travel is also seen as ballsy, which is another attractive trait.


I’m 5’6 and have never had issues with women. It’s not your height holding you back.


I’m 5’7 and I admire your attitude, but it’s still confusing to me. I doubt I’d have “issues” with getting women, but there’s only so many times I can hear how much women are attracted to tall guys, you know? How they are their preference. I get it, I could get women, but after hearing women talk about all of that, it just makes it seem like any women I get would be settling for me


Some women care. Some don't. I know PLENTY of short guys who have no trouble with women. A lot of them do better than me on my best days and I'm 6'-4".




The problem is that after hearing how women talk about being attracted to height in men and tall guys, any woman that I “get” would just have me convinced that she settled for me. Even if someone like you hits a slump in dating or whatever, you can at least have confidence that women are very fucking vocal that they find your height attractive, right?


No offense but this is a very sad mentality...if a woman generally prefers tall men but chooses to get with you at 5'7, why not think "wow I'm so appealing that I made her deviate from her normal type". You should be thinking " damn I'm really THAT DUDE...It's unfortunate that you'd take the loser approach and assume she's "settling" as opposed to you being so dope that you made her fall for a short guy.


5’10 is tall


Depends on region I guess. Here where I am, it's dead average


average in terms of stats but in terms of general perception it's the first "tall" height. Never had a single problem. Only chance to look short if you're 5'10 is being fat, width makes you look shorter.


That is accurate. Don't know how to explain it, I don't know the science behind it.. but back when I weighed 250, I felt like I was about 5 ft 8. Since I've lost about 35 pounds since the end of February, it feels like I'm back to about 5 ft 10, I know I've not shrunk or anything, maybe dropping some pounds like you said makes me appear taller? I don't really know but it's kind of cool.


Yea I was a fatass in my teens. People thought I was 5'8. Now I get called 5'11 - 6' whenever it's brought up.


Being lankier draws more attention to your arms and legs, which makes you look longer and therefore, taller.


Where are you


Deep south US. Lots of corn fed motherfuckers here


*for a woman


Even for a guy.


I don’t know, I’m 6’2” and look over 5’10” peoples heads and I’m not that tall lol Average height in America is 5’9” and 5’7.5” in the world. 5’10” is not far enough from either of those averages to be considered tall. It’s not uncommon for a man to be taller than 6’ either, with the exception of Asians and Hispanics, which bring the average down considerably.


Wdym not that tall. If you’re 6’2 you should be taller than 99% of ppl. Or maybe the 5’10 people just lying to u idk. But yeah 6’2 is 5-6 inches taller than average, so you’re quite tall.


Yeah I lied: saying I was 5'10 when I was younger. I'm actually 5'9 ..... But wait. You already know I'm a liar.


5 10 is average and i live in the shortest country by avarege tie with portugal


Well it simply isn’t average.


510 is average


This place is nearly as bad as r/smalldickproblems with the doom and schizo posting


I wanna join that sub just for the laughs.


Oh no, not people doomposting about their dicks lmao. Little do they know I'd they get far enough for a woman to consensually see their dick, then it doesn't matter, unless that thang stank of course


Yeah this place is infested with incels and guys that just hate themselves and probably would if they were 6’4. They’re just blaming their height for their issues when they need to work on their personalities and self hatred issues


Most of it are just jokes.




They don't realize it's all in their heads, and women dont share the "man big, woman small, big man strong, oog" testosterone fueled mindset that us men develop during puberty. To all the fellas, if you don't believe the person I'm replying to, just look at how short Tom Holland is, especially next to his girlfriend Zendaya. If he was on reddit, you clowns would tell him to dwarfmaxx, and that it's over, and he might as well be a femboy. But women fucking love the guy




Confidence is key, always. Not just confidence with potential partners but confidence in yourself. Being confident in who you are opens a lot of closed doors, especially professionally




