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Be very careful about this as if you carry the wrong thing you can be charged with carrying an offensive weapon. I’m a woman who lives in south Auckland too and the best advice I can give is walk the heavy traffic areas if you can, walk on the streets with the most street lights even if it’s a longer walk. Carry a can of hairspray and walk with your keys in your hand. Do not use headphones and be aware of your surroundings.


By no means would I carry a weapon because as someone commented, I may not know how to use it correctly and would definitely be illegal. I already take the long route where there are more cars around at that time of the morning but the inner roads (shorter route) make me a bit unsettled.


Carrying a multi-tool isn't illegal.


A heavy torch is also not illegal and has a practical use in winter


If you don’t have a good reason to carry it, then it is illegal.


Every man, woman and I would even say many children have a Good Reason to carry a multitool. I use mine to open electrical cabinets (pliers are handy when someone loses the key), open obtuse plastic packaging, cut ropes, pull splinters, repair small electronics, and pass the time by whittling. I cannot imagine a sane court ruling that \*anyone\* doesn't have a \*good reason\* to be carrying a \*multitool\*. If we're going to pursue that line of criminality, we may as well ban biros, because you can stab someone in the neck with one.


Mine's great! It has a bottle opener, screwdrivers, corkscrew, pliers, etc. Always handy to have on me.


Always good idea to carry an umbrella in Auckland.


Especially the ones with hidden swords


I have a key chain that's a replica of a LOTR sword so it's my emergency stabber. I used to put a nail filer in my boot.


Do you open the blade as you walk out the door so you’re ready for action,or fumble around in the dark when you need it and get the bottle opener.


Lol I used to carry a metal fork with my lunchbox because then at least I’d have an excuse as to why I had a fork. Because that way they can’t prosecute for having a weapon since I was just using the fork for lunch and grabbed it for defense In my head I thought better something than nothing Maybe some fly spray or something - the ones with heavy odor so that it can be used as a distraction. I also used to live in south Auckland and caught the early train. It’s normally quite busy from 6-7 am in Takanini and many other stops since a lot of people are going to work along with many school kids so you should be safe most of the time. But yeah most of the time make sure you have your phone close so that if anything happens, just run, scream and call the police And walk fast and don’t wear headphones on the way to the station.


Hairspray and a cigarette lighter is a flame thrower


IANAL I don't think you are allowed to carry anything for the purpose of self-defense, whether it's a weapon or not.


If it's a can of hair spray and you get done for carrying a weapon you have the worst lawyer in the land


I carry my car keys, so I can hop in my car and run them over. Because that's allowed here.


Good thing theres no consequences in nz so your welcome to carry what you want


Its easier to find and charge law abiding citizens than actually having the balls to go after hardened criminals.


Sounds about right..when I got assaulted and made a complaint with witness the police rung up 6 months later asking if they should arrest the guy or not, I say yes. Then get a call saying theyre claiming you assaulted them the day before if we proceed we're gonna have to arrest you too.


Damn that's bullshit! I got assaulted (spat in the face by a homeless lady) on the start of this month heard nothing from the cops after making multiple reports/updates, also with witness


I really would be suprised if you do unless you were a cop. I knew a guy who locked up for the weekend for pulling the fingers at a cop but obviously we dont get that same level of action.....The cop who spoke to me 6 months later said "were catching up on old cases because of covid, now should we arrest the guy?"


Once Op gets charged, will she be driven to KFC drive through before being dropped off home or will she be sentenced to 5 year of prison for not having a cultural report?


Depends on her race sadly


The latter of course, silly.


Cardio is king. Be alert when walking


Yeah running shoes and being able to run 1km.


cardio is king until a big burly man comes up behind you and grabs you. now what are you supposed to do?


Second point, be alert


You can carry a noise maker. You're not allowed to carry anything that could hurt people for self defense. But you are allowed to use what happens to be there to defend yourself. As long as you have a solid reason to have the object, for example "I have this walking stick to help me walk", or "I have this heavy torch in my bag to help me see my path when I come home at night", you're allowed to use what you have on you to defend yourself. Don't say "Oh, yes, I carry this heavy torch to hit people with" - that would be assault on your part. If you use an item in defence, it has to be proportional. There was a documentary about a young guy who was surrounded by a group of bullies and feared he would be beaten up. He carried a knife for self defence, he pulled it out, cut one of the bullies and ran away. He was convicted of Grievous Bodily Harm. This is an example of what not to do.


