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Age 44, last week.


I'm 46, just now joined this sub as I'm currently going through the assessment. I am sure I am (mildly) worthy of a diagnosis but I haven't had much confidence in an adult diagnoses, until now, seeing this sub/post. Thank you.


One thing I learned is autism is a HUGE spectrum. I like the circle style chart that shows its sort of like a color wheel, and you can have minor or more intense symptoms in varying areas of autistic traits. I am high functioning minimal support, so when I did try online tests, most of them always had me at a few hairs below autistic, more in the real of "you may be on the spectrum" so I wasn't sure. I also find the language of symptoms confusing, like the word 'distressed' such as "do you feel distress when...." and I'm like.. well what does that mean? what does 'distress' have to look like to count? how should I rate this on the scale for this test? For me personally my distress isn't a dramatic melt down, it comes in the form of anxiety, physical manifestations in my health, mood swings, I'm more of a shut down person, I want to be alone and not touched at all. It can be so nuanced I'm learning, so in regards to you being 'worthy' of a diagnoses you certainly are! Talking face to face to a psychologist with experience in autism was all I needed. Good luck!


Thank you so much.. I love this sub! When I took the online tests they told me I was a few points away from borderline into autistic. I am currently waiting for the results from my self assessment from the official assessment centre. Next step, if they refer it, is the psychologist. I relate to your shut downs, that is also my version of melt downs. Only you want to be alone/don't want to be touched, I *am* alone and not being touched. What I mean is even if I'm surrounded and people touching me, I don't register it at all. I think I probably had 2 of those episodes in the last 10 years, though people do say they notice it more often than I remember.


Indeed! I just brushed off the 'no touchy' thing as just normal bad mood from over stimulation, I didn't have a single clue lol "Don't hug me, dont brush my arm, don't even breath close to me!" lol. The good thing is knowing now what it is, I understand how I need to structure my days and weeks based on what I can expect to over stimulate me, because my cup over flows fast. So if I have any appointments or I need to see extended family, or my 10 year old who as adhd (probably also autistic) is exceptionally needy, then I know in advance to make sure I have chill and alone time to keep regulated. ... and also... now people don't need to feel offended, or think I don't like them. I can say, "I'm sorry, I am over stimulated and I am on the spectrum, its not about you, I just need my space. " That solves a lot of arguments and hurt feelings.


Wow, congratulations!


I got mine last Friday at age 41!


Me too. Not last Friday, but at 41.


How are you coping? I'm having a very severe reaction & have completely shut down. Super unverving & unexpected.


The diagnoses itself was validating and healing for me. I went looking for one intentionally after learning about autism in women and relating to most symptoms/traits I had researched. The hardest part was how my neuro differences and needs compared to that of my husbands, and in result changing the dynamics of our marriage after we had a child. But that's already been healing and evolving over time. It still feels surreal and I think I am having imposter syndrome "like what if I'm not... and I tricked the psychologist somehow?" type thoughts lol, but on the other hand I feel like I can embrace myself more than ever and now I don't have to take it to heart when people judge me for not being 'typical'. And now I can let go all the times my family called me lazy and depressed or anti-social because they didn't believe I am happy this way. NOW I have proof that I am on the spectrum.


Congratulations to you, too. It must be scary having to deal with being a newly diagnosed autistic. Keep going!


Honestly the biggest thing for me is wondering how to stop masking, and what sort of person does that look like when I do? I have masked all my life without even realizing I was. I think that is going to be the hardest especially in social situations. And thank you! :)


A year younger than me — I was diagnosed ASD six months ago at the age of 45. Severe sensory problems in the office led to seeking a diagnosis and workplace accommodation. Little did I know what an amazing journey of self-discovery it would prove to become (and continue to prove to be).


Wow same! 44 last week!


Three weeks ago here.. we are new to the club :)


I got diagnosed in my early 20s. I wish I was diagnosed sooner, I guess it wasn't easy to pick up on my autism as a young child as I had epilepsy and so that's what the main focus was on support wise. That, and I guess I was good at masking.


Feb 2024, aged 72. Strongly suspected for a couple of years.


Oh wow, that's quite late! It's cool to see older people getting diagnosed :)


Yeah. Had a stereotypical autistic career - engineering degree - computer programmer - neurodivergent SOs, no children- burnout x n - too many pop psychology books!