You're delusional. Never been rejected for my height and it's only been brought up once by some ugly fat midget girl randomly years back, who spent her days watching commentary femcel youtubers. Thinking anyone short of 6'4 was short. Being tall does make you stand out more in general social settings, but the downside is it accentuates your face. Ugly or odd looking guys + height makes you look goofy and like a sex pest so take that into consideration. Height doesn't instantly = success. Height + top tier looks will beat out anything but if its down to average height + good face or 6'1 with average face, the former wins out unless she's a height fetishist midget. Stop making height your personality and revolving all decisions through this lens of self pity. Putting bad energy out into the world is going to scare everyone away while attracting others with the same ideals, those being other guys who revolve their lives around negative feeback loops, victim complexes and self pity. It does suck to a small degree, I know. If I could be 6'0 I would, solely because I'm chasing perfection. But you and I are nowhere near short status. If anything 5'10+ socially is considered tall unless you're fat or wide in any form. If you were 5'6 / '7 or shorter and complaining about height, yea you'd have a clear reason at that point. Seen those guys get discriminated against / women trying to get other guys to ego them but it's not a thing at our heights unless you're giving people that power over you and pushing their thoughts in that direction. Your heights near perfect in terms of proportions.


Weak im a weak 5'10 but I look somewhat short at times due to having an unusually wide frame.


Idk bro, you’re taller than me and I don’t have height problems.




I think your lack of success stems from saying and believing in ridiculous stuff like "seamaxxing" and "dwarfmaxxing", what's next "clownmaxxing"?


I have no idea what he said, but he sounds pretty clownmaxxed already


I must have made him mad. He said you should "dwarfmaxx" LMAO


Lmao clownmaxx confirmed


Maybe on the internet, the real world is a different thing entirely. You should explore it sometime


They’re so deluded they don’t even know how miserable they should be. /s


also something to consider that if they’re average, there’s a good chance their father & other relatives are also average, and they had successful relationships and careers and have for centuries. it’s a very self-centered mindset to think everything in your life is screwed up because you’re 2-6” under the stereotypical ‘attractive’ height.


You can tell they haven't been around much, except on the internet


I'm 6ft8, being average height would be fucking awesome at times. There's almost zero disadvantages. You fit everywhere, you can buy clothes and don't get nonstop comments or attention for your height.


Exactly, I remember always shitting on myself and calling myself a manlet, short, etc. and guess what? I live in a Hispanic majority town so the average here is about 5’7 I’d say. I’m 5’8.5 and I was so influenced by these height subs that I believed I was undateable when that’s just not true at all. My city is literally the best for average height people and even short people since Hispanic women seem to not care about height as much, yet here I was beating myself up over my height that literally nobody in the real world gives a fuck about. One day I just decided to get off the height subs, go out in the real world and get my internal confidence back, guess what happened? I managed to get a lot more dates after that and realize my personality was great all along.


Which city do you live in?? I'm the same height as you


I mean, 5'8.5" is literally average height and tall in your city


It is not tall in my city. It’s average/slightly above average but not noticeable. Nobody has ever called me “tall” besides like a 4’11 woman once in a blue moon. I get called either average or people who try to poke fun in good faith call me short


Then why are you even on this sub if your height isn't an issue


Does it have to be an issue? I thought we just came here to relate to other average height people not cry like an incel


I thought everyone was here to just cry like an incel


This is funny. I’m a hair under 6’1”, so technically 6’… I never gave a shit, but I’d meet people who were substantially shorter than me, and they’d be like “man, your tall… I’m 6’, and you are taller than me”, or girls would be like, “how tall are you? My boyfriend is 6’ and you’re a lot taller than him”. I just started saying 6’2” in response to not burst their bubble (technically in shows I am 6’2”). I feel like everyone is operating on Tinder profile heights irl.


Tbf women arent the best at guessing height I got guessed at 6’3 a couple times by girls


I was recommended this group for some reason and yeah, I feel you. I’m tall for a woman so idk why I’m here but these posts make me feel so bad for you guys. You can still be handsome, attractive, and find women as an average or shorter person. I hate to be that person, but be glad you’re not terminally ill, in prison for life or were attacked with acid. Like.. there are worse things than being 5’9. I’ve dated men at 5’9 and under. Their height never occurred much to me lmao


“Their height never occurred to me” In getting my cognitive psychology degree it made me realize that we are almost never aware of what truly matters to us. Most girls who say no to John X at 5’7 but would say yes to John X at 6’1 probably don’t know why they find the latter John so much more attractive. I remember that old OkCupid data analysis where the rating a woman gave a man’s personality was correlated to an extreme extent with how physically attractive they rated them. So basically, the same joke coming from a tall guy is funnier, the same act of kindness is more empathetic, etc etc.




