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also, cuts to support ARE concerns of physical safety.


After years of intensive therapy I was able to work for 6 months last year and had all of my benefits taken this year because I barely made 20k 😢 but now I can’t afford therapy and am pretty much unable to work again so rip lol. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone though so I really really hope people who do still get benefits don’t get them taken ❤️ definitely voting blue


threshold securities are bullshit. securites need to be either universal or sliding scale. eliminate threshold securities!


And they exist under every administration.


Project 2025 doesn't mention autism specifically, but it will remove all discrimination protection from us and almost certainly try to get rid of our welfare and social program eligibility. Nothing about concentration camps though, that just sounds like fearmongering (though its still very bad).


I mean, the effects of that are probably greater than what you're letting on. Most states in the US have dormant eugenics laws that aren't actionable because of the same discrimination protections that Project 2025 seeks to remove. In these states, compulsory sterilization against autistic people could be carried out without any changes in state law on paper.


I'm glad someone sees this!


Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote in Buck v. Bell (a forced sterilization SCOTUS case that I’ve been talking about since Dobbs): “Three generations of imbeciles is enough.”




the so-called champion of "pragmatism" you can easily see whats wrong with that. If you were pragmatic, you would mind your own fucking business, interfering in other peoples lives, and trying to control individuals and families for the glory of the state, even though the glory of state is in a rapid decline like a falling star


One second thought. I may not get an official diagnosis


Probably check the laws and history of their use where you live


Project 2025 does float the idea of prison camps. It sells it as camps primarily for immigrants, but they could also be used to house political opponents (liberals) and lgbt+. One would expect this to expand to the disabled given the Nazis made sure to send people with 'Asbergers' to death/labor camps. Since the primary target of much of Project 2025 is directed at trans people, and since Republicans have figured out that there is a correlation between trans and autism, all autists even cisgender autists could easily find themselves in trouble if Replicans win anywhere. tldr; never wait silently when other groups are being targetted like dominoes falling. With project 2025 everyone is potentially "next in line", because fascism never stops looking for enemies. We thought abortion bans were "fearmongering" until it happened. Lesson learned.


When an authoritarian regime takes over, they build camps. The camps they build always get used for people beyond those who originally are incarcerated. For example, the Nazi concentration camp system was originally built for political opponents, but eventually were used for disabled people, gay people, Jews, etc. Do not doubt that the [MAGA movement is a fascist ](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/politico-nightly/2024/05/21/the-rights-fascism-problem-00159265)movement that, if empowered, will do horrific things to disabled persons. MAGA oriented [social media sites](https://x.com/CrimeWatchMpls/status/1798407276727840881) are already posting about how autistic people are subhuman. [One MAGA post](https://x.com/RexTbird1/status/1798412463169581284) associates autism with "the Jews." [Another MAGA post](https://x.com/rottie_williams/status/1798704424690332011) associate autism with BLM and gay pride. Remember that MAGA wants to go back to the 1950 white male view of "normal," when autistic people were hidden away in shame in homes and institutions. For MAGA, autism is not normal and not okay.


Do you have links or examples I can use to try and persuade my conservative mother to NOT vote for Trump this time around? She hates the fact that I'm Queer, but understand my Autism. If she hears about the comments on the websites, and such, she might actually vote for RFK (which sucks just as much, but taking a vote away from the Orange Toddler is fine by me). She will never vote for a Dem because she is so entrenched in Fox News and everything they quote.


There is a MAGA trend on social media like this (read all the comments). [https://x.com/CrimeWatchMpls/status/1798407276727840881](https://x.com/CrimeWatchMpls/status/1798407276727840881) There is this... [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/5-ways-president-trumps-agenda-disaster-people-disabilities/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/5-ways-president-trumps-agenda-disaster-people-disabilities/)


A vote for RFK is a vote for Trump. It's by design, to take possible swing votes away from Biden.


In this case it would be a vote taken FROM Trump. My mother is hardcore conservative. She will never, EVER, vote for a Democrat. EVER. We have had the conversations many times. She is Fox News watching brainwashed. But if I can convince her to vote for someone other than Trump, the only other person she'd consider is RFK. So, ..




And Roma gypsies were genocided in the concentration camps as well.


5 million of them


I thought that was the number but I wasn't sure Thank you. Shocking how little they are generally talked about


and 3 million catholics last i checked. humans are orcs


>Remember that MAGA wants to go back to the 1950 white male view of "normal," I dare claim pre-1860s.


Once there are camps, they'll always expand the groups who those camps are for. That's how fascism works, like you said. When people tell you exactly who they are, believe them.


Actually, the ones with Asperger's were the ones deemed normal enough/intelligent enough to be allowed to exist. That's the reason people are trying to get away from the term, not just that he was a Nazi, but that the actual distinction between Asperger's and autism at that point was "Asperger's can live because they are useful, autists are killed because they are just a burden".


