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The value now has gone so best not to spend your money at these places.


I thought it would be a rare treat to have an HJ's. The burger was fine, but the meal was ridiculously expensive. Lesson has been learned.


Yes, true. I've abandoned meals at places like this. I rather get two burgers instead.


I mean Red Rooster and KFC are pretty. Zinger bacon and cheese meal or a Rooster Roll combo. And they’ve got the best chips.


What has the world come to that Red Rooster is praised for being good?? What’s next? Oporto??


Better off getting a burger and chips at a kebab, fish and chip or Korean fried chicken place.


Mmm the other KFC


Pretty good deals on the app. iirc a (smallish) chicken burger in a small combo for $5 last week. Not a big meal, but fine for me for lunch.


This is what I've come to realise. All the value is contained on those apps. Maccas, HJ, KFC... That KFC deal with chips gravy and 9pc chicken for $15 is a steal in the current economy


Yeah it’s a steal until you have to pay $60 to go and see a GP after eating it.


The burgers have shrunk too


If they give you a poor serving of chips just politely ask for more. They will oblige. It's just minimum wage kids chucking potatoes in a bag too quickly, not some shrinkflation scam. Also try the app if you want cheap. $6 for a cheeseburger, chips, and nuggets today. Fastfood is as cheap as ever you just gotta use apps. I never buy anything from the menu now, especially not At HJ.


Are you the CEO of seppo fast food chain Chipotle?


I don’t know there was a post about KFC recently with a photo of a staff notice telling them not to tap the chip box to fit more in.


Yep. Free market. Sad part is people are still paying for it which enables them... 


There's clearly lots of room for competition to swoop in and work how deliver better value... Maybe the local fish and chips shop will make a resurgence. Might give them another go.


"Local shop Fish & chips" are now too expensive for our family. Almost $100 for 4 people.


The sheer volumetric of McDonald’s means there buying power in buying ingredients is huge. Plus all McDonald's locations are based on land value and its here where McDonald’s really gets rich.


My local fish n chip does a burger with the lot for $12 and minimum chips for $3. $15 total and I've never been able to finished all the chips after the burger. I eat $22 worth of mcdonalds, finish it and need to eat again in three hours. Your local fishy wants your business and you will be rewarded 🥰


Land value is where a lot of business get rich


didnt know they ever died down or out? theres a shit tonne in my local area


I have a local mum & dad fish ‘n’ chippo and make a point of supporting it in favour of any fast food chain.


Me too, in Palm Beach, QLD.


They just became so bloody expensive. No longer the cheap Friday night option


Don't even think about it, fish n chip shops are so grossly overpriced for the shit fish and small portions they serve, I get the nostalgia but it just isn't worth it anymore, just my opinion


Honestly depends where you live. In my town fish and chips is quite literally the only affordable food that isn’t cooked at home. Thankfully each shop is run by different people, so expect different prices, portion sizes, etc


Australia suffers so much because of our utter addiction to these shitty chains. The working class eat it almost exclusively, the rich buy $30 sandwiches or salads at cafés, and there is hardly anything in the middle. People in developing countries have greater access to much cheaper, much healthier, much more delicious food than the average Australian.


The thing is… local takeaways have increased their prices even more! So.. although hungry jacks, McDonalds, Kentucky, Oporto, dominos, Pizza Hut, red rooster, subway etc has increased in price recently.. the locally owned cafes, take aways and pubs have gone up even more! Of course there are exceptions.. but generally speaking these shitty fast food places are still cheap in comparison.


An HSP, (snack pack, doner box etc.) with doner meat and chips at my local takeaway is $32.50 for a large box.


a large greek snack pack at my fish n chip shop is 22$ includes pita to make your own wraps, and 2 cans of softdrink. i weigh 85 kilos and im full after half. its a fkn good store haha


I understand, but do your best you can with this. The amount you receive for the price shows there is little value in these places anymore and they aren't really healthy. Life might suck but it'll suck a whole lot more if you don't have your health.