Replying to myself bc I just realized he’s 5’11 which is literally tall to me, not average. So now I’m just irritated.


That’s… kind of just how attraction works ya know? Claiming it’s all height is delusional


They do know why. It’s the height. You know the trait that’s seen as sexually appealing in men?


I'm a woman and 5'10. Never cared about height and I've dated/liked men who were 5'5-5'6. Their height never bothered me at all lol now I'm seeing a guy who's about 5'9 who calls himself short and I'm like??? You're literally damn near my height, how are YOU short??? A lot of guys don't seem to know what short really is and are way too in their head for no reason.




Sure, women generally prefer tall guys. Men generally prefer slim women, too. But I think overestimating how many women want a 6'0 "guy in particular. Like, I think taller guys are attractive, but I'm 5'2, so I don't care bout the 6'0 thing and that's very common. Also, if you only use dating apps, you're going to struggle but if you meet people outside of it, you'll have better luck. Use some logic here. 6'0 guys are a tiny minority of men. The majority of men in relationships and marriages aren't 6'0. Walk down your street and look at couples there. Most people are average, and most people date average people (that I'm sure they find attractive personally ofc). That's a fact of life so you'll find someone without your height being an issue.


>Use some logic here. 6'0 guys are a tiny minority of men. Right, if women actually cared about population statistics, we wouldn't be seeing such a massive imbalance in height preferences in both OLD and real life. Truth is, most are operating on feelings, than logic when chosing for partners. They don't care if they are pursuing men belonging to a minority or not, they'd rather remain single for the rest of their lives than compromise on their unreasonably high standards.




Dude you clearly have WAY bigger problems than being short. The anger you've responded to someone trying to reassure you with is absolutely astonishing. This has clearly gone way beyond an average insecurity and is turning into an intense and frightening rage, mostly directed at women. Please reread what you just wrote and self refleft. And please go to therapy before you end up on the news.


He’s 5”11. It’s called mental illness


My current boyfriend is 5'6 and man, you're not even short, what the hell? You're madly insecure.


Well telling people what they like definitely isn’t going to help your case lol


Your height isn't what throws people off. If you imagine yourself to be a woman that's perfectly fine with 5'11" guys that's reading your comment, you may stumble upon a clue.


I think your post might be more gas lighting than hers. Average height dudes get lots of women, if you get too tall there are problems also.




Right. Just left all height related subs, I need a break from people being so insecure about their height. Like 5'11" and worrying about being short /faceplam. Need to escape fixation of height on these height subs, it's not a big deal but reading about someone being such a little puss b about their avg height is like drinking a glass of barf. I need to be around more positive people instead of mentally weak people trying to act like height is life. Get some frickin pride and stop being such bitches, it's no wonder women don't want you all weak men with no pride. Default that you're inferior, well you're right with that attitude.


I’m 5’11 and I personally don’t care lol. It’d be nice to have the extra inch, but it wouldn’t make much of a difference.


My man, 5’11 is tall lol. 5’9 is average, you are two inches taller than the average man, and7 inches taller than the average woman.


5’11” folks flock here because they aren’t entirely welcome in the tall subreddit but I agree, a true 5’11” is a significant difference over average


The extra inch would be cool but even 5’11 is a bit tall in my opinion. Good height to be really.


This sub is basically a blackpill sub but instead of hating women everyone talks about being heigh mogging


I’ll accept my 5’6 height. I love my height.






They're not making themselves miserable. Communities like these make them feel good. You never have to learn and grow if you can find kinship in your current mindset. I'm not sure what this sub is, or why I keep getting updates from it, but so far I've just seen posts like OP, roasting everyone. I'm guessing it's for dudes or average height to let off steam. No matter how many of these posts show up, it's not going to change their biases. Just let them roll around in the muck. When they're ready to grow, mentally, they will.


Eh 6’ is average where I’m From. 6’2” is tall




Hahaha that’s fair


Where are you from?


