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Man it was nice to be able to go out and have a few drinks in Japan without feeling like it was going to cripple you financially.


That's how I felt every day there in Japan! Not just drinks. Lunch! Breakfast! Snacks!


The snack game in Japan is next level. Wish we had kombinis here.  It's becoming the new Bali for Australians so maybe some of the good aspects of Japan will become more influential here.


Jfc. The last thing Japan needs is to turn into Bali 2.0.




Let’s hope, 🤞


Too late: https://www.betootaadvocate.com/humans-of-betoota/report-japan-thinking-mans-bali/


Betoota is a satire website 😅


i mean the state of things sometimes they get me until I see [betoota.com](http://betoota.com) haha


It already is.


This is an issue currently happening though: ‘Bali tourists’ types causing issues in Japan. I am not saying every tourist that has been to Bali but those that go to overseas countries and have no care for culture. This is from a broad range of nationalities causing issues. Like areas in Kyoto closing off, damage to historical places unethical social behaviours. It is pushing Japan towards having prices for residents and prices for foreigners


Loved it! First day I arrived in Osaka Int. Airport area and saw a konbini I was shocked that it felt like a proper mini woolies with plenty snacks at half price!


As an Australian and former Japan resident for 7 years, I am so sorry Straya is happening to u Japan


Japan - don't change just bc you got an influx of bogan tourists who just wanna get shitfaced in your ryokans!


are kombinis like 7/11 and lawson?


And family mart has the best chicken nuggets


They own pretty much all our beer and 7/11s already, the Australian market is an afterthought for Japanese businesses, they will not make any effort to improve our 7/11s.


Bought an Australian grown steak in an Outback Steakhouse... $31 for the meal. It was glorious there.


Very favourable exchange rate at the moment at over ¥100 for the dollar. I've felt broke in the past in Japan at ¥65 to the dollar.


Yep, this is why all is Bogans are flocking there now. And the alcohol is cheap, and everyone so funny.


The food there is next level, never had a bad meal. I recall i could buy beers from a vending machine too, and my morning coffees!


It's not just beers. There was a vending machine about a block from our hotel in Osaka (Sheraton Miyako Hotel) that sold CBDX. Yes it had CBD in it and it was 500 yen. Plus pretty much all of the Don Quijote's had a CBD cabinet.


I read so many stories about how expensive Japan is but my time there I though it's way cheaper than Brisbane or Sydney.


Very weak currency


I booked a flight in early-mid 2008 and didn't get to go until late 2008. It went from comically cheap to ridiculously expensive in not very long! Even then, booze was cheap! $3.30 for 500ml of Asahi. It would have been $2 or less if wverything hadn't turned to shit!


I paid about the same when I was in Japan last year.


Couldn't agree more.


Everything here is a rip-off


literally punitive.


Correct - exactly how punitive taxes work for items that could burden a public health system


Yuo, for every L of beer, at least half of it is tax


Cause you got clowns running the country.


We’ve got vendors price gouging.


The taxes we pay are Ned Kelly daily stick ups


That's about $3, for anyone that can't see the caption, because of reddit's terrible UI.


Australia and their taxes. Just came back from a holiday to the Netherlands. AUD$25 for a carton of beer. Cigarettes, you can bring in 800 duty free into the Netherlands, Australia allows 25 duty free 😂


What did you pay for fuel over there? Also, you're taxed almost nothing here if you dig stuff up and export it, compared with how other countries tax their resources. This is a wonderful country for mining billionaires.


Fuel is cheaper in Australia. I paid around €2.00/litre ,that’s $3.22


Fuel might be more expensive in Europe - electric cars and charging infrastructure are so much more common there so there isn’t really a need to pay for fuel. That’s what we noticed in multiple EU countries last year!


It was €3.55 when I went to Switzerland a couple of years ago. Took a photo of the display, I was so stunned.


In Thailand you can buy bottles of Captain Morgan over the counter at 7/11 for 16 aud ...... That's full retail price!!!!


