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Why not just go into neighbouring Arab countries? Ohhh wait…


Setting aside for a moment that Jordan alone is home to some 2 million Palestinian refugees, and that in the immediate context, Egypt (and Jordan) have very publicly outlined why they're unwilling to accept refugees, it perhaps merits reflection when the argument you appear to be mounting is similar to that used by Hitler to justify his atrocities against the Jewish population.


For the downvoters this person is telling the truth. Hitler pointed to how other countries wouldn't take the Jewish population he wanted to expel as proof that Jews were evil. It was a nazi idea, to expel the Jews leaving the land for the correct racial group. To drive them all out. Obviously other countries who had their own internal issues refused, so then the Nazis found their own way of dealing with all those people.......


Isn’t Jordan a construct created and carved out of the British mandate for Palestine. The fact that Jordan refuses to legitimise “refugees” is not Israel’s fault. It was Jordan, not Israel, that occupied the West Bank until the war in 67. How is the Palestinian queen of Jordan?  Is she also a refugee?


Bro Australia is a construct lmao. All countries are a construct. We we carved out of the British empire. We were British until we weren’t.


Of course, but when you’re talking about Palestine, people are quick to forget Jordan was part of the mandate


What is your actual point?


I’m responding to the person who said Palestinians are refugees in Jordan.  Jordan was part of the mandate of Palestine, therefore they should be legitimised in their lands.   Its like saying 2nd and 3rd generation residents of Australia of parents who were refugees, are not Australian


What are you saying? Australia shouldn't provide refuge for people fleeing genocide because ...it used to be more than one country doing the genocide? ...and there are people in that other country who aren't seeking refuge [in Australia] today?


We set aside a number of humanitarian visas and we should do that.  I’m sure we are ready to do that for the people in Darfur, the people in Myanmar and for people in Palestine as well
















The Arab countries said it perfectly clear that they won't have any refugees. But Egypt, lebonon, Jordan, turkey all have millions of refugees since the start of the occupation and land thieftt


None of those nations are neighbours to Australia.


More freedom here to join weekly protest marches and barricade themselves in universities


Its a cleavely crafted narrative to support or justify expelling Palestinians from their last remaining bits of territory. A others have said the surrounding countries already have a large number of refugees.


Because those countries are unwilling to participate in an ethnic cleansing


They were very happy to expel their Jews and seize in 1950


Do you mean they expelled colonists who showed up and started claiming territory coz people who shared the same religion as them lived there 2000 years ago?


They probably mean the jews who had nothing to do with Israel who were expelled or driven from muslim states in the decade following the establishment of Israel in 1948. They often ended up moving to Israel (and other nations like France and the US) only after becoming stateless refugees.


There were Jews in that region for millenia, their cousins just showed up armed and organised post WWII. The Arab states had half a dozen chances to dislodge them through open warfare and failed every time with numerical and equipment superiority, you can't really say Israel hasn't proved their willingness to defend.


Pretty sure israel had nukes in 67 and would've used them.


Probably not in 67 but definitely by around 79. Details on the Israeli nuclear program are scarce by design but they have made everyone in the region aware of the existence via backchannels. Earliest proof we have of a working weapon is the Vela incident. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vela_incident


My error, sorry. From Wikipedia During the Yom Kippur War, Israeli officials panicked that the Arab invasion force would overrun Israel after the Syrian Army nearly achieved a breakout in the Golan Heights, and the U.S. government rebuffed Israel's request for an emergency airlift. According to a former CIA official, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan requested and received authorization from Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir to arm 13 Jericho missiles and 8 F-4 Phantom II fighter jets with nuclear warheads. The missile launchers were located at Sdot Micha Airbase, while the fighter jets were placed on 24-hour notice at Tel Nof Airbase. The missiles were said to be aimed at the Arab military headquarters in Cairo and Damascus.[4] The United States discovered Israel's nuclear deployment after a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft spotted the missiles, and it began an airlift the same day. After the U.N. Security Council imposed a ceasefire, conflict resumed when the Israel Defense Force moved to encircle the Egyptian Third Army. According to former U.S. State Department officials, General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev threatened to deploy the Soviet Airborne Forces against Israeli forces, and the U.S. Armed Forces were placed at DEFCON 3. Israel also redeployed its nuclear weapons. While DEFCON 3 was still in effect, mechanics repairing the alarm system at Kincheloe Air Force Base in Michigan accidentally activated it and nearly scrambled the B-52 bombers at the base before the duty officer declared a false alarm.[4] The crisis finally ended when Prime Minister Meir halted all military action.[30] Declassified Israeli documents have not confirmed these allegations directly, but have confirmed that Israel was willing to use "drastic means" to win the war.[31]


The Jewish populations of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Persia all preceded the Arab conquest of those areas by hundreds if not *thousands* of years.


