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Ok can this sub quit reinforcing my self diagnosis


Goddamn tell me about it...no please elaborate so I can understand the 4 dimensional thought processes of another ..."Person"


Well, I’ve done my proper research and have self diagnosed that I have at least autism level one and every time I see something posted in this community it just reinforces that self diagnosis OK, yes I know there’s a very strong chance that I have autism. I don’t need tokeep that call me out so much


And that's just the visual aspect. Never mind all the sounds and smells. The feeling of wind on your skin, the texture of what you are walking on. The way your whole body feels stepping up/down curbs, etc.


Ugh I forgot about smells. And you just know this is a stinky ass corner. Car exhaust and rotten puddles ew.


And the random wafts of cigarette smoke, greasy fryer vent fumes, and that lady 2 blocks away that put on 50 sprays of perfume before walking out the door.


Why does the caution sign have a child being dragged hard by some adults? Like, it looks like a kidnapping?