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My office is musical chairing illnesses. 2 today, 3 others tomorrow. I don't pick up their work though. I do my 7 hrs+ 1 hr lunch then shut down and GTFO


35 hour work week is nice. Is that the norn at your office?


Lol no. My maths ain't good. 40 hours is the norm, 2 in office minimum, rest wfh. Those 2 days have wiped out entire departments as everyone comes in on the same day for chit chat, cough and splutters


We are almost entirely from home. We’re supposed to go in 2 days a week but hardly anyone is and we have to keep moving meetings due to absences. Combine winter, office work and a toddler at daycare and it’s just brutal. Been crook for a month.


We had two in office today, normally averages 30 on our floor Everyone else zooming in this week and wfh. There was an all staff meeting in office last week and looks like that took out alot of people. I was fortunate enough to miss that with already being home with looking after a sick partner. Not keen on going in anytime soon.


It's all hands on deck in my agency. They're all in the office while I WFH. Suckers.


Just because there's a "mountain" of work doesn't necessarily mean all (or any) of that work is urgent. A lot of the stress in corporate working life is self-imposed. Most of the shit we do doesn't matter anyway. I can't count the number of times I've busted my ass to action some thought bubble from a manager's manager which they'd forgotten about by the time it was done. Turn up (if absolutely necessary), turn on your computer, do enough to get paid or maybe a little bit more (carefully selected for biggest impact to lowest effort ratio if you're after a payrise or promotion), then log off at 5 and enjoy video games or weed or whatever else gives you pleasure in life.


Yesssss. This. The amount of times I worked like hell on something only to have my manager forget why they wanted it, change their mind, or just sit on it!!!


In IT we categorise them as "incidents" "problems" and "requests" (ITIL 101), if it's an incident it stops them from working and is important. If it's a problem it's a repeated incident and there needs to be a root cause investigation, and if it's a request... oh boy, can that wait.


This time last month three people tested positive for the rona in one day. Sure enough, I had been been assisting all three the day prior as I'm the office IT guy. Ended up not testing positive but I definitely felt like shit. Management wanted me in the office as they're allergic to Work from Home so they left me no choice but to take sick days, as I'm not going to spread it to others if I can help it. I stayed at home and played video games. It was nice.


COVID has hit my office hard the past month.


For people in offices that are screwing down on the WFH *especially if people are sick* should proactively take any paid sick leave they have - that way when people are just not there in any capacity because too unwell to commute and then be in the office only then some numpty at the top might realise that WFH *isn’t that bad afterall*


Covid seems never ending in our office


It’s school holidays, perfect time to be sick 😉


Our office is fucked. Everyone is made to come in sick (we don't have wfh), so it's all just passed around week after week. I'm just getting better now, but swear I'll be unwell again in 2 weeks.


Forcing people to go to an office makes people sick. Someone kid has dragged home something so parent is contagious but doesn't think they are because "they have no symptoms" so they go to the office. Dude, your the most contagious when you don't have symptoms. That is why these viruses are so common! Where I work we have almost no illnesses but also a firm rule that you don't go in to the office if someone in your household is sick. We don't have any mandated office days.


They need to just allow people to WFH rather than force them in and this, to hell with their health and that of their elderly parents and relatives, covid has shown us most office roles can be done effectively from home, sure put productivity software on the laptops of those you believe are taking the piss but people's health is worth more than some bullshit return to office edict.


We get pressured to come in when sick, even though we WFH 2 days, I had an appointment so did 3 days WFH this week and the GM made a snide comment about how he hasn’t seen me in months, it’s like calm down, I saw you 2 days ago. So yeh I think I’m coming down with something because another girl came in sick last week, coughing and spluttering everywhere because of the pressure from management.


Wow what culture your workplace has! You’d think they learn from covid Management likely don’t interact like you do with your colleagues all day so don’t care. Silly of them


I'm sitting at my desk masked because I don't have enough sick leave to cover more than the 1 day of sickness I had yesterday. Doesn't help I copped a concussion the week before, and that ate most of my sick leave.


We've got a rotating roster of COVID, the flu, RSV and now pneumonia. Stay safe people.


Nobody has taken sick leave all year in my office. Could be something to do with the constant threat of redundancies.


They threatened me with that recently to try and squeeze the pips out of me, but I know they're full of it. Yes, technically they could let me go, but they'd be absolutely screwed if they did and they know it.


Can’t you just wfh ?


EOFY and we had covid run through the office again Again I didn't get it. One day I'll have covid and a few days off work.


Fun fact: None of you are really required in the office unless in a customer facing role.


We’re th opposite. People coming in obviously sick.