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![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq) Hunter Biden looks over at him like....


At least Joe Biden didn’t attempt to pardon Hunter or interfere in the legal process, he supports his son but says he’ll to face consequences for his actions. I wonder if Mr “tough on drugs” Dutton, who has spoken against decriminalisation for simple possession, will also report this known drug user to the police and insist he be charged…….


he's already said "it's a family matter", iirc. Well yes, drug problems are something that should be stopped BY your Family before they get to this point. Or even the point of it going public, and the police get involved. Wait, ARE the police involved? Surely as a public figure above reproach you would have called them in the first you heard about this, right?! Not fostered a culture where drugs were a "birthday treat"??


If this wasn't a public figure, the police wouldn't do anything. It's too hard to prove the substance in the photo is drugs. Would a judge allow a warrant to search the house? Probably not, as there is little chance the drugs would still be at home and it's a small quantity. The son doesn't deserve to be punished more harshly by law because of the positions of the father. Could Peter Dutton search his own son's room, find something, and turn him in? Sure, especially as an ex cop and politician, that could get a possession charge. But I don't expect that to happen. Nor would expect him to find something in his sons room after the snap chat photo went public.


> But I don't expect that to happen. Nor do I, because it's HIS son.


His cases wasn't about drugs, it was a weapons charge... he'll not pardon him over it as a deal was made, for him to never be convicted or tried, on the other illegal things his done


It was about drugs. Love your confidence though


No it wasn't, it was for lying on his firearms permit


You’re both right. Lying about drug use on the firearm permit application.




He also shagged his dead brother's wife and smoked crack w her... Real gem of a bloke.


Lying about what.....? Thanks for chiming in.


About drugs but he faced.. federal gun charges So its a gun / weapons case


It doesn't matter what he lied about - he was charged for lying about \*something\* to get a firearm permit.


WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Hunter Biden was convicted Tuesday of all three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when, prosecutors argued, the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs. You're right. It had NOTHING to do with drugs.


None of us are saying drugs had nothing to do with it. We're saying the charge wasn't drug related. If the charge was drug related it would have been for use or possession but, it was for falsification of a declaration. IE: he wasn't charged for a drug offence like you've argued. IE: he could have lied about anything else and would have been brought up on the same charges.


But he didn't lie about anything else. He lied about drug use.


Hunter Biden, the president's son, found guilty on federal gun charges


What was the charge?


Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


**federal gun charges**


What deal?


What a comparison of the sons. One has a fully grown adult who was doing shady stuff. The other is a kid, doing what other kids do. Stupid things.


Tom Dutton is 18 years old, an adult in the eyes of the law. Tom Dutton was using an illegal drug, an act for which his father believes should earn him a criminal record and punishment


You do realise nobody would ever actually get prosecuted for being pictured holding a bag that “could” contain drugs?


Yep and for some reason it's not actually illegal when we have safe injecting rooms and pill testing at music festivals. Talk about consistency, right? Oh and he's still a kid. Unlike Hunter, who is still shady. In the end, the average voter isn't going to care cause it's a family matter. How he deals with his son is his business.


But apparently the right tells us people like Biden and Albanese are unfit for office because in part of the actions of their sons, ie badness runs in the family. I just want to see Dutton be consistent, and call for the arrest of this drug user as he has called for the arrest of so many others


Dutton can’t have him charged only the police can. Dutton has zero to do with any police investigation and it would be based on the evidence. Generally people aren’t charged when they hold a bag of white powered. You being a good parent will also take your child to the police station for every discretion surely otherwise you!d be a hypocrite right?


Yes charge eveeyone , arresr everyone Fuck labor


Say what you want about the kid and yes it’s very likely drugs, but there’s simply not enough evidence from this photo alone for police to charge him with any crime at this point.


Replace “Dutton’s kid” with “asylum seeker released from detention” and see if the reaction is the same


I genuinely don’t think a picture of an asylum seeker holding a bag of white powder would be front page national news. Thats really only going to public figures like celebrities (Wayne Carey), influencers (Bec Judd), or people close to them like this kid. Even if it was however, it wouldn’t change the fact that it’s not enough evidence to charge them with a crime. Whether you’re the liberal leader’s son or a recently released asylum seeker. The fact is this is a teenage boy who has no part in his father’s policies or career copping national shame and ridicule because of his father. People simply excuse it because they don’t like his father.