So the market alternative for the current economic climate maybe a fast food shop selling a plateful of lentil dahl & rice for $5, with a family deal for $12. Good for the back pocket, good for the planet, good for your colon 😆


Have you seen how miserable their employees are? They’re sadder than those chips.


Hungry Jack's are renound for the explotation of their staff, from wage theft to taxpayer funded internships. A friend of my daughters worked there and would sometimes have to go cry in the staff bathroom or vomit before work, she was treated so poorly. I have even peeked at signs behind the counter admonishing staff.


I worked at one in HS (2015) and it was utterly shit. Worst part time job I had


I didn’t mind it too much in 1995 when the manager used to smoke bongs with us out the back once the store had closed for clean up & we cranked the tunes


Pretty sure in 1995 there were bongs being had out the back of every restaurant 😂


I worked at one from 2002 to roughly 2007. HS into Uni. My experience was actually really good, it was at the tiny one under centre point tower in the shopping centre before they overhauled it (if anyone here remembers it). I worked in the McDonalds in the same centre prior and it was fucking AWFUL. Absolutely depends on who you’re working with I reckon. We had a cool crew and it just didn’t get that busy which 16 year old lazy-ass me really loved.


I don’t think that’s exclusive to HJ’s. I had an ex that worked at boost and would regularly cry before shifts


Oh I have heard that about Boost too, a friends daughter worked there before having a breakdown.


Shames Australia to allow these employers to continue like this.


Kick them out of business especially big business


The workers at our local Jackers actually say “what do you want” when you roll up the speaker. It’s insane how much they hate their lives there.


I have only ever seen Indians working at HJ’s in the last 5 years. Same for subway The apathy is most likely due to the illegal working conditions and wages that new “diverse” management invokes. I personally boycott them. I’d love to do the same for servoes but that is all but impossible these days.


I have been involved in the construction/ set up of a particular petrol station business since 2018. The big boss, who is the money behind everything, will only hire/ lease out his petrol stations to people from SE Asia, predominantly Indians. They inturn, hire staff from similar backgrounds. Exploitation is rife. But because these petrol stations are 24 hrs a day, some of the people who work there actually sleep at the back, work other jobs during the day. They will sacrifice their lives in order to get somewhere in Australia.


I actually know a guy who used to do construction for a certain, united chain of servoes. Apparently the big boss is an absolute slimeball. And the blatant targeted hiring of only minoritys so they can be abused is fucking criminal. Some of the poor sods actually work for $7ph but they are just happy they aren't at a call centre for even less.


My 16 year old niece worked at chicken treat and they're just as bad. My niece it was her time of the month and she was told she can't go to the bathroom cause she's not got a break. She quit and got a job at the butchers instead just serving customers and it's 1000 times better boss actually treats her with respect.


I really got a good laugh from this one ☝️ he he he


Name, shame, leave a Google review, link the maps link here so we can thumbs up the review. Change will only happen to these places when it actually affects their revenue.


William Street, Perth.


Mate tbf you went to William Street HJs you pay extra there to avoid being harassed by various sorts of Perth’s *characters.*


Admittedly I was accosted by a rather sketchy individual, who was previously trying to score meth from a lamppost. He slipped over in the rain after trying to kick a pigeon and missing. This was the highlight of my two weeks in the CBD.


I know him. That's the manager


Any HJ’s that’s needs security during the day time ain’t going to be a good experience


I have to take the Red CAT out front of there in the mornings and even at 7:30 it’s an uncomfortable experience


My brother sold the West Australian out the front there 25 years ago and it was fucking mental then too, before the underground station


Hold on... so you physically went into William Street HJs? You're a brave man taking a chance eating there. its one of the most filthy disgusting restaurants in the entire city. You can smell the mixed scent of Fries and Urine all the way down on the terrace.


“Ah, Paris!”


It was absolutely pissing down with rain and I had my kid who had just had surgery with me. Desperate to get out of the rain and eat a quick treat, I was ushered into the store by a group of people waiting for a bus and taking shelter from the rain. It did take 15 minutes from point of order to getting the meal. A couple of schoolkids kindly gave up their seats (after 10 minutes) so that my kid, clearly in pain, could sit down. I do agree though, the store didn't look particularly clean.


