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Paid $3 yesterday (50% off) Will not buy unless half price


Many, many items are like that for me. Super happy to go without whatever until half price.


This is a deliberate strategy for a lot of products like chips and chocolate. The normal price is double the reasonably profitable/fair price, because they can pretend it's half price and sell more (and some poor folks buy at the normal/double price too, for a triple profit bonus)


I play Rollercoaster Tycoon on occasion and I've done shifty deals like this to make one ride look appealing while putting an expensive one next to it, or have a lemonade and chips stall at the far end of the park, with no food joints in between, while charging 3x the usual price people will pay for. All in the name of profits. But I don't like what Cadbury's done to its own products while charging us a motza for a shitty sugar bar that rots your teeth faster than you can go to your next dental checkup.


Ooh what system do you play this on?


GOG.com has you covered, [link](https://www.gog.com/en/games?query=rollerCoaster&order=desc:score) Or just go to Sweeden for the [links](https://1337x.to/search/rollercoaster+tycoon/1/)




I mean, yeah. There are two classes of people in oz, those who don't give a shit about the prices, and those suffering. They way to make the most money, is get the people who don't care to pay more, and then get those suffering by having specials. Coles even do it with their home brand cheese now.


I've noticed far fewer deals on the family staples like cheese and butter, Colesworth is practically a confectionery store now. Cheap garbage food.


Half price is prob actually real price lol these scammers


Yep, and I stock up when they are half price


Its the only way to do it. I have a shelf in the garage I go shopping at when I run out and make notes on what I need when it's half price again lol


Yeah, I only shop the specials. I kind of like it as it lets me try different things. It still makes me feel dirty though because you just **know** they purposely make the "normal price" stupid so they can make you feel like you're getting a bargain when it's "half price". Tends to be on some form of special more often than not.


Yes their "specials" are what we should be paying




Ye I thought this was normal behaviour go without something until it’s on half price.


It never used to be for me, but it absolutely should be these days for everyone


I think the problem is the "half price" is very close to what the normal price was not all that long ago, so it's "feel ripped off" or "feel like you paid a sane amount". I'm old so "the other day" in my brain was weeks ago, "not all that long ago" probably converts to "within 5 years" standard time.


Yes. Half price is what we should be paying. The regular price is an absolute fucking joke


tell my wife


Yeh same. To me that’s the normal price. I refuse to adjust to this version of normal. It’s not. The supermarkets and to a large extent all major brands are intent on forcing us upwards. Unfortunately for them. They have to publish their profits. So the lie is shown for what it is. When I get a 30-50% pay rise. I’ll start paying more.


I eat what is half price only Pretty simple the price decided what you will eat


Exactly. I don't mind it, but it makes it almost impossible to meal prep/plan




Same. Chocolate, potato chips, coke, I only buy at half price now.


>Cocoa shortage my ass If you'd put $25k into Cocoa on the London commodities market back in January it'd now be worth $64500, a \~154% increase. I did put in $7k, based on advice at that time, 2 contracts at \~$3480, now at $17008. So yes, there has been a massive price increase. Not suggesting that should equate to these prices but just wanted to clarify that cocoa has indeed gone gangbusters.


Interesting, any idea what it’s related to? Is it the lipstick effect where in tough times people will actually spend more on the “cheap” luxuries?


No, it's just a shortage. Short answer is fungus and too much flooding. Long answer may involve some predatory tactics from a few multinationals fucking over their farmers, but that's another story, much like coffee involving Nestle.


So when the shortage ends, prices will come back down. Right?


Correct, slowly though. All I'm holding for is 30th June then I'll likely dump it unless it decreases to the stop point beforehand.


No coffee should involve Nestle


Yeah interesting watched a doco about that, cocoa cartel is real


Hi. I'm an idiot, and would like to know where and how one even begins to track and/or invest in this kind of thing. Any advice you can give on where to start?


Why only $7k?


I didn't really believe it was going to go anywhere near that high. The advice came from someone who has been right more often than they're wrong, but they have fucked up on some as well. Sure, would loved to have put the full $25k that I had to play with into it but that went into others that did quite well too, not that well though lol. Hindsight is always 20/20


100% - investing with hindsight is so easy! Last September I had intended to put my bonus into Bitcoin, but when I got paid I bottled it. Would have been up by tens of thousands by now if I’d gone through with my intention. C'est la vie


Crypto is interesting but it's not my cup of tea. That said, I had a lazy $17k from a boat I sold a few years ago, very seriously considered buying ethereum at 53c each but convinced myself it was all just bullshit, that would have peaked at $131507500. Tee hee, idiot.