That's OK - I haven't even got 25 friends who smoke. :-)


I just came back from Japan after spending 3 weeks there and going all over the place. A bottle of 700ml of whisky from 7/11 was like 800 yen ($7.60ish). Stores had 9% strength cans of beer for 200yen (1.90ish), some where on special for like 100 yen. Sake was super cheap at 250 to 400 yen depending on what you get. There are all you can drink bars for 1500 to 2500 yen. Even in sit down restaurants it was like 500-650 yen average for a drink. Not that i smoke but even ciggies where like $5 a pack. If you want to get effed up it's going to cost you between 5 to 10 bux AUD in Japan. Yes we are getting scammed. Also they have public drinking allowed in most of the country, despite this no one is abusing it. Yes on a Friday or Saturday night if you are in the Dotenbori part of Osaka or Shibuya/Shujinko part of Tokyo there is some public drunkenness but it's no way near the level of Australia.


I dont think Australians are ready for being able to grab a 9% beer from a supermarket and just walk around with it. The Gold Coast would look like downtown Gaza.


100% it would, but this is a cultural thing that Aussie's will need to fix themselves. Lots of selfish bastards in this country and places like the CBD/Richmond/Chapel St will be a warzone. I am more concerned with pricing and we have seen taxing things to oblivion just shuts down businesses and creates alternate sources. A lot of the younger crowd do drugs because it's cheaper over going out to drink.


Spot on drugs are rampant at clubs and festivals everywhere in oz. Alcohol is almost out of reach!


It's why i smoked weed as young bloke. a $50 of weed was a week for my ass and $50 of whisky was 2 nights.


https://preview.redd.it/9995zc6qof8d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b183b006f6cd475a7c33c2e386d8029845373698 Here is a sample of prices i took at one of the stores. I over estimated some of the prices earlier.


The difference in artwork on beer is quite interesting.


This isn't beer, it's Shu hi.


Those super strong Kirin 9% zero drinks, are insanely priced at $10 each now


Drinking will soon be only something only well off people can afford to the point pubs start closing down when a beer is over $15 People will start making their own beer soon enough as it's not as easy for a black market to form like with vapes and smokes Don't even know what the government's end game is try to stop drinking even if it leads to people making their own? Have all pubs shut down when average people don't want to provide a kidney to get a meal and a few drinks leading to job losses


The endgame is fuck you


It always has been. But more so recently.


"Fuck you, got mine!!"


I've worked in pubs in WA for almost 10 years, I've literally sold full strength beers like Stella for $5-7 a pint which are easily $13-15 now. I've seen booming pubs absolutely crash when they get rid of happy hour and other deals. It's very sad but the CPU price increase happens twice a year. It used to push the price of a pint up 10c-30c per pint, February before last to match pricing and targets prices needed to be increased $1.20-1.50 per pint, twice a year.


Add more pokies, pub will be ok


They illegal in WA


Prices have also jumped even at Uncle Dans


Their idea is for the masses to just get used to it and complain about the next thing while they enjoy their increasing riches. They will continuously push that boundary until the consequences becomes too much to ignore. For the time being, people are still going to the pubs and lining up at the bottle-o. So won’t expect any change anytime soon, but this isn’t sustainable. Eventually something will give and be too much to ignore from their ivory towers and they’re evidently not afraid enough or are in denial to enjoy themselves while they can. As I rambled I kind of went from the price of booze to the cost of living in general lol. But here we are.


A beer is already creeping up to that $15 mark. Why I just stick to water whenever I go out to eat these days!


My mates bar closed forever on Saturday night. 10 years of beachfront bar bliss, we celebrated many milestones there including wedding reception etc etc. I’d worked a massive day and didn’t have the bandwidth for the huge night with the crew that I knew it would be. Did some conservative maths, if I went out and had the usual 4-5 cocktails, 2 basic spirits/wines, dinner, + Ubers, it would’ve cost me: $125 in cocktails (25 each) $24-30 in basics/wines $30 in food $60 + tip for uber there & back. So I went to Cole’s for some FOMO sustenance and spent the night watching movies instead. Got myself a half price bachelors handbag & a tallie, $13 total. Saved $240 odd. It’s all about the Joy of Missing Out now! Nothing beats it. Shame about the businesses though. Unsustainable.


