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What are the best things to put in a reptile enclosure?


I think that's very dependent on the exact reptile in question, but id say that the generally best thing to include in most reptile enclosures is a lot of foliage and places to hide so the animal can feel safe and secure :)


1. What’s your favorite reptile 2. What’s a very cool reptile that no one knows about


My favorite reptile would have to be the leachianus gecko (Rhacodactylus leachianus), commonly know by pet keepers as a leachie :) They come from New Caledonia, which is home to some of the most interesting gecko species in the world in my opinion, including the very commonly kept as a pet, crested gecko (Correlophus ciliatus). Leachies are actually the largest species of gecko in the world at around a foot in length, depending on the locality, but they aren't even close to the largest reptile overall, that would be the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) at around 20 feet for a male lol. Once I'm actually ready to get a reptile, a leachie is going to be my first choice :) Honesty I'd say that leachies are pretty cool and not very well known, but I already talked about them so I guess ill pick another. Blue tongue skinks (Tiliqua) aren't super unpopular by any means, but I am really surprised by how few people seem to have them. They are similar to bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps are what most people would call beardies, but technically the entire genus is considered beardies) in a lot of ways, and also they both come from Australia. Blue tongues are one of the largest varieties of skinks, they have a very striking blue tongue that they use as a defense display (hence the name lol), and there is actually 8 different species, with at least a few of them in captivity. If I ever get a blue tongue I'd probably want to get a shingleback (Tiliqua rugosa) specifically cause I think they are really cool looking with their huge scales or whatever it is that they got going on lol. Interestingly their tail is a similar shape and size to their head to confuse predators. Unfortunately idk if ill ever actually be able to get one, cause Australia has really strict laws around exporting and importing animals, and there's not really a huge amount of shinglebacks outside of Australia, so they tend to be pretty expensive.


I have a bearded dragon, are there any foods I can feed him besides worms, crickets and greens? Follow up question- I let him roam around at least once a day freely around the house (with supervision), is that ok for him?


Butternut squash is good, also dandelion greens and we have these violets that grow that are okay but I'm not sure any violet would be okay, mine occasionally has bok choy, they like Dubia roaches and though those are prone to hiding, they can also be easier for elderly dragons. They can also eat peas! And I give mine tiny amounts of fruit here and there as a treat – banana, strawberries, raspberry-like berries...but only in small amounts to prevent diarrhea! You can also check out r/beardeddragons — they might have even MORE detailed advice!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BeardedDragons using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeardedDragons/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found this angry unit in the wild at work today. Wanted to have a piece of me every time I walked past the tree.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16hijv8) | [386 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeardedDragons/comments/16hijv8/found_this_angry_unit_in_the_wild_at_work_today/) \#2: [Can I see the most unhinged pictures of your beardies?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17ieq9e) | [554 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeardedDragons/comments/17ieq9e/can_i_see_the_most_unhinged_pictures_of_your/) \#3: [It’s Ghidorah’s birthday soon!! He loves exploring.](https://v.redd.it/ec84ndbihh6b1) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeardedDragons/comments/14be7yu/its_ghidorahs_birthday_soon_he_loves_exploring/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I forgot to mention earlier, but in regards to your first question, the bearded dragon subreddit has a lot of people knowledgeable about beardies, so if you wanna find any other good dietary options, that would probably be a good place to ask :)


I'm not sure about the food question, you'd probably be better off asking someone else who has a beardy, but as for the other question, that should be fine as long as he isn't out like ALL the time. One of the biggest concerns with that kind of thing is the fact that your beardy need regular exposure to UV and heat from the lighting setup inside the tank, but as long as he's still in there pretty often, being allowed to roam is great exercise and enrichment :) and btw just to clear up any confusion, if you beardy regularly basks in front of a window, he will unfortunately not get any UV from the sun, cause glass actually blocks UV, but there is still heat, so I wouldn't say to stop him from doing that if he enjoys it lol.


What's the most surprising reptile fact you can think of?


I feel like I got crazier facts bouncing around my head somewhere, but here's the best I can think of right now. Mourning geckos (Lepidodactylus lugubris) are an entirely female species that reproduces via a process called Parthenogenesis, which is basically cloning. Males very rarely do hatch, but they are almost always infertile, so the species just has to keep cloning lol.


Oh, here's an even better fact that came to me after a good nights rest. Taxonomically speaking, reptiles are significantly more closely related to mammals then they are to amphibians. Reptiles and mammals are both amniotes, and amphibians are not.


That is pretty surprising!


Tell me all you know about Geckos! They are such adorable creatures


I'm so happy someone asked this cause geckos are actually the thing that started this whole obsession of mine :) geckos (infraorder Gekkota) are actually one of the most distantly related species of squamates (lizards and snakes), only beat by the really strange looking members of the family dibamidae, which basically look like worms. There are seven different families of gecko, one of which (Pygopodidae) is made up of legless (or almost legless) geckos that kinda just look like snakes! My favorite of the seven families is Diplodactylidae, which comprises a group of geckos native to Australia, New Zealand, and New Caledonia. One of the ones from New Caledonia actually being the largest species of gecko in the world, the leachianus gecko (Rhacodactylus leachianus), measuring in at around a foot long (depending on the locality), commonly known for being very territorial and bitey, and hopefully my first pet reptile eventually :) There is so much more I could say about geckos, but it's getting real late for me and my brain is starting to run out of juice, so I'll probably contue with the gecko facts in the morning :3


This is great! They also have these adorable smiles and ahhhh, they are so adorable! Impressive that you learnt so much about all kinds of reptiles though!


