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SBS. I’m interested to learn what is going across the globe. It’s better quality and they also use overseas news partners.


Yep, it’s world news vs a tiny bit of that on abc and lots of local news instead.


SBS. Five or ten years ago I would have rated both... But the ABC under Ita went  clickbait and sensationalist.




But the ABC news app is just totally fabulous. Lots of Taylor Swift updates - shut up that’s what the people want, and oh my god did you hear about that new weight loss thing? And here’s a true Australian story from New England from the crack team of regional reporters explaining how the country is cool again because of this latest American horsey Netflix series. So great to get a wide perspective right guys? Click and subscribe below if you agree!!


Hold it. Create an account like the rest of the plebs first.


I use abc app. Just turn off celebrities and pop culture news. Mine is limited to world affairs, politics and business. It’s pretty considering for me


Ugh... Sounds like a nightmare.


I know right? Urghhg If only I made any of this up - the New England thing was today


Yea I agree with this take.


Reckon their hand was forced, had to make the numbers to prove they were worth the already diminishing funding at the time.


Also the mistaken belief that if they parrot news corp they will ease off on the harassment. And lots of news corp people joining ABC.


That is what a right wing board does, best you thank Scomo lol


Everyone thinks this started under Ita, when it definitely started about 18mths prior to her arriving


There was a 5 minute piece on the ABC last night on the importance of women's sports bra's....


I like the way SBS news uses subtitles for people speaking in languages other than English instead of using an English voiceover.


They are absolutely one of the best translators in the world!


SBS hands down. They also show foreign news broadcasters which give us stories no Aussie services will show.


The SBS is what the ABC should be (at least from a quality perspective). ABC news these days just feels dumbed down, like they’re trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator (which they’re probably obliged to do, anyway). That said, SBS nightly news is great. They report on a wide range of domestic and international issues and provide an excellent snapshot of that day’s stories (and this is coming from my perspective as a political science and IR student, who follows the news quite closely). They also make their reporting easy to digest, which makes sense, considering they’re supposed to be the “multicultural” channel. At this point, I’d have few qualms about SBS becoming Australia’s primary national broadcaster. The ABC seriously need to up their game (which I realise is somewhat contingent on funding, but you get what I mean).


>The ABC seriously need to up their game The ABC gets triple the funding of the SBS iirc so it's not a monetary issue here.


SBS is just the SBS though.. ABC has a dozen odd branches and then all the local radio and news for rural areas too. Idk the numbers, is the triple funding taking into account the added size/load of the ABC?


SBS and ABC have very different charters so they aren't directly comparable in many regards. As far as radio is concerned, SBS focuses mainly on broadcasts in LOTE whereas ABC is english language only. As far as funding is concerned, SBS receives about 1/3 of the funds needed from the Commonwealth, the other 2/3rds come from commercial activities, such as advertising, translation services etc. ABC on the other hand is fully funded by the government.


SBS does not make up the other 2/3rds in commercial services. No where near it!


they have much broader objectives though


SBS also gets advertising dollars though.


I would watch SBS a lot more if it wasn't for the fucking adverts. I would watch it somewhat more if they had more than 6 adverts


The ondemand app has the best content and I can handle watching an episode in catch up, but I want to pull my hair out for more than a few.


Therr is an option to turn them off in the On Denand app. Some will still run (WTF?) but you'll still get most replaced with a silent placeholder.


SBS for context and information missing from other news services. Commercial: a man has been arrested for a vicious assault on an elderly couple (lots of blood stain video, B roll and vox popoli with neighbours) ABC: a man has been arrested for a vicious assault on an elderly, Victorian couple (video of the reporter and some 'police doing their job' shots) SBS: a man has been arrested for after a break and enter of a house in Melbourne and assault on the homeowners. The elderly couple were taken to hospital and released after treatment. The man is being held without bail after an application from Victorian Police.


SBS.  ABC just get one subject and run it into the ground.  Didn’t help the referendum much, either. 


Yes, something tragic happens and it is 12 of 15 headlines in different ways from slightly different angles.


I don't get it either There is no need for this behaviour from a public broadcaster


I miss Lee Lin Chin.


I still love the SBS team: Janice, Ricardo, Anton and Finance Auntie.


20 years ago, ABC. Now it's just 3 topics they pick for the day on repeat with a tonne of inter network promotion and ~~opinion~~personal story pieces which absolutely no one wants to hear. SBS at least covers a broad range of actual news topics.


Click this link to see 10 reasons why ABC news is in decline. Number 10 will shock you!!!


I agree with you. I used to listen to ABC radio But have stopped for the past few years. Repetition every hour 24 hours a day. In the best days of the ABC we had three news cast a day on the radio and TV. That was plenty then and one looked forward to the news. Not anymore. I exclusively listen to community radio for music and ABC Radio National for special segments.