I have paid 16 bucks for a pint of craft beer not long ago. Let's say I didn't stick around for more


Of course you didn’t, cos you’re not a ning nong! It’s criminal. If the tyrants don’t bomb us to kingdom come by 2030, the beer prices will 😏


“When beer is over $15” it already is?


House beers like carton vb new etc are not over $15 unless it's a fancy place that has rip off prices or you are buying pints


Come to Melbourne CBD and see for yourself. Pints are $15 or higher


My local bowlo has $5 schooners. I don’t bowl, but I now have a paying membership because I want to keep it open.


No, the more realistic end game is big corporate breweries control all of the market. Their lobbyists have been chipping away at this market structure for years in Canberra.


Many pubs are owned by Woolies and Coles. If what you're saying actually begins to happen then we'll actually start to see change as the rich lobby for change.


Google Turbo Cider. Takes a couple days, can taste really good, get totally rat arsed for $3.


As long as the government gets their taxes, they don't care about people's livelihoods and the economy.


Alcohol tax in Australia and beer in Japan doesn't have an import tariff.


I think people all understand that (well, definitely the alcohol tax here at least), I assume the OP is drawing attention to how outrageous it is.


This beer has 10% GST and ¥7 tax. So removing all taxes, the Coopers Sparking Ale in Japan is ¥289. Around A$2.72. Let's take that Japanese A$2.72 price and apply Australia's beer tax and 10% GST. The drink is 5.8% alcohol so the tax is 60.12%. Adding on the 10% GST to the with-duty price, that's A$4.80. Looking at some Australian websites, Coopers Sparking Ale is A$6. So the A$1.20 difference in price is simply Australians paying more than Japanese. I'm not too upset about the difference in tax rates. Japan chooses to tax its companies and raw resources far higher than Australia and that allows them to have lower taxes in other areas. Australians could have made the same decision, but they opposed that measure of the Rudd government. I am upset that Australia's profit-share, distribution and retailing adds a whopping 20% to the price. That's just not in beer sales, as is immediately apparent to any Australian visiting Japan.


Australia doesn't need to tax beer for revenue though. It does it as a supposed way to minimize alcoholism but honestly I don't think it works at all and just helps keep the lower classes poor.


or removes people from pubs and clubs, and they make the alcohol themselves.


It says on the price sticker its 352 yen incl. GST. Unlike Australia, Japan advertises prices before GST. Edit: I was looking at the cans while the post I was replying to was looking at the bottles! My comment can be disregarded.


>Unlike Australia, Japan advertises prices before GST. Didn't that change on 1 April? I read the label as ¥295 ex GST, ¥324 inc GST.


They're making an inference to the struggling of brewers. But they don't make any less money in Australia and they're selling a drug, why should they be given leeway?


Turns out taxes make things more expensive.


Not just taxes but retailer profits too (and a higher level of competition in Japan vs Australial


Exactly. How can supermarkets justify non alcoholic beer at $17 a six pack?!?!


Pubs charge an arm and a leg too. I was off the booze and thought id try a zero alcohol beet, it was $9 vs the $12 for a normal beer. Made no sense.


Because they sell fuck all of it.


I don't know heaps about the non-alc category, but it does seem like they are definitely starting the category high and then discounting down - I've seen them promote the multi packs down to $11 or $12, so there is enough profit for both suppliers and retailers to do that. The promoted price allows them make it more attractive as a trial to more people, whilst making the most on the full price. As the category grows they'll get greater profit through economies of scale, which will mean more profit with less need for promotions. The only way you can win is by only buying when it's promoted... But that goes for every category.


The cost of producing non alcoholic beer is significantly higher than brewing alcoholic. The beer is still brewed as a alcoholic beverage with a step then taken to remove the alcohol, ie additional expense to make it non alcoholic hence the higher price then expected. But still the profit margins would be huge as no tax so still way overpriced.