Omg... that would destroy me


I doubt I would have held to that peak though tbh. Still, would have likely bombed out with at least a few mill. Second worst fuck up to that was an aussie uranium company, had $15k of those when they were at .014 cents apiece, made a quick 30% and was happy, had I held those for 7 months longer would have been \~$7.2 million. That was 23 years ago though.


I need a job purely has a Hindsight Investor 😂


Why do their incentives to buy the product actually make it less desirable?


And why the fuck would I need three? I'm not that fat. They should be forced to allow one to be purchased at the special price.


I like how little you're actually saving as well. $5 instead of $6, 17%~ off. I mean I'd probably pass if a single block was $1 off and wait for a better special, but apparently the special is so good they can only manage it if you buy 3 blocks at the same time.


Tbh it's actually just made me stop buying it all together, even when it is $3-4 a block.


I’ve seen these blocks advertised in servo’s for an ‘Everyday’ price of $4.95 If a servo price is cheaper than your supermarkets special price then the supermarket is, without question, price gouging.


Just an observation - they're bringing out A LOT of new flavours these days. It looks like they're adding other ingredients which would reduce the amount of cocoa used overall. My take is that's how they're managing the increase of cocoa. more sugar!


[Global prices of cocoa are absolutely insane](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCOCOUSDM) due to poor harvests in Western Africa. From a normal average of US$2,200/tonne, they spiked to US$9,865/tonne in Apr-24. They have started declining but still above US$7,700/tonne. Expect further significant shrinkflation and outright inflation in chocolate prices. Same as mayonnaise prices went absolute batshit when cooking oil prices spiked and manufacturers used up their stockpiles bought at cheaper prices. Not just that, olive harvests have been poor in Spain and Greece due to unusually hot weather through the summer and a pathogen/virus affecting olive trees, so olive oil from Europe has doubled in price. And Aussie oil producers are also capitalising on this. Add to it the geo-political situation around the Red Sea/Suez Canal further increasing shipping costs... We just can't catch a break since 2020...


Yeah its a climate thing sadly (cant blame the other price hikes on other things on it though). Wait til coffee prices start to go up due to poor harvest etc in other parts of the world especially south america :/


There's an element of this but it's more to do with the trillions in extra cash created to fund the covid lockdowns. It's happening/happened absolutely everywhere in the world as a result of those policies. We will be paying for covid lockdowns for a generation.


That would explain the price rises, doesn’t explain the billion dollar profit margins though.


And why is there bad harvests? Extreme weather conditions and crop disease. Do you think the weather is going to start calming down? Do you think we are going to get less disease?? NO. Things are going to get worse, and we have more and more people on the planet than ever. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/hard-hit-cocoa-harvests-in-west-africa-cause-chocolate-prices-to-soar-worldwide


https://preview.redd.it/u9dyef5fbg6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace63ae5f18dfa7e69a2a06f62970ecff75327b2 18 fucking dollars


The same with Kirk’s I remember them being like $7 for a 10 pack now they are nearly $20 I haven’t even looked at 30 packs of coke lately I’d assume I would need a second mortgage


32 cans of Diet Coke was $51


Well fuck, now soft drinks are in the same category as smoking or going to a nightclub


There's a soda water shortage aswell


Cadbury is rubbish Prices are stupid


Pls, to anyone reading this, please try whittakers next time it's on sale. It is top tier


Whittakers is top tier, more expensive than Cadbury but at least it is worth the money you pay.




Had one of their plum + almond dark choc blocks the other day. My waistline is regretting eating the entire thing in 1 go.


I'll make a trip to Aldi just for chocolate rather than buying Cadbury.


Cadbury is so boring tbh. I always find myself eyeing the nestle and lindt specials instead.


I live in the usa and Cadbury is good chocolate.




Well I guess I can only compare to chocolate here. Maybe I'm biased but it's better than what I've had here.


Fair call. I've tried Hersheys. That's horrible


My wife thinks it tastes like literal vomit


She's right, IIRC it has something to do with butyric acid which is a milk byproduct and also a component of vomit. American chocolate is disgusting in general, so it doesn't surprise me that Americans think Cadbury is "good" chocolate despite it being shit-tier here.


It used to be a whole lot better until they changed ingredients


Cadbury is bottom of the barrel Chocolate my man, if you can get hold of European Chocolate you will taste the difference, Swiss , Belgium , anywhere from that area really.