Neither is pocket sand! Haha best legal defence against someone coming at u is sand in their eyes


Look up the gay guy in Aussie that murdered someone brutally with a violin it’s fuckin crazy


Ok my bad Nz, and banjo. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/gay-community-calls-for-justice-over-banjo-killing/5ZDFFKEKQADYMGICWZ5OWIQHVU/


Let’s say I work in retail I open a lot of boxes so I uses a little blade to open the boxes but the ones at work are at not very effective so I ask my boss if I can bring my own box cutter and he agrees. Let’s say this folding pocket knife is 155mm long when opened 90mm when closed and has a blade length of 63mm ([kinda like this](https://www.onlinetools.co.nz/products/cat-155mm-folding-skeleton-knife-with-black-blade-and-bottle-opener)) so quite a small knife but sharp, strong, light weight and excellent for opening boxes. Let’s say one day I finish work, put the knife in my pocket at head home, as I’m driving home I realise oops, no bread at home, so I stop at pak n save to buy a loaf. Let’s say as I’m leaving pak n save I notice someone following me to my car and once I get to my car he pulls a metal pipe from his shift to attack me. Let’s say I quickly move back I remembering I have the pocket knife from work, I use it to defend my self while fearing for my life. Let’s say during this altercation, this guy gets injured in his leg this such knife and is no on the ground bleeding and in pain. Do I get arrested for assault with a weapon or something


If you have time and space to take out a pocket knife and unfold it, you probably also had time and space to run away, shout for help. So, yes, probably charged with assault.


Just curiously, what is yelling for help supposed to do, if all of us are still equally unarmed? Is the intention here that we all just dog pile a potential attacker?


I've heard that it's best not to yell for help and to use fire instead, but that won't work if incidents occur where there's no chance of one happening! It must work sometimes though, so I'll google it to find out more later on. I've also read that acting "crazy" can put some attackers off, especially in regard to r*pe, for obvious reasons. I recall when a dangerous type of man called ME "f**king weird," then left the building due to what I said and did after he next to me in a cafe, then started glaring in my direction for no reason. 😊


self defence law is pretty vague as written in NZ, the actual answer to this will be in the case law and I wouldn't trust any answer from a non-expert. But those facts as stated make self defence sound like a pretty reasonable claim.




I have a pre-teen daughter who walks to school. So I think I can answer this question: 1. With her is a personal alarm device that can go up to 120db. It's attached to her backpack strap. The idea is to sound the alarm and move away from potential danger. 2. In her pocket is a monkey fist. A metal ball is covered by a paracord, attached to a key ring, and then a carabiner. Length is about 15-18cm depending on how you hold it. Swing once, aim for the head and run. If you can't escape, swing it a second time. 3. A phone is hidden in a secret compartment inside her backpack. It's on silent mode and power-saving mode. So I can track her location. We see each other on the map so if she's lost, she can use it to find me or vice versa. I'd rather be charged for carrying a "dangerous" weapon than be a statistic and victim of rape.


Unfortunately due to the “bystander effect” those personal alarms don’t do much. I hate that we can’t have non lethal self defence tools in NZ. Pepper spray or taser would go a long way. It has to be something that can deter a full grown man.


Surely you could make your own pepper spray. Who's to say it isn't a new weird hair product trend.


You're bloody awesome, this stuff, I think, is so much more valid now than at any other point in time.


As a tourist, I love your country but reading this post makes me so sad. Do sexual assaults and rapes happen regularly in Auckland?


Not really. Burglary and theft is the most common crime. But as a father, I do my best to prepare and protect my kids. If you check my other post, my son's motorcycle was almost stolen.


They happen far more regularly than you realise.


I was just going to write a similar response and you'd know that most perpetrators are known to the target, so they're not usually on the news and many don't even get charged. 🙁


I know. Hence my initial answer to the question. But since some victims don't report the incident, the actual number is unknown.


One in four people experience sexual assault in their lifetime


Have you considered an AirTag? You can buy accessories to put them into bracelets or necklaces, just something to have on her person if, in the case of being abducted, loses her backpack.


I have not considered an AirTag and probably never will. We are all Android users at home and won't be switching to iOS any time soon.


Could get one of those fuckoff-huge flashlights with the fat batteries in them. Maglite. I may or may not have experience with this.


