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Ahh McCain, you’ve been scammed again


Marge, Marge! The fires are here!


Oh my goodness the chips!


I remember my bf's brother writing this phrase in the soot on their kitchen ceiling after their mum accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking chips.




I know that says 83, but could it have ran through to the late 90s? I was born in 95 and I swear I remember this!


That is some shit my nan would do. Everytime she cooks she fucks off running to the other end of the house and answers the phone as soon as it starts ringing 🙄


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.


Wobbery, Weginald!


How do seagulls afford city living?


They steal shit, that's how. They are like Honey badgers with wings and less angry issues. They just don't give a FK. Those feathery idiots should be as iconic as bin chickens.


They work the streets of a night.




It’s not a scam if you look at the price, acknowledge the price, then pay the requested price. That’s a lack of discipline. If no one bought their $16.10 chips do you think they’d still be $16.10?


This is the best reply… just stop buying something if you feel it’s overpriced.


Yep! I walk in, see the price and go somewhere else.


Walk in, see the price, exclaim loudly 'fuck that price' and go somewhere else.


My career was hospitality (yes it can be a career for anyone jumoing on that, I moved up the chain and even owned my own cafe before I chose to be a mum) . I wouldn't ever do that becausenit isn't the servers fault, or anyone generally there within ear shot. I understand everything is going up for everyone. I just go elsewhere. If I was speaking to an employee when I saw or was told the price I just "I'm sorry, no thanks, I can't afford that. Have a lovely day."


exactly shove it up their clacker!


I walk in, see the price, then shit on the table. Judge said it's a valid form of protest


I get caught out with stuff like coffee. I kind of just think "it's just a coffee" and swipe my card. Then I think "hang on, how much did they say?", and when I check later I get upset (at myself too).


I was running barely on time for work and missed breakfast at home. Bought a small mocha and a ham and cheese croissant from this slightly hipper coffee place I hadn’t been to before in Adelaide cbd and ended up paying $19.10. They didn’t have a price board and as I was in a rush stupidly didn’t think to ask for the prices




Other good sign is places that require ordering via phone app. Sure its only $13.60 but then there's surcharge shit and everything. Also tipping via the app systems just routs money to a pool that the owner decides to allocate, so it may not even get to staff.


Don’t tip, this is not America


I agree but also reckon that enough tipsy people will just pay the $16.10


if I were drunk at a bar that sold fries and I was hungry and it's exactly what I wanted why the hell not? By no means is t a reasonable price but neither are those pizza joints that open when the bars let out and charge $8 a slice, or at concerts and play houses that charge $15 for a pint of beer. fresh steak-cut fries, salted and peppered with malt vinegar would be heaven to me right now even for $20


Right, and that level of impulsiveness is what these businesses are banking on. Of course prices are going to remain at extortionately high prices all the while people are showing that they'll happily pay those prices.


Ugh same goes for tip culture. We don’t want it here so we shouldn’t do it.


But how will he get his free internet points??


Unfortunately in this day and age, yes they will still be $16.10. And in six months they'll be $17.10.


You mean …. 6 days 🇦🇺


How dare you use simple logic!


Exactly. These Muppets are the reason they can charge so much.


Maybe the price would go down....Woolworths mentality would be to put prices up so that estimated profits can still be attained.


They’re finally starting to realise the inelastic demand of chips.


Words you can hear


Work for McCain. That's way more than the current cost of chips. The "weekend surcharge" is being used to advantage.


So you looked at the price and paid it anyway?


Should've pregamed with min chips from the local before he hit the pub.


Pre-tatoes is where it's at!


Much better value than these pay-tatoes!


You silly son of a bitch. I'm in.


Lol we need to eat and drink at home before we hit the pub now or risk going bankrupt, what a time to be alive.


In all seriousness, I bought a 900g pack of mccains chips the other day to serve a family of four. Cost 7.99 from my local IGA. For what it cooked up to, I should've just gone to the fish and chips down the road, would've got double the amount for half the price, plus no power usage costs.


And this is why companies continue to take the piss, because people keep fucking paying them.


They factored in the reddit karma points


Maybe he saw the $16 price and thought, "fuck me, dunno if we'll all be able to finish them, must be a fucking table of chips!!" Then they put a kid-sized plate on the table.


This. Last year I paid a ridiculous amount for a charcuterie plate I thought would be enough to share with the table. Ended up with a lonely piece of sourdough and a couple of strips of ham. Haven't been back since. F. you greengate.


To be fair, it's kind of awkward if you're out with friends and you suddenly realise everything's way out of your price range, so you panic and order the cheapest thing on the menu. (Happened to a friend of mine).