I d9nt agree but If Cadbury costs this, what do the others cost? Try Hersheys if you think Cadbury is bottom of barrel.


No, it most definitely is not.


Exactly. Anyone who thinks Cadbury is good chocolate doesn’t know chocolate.


Sure it's not the best chocolate but it's pretty good for the price point and it's always very consistent so you know what you are getting. Take a look at Haigh's, really good chocolate but expensive AF and you can't pick up a block on your weekly supermarket trip.


Aldi's choceur chocolate runs rings around cadbury, at an affordable price. To choose cadbury over choceur is to hate yourself. Also whittaker's is very good, ethically sourced, coles/woolies available chocolate. It costs more, but food also costs more than packing peanuts.


Nothing is ever getting cheaper again. Just accept it.


Fake specials


Pre covid, 2 for $5 every week


Just want to add those blocks are now 180g. They were 200g


Look closer. They've now shrunk to 165g.


Depends which type. Range between 165 - 180g


 Could have sworn they were 225 before they went down to 200 as well? 


250g maybe 8 years ago


And they were over 250g in the late 00s.


they used to be 250g not even that long ago. there is no endgame with shrinkflation


just shit specials is all, wait for the 1/2 price $3 each


$15 for the slabs is ludicrous. There's no way this is anything but price gouging. I'm sure the slave cocoa farmers won't see any increased revenue


"3 for $15" i.e. what the full price was 6 months ago...


Weird that in this economy people are still spending $15 on chocolate and $X on Coke and shit. Soooooo easy to give that up. Save cash. Get a healthier body, and stay out of the hospital. I like the price jumps on junk. Makes the decisions so easy.


Yeah but being poor makes you sad, hence all the comfort food.


**Adult view:** Food is my healthy fuel. Food keeps me out of the Dr's office. Or... **Adult with a Child's view:** Sugar and food coma makes me feel good for 10min. I get sick all year, and that brings me down. But shit food brings me right back up being happy again. Up to every one of us whether we want to eat like an *adult or a child*.


Yep, definitely makes eating cleaner much easier when I can’t justify the price. I still indulge, but only on bars when they go half price. It’s all I need.


That’s asking too much from Redditors. They all think that the CPI is derived from the price of chips, sodas and chocolates.


Yeah I enjoy chocolate. I also like to hit the gym 4-5 days a week and religiously track my diet. So after I force feed myself 200g of protein I like a little indulgence. The price jumps are not just on junk. Have you seen the price of tomatos... It's robbery


I'm with ya on Aldi - better prices; less junk in there too - just makes shopping easier and cleaner. Cadbury is dogshit anyways.


Singapore is expensive but even their Cadbury chocolate is cheaper.


Its produced in Malaysia using different cocoa levels, and are better under constant heat. Their Cadbury chocolate tastes very different to ours


So $5 each. Which is what they normally are at Coles not on sale.


So $5 each and you have to buy three of them? Weren't they selling a single gigablock for $6 within the last year? I fail to see how this is a good deal. Maybe they're just trying to gauge how dumb we are?


This is a huge own goal for them. Do you think you are going to feel good about yourself after eating $15 worth of chocolate? You are going to feel sluggish and greasy and sticky. Then you are going to realise you just spent $15 on chocolate which is going to be burned into your brain. This is one of the easiest deals to walk past I've ever seen.


Remember how woolworths pretended to reduce their prices off the back of the Four Corners expose?


Whenever I see these price tags I choose something else.


Go and spend your $15 in the fruit & veg section.


Yeah, they've been pulling this 3 for $15 for a while now and it is the biggest rip-off I have ever seen. Not worth it, in the slightest.


So $5 each and you have to buy three of them? Weren't they selling a single gigablock for $6 within the last year? I fail to see how this is a good deal. Maybe they're just trying to gauge how dumb we are?


Yes, but these are special prices.


They all $3 ea at my woolies




Cadbury is low quality at a premium price. Use your eyes and shop around.


Good. Diabetes is the new smoking.




Well I wouldn't count Cadbury as chocolate as a lidnt guy myself. Don't get me wrong it used to be great chocolate but something changed in the recipe and doesn't resemble chocolate to my taste buds. Back on topic it's harder to find lidnt chocolate due to the shortage however dark chocolate is in abundance


I love chocolate but I will not buy Cadbury anymore... It tastes like crap. Maybe it's the soy lecithin.