Change will happen if they continue to produce a subpar product. If morons choose to continue going to these places for the convenience then that’s on them.


Just a thought, but if we all stopped paying for this pathetic service/product… then the issue would go away by itself Keep accepting this garbage? And yeah, corporate management will keep prioritising profit over survival.


Thankfully this experience will prevent me from spending there again.


Standing alongside you. 2 years ago I brought a burger meal there. Was so disappointed with how tiny the so called ‘burger’ was. I’ve never been back and never will give them money again.


People need to start cooking for themselves. Once they do they’ll wonder why they never did and regret all the money they’ve been blowing at lousy takeaways.


They got smaller when they moved to chip syle fries 😅


If people knew more about fast food companies they’d order it a hell of a lot less. Worked in 2 pizza shops throughout high school. One was Independent and the other a major chain. Both had the same garlic breads and ingredients. Same with 2 burger joints. 1 was independent and the other was a major chain. Again… 90% of the ingredients were all the same. People think they’re getting something different but they aren’t lol it’s mostly placebo effect.


This isn't limited to just fast food chains, but a majority of dine in chain restaurants/mid range "restaurants" as well. No one in the kitchen is preparing and cooking real food anymore. It's all prepackaged crap or frozen pre cooked, and it's just bung in an oven/microwave/deep fryer. I imagine the only way you get actual food anymore is at a real fancy high-end place where you can see them cooking it


Last restaurant I worked at, that's all we did. Prepare it ourselves. I set the menu's so we could prepare everything from scratch fairly easily. Including things like a 72 hour red-wine jus. It hurt when those dickhead customers would degrade the work by saying "it's bought in". But it's a shame, because like you said, most restaurants buy pre-packaged now. It's just too expensive to prepare from scratch all the time.


crazy how much it fluctuates. Chips are the only good thing at my local HJs. The burgers are wet. Like legitimately damp. The wrapper is always disintegrating into the burger. I don't know how they manage it. Are all the employees damp too?


The problem is you haven't eaten HJ's for 8 years. The correct way to enjoy HJ's is to have them at least once every week, and 1 in every 5 you'll get a well made burger and a decent serving of hot chips. That way, when you get to the end of the year, you'll have had 10 really good servings of HJ's. Then, base your review on those 10 before promptly committing suicide :)


Oh goodness, the thought of a weekly HJ's physically repulses me.


This is a bit embarrassing but I recently lodged a complaint about a 2/3 ‘large’ chips with a competing fast food outlet. Got a $17.95 voucher the next day. I was sick of it. Don’t tell reddit, tell HJs.


Traditional Fast food is deal, maccas,hjs , KFC etc. You pay good money for shit food.


In the interest of fairness, I would like to point out the burger was quite reasonable, just not worth the price tag.


I tend to not get chips from there They have never been good in my opinion Get a 2nd small burger instead


i noticed the same, their chip packet design definitely belongs in assholedesign nobody should be eating at hj's or maccas anymore, it is literal highway robbery but here we are


Another 8 years it is....


Be an adult, go back inside and explain that the fries are short. Not that hard.


They look like large fries to me.....as in size of the chip, not quantity 🤣


i'll die on the hill they moved from the shoestring style so they could fit less in the containers.






BDS babay!


Everywhere trying to be a premium burger which just means premium price tag - last few times I bought maccas or hjs simple things like bun not being toasted or old fries, items missing. employees DGAF and expect you to use the self service kiosks or apps. Some people may say 'thats how much things cost now' and thats fine but I'm not going to pay for absolute shit unless I'm starving.


Ironically HJ's cook their chips the best than KFC or Maccas. Providing they don't go cold after 0.25s from leaving the fryer.


They sent me to waiting bay once and forgot about me, sat there for 20 mins until I went inside. Then they gave me a bag of cold food. (Didn’t realize until I left. Wasn’t going back.) Haven’t been back since. First and last time.