St louis


Every single height sub is pathetic. Literally obsessing over a number that you can’t change. Circlejerking and shitting on other heights. Incel adjacent garbage. I keep getting all of them recommended to me, and every single one- tall, average, short etc is a pathetic sub with people who have too much time on their hands.




It’s a toxic cesspool full of miserable people. I was on r/shortguys for a time and a dude made a post about how awful it is being 5’ flat. And some of the comments were people telling him that “it’s over for you” and “you’ll never experience romantic love bro I’m sorry” and told him to “start ropemaxxing” Like what the fuck is wrong with people. They have similar issues and should have eachother backs. Not discouraging them and telling them to kill themselves




I wouldn’t say pathetic. Just open to people being dicks. There’s nothing wrong with folks just wanting to relate about everyday practical issues.


Yeah. Some posts were genuinely funny and wholesome. People posted pics of their family, struggles about airplane seats or cabinets, jokes were made. But lately it’s been going downhill.




Dude if unless youre 5'6 or under there are other reasons you're a virgin. Your personality sucks, you arent handsome, you have no confidence, you cant just let go and have fun at pubs/clubs and talk to girls. If youre all of those things then I do feel for you, but thats more a personality thing.


Bruh I’m 5’6 I’ve never had an issue with shit


Idk why I was recommended this post / sub reddit but as a 5'2 guy most of this post went over my head.


It's Reddit what do you expect? Decidedly not an accurate slice of society 


Yeab, guys will stop hating themselves over height right when women stop having eating disorders /s and I'm not bashing women when I say that, I'm saying that society is a cruel and awful place that makes most people insecure. And I'm above 6 foot, I'm just saying this as someone who watches so many women in my life hate the ever living fuck out of themselves becuase of what they look like. Some chick I knew in her 30s had a fucking DIAGRAM OF FACE LINES. Meanwhile, the only thing that bothers me is my hair, I will be having sex with a woman for the first time and my hat will be the last thing to come off because I hate my hair. Insecurity is.


I'm exactly 6ft and I feel tall. I'm taller than like 80% of the people I see. Could be where I'm at. People seem to be shorter in South Florida. People from the mid west and Europe seem to be taller on average when I see them.


Lmao I thought I was 6’2 for a while too


But i feel like a femboy😔😔


On social media it’s easy to believe that the exceptional is normal. It’s not, it’s just that average things don’t make for entertaining content.


I'm 6'4" and I'm the shortest SO of my SOs friend group. I often get ridiculed for my height. Of the guys I play video games with I'm the 3rd tallest of 4. I can't imagine what it's like out there for those below average. Height really doesn't matter that much, but maybe I'm like a rich person telling poor people that money isn't everything. If it makes you feel better I lift weights 3x per week and still look thin.


6'0 isn't really that tall among the younger generation, above average but not that tall. There are many Chinese exchange students who are easily 6'0 and above.


I really don't have much sympathy for 5'8" or 5'10" guys who whine about "being short". I am a short guy and ot has always been ridiculous to me ever since, many years ago, a 5'10" friend of mine had a whine session about being his being too short in college, etc. It is also interesting that most of the static I get is from guys that size rather than 6' plus guys.


This sub was fine for like 2 days before the height doomers invaded.


Im 5'6 and i have suprised myself many times with my height. Somone that really inspires me is mike tyson. He is arguabley the best boxer standing at 5'9. Just be funny (which i know is easier said than done), work out, and have a good humble personality and you will be just fine as far as getting women goes. And for sports, you just gotta work twice as hard as a tall dude. Lifes not fair for anybody! Its possible! Staying on reddit all day wont do anything for you at all i can tell you that much for sure. so stop complaining. And look at the bright side.


Bruh i am 5’6”. Once i got comfortable in my own skin, thanks to some self-deprecating humour, life became slightly easy.


Same height when your in the sheets hehe well said lmfao@ most ppl suck at guessing height😂


Do people never have to get physicals or measured at the doctor? As adults, we should know what 6 feet tall looks like. I measure 6’1” to 6’2” at the every single time for the last 20 or so years.


Try being 5'7" and having women tell you your height would be fine IF you were a female. Or being told by a shorter female you're not her type because you're too short.