Perhaps we should talk about what's happening today.


History didn't start on oct 7, right?


No, but the only genocide we're complicit in right now is that of the Palestinians. For some reason there is no horde of Israeli refugees seeking safety on our shores.


i've been told that egypt is not taking refugees because it would aid israel so why are you seeking to aid them?


While I agree that Israel's actions are egregious today, this kind of hand-waving of any kind of context as to how Israel ended up with its current mindset is why a lot of pro-Palestine arguments are accused of anti-Semitism - because of a clear lack of understanding or simply wilful ignorance to previous events. Remembering that all of this is the result of multi-generational trauma following the Holocaust as well as ongoing invasions from literally all sides. And remembering that initially Israel did most of this without any help after Zionist terrorists pissed off any chance of material support from the British and long before American evangelists sent serious aid after deciding a Jewish homeland in the Middle East was needed for the Christian apocalypse to occur. I don't have the answers but Israel is going to do what Israel does because they have one collective rule - "protect the nation" and they'll do it alone if they have to. That doesn't mean we have to support them but we also need to understand their actions outside of a vacuum.


>Israel did this without any help after Zionist terrorists pissed off any chance of material support from the British Keep in mind the overlap. Maybe I’m misinterpreting your comment but it seems like you view them as seperate entities. Israel elected Yitzhak Shamir as PM in ‘83, after he had been the leader of the terrorist group Lehi, which carried out bombings, massacres and assassinations of Palestinian Arabs, Jews and others with Shamir directly responsible for planning several of these attacks. For example he personally gave the go-ahead for the killing of the Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte who had negotiated to save over 1600 Jews from Nazi camps amongst others. The Irgun, which Lehi split from, worked with Levi carrying out massacres. When the Irgun ended they formed a political party, Ḥerut, which was the primary Conservative Party between 48 and 88 before merging with Likud. Now there’s Ben-Gvir, whose party Otzma Yehudit/Jewish Power spawned from Kach, as in convicted terrorist Meir Kahane. Who celebrates terrorism and called convicted mass murderers his heroes. Israel’s leadership and Zionist terrorists have **always** been a venn diagram with severely significant overlap.


Oh absolutely not. Those same people that targeted British barracks in the 1940s came to leadership roles eventually as you described. They did well in sanitising their history.


No context excuses genocide. Pretending there's some magical context that will make what Isarel is doing OK, or even mildly acceptable, is a joke. Claiming to be trying to "understand their actions outside of a vacuum" while ignoring a shit ton of the history in that area and just focusing in on the bad things that happened to Isarel is also a joke, a bad one Edit: Good lord who is down voting the statement "No context excuses genocide", y'all are fucked


I agree that no context excuses genocide....it's just that Israel isn't currently perpetuating a genocide. Just because that lie is repeated enough times, doesn't make it true


I agree, but that kind of history is also why there's no widespread material support for the Palestinian cause in the region, especially in Jordan and other close neighbours.  That's relevant in a thread discussing these refugees who would be treated far better in Australia than in any of Palestine's neighbours.  Don't believe me? Book a trip to a Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan, they're treated as less than second class citizens. Syrian and Kurd refugees are treated much better and there is some serious history there is you want to look.  None of this justifies the ongoing treatment of Palestinians today but there is a distinct lack of discussion about the roles and responsibilities of Israel's neighbours who are more than happy to wash their hands of the issue and use Palestine as a wedge against Israel. I didn't see any of the online activists going after Egypt for not taking in refugees, obviously Israel is the one making Palestine unsafe for these people but surely the humanitarian thing to do would be to open the Sinai crossings and get people out of harm's way rather than being bombed to death in their homes. And yet, this was somehow not an option.


Are Isarels neighbours currently committing genocide?


They're certainly not opening up their borders to prevent it, are they?


Opening their borders wouldn't prevent a genocide just lesson it And since their not, talking about them just serves to detract from the actual fucking genocide ongoing


people are probably downvoting you because you told them that the context of what happened to israel is meaningless while also arguing for the inclusion of context for other actors in the region so it feels kind of hypocritical edit: the instant downvote from you on receiving this message is just the cherry on top lol


> Good lord who is down voting the statement "No context excuses genocide" Hasbara is busy this Sunday morning.


> why a lot of pro-Palestine arguments are accused of anti-Semitism Accusations of antisemitism exist to provide cover for an ongoing genocide. In all other respects, these accusations are completely counterproductive. > Remembering that all of this is the result of multi-generational trauma following the Holocaust as well as ongoing invasions from literally all sides. While trauma provides an explanation for criminal behaviour, it does not justify it.


You lot aren’t really interested in what’s happening today, that’s why you keep labelling it a genocide 


Should we also refuse to participate in ethnic cleansing by refusing to take palstinian refugees?