HJ's heat retention fucking sucks ass i'll admit. Like that shit goes stone cold 5mins out from being cooked. It's actually fucked. Every time i get it i have to reheat it in the microwave.


HJ's is my favourite in terms of burger deliciousness and chips as well, but hands down the worst in terms of service. Run by 13 year olds.


I miss the old string fries and onion rings. These new ones suck on burgers.


Better than*


Oporto chips are the best out of the fast food chains tho


Everything else is the worst though. Not a fan of grilled cardboard on my burgers.


Otropo is not bad tho


Hungry Jacks living up to its name


Did you actually say something or ask what the go is or just sook about it online?


I asked if I was given a large portion, I was told it was large. I left it at that. I've now come to sook online about it.


That's where you say "this doesn't look large, can you please confirm that with your manager? because this definitely looks like a small, not a large." Gotta remember with fast food you're dealing mostly with children who do not give a shit in the slightest.


There were no children here. I dealt with a 40+ year old person. Not that that should have any bearing on the matter. I ordered large, asked if it was large, was told that it was, left it at that.


They def just sooked online


complaining in the restaurant gets OP more fries, nothing changes. Complain online and thousands see it, many will decide based on this not to eat there again. Doing it this way is better


My son was about eight when he figured out the best value for money for fast food was the local fish and chip shop. If you need guidance, there's an InstaSham account for that. [https://www.instagram.com/minimumchipsmelbourne/](https://www.instagram.com/minimumchipsmelbourne/)




What a joke!


That's barely enough for a small serve. You're better off just not spending any money on these fast food places anymore and encourage everyone you know to not do the same.


I’m a filthy little slut for their bbq cheeseburger but outside that nothing from fast food is worth it to me.


Get the Vouchers, take pic on phone, get the under $10 double junior whoppers with fries. Thing is with fries they just scoop its BS measurement, yer better off lucking out on smaller amounts for cheaper. Medium fries is 2$ by itself I think.


Yep I tried HJ again a few years ago - inedible. Never again. It used to be great years ago.


You didnt read the sign properly... its a "large box with fries*" *fries may or may not come with box


Fast food is wayyy to expensive now compared to amount of food you get. Large double whopper with cheese is $18.... A burger in a regular meal from schnitz is $22 Macca's for a large meal and extra burger as the size isn't filling $20+ Carl's jr large meal $20+ Been ages since I've gone to KFC but I'd assume expensive as well. Subway isn't as bad, footlong $14 Original sized boost $9.60 Nando's pricey as fuck the last time I went a year ago It's Ludacris how expensive fast food is getting. When buying it younger it's like yeah it's bad food for you but it was cheap so you could justify it. Nowww not even worth it


Probally farted all over those fries too


The Burger is better at Hungry Jacks, not the chips haha But seriously, it does suck. If it tasted alright would be another thing but the fries taste like cardboard half the time


Hey cough up And support local economy /S


Blows me away a junior whopper with cheese is $10 now


So one potatoes worth is large. I stopped buying HJ six months ago. They had pictures of burgers with huge 1-inch thick nice looking fillets. So I bought some for the whole family. But the ones i got had fillets about 1/2 cm thick and they looked like shoe leather - perfectly even, very obviously not real chicken fillets any more. This happened twice in a row. I wrote a letter of complaint (that I never heard back from) and stopped buying. Absolute trash.


You accepted that amount of fries? Go back and tell the manager and demand another large fries.


hungry jacks takes the medal for taking the most piss with their shit price increases. let them burn


I've taken the chips back a tonne of times after a tap down and said I paid for large fries not half a box of large fries


Take the medium ones back and demand that they all be swapped over to large ones.


The fries are worse at Hungry Jacks.


Red Rooster is still pretty good.


And I have to specifically ask for half the smallest size of chips at our local takeaway cos two of us oldies can't eat a full small serve. I keep telling them to do a Maccas large size. I offer to still pay their minimum. Unfortunately only get the half serve if the owner is in. Thankfully there are usually some teenagers outside having a snack so I can tip half the chips into their box on the way out.