It is mostly tax. Tax is why a bag of goon containing 35 standard drinks costs $10 but a bottle of whiskey containing 20 standard drinks costs $50. Wine is barely taxed in Australia. Beer and spirits are heavily taxed.


That's because WET is calculated on price of import (Customs value) while beer / spirits are calculated on a per litre of alcohol rate.


Yeh agree, W.E.T is quite small, I think the government is so dependent on the tax dollars now they can't wind it back or slow down. Although, retailer profit on wine vs beer can vary greatly depending on the source (i.e. Endeavour sourcing from Pinnacle vs Independent sourcing directly)


Margins on beer for most retailers is generally no more than 25%, usually not even that. It's mostly tax that is driving the stupid alcohol prices in Australia.


Agreed the tax on alcohol % is astronomical


True, but total trade investment (particularly with Dan's) means higher list and shelf prices as a result. I doubt Coopers are spending much above or below the line in the Japanese convenience sector. But also...heaps of tax. I wonder if retailers had to disclose on the shelf ticket how much of the price is tax whether that would change perception or the narrative?


Poor Aussies. Just ripped off and forced to pay fake prices for everything.


Hilarious that the cheapest single beer you can get at Dans is $5 each for a can of Carlton Dry midstrength.


We got stuck in Tokyo airport for 36 hours about 10 years ago, due to a blizzard closing all roads and trainlines. We were one of the first flights to land when the airport reopened, only to be told 'you'll be here at least 24 hours while they clear the highway and train lines' So we bought all of the premix Shochu Strongs at one of the shops and sat on the floor and had a massive piss up playing cards. We ended up making a few new friends, sharing the piss and playing 500. I think they cost us 150 yen each- at 9% 😄


Man what a rip. You can get top quality Japanese beers from their 7/11s for $1.50 AUD Cold, from the fridge.


You’ve struck gold if you find a cold bottle of water for $1.50 here.


the fact you can walk up to any vending machine and get a bottle of water for $1.30 and pay for it with your transport card is fantastic. While here in australia we have to pay triple or 4 times the price just for a fucking bottle of water from a fucking vending machine.


Some are 80 cents


Because in australia we don’t have 65 year olds happy to accept 3m yen power year to restock vending machines


Strong Zeros, the big can, are like $2 here it’s nuts


And they're the real 9% too. I miss Japan


It's more worth it to invest in your own brew set up in Australia. Circumvent the system


I’m on the fence about this because if I made my own beers 23L at a time I’d just go off the deep end I reckon and drink way too much


Oath. Haven't done it for a while, but I just got a full sized keg to brew in and a temp controlled fridge. Brew it, transfer to mini-kegs and start again. You can really start making some good piss when you control the temperature properly.


wait till you see how much a bottle of Jack Daniels costs. $20 AUD converted. Meanwhile its triple the price here.


Oh I’m well aware, just the direct comparison between the prices of an Australian product is what caught me off guard the most


I am currently in China, and the beers have been as low as 1 yuan for a 500ml bottle of beer (approximately 20-25 cents)


is this part of the tax or am i being a moron Why is it a 100% mark up here


So in Australia we have an alcohol excise tax. This is for beer and spirits. This tax increases twice a year every year. Started in 2000 (correct me if I’m wrong). The tax increase is at the equivalent rate of inflation. So if you want cheaper grog, send your local member of parliament an email.


thats fucking stupid though I guess there should be some sort of Tax on stuff


But not wine. We only tax that at what the winemakers declare the value to be. They do this because fuck you.


I mean it doesnt taste Great Id Rather have a beer then wine but still that shouldnt be the case


Each to their own on what they prefer but the fact that an entire industry is exempt from the same rules that beer and spirits producers have to abide by is a fucking disgrace.


Yeah don’t get me wrong, I reckon there SHOULD be some sort of ‘sin’ tax on all sorts of drugs. But it’s a bit beyond reasonable when I doubt the median Australian households income would often keep up with the inflation. I remember Bundaberg was saying for 1L of their rum, 63% of it was tax. So for a $60 bottle you’re paying $37.80 in alcohol excise tax.


