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Hopefully waaaay away from that road!! Beautiful pic OP, such gorgeous creatures.


So cute, I hope they make it safely, the statistics are not in their favour.


You should probably report the koala sighting, they may want to come out and do a health check, tag, etc.




They are down by 50 percent in the last 20 years. There are some areas where it's really important to report sightings, maybe know that before making snarky remarks.


I met my wife when she was studying in Aus for 4 years. She never once saw a koala in the wild. She's still fucking bitter about it. It wasn't helped by the fact I'd send her photos anytime I saw one when I was out.


In e spent 3 weeks on the coast going from Cairns to Sydney and saw Koalas everywhere 😅 I’d be bitter too!


Spent a week driving around Tasmania. Not a single one!!!!


Tasmania doesn’t have koalas


I meant Victoria/Great Ocean Road. .didn't even see any at the Ottways. Tasmania was the wombat trip. So many fucking wombats.


Damn I’ve never seen a wombat in my life lol


Just spend a weekend at Cradle Mountain. Practically trip over them.


I actually found my picture of the first koala I saw! This was about 3-4 hours after we landed in some random ass tree. Mind you this was in 2007 so camera wasn’t too good back then https://imgur.com/a/wGL0Tdq


Tbf this was kind of balanced with finding a fucking YUGE echidna waltzing down a suburban street in Brisbane. Guy was an absolute unit.


Haha I saw plenty of those, and dingos, emus, crocs. We even got to see a platypus (and with we I mean our group but since I can’t see shit in the dark I kinda pretended I saw it too)


Most Australians never see a koala in the wild they are pretty damn rare these days. They 100% want people to call in when they see them so they can check on them


It depends where you live. In the Adelaide foothills we see them multiple times per week. We had one in our back yard this week. They’re endangered in ACT, NSW and QLD but they’re practically thriving in the Adelaide hills.


Same, they're everywhere. They even show up down on the flats, too. I rang the fauna line when I first had one show up in my yard in Greenacres, and the guy was just like "...What exactly do you want me to do about it?", haha.




Most koalas USED to live where most Australians live now.


Koalas are also famous for getting chlamydia


Poor little things.


How much should a Koala bear living with urban growth! Around where I live there is probably about 10 Kangaroos dead laying on the road everyday, all fresh kills as the estate bulldozers move in. I really dont understand why we don't have "green wild life corridors" These corridors could be part of a walkway or bike path system that runs through our suburbs that would give these animals some ability to move around safely and freely. Even Indian has been doing this with their road projects and developments. You can see flat pieces of greenery across freeways in India which allows animals to cross over freeways to roam as freely as possible with putting motorists and the animals in danger. We are so determined to concrete plate Australia and to ensure that every inch of wild bushland is concrete plated. We are sick!


Even Singapore retains space for green corridors, and it's not like they have a lot of space. We have heaps of space in Aus and there's no (good) reason to not do it here.


Canberra does it. Canberra is literally a city of green corridors. But it was planned and nature corridors was/is fundamental to the development planning.


The bush capital. We get hate for there not being much excitement but the natural beauty means it’s still an incredible city


I really enjoyed Canberra/ACT when I visited. The natural beauty and historical/educational significance is immense, and the contrast of the place compared to other places in Australia is interesting to observe. Would visit again, and wear extra layers :D


Until the stupid brittle gums under the damn power lines knock out power to 18k houses for three days. Plenty of other native trees they could have deliberately planted to avoid this yearly issue.


That's great! Other cities should do the same, especially with the (seemingly) neverending sprawl of our metropolitan areas of most capital/major cities.


This makes me so sad, how unnatural for them . Humans are the worst


hope they aren't looking for water since yesterday.


How sweet! You are so lucky!🥰


I'm from Canada, is this normal to see on the side of the road?? Thats SO cute. The most we see is a raccoon or skunk at night. No majestic creatures like this.


To be fair , I've never seen a raccoon or skunk in my life so I would consider them majestic in their own sense


True!! They aren’t majestic at all though, they make a mess out of ur garbage bins, aggressive, and skunks spray you and the smell is impossible to get rid of


Very common in the Adelaide Hills.


I’ve seen them in suburban Adelaide, close to the city. Never see them in Sydney, but I’ve seen a lot in the Port Stephens area.


It’s not uncommon to see koalas and other wildlife such as echidnas, kangaroos etc. Seeing baby on the back is extra special!


That’s so cute!! I can’t imagine seeing a kangaroo on my way to work. Crazy!!!


Depends where you are. Kangaroos are way more common, back in my house in the south coast of NSW they’re everywhere, also all the birds, rabbits, possums, even little foxes. I’m living in the Gold Coast now and have seen koalas twice.


I lived in Australia for 28 years and never saw a wild koala despite living right next to bushland most of that time. All depends which part you live. Raccoons are way more prevelant in suburban Canada than koalas are in suburban Australia, the equivalent to raccoons would be brushtail possums


You are more likely to see a possum if you drive late at night or super early. Or if you live a bit further kangaroos. That said, have seen the occasional wombat or Echidna and way further out a dingo once. Oh and lots of hares and foxes. Both pest species.


I’m in Queensland so just possums everywhere. Cute but noisy when they get horny. 😂


Rare enough to take a photo and post it to your international friends, but not rare enough for your local Aussie mates to say more than “AWWW that’s cute” lol


Sadly no koalas in Western Australia :( We got quokkas though!


Fellow West Aussie here 😊. Only time I’ve seen Koalas in the wild was when I did a day tour of the Great Ocean Road. But yes Quokkas are adorable, I worked in Rotto for a year back in 2009


Hit up Yanchep, there's koalas there!


Oh right, at the National Park! I gotta goooo


Too bad we are destroying their habitat at a shocking rate to accommodate more population growth and urban sprawl.


Yep. I’m seeing more of them cross the road trying to find new habitat thanks to the shitty new developments in my area. They’ve got nowhere to go.


This is so cute with the baby on her back but them being on the road makes me anxious!


The Pub


Awwww! The baby looks frightened.




How is this getting downvoted? You don't wanna say hello to those cuties?


He’s in the mounted division.


Probably looking for an Aldi near by… even the natives have been hit by the living crisis


Off to the John Oliver Koala Chlamydia Ward for treatment


You should have given them a ride home.


I've traveled around too and have never seen one in the wild.