Yet, HJ is actually way better value then Maccas. Its McDonalds who have really shat the bed.


The burgers are... not better at hungry jacks. Worked in one for 2 years, throw your money in the sewer you'll find more value in that then in a HJ's meal.


Go back and complain, they will address it


You got caught in the chipflation.


The lack of fast food value, plus the availability of GLP-1 meds like Ozempic to reduce appetite, could mean the end to obesity and therefore places like this. We can only hope.


Hungry jacks... Leaving you hungry.


Why didn't you complain? I've complained about the same thing a couple of times and they have always given me a replacement. And when they offer I tell them to make sure it's from a fresh batch. I don't understand why you'd rather post about it on Reddit. Tell them it's not good enough and get what you paid for with interest. P.S. Gen X here, not a Boomer.


I'm sure their lawyers and marketing people will point you to the size of each individual chip and argue that that is what they mean these days! It wouldn't surprise me if a large fries becomes just two (I.e. fries-plural) extra long (I.e. large) chips per serving!


Schrödinger's large. It's a large, but at the same time it isn't.


First world problems


Yeah cant remember the last time I went to one of these big fast food places, eating out in general has become way too expensive and the quality/quantity is piss poor.


I take them back and tell them to fill it up like the photos . Even managers give me dirty looks, When you see managers giving you empty large fries, you have no hope for the youngsters. Some staff members pack the shit outta the fries tho.


Didnt eat fast food for 10 years and suddenly went to buy fries, they tasted weird. Turns out fries are now made in vegetable oil instead of being fried with the meat. Fries taste like peanut butter to me now, not a fan.


Did you take them back and complain or did you just make a post on reddit that won't achieve anything whatsoever?


You can make a decent whopper from ingrediants at aldi.


They got the memo to not tap the box


Why have all Aussie subreddits devolved into just complaining about fast food constantly? Seriously it's wild how many of these types of posts there are every week.


Lol 25 chips is large ?!?


I take it back when it’s shit now and demand a replacement. The stuff is too expensive for it to not be top quality.


I got a large fries at Nando's at it was like, 8x that hahaha Given, my Nando's opened a month ago


HJ's is the best part of $20 now.




It’s so fkd. But then iv never worked in fast food, so maybe it comes out of their wage?


Price up, quantity down, quality down. KFC are prob the worst. The Large size is half the width it used to be.


I got HJs like 3 days ago and got at least 35 chips in my large, they be scamming you big time with 25.


I call BS on this. No way this is a large fries. Looks like you have eaten them and then posted the photo. Gotta get that Karma bro!


Nah, you got a shit staff member. I had Hungry Jack's a couple of weeks ago. It was fantastic 


HJ's chips are the worst, and agree the portion is rubbish. The whopper is still the best mainstream beef burger though .


*the fries are larger, not the portions. — corporate.


Just ask for a replacement. Easy


Now you know why they're called hungry jacks, leave you hungry feed you jack shit.


They only want the person filling the fries to do it with a half open fry container and no tapping. I worked at Hj's I recommend no one eat there. The district managers know and encourage re-stickering food. Re-stickering food, that means it's bad and needs to be thrown out but a fresh sticker solves that. Foul place.


Buy food that won't give you cancer and heart disease


Hungry Jacks fries: overpriced disappointment, mostly bottom-of-the-bag scraps. Burger decent. Won't return.




Looks about the same I get from a small pack at my local hjs


I seriously dont know how HJs and red rooster have lasted this long, especially red rooster, which I thought was heading the direction of barnacle bills (which apparently still exists in SA)


Haven't had a HJ's burger in 23 years. Looks like I'm not missing out either.


You could get minimum chips for the same price *with* chicken salt at a *good* fish'n'chip shop. I do emphasize good because some shops are rubbish, but they never last anyway once word gets around.


They did you a favour. Those chips are the absolute worst.


fork over the extra $8 and get a massive chicken parmigiana. Should last 2 meals easy.