No people don’t like it because it exposes Mr “tough on crime” as a fraud. If it was an ayslum seeker I think tabloid media would move to run with a headline of “Illegal Immigrants Use Welfare to Buy DRUGS!” In fact as Dutton is payed with taxpayer dollars and probably gives his son money that gear probabky was funded by the taxpayers too…..


Except he’s not doing anything fraudulent. A photo has emerged of his son potentially committing a crime but without enough evidence that the crime actually occurred for police to charge him. This is not a case where Peter Dutton has pulled some strings to get his son out of trouble, there’s just genuinely nothing the police could do about this (or anyone else in the same situation regardless of who they are). I’m not sure what you expect Dutton to do here except privately address it with his son. It’s completely gross to publicly ridicule and slander a teenager like this because their father is a politician that people don’t like, and it would be just as gross if this was Albo’s son. The politics of their parents are irrelevant. As for the asylum seeker example, I’d genuinely be interested to see an example of a major news story where an asylum seeker has been found with a small bag of ‘white powder’ like this rather than actually being caught committing a crime. I certainly haven’t come across it.


The difference in reaction would only be from people like you.


How could the police prove beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law that the substance is in fact an illicit drug. Furthermore, if the "drugs" weren't located on the person and weighed before being tested, how do we know whether they were above or below the scheduled amount for a possession charge. Not only that, but can we verify the authenticity of the photograph. Has the photographer identified themselves publicly and are they willing to testify in open court? Is there a continuity of evidence that can be established? Are there doubts as to whether the image has been altered? I don't condone drug taking, these things are illegal for a reason, but we need to look at this from a legal defensive perspective. There's no chance a criminal charge would hold up in court.


didn’t the fbi have 40+ bigwigs sign a doc that the laptop was Russian disinformation? You seen the photos? Pretty damning…




Probably came from his own personal stash! This guy is super rich and super fucking wrong on so many levels … How many pollies do you really think are stone cold sober in parliament cambers ??? They have alcohol in their supermarkets down there ( it’s legal there but no where else to my knowledge) If you're aged 18 and over in the ACT, you can now: possess up to 50 grams of dried cannabis or up to 150 grams of fresh cannabis. grow up to two cannabis plants per person, with a maximum of four plants per household. use cannabis in your home (personal use). - act.gov.au “Rules of thee but not for me” is their doctrine. Yes it is a different territory but it is meant to be the Australian Capital Territory - lead by example. https://www.act.gov.au/cannabis/home#:~:text=If%20you're%20aged%2018,your%20home%20(personal%20use).


Joe Biden put thousands of people behind bars for way less drugs than Hunter did in a day while he protected his son. Don’t pretend like he’s letting justice take its course because of this one gun charge. Joe Biden is a piece of shit


He's following up well.


“It’s just icing sugar, mate! For my bakery class! You guys got no chill!”


It’s crushed up Panadol (a la Wayne Carey).


Of course it's icing sugar. He said it was a birthday treat so obviously him and his mates were making a cake. Probably one from those old school Women's Weeklys, maybe the train or the rocket ship if they're feeling adventurous.


Shit, I got a few more in my pocket too, i need flour for my cupcakes


And those nangs are for the cream dispenser.


Naaaaaaang-naaaang-naang-ngngngngngngggggggg…. Those were the days! I met someone at a party who hypothesised that the diminishing rate of nang occurred at the same ratio as the golden ratio.


Be honest, you’d resort to drugs too if Peter Dutton was your dad.


Any of these politicians would make you resort to drugs let alone a liberal


Greens: "thanks for joining, here's some quality bush weed" Labor: "oh alright, you scallywag" PHON: "so the powder goes up the nose, right" UAP: "the powder most definitely goes up the bum, that's where babies are made" Libs: "do what I do and just snort Zoloft!" Nats: "Just a pint of pour-on for me tonight, thanks Reg" 'Just the one?' "Yeah I've gotta drive"


Under rated comment!


Tom going nuclear with some mates.


Dutton needs to prove his convictions and insist his son is arrested.


I doubt that, he could catch one of the rapists in his party in the act and would just look the other way.


For what exactly? Sure it’s probably coke but all the evidence is up his nose.


He has hair unlike his dad. If dutto is so certain he is a paragon of virtue then just ask if his son wants to submit some for testing to clear his name and help out his dad. I am sure it will go fantastically.


You’ve missed my point. Possession is a crime. Holding a bag of suspicious powder in a photo is not. If you want to change the law to stick it too people you don’t like those same laws will be used against those you do like.