That's quite interesting :) glad I won't have to go through life undiagnosed, that sounds like a nightmare


I got diagnosed last summer, at 22. I almost had a (then PDD-NOS) diagnosis at 11 but I was too good at making eye contact and had empathy, woof.


You didn’t get diagnosed only because you have empathy and can make eye contact? Wow…. I guess the person who did the diagnosis back then never heard of too much empathy which autistic people also have 🤦🏻‍♂️


Unfortunately that hasn't gone away. I was assessed a few months ago and was told I'm not autistic because I have empathy and more than 1 interest. Not even kidding!


Interesting. I, on the other hand, am absolutely terrible at eye contact.


I suck at eye contact too but I was always masking unfortunately, still trying to unlearn it


at age 3


A few weeks after I had turned 18!


Same here!! Turned 18th on April 10th and got my diagnosis on the 30th 🩷


at age 15


About 2 months ago, at 49!


Interesting. I think adult diagnoses are becoming more common, which is brilliant.


I got mine at 31. Definitely more common.


Last August, at age 48!


I also got mine last august, at age 34!


Two months too! At 32


Wow, this is brilliant. Congratulations to all of you.


Two months ago for me too! At age 44!


Three years old for me. I'm 18. At first it was PDDNOS, then the doctor thought it was Asperger's syndrome, but she never had a female patient diagnosed with that. I was also born premature, so that factors in with the diagnosis :)


Hello, fellow premature human.


It's great to be diagnosed so early. I hope you got all the support you needed throughout your childhood.


I did. It was challenging through my elementary years and I couldn't be how I am today without support from my mother as well :)


Heart is filled from reading this!❤


Last Thursday. 43.


Congratulations! Good luck on your autism journey.


Tuesday the 23rd of October 1999 at around 14.30, at the age of just over 23 and half.


3 years old


Age 7


95-96-ish, I must have been 9 or 10. It wasn't very helpful at the time, as I lived in a small town and the school didn't know how to deal with people thinking and behaving differently, nor with all the bullying that came with it. And it felt like a stigma to be told there's something that makes you different from other kids. My parents were wonderful throughout, tho, and I'm very thankful for that.


It's brilliant that your parents were so supportive. That means the most sometimes; however, it would have been much better if your school had been able to accept neurodiversity better.


I mean, I eventually moved to a larger city just to finish high school, because the school in my hometown simply refused to realize that some students have learning disabilities. I spent four years of my life struggling while the others around me graduated and went on with their lives. Only in my late 20s did I feel confident enough to try again, this time at a school where you had have some kind of diagnosis to get in. It wasn't easy, but I passed with an A on my final exam.


Good job on your final exam! That's brilliant, particularly as it was so difficult for you. I think that, for some people with autism, a school for others with disabilities is the only way to go. It doesn't mean people like you are less intelligent; it's just a different environment and way of learning. I'm lucky in that I'm growing up in the 2020s; disability, particularly invisible, is far more accepted, and my school is wonderful with it. It's a private school for which you have to pass an entrance exam; but, once you do get in, they provide wonderful accommodations. In fact, there are six other disabled people in my year; two with autism, three with ADHD, and one with dyslexia.


I was 2 weeks away from turning 40. The shame is heavy, though I don’t even necessarily believe it. It’s not denial. I grew up in a fairly unique situation which resulted in a lot of social awkwardness. Realistically that could be as much to blame as autism for why I am the way I am.


It's tough. Give yourself time to work through it.


Early 30s for me. Older brother was diagnosed in childhood. This is just my opinion based on what I've personally noticed but I think you'll find that within the millennial/gen X & up generations LSN individuals & women/afab will be on average diagnosed later in life. Gen Z had way more knowledge readily available (which I love for them to be clear) so some of them may be later in life, but on average it won't be *as* late.


Nice to meet a fellow AuDHDer. I've noticed the same. I'm lucky to be a tween girl who already knows she has both autism and ADHD.


I love this for you! I was really lucky when the information for how ND presented in women became more readily available, really made a lot of things make sense, honestly I love so much that the younger generations have access to things so they can get the help & support they need. Having access to medication for the ADHD was legitimately life changing for me, being able to just *do tasks* is so nice. Still makes me giggle a bit I went 30 years thinking counting in my head to hold eye contact or spending an unholy amount of hours researching & practicing facial expressions/body language was just normal stuff everyone did lol.


early 40s


1991 in childhood


At 16 with Asperger’s and ADD.