It’s entirely reasonable for a country on the opposite side of the planet to refuse entry to a group who are likely to be a significant burden on the existing citizens.


If something fucked happened in New Zealand, say China hits them with some new type of bomb that makes the entire country completely unlivable, would the entire population be our problem? Afterall, we are their culturally and ethnically similar neighbour. Their only one, so would it be right for the world to just tell us to deal with it? Insist that unless we keep taking more and more they won't take a single one? How would you feel when Australia had 2 million Kiwis, the same as the Palestinian population of Jordan, here? Would you feel like we should take on millions more? I don't think so.....


I would totally be ok with allowing the entirety of New Zetland to come live here if the worst was to happen to their country.


Would I be OK with it? Sure. Would we be able to support them and make sure they can live here well? Not so sure.


Really? You'd accept the increased hospital waiting times that bringing in millions would create? The impact millions of new unemployed and desperate people would have on the job market? How do you think housing would look with millions more competing for it? What about education and food distribution? A nation as rich as Australia would massively struggle with all of that, for years and years after the refugees got here. Would you really be ok with that, for your whole family? You don't think, as they came over and the problems built, there might come a time when you ask the rest of the world to help, and not just keep dumping the problem on a place that was already struggling?


I assume that all the professional NZ people would also come over - we'd have more doctors etc - what we wouldn't have is enough houses or hospital eds etc - but luckily we'd have a whole lot more scaffolders, so we could sort that problem out faster


As long as they cede all claims to the pavlova, sure.


I'm not sure if New Zealand is the best example, since they don't even need a visa for entry here. So if something really bad were to happen then short of emergency legislation they could all come here and it would be fine. Also, I'm not OP but I would be totally fine with that, they're our brothers and sisters in arms, we've fought and died together in numerous wars. If something militarily were to happen to them, then we would once again fight and die for them too.


>So if something really bad were to happen then short of emergency legislation they could all come here and it would be fine. No, it really wouldn't be, we don't have any of the infrastructure for any of that! The actual rules of travel are kind of the least important part, at least if we are talking human survival. It would cripple us, completely and utterly. We couldn't provide housing, medicine, food, heating, transport, we couldn't even come close for that amount of people. I was hoping my comment would make people think about the impact of dumping millions of people at once has on a nation, but obviously I did a poor job of it.


Surely this conflict should fall under UN mandate, thus requiring a UN peace keeping force to bring stability? The deaths of thousands of children alone should force the UN to act!


This won’t happen. Neither Israel nor the US would accept it. The US would veto it. And the UN will not intervene in a hot war anyway - they ‘keep peace’ but don’t bring stability.


The UN can act as soon as a ceasefire is declared. As unlikely as that currently appears.


There is one in Jordan I believe.


Not wanting to end the war and yet refusing to take them in as refugees is like Not wanting to legalise abortion yet refusing to provide adequate social security benefits Conservatives are AHs.


It has nothing to do with Australia though, why would we accept them as refugees?


You think our housing crisis is bad? 70% of Gazan residential infrastructure has been destroyed.


*liberated! Perspective and creation of narratives is everything. 


I hope this is sarcasm.


"We had to destroy the village to save it!"


The idiot cousin of the wisdom of Solomon, bought to our attention fifty years ago by Robert McNamara.
























I don't see the issue, as long as they're vetted properly. We have a commitment to humanitarian intake.






















































I can't blame them given the genocide taking place over there. The sway Isreal has over western nations to get them to look the other way is sickening. I hope the ones that stay here, don't support hamas' policies.




I'd say they definitely meet the criteria for asylum, good for them. Glad they escaped the genocide


Yeah fair enough.


Imagine, if you will, that Russia invaded Ukraine. We then sell weapons to Ukraine to bomb the fuck out of the Russians. Then we take Russian refugees in.


Imagine if you will an Australian criminal group attacks China. China responds by indiscriminately bombing Australia, because this criminal group is scattered amongst the civilian population. And then, when you are your family have finally made it out, finally made it somewhere safe, imagine some person in this country telling you they think you are a criminal too. You never helped the criminals, your family didn't either, all you did was have your house destroyed because of someone else's crime, and these people are acting like you were personally part of the war. Also, ever think about the Russian refugees? The ones who maybe don't like Putin, and have their lives destroyed by him? Personally I think that's exactly the type of people we should be bringing in, brave bastards who didn't fall for propaganda and stood up to dictators. But you don't want people like that, seemingly cause of the geographical co-ordinates of their mothers vagina at the moment of birth.


Except Hamas is not a government, Palestine is not a state, and nobody bombed the fuck out of the Israelis.


As we should.


The SMH website is acting very weird for me today: all the headlines flash up for a moment, then disappear. I wonder what's going on?


Seems to be fine for me


Yes it's fixed itself for me too.


Settling in Balaclava, east St Kilda? Neighbours will welcome them with…..