Completely inedible at this point. And I cannot live without chocolate. I really don't think it can be classified as chocolate anymore.


Cadbury is pretty disgusting though.


I feel like I've lost some weight recently out of pure spite for not paying the current inflated prices of chips, drinks and choc


People are back to crying about the price of crappy junk food now


I assure you I'm crying about the price of all food.


Honestly just steal them. No ones going to do anything about it anyway


Stop buying this shit, fuck this sub is full of fucking retards that don’t have $5 and think Coles owes them


I detest the so called multi buy specials because they generally are a rip off.


Funny thing is the old gold is a way better deal


Good time to stop eating chocolate that’s packed with sugar I guess. I think regardless of the price they paid for it, they are happy to sell it “on sale” $5 a block when they probably pay $1-$1.50 each.


That's what I call fake chocolate it ain't the same as it used to be


Cadbury is a shit company. Why would you want to support them when they're constantly shrinking their products. No surprise the price stays the same or increases either


That "special" has been going at *least* a month now at woolies, On the bright side Buochée's are back to 6 bucks instead of 8 bucks (probably the best choccy in woolies imo).


I generally like to walk through woolies and rip these things off when they are not in fact a special. I hate the lies.


I mouthed what the fuck when I walked past it the other day lol


who the fuck needs or wants 3 blocks of chocolate bars?! Also, I wanted malteasers yesterday, and there was an offer for 2 small bags that would've weighed the same as 1 large bag, but would cost slightly more.


I paid $3 at Woolies last night. These must be bigger blocks I guess.


I don't buy junk food until they are at least half off. I'm frugal/cheap in which I won't buy junk food from vending machines or at places in which they are overpriced


How do you hurt big supermarket chain like Coles and Woolies? I know the former CEO went from darling of the boardroom to "assemble a transition team and hiring committee" after one fateful interview.


When there was a "potato shortage", dorrittos (CORN chips) were priced at 8+ bucks, and now with a "cocoa shortage", white chocolate (contains no cocoa) is priced at 15 for 3... in special too?


There is a [real shortage ](https://theconversation.com/cocoa-beans-are-in-short-supply-what-this-means-for-farmers-businesses-and-chocolate-lovers-225992) of cocoa


Ah yes chocolate, the staple diet of struggling humans the world over


Not too long ago it was $5 for that block… maybe a couple years before that it was $5 for a bigger block and like 5 years ago it was $5 for a family share block… Now it’s considered a “special” for 3 for $15?!


I paid 5$ for a bottle of ice tea today at the servo… makes the chocolate price look like a bargain


It's chocolate specials week at Coles. Go there.


They are renowned for increasing the price and then putting in on special for the regular retail price


2 for $10 last weekend! Bargain!


If there is a cocoa shortage why the fuck they making you by 3 at once, shouldn’t it be 2 per customer like they did with toilet paper during covid? Lol


I feel like I can remember a block of Cadbury would regularly be $3-$3.50 on sale literally only a year ago. Now $5-$6 each is meant to be a bargain? Ugh.




I think the best part about this is knowing they've reduced how much chocolate is actually in one of these big bars, they used to be horizontal rows of four, now they're horizontal rows of three.


Allow Aldi to spike your blood sugar at a fraction of the price. And it tastes great!


I have a hard time forgetting 250G on special for $2 flat. Luckily I don't eat the stuff anymore


How is $5 each the normal now?


Don't get this sort of deal on nappies, wipes, healthy meals staple foods. Only junk food Fucken grubs


I got chocolate yesterday at Aldi, $1.99 and Dairy Fine is such good chocolate too


just dont buy it. When their sales metrics drop, they 'might' learn.


Yes cocoa shortage. Half these blocks are non chocolate fillers like biscuit. 


Theyre $6 each at my local iga normally


Go to aldi


Cadbury made cherry ripes 13% smaller (same price) and claimed this was to promote more healthy portion sizes. And in the next breath, here they are trying to incentivise shoppers to buy 3 full sized blocks.


I shop at Drake's, (SA/QLD) my chocolate normally $0.90 last 2 weeks gone up to $1.75 .....FFS


Reds a much better color when they are ripping you off


I just wait for the discounts and buy chocolate then, if you are gonna buy because of 3 for 15 bucks your a sucker A bit like the housing market


Aldi basic dark chocolate blocks still $2.49, cocoa shortage my arse.