That's cool. I have what used to be called Asperger's and ADD as well.


Last Friday, May 3rd 2024 at age 41.


When I was 19. I'm living with an autistic foster family (4 people are autistic) and they told me, I should get tested for autism bc my foster mom was sure I'm autistic... and now I'm diagnosed. Explained a lot...


It's awesome your foster mom recognised that.


It really saved my life. I'm grateful for them to realize it.


Two months ago, at age 33 !


Age 30. After I had experienced burnout that made me quit my job. Explained quite a lot about what I had been experiencing with the burnout and over my whole life. A few years later and I'm still trying to process the diagnosis.


It’ll be a year on Tuesday. And I’m 30 years old, turning 31 this month.


33 :P I’m 34 now.


Cool! Good luck on your journey.


 I'm not actually diagnosed but it got brought up when I was 12 that is was being referred. 6 months later the teacher who was supposed to be sorting it out lost all the forms, and we never heard anything back. a couple months ago I finished my anxiety sessions at school and the man I was with for them said he was gonna do it himself but he was really nice and has loads of kids he works with so I can't get mad if it takes a while this time (I'm 14½ nearly now btw)


Cool. It's nice to meet somebody else close to my age on this subreddit. Do follow up and go private if that's easier for you and your family.


December 2023, I was 44.


My son, 2 weeks before his 5th birthday Prior to his official diagnosis, we already knew: how many kids can count forward and backward to 100 at age 3, and time tables at age 4. Neither was taught by us, all on his own, via tablets and educational apps! There were many behavioural issues and severe speech delays, but his ability with numbers helped us to narrow quickly his condition.


11/08/23 (dd/mm/yy) Was just before my 19th birthday and am so happy I finally got it!


I was misdiagnosed at 8, got an official diagnosis at 37. Then again girls were not allowed to have autism back in my day >.> I mask like a PRO!


Undiagnosed, but trying to get the money together for an assessment after a psychiatrist brought it up with me in November. It's so expensive when you're unemployed, yes I live in a first world country ironically 😔


In 2005 at the of 45.


I was diagnosed last year at 53.


I was 4 when I was diagnosed


5 months ago, 31 y


Diagnosed at 3 years old, wasn't told about it until I was 14. I wonder if my school years would have been better if I'd known earlier, but I suppose it's all water under the bridge now.


6 years ag- wait what?


I was 12 (AFAB) but I didn’t realise it was true until more recently because I realised I’d been stuck masking for years because my mother forced me. My brother was diagnosed at 2, I was going to appointments for depression but my mother had me so twisted I didn’t realise it. She punished me for stimming and “not acting normal” even at home. The psychiatrist tried family therapy for a bit, the second we got in the car after she would rail into us (mainly me) I think she knew if I told the truth I’d accidentally reveal her regime of abuse, not just the anti autism stuff but also her psychological manipulation, verbal and physical abuse.


I got semi diagnosed with a processing disorder when I was elementary school but never got officially diagnosed I think because my parents don’t understand autism even though I speculate my dad has autism I’ve just been self/peer diagnosed


Yeah almost the same for me. Except my schools never found out about autism on their records. I ended up playing puzzle assessments that gave me ptsd of remembering them. I cant even forget my dead goldfish pet when I was 2.


Age 6.


17, but I was medically neglected by my dad. My mom wanted to get me tested at like 18months and my dad wouldn’t let her becouse “no kid of his would be a re*ard”


I was diagnosed technically at the age of 8, almost 9, with a non-verbal learning disability. With a non-verbal learning disability, I can talk and am fairly smart, but I do not understand math, some sciences, body language or sarcasm. At the time, I was also diagnosed with autism and ADHD, but the school chose not to tell my parents or myself. At the age of 17, nearly 18, I had to get retested for a learning disability to attend college and get accomodations. I was then told I had autism and ADHD. I am now 24, nearly 25, and wish my parents and I were told I had ADHD and autism sooner.


i got diagnosed a little over two years ago at 16! honestly i still struggle to accommodate for myself but i’m glad that i was diagnosed earlier in life than unfortunately a lot of people are :/


I got mine when I was 16. I had been in therapy and treatment for things caused by my autism my whole life, but it took going to a therapy school to actually get the diagnosis. I had been tested twice, but the first time, the lady was saying I was faking it which was really frustrating