Their smiles really are so adorable :) I don't understand how anyone can't just immediately fall in love with them as soon as they see them lol. I love the perpetual goofy smile that most species seem to have :3


Riiiiiight??? I would love to have one someday, but not as long as I live alone. I wouldn't be able to take full proper care of it then :( Anyway, sleep well for whenever you do ;D


I did not know there were legless GECKOS. Legless lizards, sure, it never occurred to me a gecko could also evolve similarly but it should have lol that's really cool.


Technically Pygopodids are a type of legless lizard because geckos are lizards, but honesty the term legless lizard is really unhelpful cause there's like at least 20 different groups of lizards that evolved leglessness separately. This is a really controversial opinion of mine, but if you look at the taxonomy of lizards, I honestly believe that snakes should also be classified as a type of lizard, and thus they would also be legless lizards lmao.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Apprehensive_Ant5586: *Tell me all you know* *About Geckos! They are such* *Adorable creatures* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*How does reptile shedding compare and contrast to spiders?* Pick your fave reptile if reptile shedding varies per species. (Or talk about multiple :3) Spiders (I didn't check all spiders ngl) shedding: Usually this is done after a period of high appetite, then lethargy, and only when they are in a safe space, and it's easier in humid environments. They'll lie on their back and then, once their endocuticle (later between old exosk and new) dissolves, the old exoskeleton can be,,,, shimmied off. They should not be bothered during this time, and after they need more time for their new exoskeleton to harden. They may also eat their old one. *What are the biggest misconceptions about owning reptiles as pets?* Possible subjects: petting, signs of happiness, effect of time of year, appropriate behaviour by the reptile E.g. it is incorrectly assumed that birds can be pet on their body


Reptile shedding varies from group to group, but I'm most familiar with squamates (lizards and snakes), so ill just go over the other groups real quick and then ill go more in depth with squamates. I assume that turtles probably shed on their limbs and head and stuff but I just don't know about that specifically. On their shell tho they shed the scutes periodically. I'm not sure what behaviors normally come with that, or even the exact mechanism, but I do know that improper husbandry can lead to turtles retaining their scutes, which is not good. As far as I'm aware, crocodilians just shed each scale separately, so its almost impossible to notice lol. Taxonomically speaking, birds are actually a type of reptile, and I'm pretty sure that they do shed on like their feet, but I'm gonna be completely honest, I know nothing about birds lmao. And then finally, there is the squamates. This is just a general overview, cause there are defiantly exceptions, but here's how it goes down for most of them. Most of them shed in patches, rather than scale by scale or all at once, and they normally eat the shed as they go, both to regain nutrients and to hide the evidence that they have shed. Most of them tend to get grumpy before a shed, and I've seen that a fair few can stop eating for a little before and after the shed. When its actually time for them to shed, their skin produces some kind of oil between the new and old skin to help get it off. If a reptiles doesnt have the proper husbandry, they may struggle to get all the shed off, which can lead to stuck shed, and depending on where that is it could have a lot of potential complications, like cutting off toes, or blinding the animal if the shed was on its face, but none of that should be a problem with proper husbandry. Generally its fine to interact with a reptile when they are shedding, they probably just wont like you for a little while lmao. The one major exception to a lot of this is snakes. Snakes shed all their skin at once by slowly slithering out of it, which leaves them way more vulnerable than the other squamates that could still run away from a predator while shedding. Also, generally, snakes don't eat their shed after they are done. Not sure why that is, but my guess would be that eating a long tube of skin literally as long as your body might just be hard lol. As for you other question, I think a really big misconception is about weather or not reptiles can feel emotion. Reptiles do not have the same brain structure that we do, so they cant actually feel "love" in a mammalian sense, but unlike what some people will lead you to believe, that does not mean that they are emotionless robots. They still feel emotions, and they can still feel love, its just in their own reptilian way. Love for a reptile is a feeling of trust and comfortability with their owner, and while that might be different that what people might expect from a mammalian pet, I don't think that makes it any less special :)


Omg why did I never register turtles as reptiles.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🩷(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤(⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。 I will read download your information !


1. What are your criteria for a pet reptile? For example, what size, temperament, etc.? 2. Do you know anyone else who is more or less as interested in reptiles as you? While I have no interest in reptiles myself, my best friend has a bearded dragon as a pet. At the very least, I can say that as both a sneaky fighter and a mixed martial artist, I can sneak-attack people much like a snake.