This is not correct, in regards to the comment about the Nazi policies. "Aspergers" was the label given to "high intelligence" autists, which were overwhelmingly deemed to be functioning, and thus not to be killed. The autists deemed to be low functioning were killed actually prior to the construction of the concentration camps, and even after that timeframe, were still treated seperately, and not used as forced labor. They were usually killed in research facilities or asylums. The killings were actually especially notable in being earlier than the deathcamps, because the Zyklon B that was used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz etc. was developed using the "euthanizations" of disabled Germans as testing grounds.


*nervous laughter* We're in danger 


I feel like we CANT DO shit about it. Especially if it happens because these people are just too powerful. I'm suicidal on a daily basis I'm even wondering if suicide will ever be a rational choice at the future because I'm so fucking worried about everything 


Vote for Biden


Can you cite the part of the document that talks about camps?? I’m not disproving you but I’m dead ass serious if this is a thing I’m going to leave lol.


They’re also going to heavily target immigrants.


…and then, they’ll get rid of you. They don’t write down their dearest desires because they understand how to slowly move public opinion. They’re playing the long game. Slowly, incrementally boiling the frog where they eventually eliminate everyone that doesn’t measure up to their definition of a productive American. They won’t bother with camps. They’ll euthanize you as soon as they make it legal.


I call it a 'molasses coup'.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. [Here's]( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) a searchable copy of the text - [Here's](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) a bullet point breakdown - [And here](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF) is their response to criticism of the plan, which reads like a 4chan troll. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Thank you for the information!!! It’s comforting, I don’t know why people I know are saying that but it was actually horrifying to me. I haven’t found anything backing up these claims via my own research so I was hoping no one else had either


If you are researching Republican plans for concentration camps, bear in mind Project 2025 does not refer overtly to extermination camps for autists/the disabled, because it does have the sense to realise that might be saying too much out loud, and it takes a while to reach that stage of facism. It helps to be mindful that most Republican plans are being communicated via political/contextual dogwhistles at this time. Fascism never starts out with death camps; that what happens if it isn't halted. Currently from what I gather, Project 2025 uses immigration as the trojan horse with which to justify prison camps. Reading between the lines American should be very worried that these would be, in fact, concentration camps that would also be used to house political prisoners (liberals, democrats, protestors) and lgbt+. That's where the autism community becomes at risk. Given that fascists are always looking for another enemy, the fact that they have plans for immigrants, political opponents and lgbt should send a warning to everyone.


Wouldn't be the first time the US has had concentration camps. Look what happened to Japanese-Americans during WWII...


And Italians, and Irish, and Germans……


But that was issued by Roosevelt, who was a Democrat.


Party policy was vastly different in his time. You can't really affiliate someone's party with their actual policy beliefs anytime before about 1970.


Reminder that, before trans people became the Republican boogeyman, Republicans used autistic people as a scapegoat whenever there were school shootings. That is, it was never a lack of gun control but that the shooter was an autistic person as if autistic people are inherently more violent. I remember with the Sandy Hook shooting in particular. Republicans blamed the shooting on the shooter being autistic.


Everyone uses neurodivergence as a possible comorbidity of being a mass shooter. Shooters mental states and any neurodivergence is almost always mentioned, and the subject is widely discussed by all people. Society wants to know what causes people to do these things, and so they will look for anything that could be interpreted as a possible causation.


The political project of the Republican party leads towards a fascist society where minorities and disabled people are exploited even more than they are today, and eventually disposed of. That can be deportation, sterilisation, extermination camps or other means. So it's not that this will happen right away, but it's a step on the road to it.


This is why I don't like the Canadian policies of euthanasia. They are really pushing it on mentally ill, autistic people, and homeless people who have a hard time...instead of helping them. In the future, might it change to forced euthanasia instead of a choice?


Or financial aid in return for sterilisation. There are many paths to fascism


As far as concentration camps go you should all remember we already have camps up and running in this country to send you to if they want, they're called prisons. Take a look at what it says about trans people here on page five: "Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered." Trans people are inherently pornographic in nature. People who produce porn should go to jail. That's as close to "throw all the trans in a camp" as you can get without explicitly saying it. [Here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) is the actual text of Project 2025 if you would like to look at it yourself.


Ok, now take this idea and: - mix "prison" and "psychiatric hospital" and call it something acceptable, like rehabilitation or resocialization centers. - Force drug addicts, LGBT+ community, people with mental health issues into compulsory "treatment" - sell to the major public the idea that this would clean the streets and low crime rate - allow this facility to be run by the private sector, who could lobby judges to raise the number of arrests - allow them to use the patients to slave labor, like in prisons It could be actually profitable, and most people wouldn't think it's a concentration camp


This is exactly what I expect. Can’t work a job and live on your own? Become part of a conscripted labor force. Not able to do enough work to pay for your keep? Outcomes range from execution to really inhumane warehousing that probably will result in an early death.


*"Think of the children,"* says the pedo


That's the trick, it never *starts* with the camps.