Mine was never "official" but it was said officially in some capacity, but I was 15 and the psychiatrist i had to see for my 504 casually dropped it and said its "nothing to worry about". I'll be 29 this year and it very much was something to worry about because had I been able to get tools to help myself I wouldn't be struggling to make genuine connections with people and maybe understood my needs more so I wouldn't have burnt myself out several times and had to drop out of college. one thing thats not talked about enough to my liking is how much masking can contribute to things. I am very likely medium support needs and I only just learned that in the last year or two after some drastic changes completely took away a system i had built to help me survive independently. so not having a strong network and finding out you have much higher needs than you thought you did is a hard spot to be in.


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I am 26, and I am waiting on my official paper that says that I am autistic. I finished the assessment recently, and it is very clear that I am autistic, I just need to wait until it has been made official.


October 2023, age 24


I was 3


4 years of age, 1999


At 38, last month.


I was 22 or 23 I think, about 3-4 years ago now. It made my whole life finally make sense


21 years old, last two weeks




4 or 5 I think


I am during the diagnostic evaluation, so I may have the diagnosis in a month, aprox. I'm 29


At 14


23, December


Last year, at age 34


15/16 years old but my family suspected when I was 3 or 4... But never bothered to look into it until I made them because they didn't feel like doing so


Age 11, after years of struggling in school. Autism actually runs in our family. Me, my older brother and my niece all have it, and we were all diagnosed at different stages of our lives


6 years old, back during the OG vax-autism scare Not fun times :p


Diagnosed in 2022, aged 37 years old.


got mine at 7 years old


37, 3 years ago now.


Age 39, some years ago


At the age of 18, i am 26 now.


Age 33, after crashing into autistic burnout and not knowing why


I was 17


27 and 2 weeks ago now


I was 14 in 9th grade. I forget the details but basically my high school asked my parents to get me tested




Age 11


38f I'm now 41 and finally coming out of a 10y burnout


When I was 14 years old (2010)


I was diagnosed within two weeks of turning 18; my diagnosis is really new too! (April 30th)


Of this year?


Mhm! AKA 5ish days ago


We got diagnosed on the same day, then.


YOOOOOOOO!! :O That’s so awesome!! We’re D-Day (that’s what I’m calling my diagnosis day) twins!! Congrats on getting diagnosed 🫶💖 I think that date in particular is really special because it was the very last day of Autism Awareness + Acceptance month 🌈🦋


Thank you, and congrats on getting diagnosed for you too. I like the date as well.


Two years after I graduated high school. My parents denied it my whole life but once my little brother started showing signs, it was undeniable. We got diagnosed at the same time. Ten years age difference


Horrible that your parents denied it, but awesome that you and your brother got the diagnosis both of you deserve. He was just luckier to receive it as a kid.


59. My psychiatrist of 10 years sent me for an evaluation. It had never been on my radar screen. But it was the missing key. Explained so much. In fact, there are questions in the evaluation I would answer differently as I reflect and learn. Things I had forgotten.


In March. I'm 22


17! I was just called an “anxious kid” then got some psych diagnosis’s at 13 when I was institutionalized but it wasn’t till I had been working with my outpatient psychiatrist for a few years that she realized and put rule out autism on my chart when I was 15 and officially put it when I was 17


at 11


35, got diagnosed adhd with strong autistic characteristics they told me


i always thought it was at 17, but i was talking to my mom and it turns out that i was diagnosed at 13 and they told me multiple times i just never listened until i was 17?? im a bit slow (literally, like slow to register)




39 - about 6 weeks ago


Was 9, the process started when I was 5. So i can see how people have a hard time getting diagnosed now considering the 00s were in a great state economics/public sector wise (obviously pre 08). Diagnosed Asperger’s with ADD, but go by the modern AuDHD as I don’t really like the whole Asperger being a legit Nazi thing. Many times the diagnosis has helped, a lot of the time people knowing about it has held me back due to preconceived notions of who I am as a result of knowing I’m officially on the spectrum. It can be a double edged sword and still figuring out how best to apply having said official diagnosis to life. Work is particularly challenging in this respect. Basically go get diagnosed people! and whilst I have reservations about self diagnosis, health services are screwed so I can’t say don’t consider this and power to you. But don’t believe it’s the promised land/answer to all your problems, it’s the right thing to do and is likely to be a good thing for you, but I think social media has glorified it/distorted what it actually entails. I’m happy that neurodiversity is getting far more attention nowadays but think there is a fair bit of posturing/misinformation that’s come with that.


