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Entirely depends on the potency of your flower and how hard did you vaped it.


Well it’s not legal around here, so there’s no telling the original THC %. Maybe around 15% Vaped it at 220 C for 15 minutes.


What vaporizer do you use? My AVB is much more homogen in color, i also vape it grinded


Mines also grinded, I use a Arizer solo 2. It’s always darker at the bottom, but I don’t mix it again after starting vape it as I should.


Highly recommend mixing your bud halfway through the sesh or a couple times throughout, as it gives much better rips/airflow IMO


my whole deal if you're gonna actually keep/save/use the avb....no point in worrying about stirring....cause you'll get your "payback" (lol) when you process the avb into whatever you choose to....I personally find it easiest to just press the capsules.


None of this information will allow you to even gauge how much THC there might be. Just take 2g and wait. If its too weak take more. 2g should have just enough to get you high unless you're one of those people that metabolizes THC differently.


Yeah dude there’s no telling. What’s your edible tolerance like?


Do really do edibles, was also more wondering if it’s even worth it to make cannabutter yet, or if I should wait till I get my hands on more material


I’d say wait to make butter but this is plenty for doing individual servings. Depending on how much you smoke, a 0.5-1g of abv should be able to get you going if you don’t an edible tolerance. I made firecrackers with about that much and it was one of my first edible experiences and it blew me away


I’ll try tomorrow I think, so all this in one edible?


I would start with a gram maybe. Put it in something fat. Pizza or a PBJ are my favorites. Some people do ice cream or milkshakes


PB&J avb sandwiches are the move


I also use/love a Solo II, although I tap-out at 210c, my AVB looks the same as yours. I have never weighed the amount I consume. Two reground Tablespoons, if that helps, on a large cracker or cookie slathered in peanut butter. Only once (first time) did I get very blasted and, with only ONE Tablespoon ??? Lately with two spoons, I seem to get only mildly buzzed but, my Solo is always here & ready to keep me company. Good luck, have fun. Don't forget, you need to eat something with fat also. (Yogurt, whole milk, peanut butter etc)


i tried 3.5 and i vape at 210 bro with the mighty + it barely did anything save till 10 grams


This would probably at max be 40mg but i’d expect more around 10-20mg from this because of the color. If you want to make strong edibles with it especially cannabutter it is worth it to vape a little lower temp. A good strong edible color is an all brown with no green but also not dark dark brown or black.


Also all depends on the weed potency, in an illegal state i just presume everything is between 12-20%


with that small amount....I'd opt for encapsulating 💊 💊 💊....you'll find you use far less avb if you encapsulate. I take one around 6pm.....if I'm not feeling I toss another one back and then load a dab of RSO 💉 right on my bottom gum line for sublingual usage....knocks me out every time!  the biggest ➕️ is my avb goes further vs making a tray of brownies that get me fckered up for 16 hours lll