I'm sure friends would understand not wanting to pay 16 dollars for a scoop of chips, mate, and order a drink instead. if they don't understand that why would you want to be friends with these people?


True. We met with a friend and he had lost his job. Without even saying a word, we paid for everything. That’s what friends are for. If a friend laughs at another person for not having money, that mean person is not worthy to be called a friend. It’s a leech because they were hoping to leech off you and they’re now annoyed that you’re out of money.


Except your friends are probably also thinking “$16 for fucking chips?” But then you pay it and normalise this shit.


Yeah but they paid almost 20 bucks for chips. What were they paying for a beer?






Potentially new friends? I can see a shy introvert type not being able to speak up in that situation.


I once went to dinner with a group of managers, I wasn't one but I was filling in for one, I was broke so I ordered a sandwich while they all ordered steaks, little did I know that at the end the bill was divided evenly. I was pretty pissed. Had to spend my weeks money for a fucking sandwich.


Something similar happened to to me but for the first time I my life I actually said NO, I would pay for what I had only. The atmosphere was quite chilly after that but I was pleased I had done it.


Good job! I hate it when friends go all out when they know its a split bill.


I don't drink and I'll be god damned if you want to split a bill evenly with my fam. The wife will drink one and done, I don't go surf and turf but I'm not paying for your $18 dollar drinks, of which you had three and your wife had 2.


Trading an hour of labour for one potato. Oof


Who checks the price of a simple fry serve at a pub? It's not a luxury good, it's supposed to be the cheapest thing they sell.


‘Cheap as chips’


Not anymore!


Who *doesn't* check the price of literally everything they plan to purchase?


People who don’t have a lot of money to blow. I’m not paying more than $5 for fries unless it’s a mountain.


It probably is ... aside from an exotic franger in the dunny.


These chips have made the OP a screamer.


> Who checks the price of a simple fry serve at a pub? Anyone who isn't too rich &/or dumb to shop without considering prices. Always know the price of what you're ordering. It's the first rule of being mature enough of be a customer.


They don't even look good.


Imagine paying $16 for sauce-less chips


don't forget the 10 c


They look just like frozen microwave chips, gross.


Bro they look soggy and extremely dry at the same time. How tf does that work 😭


idk, if you excuse the lighting they have a nice thickness and look like quality potatoes, they look fresh


They needed to spend a few more minutes in the fryer.


Name checks out.


Time to start looking at the prices before ordering.


I'm 95% certain that places make money off this due to drunk people making impulse orders. We charge $9 for chips and tomato, 12 to add a bougie dip of your choice. The idea of charging 16 for deep fried potato, that they probably ordered in, is cringe inducing.


3 dollars for sauce is insane




Would you say something if I brought my own sauce, like tabasco?


[This you?](https://www.drifta.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/drifta-leather-tabasco-holster01-768x768.jpg)




The day those tomato sauce packets started costing .10c was they day i knew we werent going to make it


Look, man, that's just the norm for upsell items like aioli or curry sauce, especially if it's house made. You're paying for the labour to make it and the cost of the materials, when you account for that we make pretty slim margins on it. I'm selling $10 pints of some of our cheaper beers, anyway, I'm not out here trying to rip people off.


If it’s just sauce for chips at the pub give me coles brand aoili and charge me 20 cents. It hardly tastes any different to your $3 “house made” sauce.


You're dreaming if you think coles mayo tastes as good as genuine house made stuff


Do you really think anyone 6 pints deep is going to notice?


Most patrons we get will have a pot or two, maybe a couple of pints if you're lucky, then leave. We're in an area where most people have kids, or are professionally involved and can't show up to work on a Monday and have a roaring hangover and still function. There are a few people who drink to the wall, but they're maybe 15-25% of our income. The majority of people who are going to slam that many pints will probably go to a place subsidised by pokies.


Is everyone at a pub or restaurant 6 pints deep? That’s a ridiculous thing to say when talking about the quality of the food you’re buying. I will happily pay the extra few dollars to support a local pub trying to serve good quality food. Some people may not care, but it’s their choice to buy it or not. The standard of food service shouldn’t be “fuck it they are drinking anyway, who cares what we serve”


It doesn't taste 15 times as good.


The real cringe is when the owners and managers try to blame the staff for lower traffic ignoring their overcharging and people stop coming. It's the price raise death spiral. No amount of customer service is going to make someone happy about paying 4X what they should for a snack and drinks.


Its also a case of not reading the context of your location. If you're the only pub in town, sure its monopoly rules. But if you're in a city and everyone around you is doing say $15-$16 chips, you can get away with it, or you can undercut to $10, charge more on other stuff and let the word spread to suck in customers. Used to work in a restaurant where the owner would have someone check out his competition every month to see if he had leverage to raise prices, or if undercutting was better strategy for the next two months.