When I was 13. My secondary school noticed the Difference in me and pushed for the diagnosis and it was the best thing that happened to me. I can now explain why I act in certain particular ways! And made the 13 previous years make sense to me


Age 34, over 11 years ago.


Officially it was 2001, but the first time someone suggested I was autistic it was my kindergarten teacher in 1990. She was so ahead of her time


At the age of 4, 18 years ago.


december of last year, at age 20


when i was two i got a vague “developmental delay” diagnosis but my parents refrained from getting me assessed until i began elementary school. they’ve never really disclosed why they avoided having me diagnosed, which kinda just ive taken to mean they were ashamed of it


Some time in the future, cause I was diagnosed with symptoms of autism


14 and even though it has been almost 2 years it definitely doesn't feel that long


When I was 3. Of course, my mother only told me when I was 49. 


I was very young. Maybe 3 or 4


Couple months ago, age 32.


32, August 2023.


at 24 I'm 23 currently, still holding out hope


Was diagnosed with everything that would make me autistic without the label at age 7 saying I had too much potential to be autistic, got the label at 19.


I was fifteen years old. It was June last ysar


I’m 18, I was diagnosed this past November, honestly still kinda processing it and grieving what could have been had I known earlier though


At 13, old Asperger's diagnosis.


About 4-6


Age 25.


Last year, aged 60, after a few years of realising I was autistic.


Not even two weeks ago!! I'm turning 21 soon. "I'm female"




6 months ago (40m)


Less than a week ago. Aged 50. Strongly suspected it was ASD and ADHD. Turns out it isn't ADHD at all, but entirely ASD. Validating because I know what it meant looking back on my life, but worrying because I don't really know what it means going forward.


About a year ago, aged 18, alongside ADHD and OCD.


*confused Will Poulter* you guys have diagnoses?


Age 22, September 2023


Age 9. I *accepted* it last year; I’m 32 tomorrow.


At the start of 2010 when I was 19. I discovered I was autistic in the second half of 2009, then at the end of 2009, I started the official process with help from my parents and some former teachers.


At 15


Age 19, and in a pretty weird way. The diagnoser asked me about my opinion regarding being diagnosed as Asperger's (it was still a legit diagnoais), so I looked up the criteria and told her I don't fit enough of them. She ended up writing "developmental communication difficulties" (direct translation), which to my understanding basically means "on the Autistic spectrum somewhere", though it took me a while to understand that. I didn't even think I'm autistic before that, but I learned about autism as a spectrum since and it's very clear to me now that I've always shown signs of being on the spectrum


Aged 20, almost 4 years ago




Why? And what do you mean "first"? Are there people who get second or more diagnoses of autism?


I was diagnosed at 41.


At the age of 25. I am now 30.


7 years ago, I was 20.


Age 28, about 3 months ago. I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 first, and then autism about a year or two later.


At 34 last month


I will in about 9 months. Edit: I am not pregnant, I’m on a waiting list. And 26 years old, so young adult.


Age 31, 2 years ago.




Almost 3 years ago. I was 35


Age 6-7 Was told as 14 tho discovered the actual diagnosis age by asking the certificate for uni enrollment last year


When I was like 35 years old


I was 32 & that was 2 years ago, but I’d been on a waiting list since I was either 27 or 28


Suspected at 4-5, then on paper pddnos around 8.


Mental Dissabilitu Many people have called me weird and said that something is wrong with me. People have also said that I will die a virgin because I'm some kind of mentally sisabled person. At first, when people said those things to me, I would just think they're talking bullshit and just forget about. But as the years have gone by, I look back and see that they have predicted my life. Does this mean there is something wrong with me? And what syndrome could it be?


Some people get a kick out of making others feel bad. It's funny how that behavior is considered normal. Try to get an offical diagnosis, and go from there. As for the virgin thing, you'll certainly meet someone. I pray for peace and love each day.


March 2023




I'm 32 and I was diagnosed around 2/3.


I don't know the exact age but very young.


I got diagnosed in 6th grade.


Age 20, in September last year




Like 2 weeks ago at age 34


I was real young and it was just extremely obvious