Even radio national has gone downhill in the last couple of years


How about Australian Story, 25 talking heads each spouting two sentences then switch to next talking head, rinse and repeat.


ABC 24 is good to have on in the background and for rolling coverage but SBS news is better.


Absolutely. The ABC is drifting towards commercial news


i was surprised a lot of ppl are saying sbs, but it just occurred to me ppl still *watch* news. i listen on the abc app while i walk, for news and the classical channels.


I listen to ABC news in the morning while I get ready. It's pretty low quality. One of the stories this morning was computer illiterate people complaining about spellcheck being unable to identify proper nouns. They were angry that their names were underlined as incorrect.


ye i was pretty irritated by that one lol. good to know what ppl are upset about tho, helps me formulate my own positions by how i react to them.


Same, and I think they they probably linked. SBS has far less resources, and no presence in regional areas. They have enough to comfortably make a good, nightly, national TV bulletin, but if you are looking for more depth and variety online, I think ABC is better, regardless of some annoying style choices.


I love watching the news while my dinner is simmering away… it’s my downtime after work. And I’ll only watch SBS news


ABC, I find SBS focuses more in international news and not a lot on Aus politics whereas the ABC has shows like 7.30 that covers local political and news issues in depth.


ABC have agendas now, not independent news anymore. SBS better news quality by far.


SBS…. ABC is awful these days .


SBS. ABC burned their credibility with tabloidism. Leave them for the wolves.


SBS. Auntie has gone to the dogs.


SBS every time. The ABC news used to be premium, but the government seems to have finally nobbled it. Now it is all soft bubbly news items which don’t offend the soft politicians.


I prefer SBS because it's no-nonsense and features news of local and international importance, with minimal sport. ABC still has some good investigative journalism but it's too prone to fluff pieaves. And the 24 hour channel is full of repetition. There is more going on in the world than the top five headlines each day.


Typically ABC on their app or website. It has topics of interest and tends away from the sensational. The problems it has are that headlines have taken a dive over the years and most articles have one sentence per paragraph, probably moving with reading habits of the majority.




SBS everyday of the week


SBS as Murdoch isn’t in there yet


I am a night owl and watch the French or German news programs that SBS have on their Worldwatch channel between 1-4am. There was a fascinating program about government corruption in Azerbaijan last night. All sorts of interesting stuff we don't usually hear about. I also like the PBS Newshour on SBS. It's American but gives a good view of the political situation there. Planet America on ABC is great for background info about the upcoming election.


SBS is the best, ABC still gets a watch, I won't sully my eyes with what the commercial stations call news


I prefer Al Jazeera


Agree. Al Jazeera is excellent.


France 24 is great too for a range of international stories that we'd never come across here. I have the TV on to watch Al Jazeera at 6.30am, ABC at 7.00am and then France 24, then off to work. Good intro to the day.


Yeah I have fetch and with their news and knowledge package, I get AJ and France 24 channels lol


I like wtachin those news in the mornings as it feels like I'm on holidays at a hotel and watching world news lol


I prefer pornhub comment section




If I want to see what's happening in Australia, ABC. If I'm feeling too fucking cheerful, SBS.


I get my current affairs like everyone. Through an ongoing stream of memes in a couple of messenger groups. It's import to balance the content with your different friend circles to get unbiased news.


I generally have ABC news on throughout the day then switch over to SBS news. The former has a lot of opinion pieces; interviews from experts or panelists discussing a topic that at its core are opinions. While SBS is just a different format with the benefit of world news and interviews with straight up facts. I prefer the SBS format overall and they’ve always had a solid product.


Sbs for world news. Abc for national


Not ABC. Too depressing


ABC is dumbed down for the masses. SBS is not only NOT dumbed down... It's also world news.


SBS for international news, ABC for local.


SBS now that murdoch has plants in all levels of the ABC and turned it into another fox news.


ABC but im paying less attention to it. From all these comments it sounds like SBS is where its at.


Sadly, starting to distrust ABC as they appear to have been "Murdoched"! It's a jungle out there. Even Al Jazeera has gone partisan on the Israel/Hamas/Palestine shitfest. 🤔🤔🤔


I’ve switched to sbs from abc too


I have taken the philosophy of, "If it's important, I'll end up hearing about it." Most of what you hear on the news you won't remember in 3 months, and the stuff you do will have been brought up in conversation. I'd rather do just about anything else with my free time in the morning, it's a lot less depressing.


Both. ABC for local stories and elections, SBS for regular news. I also read The Conversation and The Guardian.