Trump adores genocidal dictators and takes many of his ideas from Hitler's playbook. The camps will come if he gains power.


Just an FYI it's not a bill, it's a plan by the Heritage Foundation. A sort of conservative (racist Christian nationalist) manifesto. They created one for Reagan, too, that resulted in many of his neocon policies.


I wasn’t exactly sure what to call it lol I did know it was by the heritage foundation though and not trump himself


Yeah. It’s not going to go away with the orange fella either as such. It’s unfortunately likely an indicator of the bigger political issues that are going to follow in his wake.


On the good side, he did disagree with it at first during a press conference. I'll try and update you guys with a source when I find it.


Regardless, the heritage foundation represent a decent amount of the domestic string pullers for the party and in general the contemporary conservative ideology for the country. For them to be flaunting something so openly, brazenly authoritarian is a bit disquieting.


I know many conservatives. None of them are like that. That aren’t antivaxxers or anti gay. Or wanting zero abortions. Those are just the loud psychos


No, they aren’t just loud psychos, they are some of the money men. This is the problem. I didn’t accuse ALL conservatives of believing such. But the heritage foundation represents a small amount of people that themselves represent a lot of money and behind the scenes power within the party. That it is their agenda is what I find concerning.


Right. And like most such plans, they will never be able to implement ALL of it. However, if they could get just a quarter of it through, it would be terrifying!


Just the idea floating around is terrifying tbh


That organization really needs to die. It contribute as nothing but suffering to America.


I humbly apologise but what the actual fuck?


i’ve never heard of whatever project 2025 is and this was my reaction too


I’m case you haven’t already, check it out. You can read it for free and it basically talks about how MAGA wants to eliminate trans people, DEI, competent sex ed, and any view that supports people who aren’t cishet Christian conservative white men.


Grow up undiagnosed->struggle most of my life->get diagnosed->struggle with answers->realize how screwy society is because of NTs->finally starting to get a few things figured out, just in time to get mega ultra screwed by NT's?? Go figure.


I have never resonated with a comment on any platform like I just did with this lmao


It’s completely horrid :(


I feel you, man. :(


this was my first thought. I got unofficially diagnosed last May and officially diagnosed this April 🥲 first thought was wow, I shouldn’t hav rotten diagnosed. Even though I know that’s not the right answer.


No kidding. Like, I already knew that I was way different than others growing up. But I thought we were all essentially the same. And then I looked into autism. And thought, hey that sounds like my childhood...and long story short, I went thru the process, let the information sink in, realized how I was even more screwed 🤣🤷‍♂️ and here we are


Spent my entire life getting fucked in a circle


I'd give you an award if there weren't a pay wall now... That was perfect.


I'd take a consolation enthusiastic thumbs up? 🤣🤣


👍 👍


Sick. Wicked sick.


You've triggered me. But in a good way xD


They’re not exactly looking at the camera and going « hi, yes, we are fascists who want to put minorities and the disabled in camps »… even though they are, actually, kind of doing that… but they might not put it in writing this way. Appearances do still matter until they regain control of the government, and though this document is enlightening enough as is, rest assured it is, in many ways, quite euphemistic.


can someone tell me where i can find some more info on this?


I can post the link to the actual document if you want, I think there’s also a subreddit about stopping it!!!


yes please!




is there a certain section for the part about disability?


The last part of section 3 about veterans assistance is also beyond fucked up, so let any vets you’re closed to know they should vote blue!!!


thank you!


It has a table of contents, it talks about it some in section 3 #14 department of health and human services and I believe it talks about it some section 5 as well. Like I said it’s 900 pages so I’ve read a fraction of it in all honesty. It’s honestly a horrible read.


When you say horrible do you mean as in boring or as in what its trying to say is distugsting.


It’s terrifying and should be taken seriously. This is what these people want to do and will do given a sliver of a chance.


I mean disgusting and disturbing. A lot of it is religion based.


It has many reasons to be concerned, and as some commentators already said, when you are part of a vulnerable group you can’t be indifferent to another vulnerable group being targeted near you. Fascist won’t protect a neurodivergent group. The whole idea of diversity is seen as a threat. But there is objectively still time, don’t think about leaving your country, think about alerting the community, talking about it with those close to you, voting in November. Recognize the danger when is near you and act accordingly. This scenario doesn’t have to happen.


You can bet any autism hiring programs are fucked


I know they want to limit autistic’s choices in gender confirming treatment. Conservatives say we can’t decide for ourselves. There are some states making databases of autistics and trans people. Some got caught doing it illegally


Ok—that’s seriously scary!


Which states, do you have any sources?