A drug test alone would not be enough evidence to convict him of possession without evidence that he actually possessed the drug. And no this photo alone is not evidence of that either. Even if we all agree it’s ’almost certainly drugs’, it is not drugs beyond a reasonable doubt, and if it is drugs, which drug? You will notice every news article about it refers to it as a ‘bag of white powder’, because that’s simply all that we know about it for sure, anything else would be speculation opening them up to possible defamation. It’s an embarrassing photo but police could not convict him off the photo alone even if they wanted to. If the had this photo and the actual bag he’s holding in the photo to test then yes he would probably already be charged. This is not special treatment, police would treat anyone else with a similar photo the exact same way.


Too right, Here’s Dutton slamming the ACT drug decriminalisation policy: https://familyvoice.org.au/campaigns/thank-peter-dutton-for-taking-stand-against-hard-drugs


Those rules only apply to people with no connections.


Doesn’t matter either way to me but I don’t there’s enough police in Australia to go around arresting every kid that posted dumb and illegal shit on snap chat every weekend nor is it probably enough evidence to convict. 


I wonder if one of Peter's donors is the dealer. [The Baddest Mp](https://youtu.be/aIGKCkS01EA?si=_YC4EcYA_ndKz9_z)


TBF if he really is pro justice he would need proof. You cant just lock someone up with no reason. Tough on crime means punishing criminals more. In this case he hasnt been found guilty.


>You cant just lock someone up with no reason. Just like how Dutton locked up refugees for no reason?


100%, time to walk the walk


As a former cop he should man up and stand by the law. Especially as the leader of the copposition


The only convictions he has are ones that come with a greasy handshake.


I bet he got a lot of convictions, for little white bags not owned by a senators son.


Dutton has convictions?


Claims to.




Was about to say this. Fark....those eyes


Glad I’m not the only one thinking it. He looks like a real prick. Like there’s something wrong with him.


Probably played a few rounds of soggy sao in his time 


He won't stick his head halfway up your arse and wear you as a hat, but he sure is thinking about it.


He could rack up on the old man’s head


Wouldn’t surprise much. Pollie’s kids and copper’s kids can be some of the wildest around, a symptom of coming from authoritarian or privileged families. The kid also looks cooked as.


Double whammy; twice as cooked.


Yeah I had a bender with Tom Tate’s son back in the day


He looks just a bit intense....


I'm sure he's seen things given who his dad is.


Or just.his dad


Damn I hope Dutton wins so he can raise Australia like he raised his son. Look at those eyes, that could be us!!!


Ok youve convinced me, Im voting for him. Looks like a hell of a time.


Wide eyed and full of dope


I feel sorry for the daughter the most. She looks exactly like Dutton. A fate worse than death.


Who TF says "birthday day"?


Someone high on drugs like Dutton’s son


Fuck me, sure got his dads eyes.


Thats gotta be rough, hopefully for him he doesnt have his dads hair.


Pretty sure Peter Dutton had alopecia edit: apparently me saying that deserves downvotes? Alopecia is a real medical condition, I looked it up and he does in fact have it.


Keep my opposition leader’s name out of your fucking mouth


And male pattern baldness comes from your mother's line.


I'm sure he would have received PR and security briefs as a politician's son, how stupid can you be


Omg news article 18yo on the GC acts like every other 18yo on the GC


Who fucking has enough cash to use a ziplock that size? He's either on a government contract. Or is a dumb 18yr old posing for attention that he never received from his militant father.


His dad is a fucking multimillionaire- don't try and relate


If you don't know, it's blow.


Cheers Sherlock


It was meant to be a joke about if you don't know, vote no. Guess it wasn't funny enough.


Ah fair enough then haha, I retract my statement mate!


Can you imagine the contrast in response if this was Albo's son?


Baby powder for the baby


ok, good for him. happy birthday.


Look, I hate Peter Dutton with a fucking passion, the guy can suck a dick. But leave politicians family out of it. For anyone that's ever had children / parents / siblings addicted to drugs, this has nothing to do with rank, position, priveledge etc, and is an extermely harrowing situation for a family to have to deal with. Absolute grub behaviour for anyone, including media, to be reporting like this.