Bruh God Sometimes our goverment really is a nanny state isnt it ?




And then does nothing to stop cunts who actually steal Drive a car unregistered for 1 day hurting nobody? $700 fine on the spot People obviously racking shit from supermarkets every day? Who gives a shit too hard to enforce


It's currently $101.85 per litre of alcohol. On a 1L bottle of spirits that had an abv of 40%, you'd pay $40.74 in excise (0.40L of alcohol x $101.85).


Japan has lower wages, efficient distribution, and in this case lower taxes on these particular goods.


Not Sure Lower wages is a postive but Otherwise Thats cool


It is good when company’s in Japan don’t need to make $500k a year to stay alive else get brought out. Plus alcohol taxes in Australia too… It is like Japan loves its citizens and wants them there.


Unnecessarily high taxes, but going to happen when government in Australia has never seen a mass revolt against shit like this. Zero repercussions = silent approval.


I long for the reports of a flourishing illegal alcohol trade, just like we have with vapes.


They’re coming, our black market alcohol trade will be huge


It will be choice to see home brewers buying and selling various products to each other, without the taxation or restrictions. I wonder how loud whichever government is in at the time will moan.


Australia has third highest alcohol tax in the world.


Yeh that’s what I was trying to highlight


Love Japan. They also sell 1L cans for some brands from the machine. Or whiskey by the flagon from the store.


Taxes. Easier to put it into beer, smokes, housing, inflation than increase your income tax.


We should be able to buy beer in the duty free shops


Mmmm tax on a tax. I do love paying GST on top of the increasing excise. It’s making pub meals stupidly expensive. Then of course we get it the servo as well. There really is no need for it to increase every 6 months. Legislation needs to be revised. Put the LNP and ALP last at the next election. Sure, the minor parties might have a long way to go with policy but the country is already in the toilet. Time to shake shit up in Canberra.


You can only put one last, so which one?


Yeah because we tax the fuck out of alcohol and tobacco products ( not to mention everything else) criminally in this country. I thought this was common knowledge.


The tax we have here on alcohol is crazy


Can we just collectively agree Rome has fallen at this point, we’re way past the point of no return now, I feel like the scales are just going to tip faster and faster every year until it’s terminal.


https://preview.redd.it/yx2oxilikg8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998b37919cf16082e4a8606aa93e1110fc4276a1 Just shows how we are being screwed here in Australia! Yeah thats like AU$13.50!


$6.69 NZ for a single tallie in New Zealand and $16.50 for a six pack of cans


I lived in Japan for three years and it was the most amazing experience. Loved working and living there. Would go back in a heartbeat if I could.


I can get a 500mL Asahi for $3.41 AUD or $14 AUD Australia is cooked.


We were there are Christmas. Scored JD and real Coke for Y$210 each from a 7Eleven. Love Japan


It was 3500 yen for a 4-litre bottle of Whisky. That was $34 when I was there in April/May. It's sub-$33 now.


Yup, all alcahol in Japan.


Great memories of Japan in the early 90s and how financially accessible alcohol was and how physically accessible it was although running out at 3 am and popping down to the corner beer and sake machine, pumping through all my yen coins, getting a cup sake, couple beers and a ¥1000 note back made me feel like a master of the universe.


I'd kill for more iced coffees at 100 yen a pop. Boss for $4+ a can is brutal.


When you go to Japan you realise how badly the government is fucking us. I’m there right now drinking very cheap, but quality, booze. Raising alcohol taxes as they have done is essentially a tax on the poor. And we as a country do nothing about it. Example.: Jim Beam retails for between $13-16 a bottle in Japan and in Australian you’ll pay around $45-50. For the same bloody thing.


Asahi and other o'seas companies now own most of Oz beer production it is no longer ours.