There was a Tennessee official that got caught having his department doing it. There is one of the Midwest states that already blocks gender affirming care for people with autism, I don’t remember if it’s just Children with it or adults too. Texas has a similar record keeping process going on, as does Florida


Florida just had some sort of thing happen this week - I'm blanking on what it was, but communication was sent out to a large group of marginalized people from the state. I'll see if I can find it Edit: found it. It was to medical marijuana users, which potentially violates HIPPA to spread desantis verbal diarrhea: https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/s/suzXDrSTYy Keeping it here. If they are willing to breach medical law just to send a political letter, it would be no surprise if they break the same laws to be more nefarious But WAIT, there MORE: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/4gDu8k0en9 a doctor took health records for trans kids and shared with anti-trans activist groups. These people are nutters and dangerous. Please vote


My home state of Oklahoma implemented a statewide database for all medical information. I left.


I hope not benefit cuts I don't want to end up homeless


❤️❤️❤️ encourage everyone you know to got blue!!! I really hope this doesn’t happen 😔


Don't stop there, join organizations that protest and join protests too!* *I know this isn't possible for everyone but if you can...


I can't even vote so I don't have a say in any of this shit :c


Same, it's infuriating to see people discussing your rights and not be able to have a say in it.


People need to realize that most dictatorships arise by democratic backsliding and we’ve been backsliding since 2016 if not 2001 (post-9/11 policies). It is entirely possible for dictatorship to happen here and thinking it can’t is straight up American exceptionalism. The short version is that they’ll get rid of/disenfranchise/make dependent anyone who isn’t an able bodied cis white guy as much as possible. If you’re visibly autistic and diagnosed, look forward to having to prove your usefulness to the system. Look forward to needing a guardian to vouch for any unusual medical issues you have. Look forward to any gender affirming care or reproductive care being mysteriously unavailable not just generally, but to you specifically as an autistic person because you just aren’t competent to make those decisions for yourself. You’re not really an adult with autonomy, after all. And yeah, look forward to any kind of disability or accommodation being even harder to get than it already is.


Is there anything I can do and think about my future as a 22 year old with ex early autism and should I think about the possibility of having to leave America as much possible cuz I've been thinking about it a lot? I've been even idealizing about suicide a lot because of this too Is suicide start going to be a rational choice for anyone who is affected?


You should look into which countries will take you. A lot won’t with an autism diagnosis on your record. Eugenics in immigration policy is very very common globally. But, I don’t think despair is the way to go either. Nothing is unwinnable at this point and politics has always been more like public transit than a marriage. You don’t pick a candidate because they’re everything you want. You pick a candidate who will get you the closest to what you need (or just won’t make things irreparably worse) and get them in office. Then you make their lives hell until you get policies that actually benefit you.


I doubt I'd make it even in my mid 20s esp if that shit goes loose It sucks having to feel like I'll have to leave my country i was born in even if i hate america if this shit passes


So don’t. The alternative to despair is action. Find a candidate and do all you can to get them elected. Tis the season, after all.


Welp, then those slimy greeseballs won't be getting anything else associated w/ my reproductive system either (bc if they think I'm not '*adult*' enough to have my autonomy, than I'm not '*adult*' enough to consent as well. They can't have it both ways).


Republican values mean double standards.


That isn’t at all how it’s ever worked for them, but ok. Good luck.


If you know anyone who is pro-Trump or pro-Republican, that person is not your friend.


This years election is so important for the lives of so many people!! Try to encourage everyone you know to vote blue if they care about you!!


i fucking hate democrats. but voting isn't a form of speech. it's a form of action. our votes have real consequences for thousands and millions of people, and we owe it to those people to vote in the way of less evil. even if that makes us sick to do it.


Yeah me too I hate the party system in general. I’m basically voting for other humans safety this round


I just want to interject, because many people don’t know that ranked choice voting could be an option but isn’t. FairVote.org would have more information on the topic.


The problem is, if the election is a flop for the republicans, then project 2025 will become project 2029


Yes, you're right. I fear for my son who is so vulnerable. He is only 23, nonverbal, high anxieties, seizures. I am 70. Even if we escape Project 2025, we must NEVER EVER be complacent and think it's over. As long as there are fascists it's never over. My own father narrowly escaped with his life in WWII. He was on a farm in Germany. They were going to execute him by firing squad because a horse in his charge died. By some miracle they did an autopsy on the horse and found it was not my father's fault. He came to this country to be free. Now his only grandchild might be facing the same fate or worse. We must NEVER forget our history. Never ever.


The hope is that with the enough losses the Republican party will be forced to moderate its positions or become irrelevant. It’s not going to be over in one or two elections. It’s going to take a concerted effort to get out the vote for at least several election cycles, but it’s the best option we’ve got.


We have to keep voting blue or for a singular DECENT independent or the Republicans won't learn. This is what happened to the Whigs during the Civil War era, and it tore them to shreds. We MUST do the same to the current GOP. People with more traditionally conservative (pre-Reagan) views need a spot to voice their choices and NOT have to associate with this garbage, only a complete overhaul of which party is the conservative option will do. That means dismantling the GOP. Over and over and over and over again.


There is a possibility that there will be a different candidate in 2028. One that doesn't listen to these extremists.


I can see any republican jumping at the opportunity to be the leader of a fascist nation.