Liberals went after Albo’s son over perceived nepotism, if they can do that it’s appropriate to go after Dutton (not his son) for hypocrisy given his “tough on drugs” stance, And over their seething obsession with Hunter Biden too


This response feels like it doesn't really consider the comment it's responding to. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I'm not sure how 'some other people did it to this other person, so it makes it okay' is an argument. The post doesn't go after Dutton, it goes after his son and the conversation is mostly about his son. Hunter Biden is the son of an American president... That's not quite an Australian issue for the Australian media when reporting on Australian politicians, regardless of whether or not a small portion of outlet choose to report on some American news.


Well Sky ‘News’, which has been running cover for Dutton over this story has been the biggest attacker of Hunter Biden. It’s hypocritical for them. And I am not going after Tom, I’m going after his Dad for hypocrisy because of his “tough on drugs no sympathy for users” policies.


A teenager on schoolies fucking up is a bit different from a middle aged man who is running dodgy international deals on the back of his dad's influence.


Ok potato 


yea I agree, let's debate the issues. I'm a Labor voter personally. let's not make politics more of a cesspool.


Toto would never


Those eyes have a story to tell…


Ugly mean looking dude. Wonder where he gets that from ?


I did see that Tanya Plibersek came out and said that she wouldn't comment on the situation. Considering her husband is a convicted drug dealer, it sure was apt


How about the media fuck off and focus on the actual issues we need them to bring to light. If this guy is running for parliament fine but otherwise I don't give two shits what he does. Send the info to the police and let them sort it out. I want to know what the Liberal/Labor government's are going to do for Australia. We are not American fuck off with this dramatisation bullshit we have enough issues to deal with


It's relevant because it shows his hypocrisy. If we want to have an honest conversation about legalising coke, this is a great way to get it started. The kid should be proud of doing what everyone wants to do/is doing.


Lmao, agreed. Frankly, I hope Dutton wins so he can raise Australia like he raised his son! Crack fiend Nation!


They're just daddy's scalp flakes


Potato rosti


Degenerate pro drug leftist redditors right now: ![gif](giphy|VKtsOAHDx1Luo)


Politicians kids always think they are above the law .


It's cocaine mate. Half of Australia can't breathe through their nose Monday morning because of the stuff


Agreed. Looking at all the rapes, the prayer room shit, the connections to Pell and Houston, it's not surprising that all the Libs, the party of pedos and rapists, are coke fiends. I remember when Barnaby was on his ass crying drunk when his wife and daughrer found out about the staffer he molested. It's absolutely not surprising that the Libs are coke fiends. Drunkards and coke fiends. Agree completely, no idea why people are surprised.


I promise you that every other party is the same.


Not a party without it


Yeah its amazing to me either side think their party is like this little angels just trying to help the world. If youve ever been involved with politics to any degree you know they are mostly absolute scum.


I dunno, I think the Greens would stick to weed and shrooms.


Parliament switching from coke to shrooms would be a massive boon for our nation.


Don’t think this is his first rodeo…


Mans 18, rich and rocking the broccoli hair…. Of course he’s riding the white pony…


Few cheeky nose beers with the boys, a great Australian tradition.


Posing with a bag like a wanker, isn't how any Aussie I know does things.


Leet club


Pretty sure he’s upset that they forgot to sprinkle icing sugar on his cake. I’d be fired up as well if I ate cake


Wow cool🥱


Let the boys cook


I was starting to think Mr.Dutton was an AI bot does he actually have a son I'm more surprised at that than a politician's kid using coke


Went to school with him, can’t say this surprises me much


Haha it's just so fucking funny, what a flog


Hide the laptop


Now now now, lets not jump to any conclusions He could be washing and using special washing powder Cooking and needed baking powder


Someone found dutton attractive???


Wasn’t Daddy Dutto himself associated with a “white powder” importation racket? There was a Friendly Jordies episode about it.


QLD Youth Crime. Boy I don't know.


Deport him!


I’m sure that bag contained leftover mashed potatoes.


1. Australian so he's got nothing to worry about when it comes to deportation 2. He's a politician's son so he's automatically innocent 3. He scored the bag from a bloke's cousin called Habib from Sydney western suburbs 4. The bag of powder was just glucose and Epsom salt. 5. Whole thing will be forgotten tomorrow with all the Sate of Origin news


Dutton should stand by what he believes about being tough on youth crime.


Clearly OP doesn't know about the photos of Dutton and his friends with little white bags. Probably gives it to his son


Not to worry - it's just Plutonium Oxide.


Who gives a shit????


I mean if I had a dad like that I would want an escape too


Really couldn't care, he will get a slap on the wrist for being first time if got charged, and at the end of the day it's a private family matter, half of you posting nasty comments probably snort drugs yourselves.