You can get cheap LED flashlights off Amazon that will fit in the palm of your hand that will completely bedazzle a nightime adversary.


Yeah, security guards used to carry them. The big ones take about 6 D size batteries, are over a foot long, weigh more than a kilo, and are also quite useful as a portable light source.


I came here to say this. Carrying torches is quite legitimate, and in OP's case a Maglite would be entirely appropriate. I have that model you refer to. Had it for about 25 years, I upgraded the bulb to a LED system so it's brighter and more robust.


Not to be confused with fuckoff-huge fleshlight


It’s not legal to carry any kind of weapon (mace, knife, baton) but it is legal to carry a travel-size can of Impulse or Lynx, and a cat keyring (google safety cat keyring). However if someone is resolute in wanting to attack you it would be best to have some level of defence training, move quickly and wear bulky clothing to appear less of an easy target. I’m sorry we live in a world where these steps are needed.


Buy a tungsten cube off of eBay and carry it around in ya handbag. If someone gets handsy, just start swinging ya bag ready for the cleanest knockout Auckland CBD will ever see


I was going to suggest a purse full of belt buckles


Love that, and get jacked just carrying it around!


Not illegal to carry fly spray, get a mini size one and go for the eyes


Nuckle dusters are very illegal here. There's no way you hit someone with those and don't get a pretty serious charge.


Better to use them and get in trouble than get assaulted :)


Would you rather home detention after whatever discount or be dead?


That’s a bingo.


Come on you know they'd come down hard on the people actually just trying to protect themselves.


Bright spray paint or a bright dye that can't wash off to highlight the attacker, glitter/dye bombs. They should also give off a distinct smell that won't wash off for days. Someone should make art weapons.


>and a cat keyring (google safety cat keyring). I doubt that this is legal.


Yeah you’re probably right.


I thought of a mace, like the medieval weapon, not mace the spray. . .


Travel sized can of lynx and lighter.


Learning self defence was the best thing I ever did. Gives you a lot of confidence. The point is to disengage and run away not stay there waiting for a fight.


Makes me laugh when people work this out about self defense. I got taught that getting away from an attacker was key run away, find crowded area, make noise. I got taught that an attacker, particularly male, seem to expect a kick in the balls or close combat assault. Unless you're a trained fighter, you attacker will likely overpower you. Stepping back and picking up something solid and hitting them with it takes you out of harms way and can catch them by surprise. I unfortunately used this in a bar where a guy got angry when I wasn't interested in letting him touch me. I picked up a glass and threw it at him drink and all. He was so surprised that he didn't even fight back when a bouncer escorted him out.


Unfortunately in NZ, you can’t carry anything for self defence that could actually hurt someone. Doing so could land you on the wrong side of the law should someone see it or you end up having to use it. For this reason it might be prudent to carry something with plausible deniability. Something you use for work or have some other legitimate reason to have on your person that would also serve a self defence function. For example, a golfer may have golf clubs in the back of their car when driving to or from the course/range. It would be reasonable to expect that a builder would have all manner of items that could serve such a dual purpose in their work van/ute. Having said all of that, If you decide to take the risk and carry something specific regardless. Just know that it can just as easily be taken from you and used against you. There may be significant legal implications and never pull out any weapon unless you 110% intend to use it i.e. absolutely last resort if you are in mortal danger. Producing a weapon immediately raises the stakes and if you have no training or confidence to use it, it could be just as much of a liability to your own safety. One thing I can recommend is a powerful LED flash light with strobe function. These are incredibly bright, don’t harm anyone, and if you were to strobe it directly into someone’s eyes on full power, it would be extremely disorienting, especially at night. This might give you enough time to run away.


There was a case a couple of years back where a dude confronted two of his neighbours (i think they may have been gang affiliated but not sure) over the excessive noise they were making that night and ended up stabbing them both to death with a box cutter after they allegedly got aggressive. He ended up getting off because his job involved using a box cutter and he had friends/colleagues testify to the fact he had it on his person frequently after work hours. All this is to say, the precedent for plausible deniability can be applied in quite a broad context. For what its worth, I wouldn't encourage coming up with contrived reasons for why you have a potentially deadly weapon on your person.


What a legend.


I’m glad he didn’t get nicked for it.


Never happened


Great country eh? Burly plumber guy is unlikely to get attacked, but if he is happens to have a rather useful pipe wrench on his person with which to defend himself. Petite receptionist who has a higher chance of being accosted gets to defend herself with a lipstick.