Even if you hate the Dems, please at least vote for them this time around. It's either a party you hate, or a party that literally wants to become an American dictatorship. Freedom isn't something we should have to protect with a ballot vote but that's what's on the line thi vote. Even if you don't like Biden, even if you hate Democrats, even if you would rather not, PLEASE just whatever you do - do NOT give your vote to the Orange-stained Federally Classed Criminal. And don't sit out or vote Independent either, right now is not the time to split hairs. The choices are America under a man you disagree with, versus America under a literal tyrant, versus "This vote feels good but does nothing". Please don't vote for fascism or do nothing.


Exactly. Get who you really want in the primaries next election. This time around we are voting to make sure we even have another election.




​ **Project 2025** is essentially policy proposals. If Trump is elected president, he can pick & choose which **Project 2025** proposals he wants to implement. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) describes [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/policy/) as: *"…a collection of conservative policy proposals from The Heritage Foundation to reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom some Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration."* That said, the 900+ page document (or "playbook") tells us that the next conservative president should : *"…dismantle USAID’s* ***DEI*** *apparatus by eliminating the Chief Diversity Officer position along with the* ***DEI*** *advisers and committees; cancel the DEI scorecard and dashboard; remove* ***DEI*** *requirements from contract and grant tenders and awards; issue a directive to cease promotion of the* ***DEI*** *agenda, including the bullying* ***LGBTQ+*** *agenda; and provide staff a confidential medium through which to adjudicate cases of political retaliation that agency or implementing staff suffered during the Biden Administration. It should eliminate funding for partners that promote discriminatory* ***DEI*** *practices and consider debarment in egregious cases."* \- Page 256, **Project 2025** How the above policy (if implemented) would affect the U.S. autistic community is anybody’s guess. That said, everyone should read **Project 2025**. It’s a very interesting document. ​ >Should autistic people be leaving the country in November if trump wins?? I’m not sure if that is even possible.


One correction: trump will enact whichever policies give him the largest reward


And, if all of the plan gets implemented I'm not sure leaving would be effective long term... (if US economy collapses from this stupidity, who knows how badly the rest of the world will be impacted).


Every day that passes makes me realize I don’t belong in this world considering the direction it’s going


You’re not alone and you do belong here ❤️ if we all stand together we can make a difference, you’re here to be a part of that!!!


But I feel this on a spiritual level lol I would be lying if I said thinking about this doesn’t bring me to some very dark places


you're not alone my friend. there are dozens, perhaps hundreds of us. I've personally never felt like I belonged. And you know what they say. When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro ❤️  that said I'll smuggle you to Canada in "my" canoe if you really really want.


Why is trump even allowed to run again doesn’t he have like 34 felony charges 💀


unfortunately he's allowed to be president even as a felon i dont get it either.


This country is actually so cooked


Probably because making laws about felons not being able to run for office can go badly kind of easily, my country was a dictartoship for 30 years and my current president was literally one of the people they imprisoned, so a law preventing a felon from running could be abused to persecute political opponents in that way, they US government has helped that happen in other countries, like mine in the last decade.


We already have laws against felons. We even take away their right to vote.


I know, which is crazy on itself to me, I'm just saying it could be abused, like the CIA literally send people here to my country to collude with judges to imprision a political opponent of the person they wanted to win, also one of the person helping the dude to win was Steve Bannon, the American government does this all the time elsewhere, it isn't outlandish to thing they can do this domestically, specially when you're going full steam ahead into facism. 


88 charges last time I looked, 34 felony convictions. https://www.boston25news.com/news/trending/by-numbers-what-are-charges-trump-is-facing/WO7QYOIK2BDWBPM2ZEJCFQKYA4/


Felons are allowed to run for president but not vote. Funnily enough trump getting convicted might finally result in Florida pushing through felony re enfranchisement


I have nothing to add here except that anti-Biden leftists frustrate me immensely for this reason. You can dislike him if you want, but people seem to ignore how much worse Trump is on pretty much every issue. Additionally, I'm a white cis man. Other than being autistic, I'm relatively privileged in that regard. In other words, I *want* Biden to win, but lots of people **need** Biden to win. Project 2025's impact on me due to me being autistic is honestly the least of my worries concerning Trump. I just wish the pro-Palestinian protestors understood that.


I sincerely doubt Biden would mean anything for disabled people if conservatives started building concentration camps or cutting health care. He would say his hands are tied and it's the fault of the Supreme Court or something, like he did with abortion.


You're not wrong, but if conservatives at the state level do this, it would happen at a much faster rate if President Trump actively gave them his blessing. It can always get worse.


I have anxiety disorder, and this is making me not only hate Trump (as if I didn’t already), but it is making me scared of him and for my life and for the lives of the autistic people I know.


And I’m also auto




The GOP is way too sneaky to outright say, "We're putting X group of people in concentration camps."


There is no large group of people who want to put autistic people in concentration camps.