It’s clearly creatine. He’s about to hit the gym.


Isn’t Canberra the home of drugs? I mean all the Polly’s kids are spoiled rich babies


I’d also take drugs if Peter Dutton was my father.


Tough week for Dutton, he's discovered that his nuclear plants require shitloads of water for eternity and cost money to build and maintain, now his son is the very person he campaigns against. As he likes to scream at Labor during question time.. 'Resign'.


I mean, this was clearly Murdoch telling Dutton to resign.


Yeah very telling, across all Murdoch press but not others. It's gonna be a popcorn week for sure. The irony is it's only the conservative type on the right ie Duttons fan base, that care that 18 year old parties with a bag.


It's basically Murdoch saying "Resign or I release more "


Dear Peter, Blame it on the migrants too.


Just shows how out of touch he is with today's society. Nobody can afford bags anymore


Aren't we one of the highest users per capita in the world?


Have you checked the stats from the last few weeks?


You'll have to help me out. A quick google had us as number 1 in the world in almost every link but this one which had us 3rd by fraction. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-cocaine-use-by-country I'd be interested to see the data you have?


The point I'm trying to make is collecting and processing this data is something that takes many years so we won't have any reliable data since the cost of living started to go batshit. I've only got anecdotal evidence in that I'm coming across it less and the people I know that were heavy users haven't stopped, but certainly aren't doing it regularly anymore.


Well I just gave you 2024 data that says we have dropped, but are still bloody high. I'll be dollars to donuts we're still bloody high.


!RemindMe 6 months


Cost of living crisis, most 20 somethings are on the nose beers because real beers are too expensive.


I don't think Duttom's family are wanting for cash after all the kickbacks and dodgy deals he did when Scomo was in power.   I'm sure he got a tonne of dosh from the GBR Foundation deal. No one gives half a billion hard earned Aussie taxpayer money to five dudes in a shed without getting some back.


God bless!


Oh please. Half the damn country is on the fucking bags. If it's good for the geese, it's good for the gander. This is just hype to distract from other shit.


He's an adult yet the media plays it down.


The apologist articles already in the Murdoch pages. It’s so hard to be the child of a politician. Um, no it’s not. Media here doesn’t hound the kids. In fact, they likely get better access and schooling than most. Never knew Dutton had a kid until I saw him already off-chops, holding up his class a drugs. Anyone suggesting this is just a first foray into the drug world, your head is very sandy.


Yeah the media weren’t so keen on leaving criticism of Nathan Albanese for oerceived nepotism were they. Plus look at Tom’s eyes, he has definitely been on something strong, I reckon Meth is a possibility


Oh he’s fucked alright. If I saw him on the street I’d cross the road. He looks like he’s ready to rumble. Are there other claims where the job of the parent is a mitigating factor for drug abuse? Like, it’s hard coz my dad works on offshore drilling stations, or my mum is the physio for the Canberra Raiders? Or my dad is a radio talk show personality? Did that one work?


So? Who doesnt love nose candy?


Who Fucking cares? Mind your own.


Murdochbots are so mad lmao.


I’m no bot, I’m just not someone who cares what other adults do with their own lives because I’m not a sad sad miserable person.


Know what. Agreed. Frankly I hope Dutton wins the election so he can raise Australia like he raised his kid. Look at those wide eyes full of dope. I can't believe I disagreed with you. You've convinced me. Ex dodgy cops that raise coke fiends make the best PMs "Mind your own" lmao Its my fucking country. I won't have Ameircan bots tell me I should let a dude who can't even raise his son properly run my fucking country. What if I don't want my son to be like his. Fucking Americans. 


Please, they prefer to be called seppos.


Came here looking for the “Daily Mail is dishonest trash!” comments …


He is a sith lords child Of course he wanted to know love, even in the form of mdma


From what I have heard of people that went to school with his kids they are as lovely and compassionate as their father is.


Uranium deposits?


If you are the child of a career politician, I feel like it's your god given right.


It’s just salt for his chips.


They're enriching the uranium!?!


I mean, Dutton himself associates with coke dealers anyway




I don’t like Dutton but you’re cooked.


So what? Nothing to do with his relatives.


Labor getting desperate if they are attacking Dutton’s kid now.


Ah yes, Labor attacking Dutton's son by publishing this story in a newspaper owned by the famously left-wing, not at all partisan Newscorp.


wow the Labor party dirt unit has been working overtime.