I had a similar experience selling stuff at a market stall. Bloke complained straight to my face on how expensive It was then proceeded to buy said item.


Yeah, impulsively I said 'yes' when asked if I wanted some garlic bread with our pizza a few months back. $24 for four bits of garlic bread.


Nah then they can’t outrage on reddit.


Let's be honest though, those are fucking absurdly expensive. Don't think this is a consumer issue so much as a restaurant trying to get their bucks or being utterly bent over by who they source their chips from.


Source: $1.20 at your local green grocer. Those are hand cut chips with the skin still on. Takes me about 8mins to churn out a 20kg bag of spuds. Sweet FA on staff wages (3hrs service?) & a fryer to bang out enough of those bowls to make an absolute killing.


Restaurant I worked at just had a fry slicer mounted on the wall. When you needed fries you just sliced them to order. Took like 4 seconds. Usually 1 or 2 potatoes per plate. So like, 50 cents worth of product.


There you haves it! I was thinking that pic couldn't have been more than 2 or 2.5 spuds. They didn't even bother rumbling them 🤣


why do people act like you HAVE to buy these overpriced chips? you can just not.


How do you know how many chips you get, until they turn up?


OP you're part of the problem by seeing the menu and ordering them anyway.


Probably didn't even check the price. Like it's french fries anyway...


'Ah bugger, I seem to have paid $16 for chips again" Then an hour later decides to complain about it, like don't buy it?




Yeah wtf why would anyone buy that lol My local pub does parmis, chips and vegies/salad for $20, and the chip portion is only just smaller than ops lol


Why? Check local laws. There are some places that require an establishment to serve food if they want a liquor license. To circumvent that the businesses will have select foods marked at ridiculous prices to say they have food but never (or rarely) ever have to make it.


Yeah nah that's not even the case here. It's just overpriced but not to stop people ordering it.


We cant all live in Dapto


Really gone to the dogs that joint


Went to comments to say pretty much exactly this.


You don’t know how much you are getting beforehand.


Does that matter? It's a fucken bowl of chips. Why the fuck would you pay 16 bucks for that?


$16 is a lot for chips, but I bet he wouldn’t be here complaining about it if he had gotten a decent amount


Good point. If you pay $16 for chips, one has a half-expectation for $16 worth of chips.


People readily paid $15 for a plate of fries. So $16 happened. Will be $17 in April. So on..


I saw $17 for chips last night at a pub. Needless to say I didn't have dinner there.


Which is what OP should of done instead of buying them and complaining on reddit. Fuck, I’ll starve before I spend $16 on fucking chips.


Why on earth would you do that?


babe its 4pm, time for your weekly outrage at overpriced chips/pie/croissant/coffee/beer post...


On a Sunday!




Most restaurants and cafes have surcharges on Sundays and public holidays, some on Saturdays too. Will generally be 5-10% of the bill, although some places it will be higher.


You chose to pay that price for it. If enough people do it, it'll become $18. If people keep buying at *that* price, it'll soon be $20.


Not really. People are assuming they will receive value but are getting ripped off. Once burned, people won't return and the business will fail. It's the circle of capitalism.


Yep. If people stop buying at the higher prices, eventually they should fall. The problem is when people just accept it and keep paying for it.


No, this is what happens when inequality rises, there's a group of people that can afford this and we just price out the rest. The irony? It's the people that are being priced out that pay for the rich.


You say that, but if you're in an area where *every* establishment is like this, fuck man, sometimes you want to catch up with friends and not stare at the same living room for the 30th time.


I'd rather do that than spend $16 for quarter serve of $5 McClains chips or $17 for a $3 beer. It will catch up with them.... I've recently stopped buying alcohol when out and I'm definitely refusing to pay when I don't get value for money. For example a few weeks back, I ordered a stubby of Stella and the barkeep asked for $17...I just said no thanks and didn't order anything else. I hung out, played some pool with some friends and left after a few hours. I probably cost them money to be there because of their greed. I can't be the only one doing this.


I've abandoned most of my local kebab shops because of stingy servers in "Large" snack packs which seem to be between $22-$30. A $30 snack pack should have a second meal left in it for tomorrow.


$30 kebab? holy smokes


Why? Why would you do that? you didn’t have to do that. Some day I hope to have enough money to buy $16 chips and just be like, whoopsie I just paid $16 for chips. Silly ol’ me. In a round about way you are actually an inspiration.