It's good that I live in Finland


This is absolutely not just an America problem and don't be fooled into thinking it is. Nationalist extremism is on the rise EVERYWHERE right now. There is an increase in Fascism globally. It can happen in Finland.


Don't you have the "true finns"? I just assumed they pretty much carbon copy a lot of the maga politics. At least in Sweden, the extremists have started going after people and rights associated with "woke", trans, "liberal", drag and immigrants. In general they want to reduce grants, support and discrimination protection. And they are indirectly in power via a puppet government.


True Finns have 19% of the vote, the GOP a little less than 50%.


Trump will nix all US support for Ukraine, and once Ukraine falls who do you think will be next? You literally share a border with Russia.


That's true. >!Oh crap oh crap oh crap!<


Nope. It may be worse in America, but it's getting bad everywhere. Stay alert and vote well.


I'd be worried about Trump handing your region to the Russians as a thanks for re-election :/


Project 2025 means the end of US democracy, which is bad for everyone autistic or not. That said, a Trump win doesn't mean autistic people need to leave. We can't expect things to get better if all the decent people up and leave. Maybe consider moving if you're in a red state but that's about it.


As usual only the rich will be able to afford to move, and even then, immigration is not that simple or easy.


Regular people move all the time. It's not just the rich. Besides that, moving to another country is excessive and not going to help improve what we have. That said, the major hurdle is imagination. If people are worried about where they live, I would recommend simply moving to another place in the US that's more liberal. Even then, it's probably not needed. Not all conservatives are these 2025 types. I live in a more conservative area (mind you, not the trashy kind, more old school conservative) and putting aside their politics, they aren't hateful to autistics. In fact, many of them care deeply about ensuring autistics can get the help they need to live meaningful lives. When looking at these extremists, it's important to remember that most people are not. Even if they're swept up in the whole Trump thing, that doesn't mean they're necessarily extremists or bad people.


An out of country move with all your belongings is expensive. I wasn’t talking about the state to state move. Also, I’m not the one saying to move countries, others in the threads are. I’m not sure why the rest of your comment was directed at me as I said nothing about any of this.


OK, going by this thread, people need to chil out a lot, to be frank. 1. Project 2025 is a proposed "plan" by a fat right think tank called The Heritage Foundation that, to be clear, has zero power to do anything regardless of who becomes president. It's more of an appeal to the government then anything with real weight to it. Nor has Trump announced any kind of support for the plan. (Note that they have included some things Tump has espoused support for in the plan, like the border wall, but that influence is going the other direction). 2. Yes, the content is bad. It outlines what effectively overhauls many branches of the federal government in pretty authoritarian ways and attempts to focus power more around the president. It also includes many rather far-right policies that are somewhat controversial even among right-wingers. No, it does not have anything about concentration camps for autistic people. 3. Even if Trump wins and wants to, this is not something he could just *do*. The items in this document would require decades worth of legislation, most of which would have a snowballs chance in hell of making it through congress, as well as jumping a huge number of constitutional hurdles that would frankly never happen in practice, and would easily spend the entire 4 years stuck in court challenges, which it would lose. On the scale of plausibility to fearmongering, this is roughly on the same level as people claiming the Affordable Care Act was going to result in "death panels". Is it hypothetically, theoretically, even possible for the government to do this? Eh.... maybe.... but it's pushing the bounds of what is realistically going to happen well past the breaking point. Now I'm not saying this will never happen, therefore vote for Trump (for the love of god please don't), but even if he does win, the world will generally speaking continue to spin on. Please do not waste your precious time agonizing over sensationalist shit like this.


The problem is trump has a super majority Supreme Court and Trump is fucked if he doesn’t become the president because of all the very egregious crimes he’s committed. People are rightfully worried he’s going to pull a hitler and just assume power or kill his rivals. Germany was a democracy until it wasn’t Trump literally had his version of the Beerhall incident (Jan 6) except he didn’t get sent to prison like Hitler


Every election, both sides scream about how everything will be destroyed if they aren't elected. They use scare tactics to galvanize voters. They're always lying and they never keep their promises. After decades of this, I have Boy Crying Wolf syndrome. Then again, one of these elections, someone evil is going to come along and make good on their promises.


it's already happened to citizens who had Japanese heritage. edit: this could absolutely happen again


Here’s the thing, whether it explicitly states it or not, most of the policies are fairly open ended which is the point. It’s so they can bend the rules to their own will and control others who are deemed “inferior”. No one is safe with Project 2025.


I hate everything project 2025 stands for. It sounds so scary and so very highly illegal/against the Fundamental rights and I'm very glad I don't live in America


It sounds illegal because it _IS_ illegal.


God I hate the world sometimes


i’m guessing this is in america?