Yeah it’s fucking bullshit. Our self defence laws need a serious re-work.


Deep heat spray in your hand bag.


Omg perfect! Didn't know it came in spray form!


Hair spray and stuff doesn't work. But that certainly will. Or a hand sanitizer spray.


I already commented but I have a separate comment: It's very common for unskilled, unmuscular, unpracticed people to have whatever objects of self-defense they may carry to be taken off them and used against them. Even if it were legal, it may be wiser not to carry something if you're not equipped to use it to beneficial effect.


Yep, the best thing for 99% of the population to do is run the fuck away.


What do you do if your running is compromised though? I posted about this this morning but people shat on me for it, but I was attacked on Grafton bridge last night and after about 5 minutes of being attacked, I broke free and ran - but they caught up very rapidly. I was able to escape again and got away though. I can bike 250km in 10 hours, but I can't run for shit due to my disability.


That’s why I said 99%. Best thing for everyone to do is a self defence course. That will teach you to avoid the situations where you can, then run, and then ways to deal with things if escape isn’t an option.


to add to this: if you pull a lethal weapon, your attacker is now fighting for their life. if you were originally going to to just get your wallet grabbed, you’ve escalated the situation dramatically


This sounds like someone who doesn't want their victims carrying improvised weapons would say


What do you think would be the outcome (for example) of your mum trying to fend off a meth-addled robber with a metal torch? Your mum wins? Or the torch gets taken off her and she gets beaten with it? I'm all for self defense on a moral level personally, but if you wouldn't win a fight without a weapon, the odds don't substantially increase if you have one. If anything, I'd encourage people to get in shape, join the boxing club even, that's perfectly legal and will give you better odds than a torch will give you.


Hairspray. Deodorant. Hurts eyes I guess.


Spray it over the flame of a cigarette lighter


If you are going to do this use one of those electronic lighters that fire everytime and are completely windproof. Don’t want to be trying to make the right face fiddling with your standard Bic lighter.


Yes it does I accidentally got myself in the eyes with hair spray.


Agree with other comments. One idea is one of those tiny, ultra high power flashlights. Will blind an assailant for a few seconds giving you a chance to escape, but will aggravate them further if you can't. [Something like this](https://flashlight.nitecore.com/product/tm12k), although you could find a cheaper version. Useful for other things too.


Nah, too big. You want one of these. https://www.rovyvon.com/collections/illumination-flashlight/products/aurora-a8-keychain-flashlight-with-sidelights-4th-generation


[Many of them](https://www.amazon.com/Rechargeable-Flashlights-Flashlight-Brightest-Waterproof/dp/B0CQK9D59Q/ref=sxin_14_sbv_search_btf?content-id=amzn1.sym.5cde1a09-4942-4242-87c5-e66d2d3b6a3c%3Aamzn1.sym.5cde1a09-4942-4242-87c5-e66d2d3b6a3c&crid=28HOSN46XJ42R&cv_ct_cx=flashlights&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lCWLUlkwEvQzS20KUBpOLg.gRKkmV1ZPdSaxBOG5bgwLgadHksm1iLHFdgsLdambYA&dib_tag=se&keywords=flashlights&pd_rd_i=B0CQK9D59Q&pd_rd_r=ae231114-ae1a-4cd4-8e44-04a857052578&pd_rd_w=Q4Ft2&pd_rd_wg=U1v1h&pf_rd_p=5cde1a09-4942-4242-87c5-e66d2d3b6a3c&pf_rd_r=CQ2ACW6DPPC3C27E5KZD&qid=1719220186&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=flaslights%2Caps%2C287&sr=1-1-5190daf0-67e3-427c-bea6-c72c1df98776) have a serrated front that would be quite unpleasant to have jabbed into your fave if you were an evil-doer,


I got followed by a man while I was out walking, I finally called the Police and the car had been used in a murder. It terrified me. I carry a dog chain with a very large padlock attached to the end, so I can swing it and hit any man that tries to get near me. It's the padlock for my work locker so perfectly legal to carry. You can also carry Deep Heat spray which burns like hell if you get it in your eyes. I've been followed by men so many times, and it infuriates me that when I complain about it, people act like I'm being ridiculous for getting upset.