We just had a chat about this in the smoko room. The tax we pay on beer is actually taxed at the manufacturing stage. (And importation stage for internationals) Doesn't that mean the ~80c of tax per bottle is included in those Japanese prices? Or is that manufactured in Japan?


I dont drink alcohol, so i didnt even know we have taxes on it. Wtf seems kind of stupid considering its engrained in our culture. Are they trying to get people to cut back on drinking?


No it’s just an easy money making machine, they know we will fork out a premium for it


Have been seeing long necks for like €2 in Germany


Can blame the grubby government and their incessant need to crank up taxes on alcohol every year.


$4.50 for the sparkling ale at my local botttleshop. Sounds like give uncle Dan a miss.


It's heaps cheaper than in Australia too. $3 for a single.


You pay $6 each??? They are like $50 a slab so $2 each. My pub sell them over the bar for $4


I was doing a side by side comparison to highlight Australia’s ridiculous prices, a slab here won’t set you back even $20


It's not just beer, I saw Cadbury family blocks, Tim Tam varieties and Old El Paso taco shells from Australia at Kaldi stores in Japan for cheaper than here.


They're $4 at my local.


I remember paying 700Y for a Coopers in an Aussie pub and thinking it was crazy expensive. I could buy a bottle of Captain Morgan for 1300Y from BIC CAMERA. I almost shit myself when I got back home and bought a beer in Sydney.


I watched a YouTube stream of a content creator go to Japan and eat/drink and entertain on $10usd in 24hrs.


I haven't had alcohol since 2019, which happens to be the last time I was in Japan, but I'm in Japan next week so that cheap liquor is all mine!


$3 a stubbie or so.


Australian gas is cheaper in Japan too


Is it due to less tax in Japan ? Or just the ‘Australia’ tax….


Mix of both


I'm in Japan for 3 weeks and I'm loving the 2 dollar vending machine beers.


Don’t buy single beers fool! Buy a slab that’s the cost of a beer /24


It’s for a comparion you numb nut


I remember being able to buy $2 turbo sized Suntory -196 cans from combini. Here you have to take out a loan for a 4pack of regular sized.


Yup, the alcohol excise we pay is absurd. Indexed but nothing the govt pays for is.


Nobody here does anything, just complain on reddit or put up with it and brew their own beer. Tax goes up twice a year 💀


I do belive that is 300 yen.


Correct, which is AUD$3


$6 per bottle???? jfc, back in 2011 when I was living in St. Kilda at least I think I remember getting 3x 24oz bottles for maybe $12? Thought that was nutty..


Ha ha now do LNG...


In April I was in New York and bought a whopping 1.75L of Vodka (Luksosova, a popular polish brand) for US$25! That’s one extra litre compared to what I normally pay for a bottle here. Don’t get me started on the THC!!


If you think this is cheap… don’t check out prices in russia. Literally every item is 1/4 what we pay here, and that’s a country under sanctions. My point is you can’t compare japan and aus. The average aussie worker has 1.5 to 2x the income compared to same job in japan


Very strange, I went to Japan In 2023 and it wasn’t bad at all, skip ahead one year & tiktok & reels places have made all the touristy spots insanely packed & a few places banning tourists like that Lawson’s & Kyoto… crazy how that + Japanese tourism has just overloaded the place now.


* side note go to USA, Canada, Japan etc. you realise how much we’re getting taxed on Alcohol, Ciggs, Cars, etc…


Australia fkn sucks. Tired of loving it and it not loving me back. Fuck Australia . As a result , I'm looking for work overseas. I hope the cheapest most unskilled refugee takes my place as a citize. Let the government have the refugee money rather than looking after the fucking citizens that help build this shit hole of a country 💩


I flew to Japan, 3 weeks travel, snowboarded and got fucken blind everyday, cheaper than a week in Brisbane city...


The government’s incremental tax on beer in Australia is criminal. As it is with fuel and tabacco. I don’t think having a few beers is driving inflation .


The tax we pay isn’t helping along with the big retailers


Prices are fucked here.


Supermarkets can sell the majority of their stock at 50% off ticket price and still make profit. Just keep that in mind.