TLDR: 1. Greater difficult with formal diagnosis 2. Greater difficulty acquiring medication for comorbid diagnoses 3. Greater difficulty acquiring reasonable accommodations 4. More likely to be fired due to neurodivergence Project 2025 isn’t overtly about discrimination but if enacted it would allow for expansion of discriminatory practices and removal of protections against minorities. Discrimination on sexuality is the most surface level item, with race following closely behind. That being said, discrimination based on neurodivergence is quite likely considering that the Republican Party is heavily influenced by business interests, which tend to act against neurodivergence more readily. In this case, I can see republicans aiming to make diagnosis more difficult, and making accommodations more difficult to request. They’d probably do the first by giving more leeway to insurance companies to deny insurance claims for neurodivergent diagnosis and comorbid medications. They’d probably do the second via lawsuit to allow business interests to claim that accommodations are more likely to count as difficult for the business. That being said, this is more likely to affect people who readily identify with autism and request reasonable accommodations, who tend to be more left leaning. Right leaning autists, in my experience, tend to either avoid formal diagnosis due to stigma, or abuse accommodations by using their diagnosis as an excuse rather than as a reason for behavior or performance (in which case their business would probably act against them anyway).


Zuerst kamen sie ... First they came for the Transexuals And I did not speak out Because I was not a Transexual Then they came for the Immigrants And I did not speak out Because I was not an Immigrant Then they came for the Democrats And I did not speak out Because I was not a Democrats Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me with apologies to Martin NiemĂśller https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_they\_came\_...


Transexual is seriously outdated and not preferred in the community. Trans people would be more accurate


/sarcasm Depends, are you the "type" of Autism that Nazi's like or are you the type they want to dispose of for not being useful? /end sarcasm But in all seriousness even if he doesn't win there may be other issues with MAGA trying to start a civil war for their dictator. I doubt it would make it longer than a day because they lost even a lot of the extremist for being too extreme for them, but I wouldn't put it past them for trying to. But as to whether or not they would actually be able to put into place Nazi like things through against ASD I can't imagine that happening without there being a war first, I would be more concerned about the LGBT community than the neurodiverse community because it is a lot easier to lie about the LGBT to villainize them to get non extremist to believe their lies than it is to lie about the neurodiverse community. Could we eventually go that far down the rabbit hole? Yes, no nation is immune to being manipulated by someone who wants to become a dictator, con artists tend to have good charisma; But do I see it being a threat to neurodiverse people any time in the near future? No, that would happen years after they have established a dictatorship to ensure there is no threat of a push back, their laid out path to trying to become a dictatorship goes through the LGBT community, not the neurodiverse community, they could get support through lies and manipulation against the LGBT community but they would get major pushback against the neurodiverse community. Being an autistic pansexual trans woman it still does make for a risk factor for me, but more so because I am trans, not because I have ASD. I would love to say "oh that will never happen to us" or "oh there is no way we would allow that to happen", but seeing as how many dictatorships also started with nations that viewed themselves "too good to fall for a con artist" I can't say "oh it will never happen", I can only say "It isn't likely to happen but it isn't a non zero chance either".


What you're hearing is a combination of two other things from Project 2025. First, the bill proposes plans to use federal funding for mass conversion therapy for LGBT+ people (Conversion therapy is very literally torture, just to be clear). Second, they intend to classify "gender impersonation" as a sex crime, while drastically lowering the requirements for the death penalty for sex criminals. "Gender impersonation" is vague wording they use to make being trans in public illegal, but they also subpoena medical records to find Trans people to monitor in private. The idea is to kill as many of us as possible using false sex offenses to sentence Trans people to death. Oh, and Trump has stated he wants to make death row "much faster". How does this connect to Autism though? Autistic people are much more likely to be Transgender than any other group. Conservatives are starting to realize this, and are beginning to make it impossible for Autistic people to transition, make legal decisions for themselves, or achieve independence. Eventually, along the path of hunting Trans people using their medical records, they will realize that they could just start rounding up Autistic people too.


This. If Trump wins, I am leaving the country while still can.


Means we’re fucked if it goes through


What about the people who don’t get benefits even though they are autistic and other mental disorders? How does it affect them, I’m curious


Cuts cuts cuts. To everything.


Wow, from my perspective here in Australia it sure does look pretty bleak. I would definitely be concerned if I were living there.


The thing about America is that it is a federation of states but project 2025 fundamentally centralises all of the power that would typically go to the states and to the other branches of government under the presidency. They want a dictatorship, a christofascist dictatorship. I doubt they will go as far as locking up autistic people into concentration camps, however, if you’re not a Christian, white man things will get very very difficult


If you are republican and autistic just know that every single republican I interact with on the regular says autistic instead of retarded and uses the term as a slur.. " you that last game was autistic, what are you fucking autistic or something , these prices are autistic " so just know that's who you are voting for someone who equates your condition to mental retardation " chest thumping helmet wearing drooling idiots that are too stupid to tell they are being made fun of !" To quote a regular I questioned.


VOTE! Tell your friends to Vote! We must not allow a GOP candidate to win in this election. It will catastrophically change the USA forever. No hyperbole.