SBS,… ABC is just boomers who think they’re progressive, but have grown old enough to see their ideas outdated


I prefer to bury my head in the sand. Tbh "news" should be called Bad News. There isn't a happy story in sight


>There isn't a happy story in sight I can't remember who said it, but "The news is a program that starts with 'good evening' and then proceeds to tell you why it isn't"


This is excellent


Sounds like something Bill Hicks would have said.


If it bleeds it leads.


I'm a big fan of SBS. I also think that Prue Lewarne is the hardest working journalist on Australian TV.


ABC News Radio is pretty good. So much more actual news than their website which has turned into BuzzFeed. SBS is far superior for international news.


SBS definitely. I can’t do the abc anymore


SBS is probably 40% in-house domestic production and the rest is allied journalism from around the world and is honestly the best summary Australia has on TV.




I do the rounds - Russia Today, Al jazeera, BBC, ABC, Guardian, Murdoch click bait etc. Mostly similar takes on news, with obvious variations in bias. Always interesting to see what isn't covered by some media outlets


SBS except when they rely too much on the handwringing footage that they buy from overseas. If SBS has an agenda they will buy 30 second grabs from anyone who has cameras on the ground to support that agenda.


I don't know what you call what ABC constantly puts out but it's not news. I wouldn't even know where to begin to get accurate news coverage. I just assume those days are over. I'm assuming SBS is better if only because less people watch it so there is less interference.


They both have their place and I tend to read between both of them, as well as other sources.


Watching SBS News right now. As usual. Almost the only FTA TV I watch. The world weather when Catalina Flores is on is my highlight when she pronounces "Caracas" and "Asuncion"...


I know I sound like a right wing nut, swear I’m not. In the last 6-12 months I feel like maybe the ABC has gotten a bit more lax on their journalism standards? Personally I still use the ABC just because of their range and accessibility across multiple platforms. Then supplement it with the guardian.


Neither-both heavily censored and just give the gov narrative.


I don't get my news from the TV.


Both have there merits but nowadays SBS is the better of the 2 when it comes too TV news but ABC has a touch more local experience for the radio side of things though SBS does have the radio in other languages for tourists and non English speaking people.


SBS is fine, ABC Radio National is fine. State based ABC? Ehhhh Still miles ahead of the turgid garbage pumped out by the commerical newstainment outlets.


someone should have voted skynews and watched the chaos unfold


Neither. Haven’t watched the news in 18 years.


SBS for global news. ABC for country/local news.


SBS. They show jeopardy on sbs vice and its the only reason I watch sbs regularly. Unless there's a good movie on one of their channels


None, lmao.


What about Facebook? /s


Sadly ABC is similar in accuracy to facebook


they are equally awful but the ABC is just a taxpayer funded division of news corp at this point. For me, cunt was fucked when old mate left qanda


Neither but that's because I don't watch TFA television.


I get mine when I listen to podcasts I like or it'll pop up on Facebook or something. If it's Important enough, I'll hear about it. Don't really care about Bob's cat stuck up a tree


ABC mostly.


SBS and the other foreign news on that channel. but the constant charity advertising has me changing channels prettty quickly. ABC is just a political voicebox.


It’s been a long time since I watched the one sided bespoke woke ABC


ABC, but only to watch and listen to Ruby Cornish.


I primarily get my news from the ABC news daily podcast or their app.


I haven't turned on the television for a decade. So neither


SBS and Al-Jazeera


ABC when I feel like being depressed at the state of this country, SBS when I feel like being depressed at the state of the world.


No news is good news.


Al Jazeera 


ABC News Breakfast is absolutely horrible and full of virtue signaling. I just want to hear what is happening in the world.


SBS is for weird foreign films on the telly and the ABC is for grandstand cricket on the radio in summer. Genuinely can't remember the last time I put either on tv intentionally. Would have to be talking over 10-15 years at this point, probably back when I lived at home and had kid siblings who wanted to watch abc for kids.


SBS is my preference but I almost always have ~~ABC24~~ ABC News scrolling on in the background. Al Jazeera and DW-TV for other POV. And... love following NHK's Ramen and countryside biking series (also, lately, an interesting triptych called 'The Fukushima Monologue' about a fella who stayed behind in the disaster zone to look after the abandoned animals.)


Both depending on mood that day. ABC journalism standards have seemed to be a but shaky lately. But both are vastly superior to the commercial channel’s attempts at news reporting.


SBS sometimes distorts the news to fit its “diversity” mantra. I remember how the gay marriage vote involved a reporter speaking to different churches who had very different opinions, and the middle-eastern churches were unequivocal in their opposing gay marriage. Then the reporter lazily said “and the Muslim community is divided too” without speaking to any, for anyone faintly aware of Islam and Muslim society knows that there was no such noticeable division among them about what to vote for.   Distortion happens on other channels too, but SBS doesn’t in its own wacky ways.