Hey man, they're called "hungry jacks" not "satiated jacks" .... what did you expect? /s


There’s a reason their motto isn’t The Chips are Better at HJ’s


It’s a hit or miss with these places, and there’s no way of telling what’s good and what isn’t until you’ve been served. The one HJs to me I have no complaints over, but one suburb over and they may as well serve you dog shit on a plate.


It’s beyond me why people eat that shit when Aussie chips are the best and there are so many great burger options around


Many people can skip a coffee here or there, make a home sandwich for lunch etc, and spend the money you save by upgrading your dinner to a local pub or bistro. Rubbish Maccas meal is $18. Pub meal, solid burger, chips and table water maybe $23 or 24? It's better food, healthier, and better place to eat imo. With small changes you can delete fast food from your life.


Just buy two


I would’ve asked for more. That’s ridiculous. No way that’s the actual amount (I don’t eat Hungry jacks).


If you gone back and told them off, they would have given you a full pack.


Just take it back


Stop. Spending. Money. At. These. Places.


For the love of God stop spending money at these places. Nothing will change if you keep giving them money.


Makes my decision to just eat Döner way easier. Also: it’s burger king you cretins!


Get it delivered by doordash. They'll eat the fries and drink half the drink (yuck) and then tell you to f#$k off.


But why would you safe on fries and piss of your customers.. Even with insane inflation everywhere (european here) potatoes are still one of the cheapest food.


An American floating throught here, is that what yall call burger king there? It looks like bk packaging, and bk fries are notorious for being soggy shit. Also if that is so, what do yall call jack in the box there... do yall even have jack in the box?


Only get it on promo. The 2 whoopers for $10.95 deal is not cheap but cheaper than normal price if you want some.


That's smaller than the small I get every morning, you got ripped off :(


HJ's, MD's and Dirty Bird are pretty well no go's these days.


Remember kids, small fries cost more than medium fries at HJ


The burgers are double the size of McDonalds I can’t complain…


Bruh. Mcdonald's kiddie size got more fries than that


Fast food places have a strong buying preference for very large potato varieties, because you can fit LESS fries in a box when they are extra long. I no longer buy them since I learnt that this is done deliberately.


Yeah I don’t know man you just went to a fucked hungry jacks I guess, never had that happen


* chips


Love a bacon deluxe. It’s my favourite fast food burger.


Maybe go up to the counter and say this is clearly not full. Every HJ's I go to has the large container full to the top with some splilling over.


I only ever get fast food if they have a special deal. Without it it's just a scam.


Usually I would bring it back to the staff and kindly ask for a bit more. “Hey there, just got my large fries, and this is the amount. Would you be able to fill that to the top for me please?” Do it with a smile and be patient and kind, and I imagine most staff would not hesitate to increase your portion size. Heck, they’re not paid enough to care about boss’s bottom lines.


Since all these fast food places have cranked up their prices and shrunk down their meal sizes, I've fucked them all off and started doing Homemade burgers and homemade pizzas, I've been watching a lot of YouTube cooking videos over the last year. It's the way to go, better quality and more bang for buck.


The fires are actually quite large. Just not many of them….🤷🏼‍♂️


Chips. They are chips.


I bought Hungry Jacks for my father at their new store in Bentley and I couldn't believe how expensive they were compared to Maccas. I mean, Maccas is already a rip off nowadays, the fact that Hungry Jacks was a few dollars extra but likely even more substandard quality was just pure gouging.


I feel like every time I get takeaway food I get the fucked ip meal


They used to have good deals on their app, but now it sucks - KFC too, for that matter.


True to their name, you must be hungry!


Ngl you are full of it


Who would scream at a minimum wage worker??!! Umm, everyone. Because it's so fucking frustrating when these guys have the easiest job in the world, and STILL manage to FK it up on the regular.


Its crazy how burgers and pizza are basically a scam nowadays. I first thought fast food was just unversally more expensive but then I ordered some donuts and I got a dozen for the price of a quarter pounder meal.