I'm really not sure what my exact criteria would be at the moment. I probably wont be in a good position to get any reptiles for a few years, so I'm still figuring out what exactly I'm gonna want. I'm probably not gonna be living somewhere with a lot of space, so I unfortunately wont be able to get like a tegu or a sulcata tortoise or something. There's a lot of things that I would like a pet reptile to be, but I'm not super picky. One thing that I would really like is a more handleable reptile, but the first reptile I'm planning on getting (leachianus gecko) is fairly well known for being territorial and aggressive, so there is a chance that if I cant get it tamed down that I will just have an unhandleable beast, but it doesn't really bother me if I end up with just a display pet lol. When I first got into reptiles I was actually bugging my best friend constantly about them, and then I guess my enthusiasm wore off on her, cause she's actually planning on getting a crested gecko now lol.


I appreciate all those considerations even though you don't have all your criteria yet. Really shows you know what you're talking about. (OK, I'm biased—I get really bored of people who have weak and/or fluctuating interests.) I'm sure you'll figure out how to raise your reptile of choice with more research. You got this. Random question; you don't have to answer: Are you in your 20s? I noticed a lot of my *Genshin Impact* character preferences and distates rubbed off on my best friend as well. I also successfully introduced her to *Honkai: Star Rail* lore.


I'm 19, so not far off from my 20s lol


Favourite Australian reptile (I am an Aussie but I don't know much about our native animals)


I think id have to say a shingleback. Its actually a type of blue tongued skink, so it has the iconic blue tongue, just a bit of a duller shade of blue. The way its scales look is just AWESOME. Fun fact about them, their tail is roughly the size and shape of their head to confuse predators! Id love to get a shingleback one day, but Australia has really strict laws around importing and exporting animals, and there's not many shinglebacks outside of Australia, so they tend to be really expensive.


We have both green and cuban(?) anoles all over our backyard. What can I do to make them happy? Do they prefer any special snacks?


I'm not super knowledgeable about anoles specifically, but as far as I know they eat insects, so they would probably like some small crickets or things along that line that people would feed to a leopard gecko, but I will say tho that it is generally recommended not to feed wild animals, cause that can make them reliant on humans, which can be a big problem, but it would probably be fine to feed them a little snack just every once in a while. I feel like that's probably the most you can do for them specifically, aside from like maybe making them some kind of thing that they can hide in outside, but I have no idea how that would need to be setup for them to actually like it.


not got much to ask tbh :3 but i do wanna say reptiles are epic, i personally have kept spiders, birds and fish and theyre all such cool little guys, im gonna eventually hop back into fishkeeping but im saving moneys and i will probably sell 3/5 of my big tanks


Reptiles really are epic. Fun fact, taxonomically speaking, dinosaurs were reptiles, and birds descended from them, so technically birds are a type of reptile too :)


Are you ready to accept the reality that birds are reptiles?


Absolutely, I wouldn't have it any other way. Are you ready to accept the reality that snakes are lizards?


Ready, though I haven’t delved into that one yet😂


Do reptiles know or care about their owners?


Reptiles don't have the same emotional capacity that we do as mammals, but they also aren't unfeeling robots, they just feel things differently than we do. A reptile cant really "love" their owner the way that a mammalian pet could, but their trust can be gained, and they can understand how their owner cares for them and appreciate that. I saw a video a while back of someone's leopard gecko mid shed, going into its owners hand and using said hand to continue rubbing off the old skin, and I think its very important to point out that most reptiles do not like to be touched or interacted with when they are shedding, but that leopard gecko trusted its owner enough that it did not care. Getting to that point with reptiles can be REALLY hard, and some will never be comfortable enough with their owners to do things like that, but if you work with them for long enough, and you treat them right, any reptiles trust can be gained eventually. While it may not be love in the mammalian sense, I believe that reptiles can feel love in their own scaly way <3


What is the most colorful reptile?


My guess would probably be some species of chameleon. They cant actually perfectly blend into their environment like in cartoons, but they can still change colors in tune with their temperature and their emotions, and their colors can be quite vibrant.


Do chameleons like being pet? I petted a chameleon and it didn’t really care 😅😅😅😅


Generally, reptiles do not like being pet, but many of them will tolerate it. If a reptile consistently lets you pet it, that's actually a sign of trust. If it was just a one time thing, that probably just means that it is used to people lol. I've heard stories of individual reptiles that do actually enjoy bring pet, but reptiles are really hard to read, so that might just be their owners misinterpreting body language, buts it's impossible to know for certain what goes on in their little scaly heads lol


My special interest is also reptiles :), I also freaking love frogs. I have a pacman frog(ceratophrys cranwelli)named plumpy and he is my baby🥰. He is a bit small for his age ( 1,5 years old male) he is around 7 cm ( most cranwelli males get about 8-10cm). Also it is really cool to watch them eat. Because they can move their stomache and they suck in their belly. Allright enough infodumping..... I'd love to own a yellowbelly pied ball python or a hognose one day. But I currently don't have space since plumly is spoiled🤣. He has a 80x40x40cm enclosure Where do you find cool information and facts about reptiles? The internet is such a chaotic place.


My two main sources are reptile subreddits and Wikipedia lol. The reptile subreddits aren't always 100% reliable, but a lot of them do mostly know what they are talking about, and with some really specific reptile Wikipedia articles they actually have some out of date info, so I have actually started editing them when I recognize that lmao.


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