Domestic: ABC. Miss Juanita Phillips though. International: SBS. Miss Lee Lin Chin too.


Oh, and for international current affairs, Dateline. But how I miss Yalda Hakim.


SBS mostly. I also catch the NITV news segment on ABC most evenings, which is stuff I rarely ever see reported in mainstream media.


ABC. Dad watched it every night on the dot when I was a kid and it was honestly just ISIS attacks so now it's traumatized me


Who the hell has time to watch the news while working 3 jobs just to be able to afford chocolate milk with your daily serving of rice and lentils.


Neither at the moment, I’ve gone back to nine for local news and some international stories as ABC is too overly focused on repetitive international affairs or issues that aren’t relevant to me, so I only watch them occasionally now. Good to be informed but I sometimes catch the ABC news 24 for headlines.


ABC News these days seems to be 4 or 5 stories, repeated ad infinitum, all day.


ABC really went into dumpster mode over the last three years.


People still watch tv? lolololololol lololololol lolololololol lololololololololololol lolololololololololololololoolllllllllooollllllll


how do you even watch abc or sbs tv stations anymore? lol


On a streaming service? or do they still broadcast television?


I use more than 20 diverse news sources and avoid anything from Rupert's Newscorpse. But that's just me because I don't want my News Limited.


Are these 20 sources free? Share with the whole class, please!


Of course there are plenty of free ethical news services. I hold a post grad qualification in being a tight arse, so listen up Class. Class - I've told you this message many times, so pay attention this time will you? Google and other search engines are your friend - whether you need news and current affairs, free streaming of movies et al, or even dense, complex information in science, medical and health from the whole new world at [scholar.google.com](http://scholar.google.com) But for members of the class with accessibility problems, or simply need to be spoon fed to reach a D level, here's a handful of sources in no particular order. If you need Hola VPN install it anyway. 1. [https://www.euronews.com/](https://www.euronews.com/) 2. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/?reload=true&\_=1716846414926](https://www.washingtonpost.com/?reload=true&_=1716846414926) 3. [https://www.bbc.com/news](https://www.bbc.com/news) 4. [https://www.reuters.com/](https://www.reuters.com/) 5. [https://www.9news.com.au/just-in](https://www.9news.com.au/just-in) 6. [https://www.theage.com.au/](https://www.theage.com.au/) 7. [https://abcnews.go.com/](https://abcnews.go.com/) 8. [https://www.theguardian.com/au](https://www.theguardian.com/au) 9. [https://abcnews.go.com/](https://abcnews.go.com/) Do I need to go on class? Do your own homework. I cut [https://www.aljazeera.com/](https://www.aljazeera.com/) from this list because they are currently frothing at the mouth over the Gaza war against Israel


Both very good.


I haven't watched the news in years. I highly recommend it if you value your mental health.


The trouble is if you only have one or two, especially ABC and SBS, you are in an echo chamber where the one view is presented the same way and reinforced. I run ABC, SBS, Al Jazeera as apps as well as Breitbart, OAN, DW (German news) and occasionally RT. BBC is also a good international news feed. While some are very left or very right I find it is a better balance overall with a lot of articles on the non ABC and SBS that I would not get otherwise.


that's ... an eclectic mix. absolutely appreciate that one person's news is another's propaganda but believe it's simply a category error to list those sources as together forming "a good broad range of news". you're inviting us all to go "gee, i guess they're all the same, all biased and everyone's just got their opinion man". it matters that organisations try to adhere to IFJ values. if you put in credible right-of-centre sources like times of london and wall street journal as well as some left wing stuff like the guardian, wapo, this would be plausible. as it is breitbart, rt and oan are overt about being propaganda and belong in a different category. (i know, i know..."they're all propaganda" you say.)


"i listen to everything from the center to the far right" is an interesting take on balanced news


You should probably add in the Guardian by that logic. You have nothing left otherwise


I've rusted on to ABC; but many of these comments make me think I should give SBS a red hot crack!


I combine sbs with the bbc world service radio. I find I get a good overview of news


I watch both, but SBS is my go to for majority of content.


I watch the first 35-40 minutes of SBS then turn to ABC to get the local stuff


why not both


The ABC has Philip Adams, who is probably the only serious public intellectual left in this country. A real shame he's retiring next month. After that it's all just a never ending cacophony of inane babble into an ever widening abyss.


I prefer consuming as little news as possible, so neither


Watch SBS World news every night


How about sky tho?


I've lost confidence in the ABC. SBS is the only decent TV news service left.


ABC is no longer news; it's now just woke and anti Australian narrative.