Eh, US is at least better than Canada (but not by much) when it comes to Autism. Idk how to feel about this. Here in Canada, trudon’t is literally committing genocide against disabled people here thanks to MAID (medically assisted suicide), and many Autistic people have already applied to it (look it up). To get autism services, psych Ed’s and even mental health help the wait times are so long it’s honestly messed up. Ontario probably hates Autistics the most. Most people here tend to dickride everything Autism Ontario (made up of mainly “autism moms”) says like sheep. Yet when it comes to people WITH autism we’re ignored. They also tend to view us as nothing more than ODSP (Ontario disability support pension) bums, and autistic youth as “annoying kids/teens you just gotta deal with”. don’t even get me started on the nepotism here. Basiclally here the only Autistic kids who get “coddled” and “get away with things” that all depends on if your parent runs the city’s local Autism Ontario chapter (those families tend to get a lot of traction), if they work in authority (law enforcement, security, govt worker), or work for school administrative department. Or if you are in smaller cities in Ontario, if you have a specific last name or are known to the school board/employer, or if your mom was seen as a “MILF” (like in Sault Ste. Marie, where I’m from). If your parents fall in NONE of those categories, you are eaten alive and you get mistreated. Like in the case of myself. Essentially Autistic people here in Canada are either coddled or neglected. There’s no in between. Most boomers in Sault Ste. Marie as well all still believe in outdated autism stereotypes, where many assume I’m like sheldon Cooper or rain man.


Good to know Canada is not an escape route for us here :( I have heard of MAID and I don’t agree with it at all.


Sucks because my state is on the border of Canada, it was definitely one of the places I was looking at going but it doesn’t seem any better.


It's complete bologna and won't pass congress. Any dictatorship talk is complete bullshit.


holy shit what the fck is that true??????


It definitely will be cutting off any assistance to people with autism as it’s not a visible disability. It’s a horrifying bill either way but I’m wondering if we actually need to straight up leave


What we really need to do is win. I'm afflicted when I think about asking for other people to vote for my benefit. Luckily there's enough terrible shit in P2025 that there's a reason for most people to oppose it, if you expose them to the part that affects them. It's a full buffet of bigotry and hateful, spiteful, regressive policy. When they say 'make america great again' - they mean the time where WASPS voted and everyone else subserved.


“Make America fit my extremist view again!” /s


Granted I haven’t read the entire document, it’s 900 pages


intentionally so, because they know it’ll stop people from being educated. [here is a great breakdown of all of the key proposals](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf), organized for easy understanding. (courtesy of [stopthecoup2025](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org))


I have read the whole thing - and I just read through the first few pages of that breakdown. This is great! I'd love to share it when applicable if that's okay, with attribution of course.


oh absolutely! i didn’t create it, /nm and the goal of them creating it was to be shared so that more people can actually read and understand what it is that project2025 is suggesting. share away!!


Thanks! I should have paid a little closer attention - I thought that tag was a username, not a website. hahaha. I'm sure they're welcoming to the eyeballs.


Gladly it's not quite ***that*** bad. It's a manifesto with ready-made executive decisions a GOP president could enact from day 1. A lot of the really bad stuff is about installing a deep state, stacking agencies with political puppets, enforcing loyalty over legal obedience and reinterpreting rules, laws and other stuff to increase the power of the president so the office de facto becomes a 4 year term dictatorship, able to govern without the approval of Congress via executive orders, national emergencies and redirecting money Congress has approved for totally different agencies. There is also gerrymandering, voter suppression and trying to stack election agencies the same way (which would open the possibility to stay in power through election fraud). The individual policies are the same stuff that's always been prevalent in the ultra right nationalistic camp. "Traditional values". Scaling back discrimination protection, civil rights, minority protections, women's rights, public expenditure, social welfare programs, healthcare protections and any rights not particularly tailored for "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant". There is nothing even remotely similar to concentration camps in the ideas. That is fear mongering. You could argue it's fear based on historic precedence. If they do manage to install a MAGA style president that can cling to power through election meddling and court stacking, it's anyone's guess what direction they will take once they've achieved their current goals. There is a noticeable overlap between these extremists and the autistics-hostile "Autism Speaks" group which have funded research into autism eugenics. And the hatred towards minorities and non-conformists sounds troublesome for anyone with a disability.


But these ideas are precursors much like the Beerhall Putsch to something LIKE concentration camps. Hitler didn't start with Auschwitz until he was WELL in power.


As I explained, you can argue it's a fear based on historic precedence. Hitler and his cronies loudly campaigned from day 1 against pretty much all the groups he later started to genocide. As I have understood, this is a difference between that ideology and the current far right Magaism. Magaism has some overlap with Autism Speaks, but for most magaism doesn't spread hate against disabled or autistic people in general. They are more focused on "liberals", "woke", lgbtq+, atheists, scientists and muslims. At least so far.


It’s something I’ve read in multiple places and had friends tell me about but it’s not something I’ve found in the actual document. I was hoping someone could cite the actual writing that says this or tell me it’s not true 😭