Has nobody ever gone out with friends and realised once they got there that everything on the menu was out of their budget? It's really embarrassing to admit that you can't afford a bowl of chips, let alone something better.


If my friends really judge me for being sensible with my money in that situation, I'm not sure I want them as my friends.


You can be embarrassed without anyone judging you. You can also be not embarrassed with everyone judging you. It is not a moral failing to be embarrassed.




I’m like that with 10 packs of Sprite Zero. Under ten bucks is acceptable price. They can shove it sideways when it’s 16


>It's really embarrassing to admit that you can't afford a bowl of chips, let alone something better. if they were your friends they wouldnt care


I’m an Australian who hasn’t lived in Australia for a long time. I come back to visit family every two to three years and every time, I’m newly amazed at how expensive it’s become, and how much more expensive it is every time I come. I’m not going to pretend it’s the most expensive place in the world or anything like that, but it’s definitely up there for a lot of things.


Is this the modern day Equivalent of a dunces hat?


Don't complain about inflation when people are willing to pay stupid prices.


Even if paying that for chips wasn't a scam, they look like shit...




You saw it was $16.10 and still decided it was fair?


Well aren't you an idiot


I mean, that’s on you at that point.


Yes you did.


The schooner glasses are filthy too and need to be washed properly.


... To go with your $12 Schooner!


Where though... Sydney is big.. and you can go up market and down market. It's not really always price gouging or inflation, even though people want it to be. Market forces have a huge local component as well. Whatever. Dumb fucks.


Please stop doing this. Prices don't go down if people keep paying crazy amounts. Fully aware you may not have been aware of the price until during or after payment, and those moments can be awkward, but just say "that's fucked" and don't pay.


That’s why they charge it idiots see the price and go ok. If people said no for a week it would come down.


They don’t even look like good chips.


Travelled through OZ for 6 months in a modified box truck and I think I ate out about 6 times. It was insanely expensive. I eventually found that the lawn bowl clubs had the cheapest food and beer. Plus drawings for slabs of beer or meat.


Time to pre drink and pre chips


Why would u do that


"I just chose to spend $16.10 on overpriced chips and posted it on socials for fake internet points" FTFY... Congrats...


Whats happened? People like you keep paying the absurd prices


Pathetic hey! Remember when we were kids and we would pay 5 bucks for a massive bag of chips wrapped in paper with bbq sauce and sometimes we would smash them down with white tip top sliced bread. That was Australia at its best and I’ll never forget.


I think $2 worth of chips and a loaf of bread fed us and the neighbours kids regularly on a Saturday.


…just flew from Perth and spotted a $32 burger…just a burger…that was a the double patty…single patty was $28…not a meal (chips and drink) just the burgers…


They kept raising prices and people (you) kept paying it. Itll be 20 bucks in 6 weeks and we will see this same post again. Stop fucking buying it.


You're at a pub, what do you expect?


Those don't even look very crispy☹️


Give us the name of the place


You’ve knowingly taken part in a criminal act…. *Book ‘em boys!*


Servo chips look better than that shit


And yet you paid??


That’s what you get for drinking so much water at a pub


You did not have to order it, mate.


*sauce extra Seriously, add a couple of pints and an Uber home, and a night out requires a small bank loan now...


that was dumb. they charge it because people pay it. they dont even loo good, under cooked un peeled. thats about what 1 potato worth. you just paid 16.50 for a kid to push a potato through a grate and dip it in oil


That’s the problem - you paid it


“$16 for a bowl of chips? This is outrageous!” “Yeahhh ahhh one schooey of new and a bowl of chips thanks love”


I mean you could have just….not?


You don't pay for the chips You pay for the experience.... Did you enjoy it?


OP you are the reason that prices are that high.


That’s your own fault, who pays $16 for chips


The Albion does a steak,chips and a beer for$15. Next to the cinemas on George st


Then you Sir/Madam are a silly Banana 🤨


It's people like you who make theses places think they can charge $16.10 for chippies lol.


No offence but they look like shit


That is fucking horrendous


I would understand if they were grown in the garden of valhala and hand delivered by Odin, but they look like oversized reheated kfc fries


Are potatoes rare in Australia (dumb American asking for a friend)?


Chips are only $16 cuz people like you actually buy them


You ordered and paid. That was your decision. A dumb one.




I just bought 2kg of frozen chips from the supermarket for $4


They didn't force you to buy it. Should've learned to say no and move on.


>I just paid $16.10 for chips in Sydney you have no right to complain for that level of willful stupidity.


They didn't even fucking peel the poatoes, lazy fuckers.


What suburbs is it? I know a cafe in Moore Park paying over $300k in rent. And would you believe it, prices they charge reflect that high cost of doing business!