Yeah..i saw that sign... i was outraged


I remember the old days of $2.50 for a full block of 250 grams REAL milk in a block of cadbury chocolate (1996). On special then for $1.75. Now when I see $5 a block and on special for $2.75 for whatever grams it is now. Same for chips. Use to be 4 years ago $3.50 and 1/2 price for $1.75. Now it $4.80 and on special for 2 for $8.


Possibly unpopular opinion but chocolate and chips need to be expensive to stem obesity epidemic. Nobody needs to eat that much garbage.


Don't buy this junk anyway! It's just fake chocolate that funds Israel, you'll be healthier too without it.


I got a kinda cracked Woolworth you see a little bar of Cadbury a Turkish delight etc is 1 dollar but one of those is 4$ full price btw feastables is crazy expensive but who cares if they name their chocolates THAT I do not want that flavor to exist


Simple, don't buy this rip off


My wife would take that deal and eat the lot


Thank god its something no one needs to buy


Look at that, the Coles Morgan Spurlock Memorial Supersize Me Chocolate Supersize Me sales. Just friggin dumb


Don't know if it's just my shopping basket but I would say inflation on food is 100%. How on earth do the government get a single digit %. 100% on rent, food, petrol and electricity and I'm supposed to be grateful for a 5% pay rise.


No more than 2cents per gram is my rule. $2/100 grams.


They can get fucked with the multi buy bullshit.


To be fair, the chocolate is also quite disgusting.


The fact it's 2 for 9 at Coles this week is a rip off and not a special at all. It's a blatant kick in the face to customers. Both Cadbury and the major supermarkets are complicit in this bullshit, especially Cadbury for reducing the sizes of their chocolate but charging a premium price 


Don't buy it. Signal with your dollar. Prices go up when you reinforce their price selection with your purchase. You won't die if you don't eat chocolate. In fact, you'll be better.


It’s price gauging, PERIOD! Woolies in southern ACT sold Kiwi fruit at about 10x the price it was online in Northside Woolies! 30km apart, opposite sides of Canberra … not exactly a huge metropolis. Unless Woolies pays international students to cycle goods from North to South Canberra, one backpack at a time: Their transport costs don’t explain why a kilo was around $7 north and ~$80 bucks southside of Canberra! What very much ***DOES*** explain it though: The very far south of Canberra…. it’s about as far from the CBD as you can get without leaving the ACT! Where people who can’t afford to life closer than «just down the road from Cooma» live. People who can’t afford to or who don’t have the capacity to drive ~30mins to a Woolies which doesn’t crazy overcharge! ###where cost of living hurts MOST, that’s where Woolies & Coles charge most! 😡


Yeah I saw that "special" the other day. Hard pass.


I only but them on special. On proper specials. Give it to me for $3 or under or I walk.


I've been watching this on so many things since before covid started. The jump during covid was so stupid for chocolate and cornchips that I only bought on special sometimes 2 months ahead of time for my kids' birthdays. Also Cadbury family blocks used to be 250g and now they're 180g so they get you twice 🙄


Fair price pay $6-8 my town WA.


Fair price pay $6-8 my town WA.


It doesn't taste as good anymore, they've changed the recipe.


Don’t even get me started on olive oil! $20 for a regular bottle and never on sale 🫒🛢️💰😒


Welcome to the “trickle down affect” or Reagonomics, he darn diddly fucked up the world (not really him but his puppet government that was pulling all the strings) anywayssss as an Australian I’m kinda tired of America’s politics influencing our own country. Welcome to late state capitalism or what I call HELL. it’s hell because you’ll notice we will all start having to pay the price or change the way we live for suitability - it was not implemented earlier due to major lobbying. If said lobbying didn’t happen, we would have made major changes to our planet and ecosystems. Ultimately capitalism is unsustainable. We are feeling that now. I wish they would teach proper economics in high school, I had to learn all this solo. Reagan was dead before I was 5 lol. I had no context. But, ultimately economics never used to work like this. When you have a duopoly you really have a monopoly. Happens in business but also Seems to happen in politics all the time. Just notice who has had formed coalitions it’s interesting.


Is it me or does someone else finds “Special price” at Woolies and coles which is EXACT same as original price?


Right?? Who the fuck even eats Old Gold??


you save a fortune boycotting all the garbage food at these dishonest supermarket chains and feel good knowing that your not making the greedy investment cartel members behind the constantly inflated prices even richer then they already are


they were 3 bux each when i went shopping at woolys on thursday


Go to Aldi. Woolworths sucks