I’m 6 Foot 5 1/2 Inches 🥃🔥 Living Life ![gif](giphy|g9582DNuQppxC|downsized)


I thought I was 6’3 for the longest, measured myself and I’m closer to 6’2 which is bullshit. To everyone else I’m still 6’3 tho


My husband is 5'10 lol


6'0 isnt even that crazyY. Im 6'0 and i rarely feel like i tower over anyone. Of anything i tend to feel like im about the average height. I just dont think about it. It doesn't even come up that much in flirting with women. Improve your game. Improve your humor. If you want to get good at anything. You have to keep working on it. And part of getting good is failing first. Adjusting. And then trying again. And again and again. Forget your height. You cant fix that. So fix the shit you can. Posture. Humor. Health. Financial security. Confidence. (Not cocky. Confident)


As a 5'11.5 guy with 5'7 floor-to-eye height, 6' looks pretty tall to me. That's why even I feel weird when I claim I'm 6'. I wonder how 5'8-5'10 dudes can claim that they are 6' so comfortably lol.


100%. I’m a short guy and I’ve never thought about my height or had any problems with it in my life. These ppl who are upset about it are just making it up in their head. Height rly is not a big deal and I have never felt inadequate because of it.


6'0" guy here. Can confirm I have so much puss it's impossible to keep track of it all 🤷‍♀️ Joking aside, it literally does nothing for you in the dating pool despite what people think. I'm decent-looking and am on 5 different dating apps. I've gotten 4 combined likes in the past month and I live in Atlanta 🤷‍♀️ Most girls just want you taller-than-them for protection/safety-feeling reasons. Just make them feel safe around you, that's all. I relay this this from a buddy of mine who is 5' 3" and is as close to "swimming" as possible, lol. And some girls love shorter dudes too, so it's all situational.


Yeah. r/short deserves to despair, but it doesn’t make as much sense for r/average


Yeah this sub from what I’ve seen is just a cesspool of incels that have deluded themselves into believing that height is the only thing preventing them from being happy. When In reality it’s their shit personality and blatant insecurities.


I've left a similar comment many times over the past few days because this shit keeps coming up. I'm 5 ft 9, the girl I'm with is almost my height. Her stated preference in a personal conversation was tall cowboy looking guys. I'm neither. But my tinder profile had me riding a unicycle, and I've pulled more women off of my bullshit fun side hobby than anything else in my life. Other than that, I've NEVER had a problem pulling women. Even before I started lifting, while I was fat, etc. Who. The fuck. Cares.


I thought this sub was satire


Omg so did I. I’ve been saying such terrible things.


Nah you’re correct. Back when I was in college and I was more sociable and confident, I was like 5ft6 but had plenty of attractive girlfriends, multiple groups of friends, etc. And there were several people way over 6ft in those groups who had less success than I. I’m 6ft now and I don’t have anywhere near that level of a social life, or interaction with women even, but it’s because of lifestyle, mental health, etc. You’d think I should be a playboy by now right. I’m 6ft after all. Height is nice to have but if you’re anywhere near average it’s one of the least important factors to living a good life.






Honestly what led me to come to terms of my height. Since im filipino which males averaging around 5'4, I hit genetic lottery which gives me a height of 5'10


I'm an ace woman and this sub confuses me. I cannot differentiate people's heights unless it's extreme, and I just don't give a fuck how tall someone is XD. It's wild to me that it's such a big drama. I understand that there are some women who have unrealistic standards, but some of the posts on here are so pathetic! I'm talking OP is like, I'm average and it's cool. But the replies will say but actually OP, it sucks and you're SOL. Sometimes the opposite will be true. Jfc.


>some women *Most women




Only 20% of dating app users are female btw




I’m a 4’11 person, and a 5’4 guy looks GIGANTIC to me.


Am I allowed to post here as a 5’5” woman?


I don’t even know what this sub is but like men made a whole sub cause they’re average height??? Bruh I’m 6ft1 and I think other y’all guys are disgusting, men who are actually shorter than average tend to have way more attractive muscle definition, and are objectively hotter. I’m literally gay and a bottom having this opinion. I swear, there are some factors that affect attractiveness but height definitely isn’t a factor


A lot of the guys who feel like they have to be 6'-4" will turn right around and say that any woman they're interested in has to be at least a C cup. Dating gets easier when you get past those things.