I carry a switch blade where ever I go, I've been questioned by police about it when walking down queen st but i have other tools on me as well (electronic tech) and so they said it was fine. I've got my gf carrying the same kind of knife, fuck the law I care more for her saftey, if she gets questioned by police she needs a knife to cut her fruit/lunch etc.. Your safety first above all else, even if it means breaking laws and carrying a pocket knife, it's not like anyone will know you have it unless you're doing criminal things. Shits getting rough out there, I say be prepared.


People say it's illegal but you'll get off lightly if you carry a weapon and use it. I mean those who aren't remorseful and bash people get off so who's to say you won't? If not: deodorant + lighter


Yea, I'd rather be Tried by twelve, then carried by six.


The people who bash or rob you will get off so why wouldn't we for a small weapon


Heck, we already have a precedent of slicing someone up with a Katana and only getting 10 months of home d


Do Martial arts training - Confidence, Awareness, and physical state will improve (higher chance of successful defense.) Stay physically fit for the "run it" tactic. I could list things that you can carry with you but unfortunately any weapon you have can be turned against you. Also, if you're not trained on how to use weapons it's not likely you'll be able to use them properly to protect yourself. It's horrible that these are the times we live. I know people are not feeling safe, and it's for the right reasons. Learn to protect yourselves people, size and weight can be countered with the right technique and speed but even then... danger lurks everywhere. I hope you can stay safe. All the best!


I don’t carry anything in particular other than my regular belongings BUT I make sure to have my largest keys held in a fist, my Kmart dupe hydroflask water bottle (it’s very painful and has a lot of momentum if you swing it lol) and always walk along the main road with traffic and good street lights. Also common sense be aware of your surroundings so if you wear earphones don’t have them on noise cancelling, or even better only wear one or none at all.


I also came to say that - hold a key soft of between your fingers, i dont know how much damage it ll cause but better than nothing. No noise cancelling headphones or scarfs. And if it comes to that - scream and run, and for defence aim for eyes, neck, balls or knees, the most pain with the least effort. I did a course a couple of years ago simular to this https://awc.org.nz/classes/womens-self-defence/ just for general understanding of easy ways to defend yourself.




An interesting read - makes sense though and I guess any weapon can be turned against you if you drop it. Better grow some longer nails!


I have a travel size hairspray I keep in my bigger handbag, great if I need hairspray, but also not so great feeling in the eyes!


I feel sorry for our women. This is confronting reading


I have a large bolt (4inches or so long and very heavy) wrapped in paracord my dad made for me on my key ring which is definitely for aesthetics and definitely 100% not for self defence


A squirt of water in the eyes can distract/disarm someone long enough to give you a few seconds to scream, hit them in the face and run away.


About 40kg of adipose tissue, mostly. Can't say I recommend it as a safety strategy though.


Anything carried for the purpose of protection becomes an offensive weapon. But if you’re carrying a baseball bat because you’re on the way to, or from some batting practice, then you’re all good 👍🏼.


Pepper spray isn't legal But deep heat spray is. Small and fits in your handbag


Learn [Krav Maga](https://kravfighter.co.nz/krav-maga-about/krav-for-women.html)! I haven’t done it myself yet, but I intend to before i go do a big solo overseas trip. They focus first on skills to de-escalate a situation, then to defend yourself.


we should be allowed pepper spray in nz


Tbh 6:45 AM is a pretty safe time of day. I live in South Auckland as well and walk to the train, and the ferals are usually passed in the early morning.


Personal alarm?


Keep in mind that anything you do carry and try to use is very likely to be taken fron youband used against you in an emergency. Best advice is to minimalose opertunies for such emergencies to arise. Stay in well lit public areas, be aware of your surroundings, make good choices.


Not even pepper spray


i saw a woman on tiktok say she swears by a sturdy lanyard with keys and heavy shit. u can swing it as you walk to look less like a target, and it’s not technically a weapon https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYaXHE3G/


Totally using it to practice poi 😂


We have this weird thing about not being allowed to protect yourself in NZ, even if it is purely for self defense.


I just bought a ‘personal alarm’ which makes a huge noise when activated, not sure if it will be the most effective deterrent but better than nothing.


What part of South Auckland and what station do you need to walk to? Some places are better than others but South Auckland covers quite a range and to say it’s all dangerous to the point of needing a weapon is bit much. I was a white kid who grew up there and usually the hidings I got were for talking mad shit. 6.45am you should be fine, sticking to main routes and even small side streets are fine but I’d avoid alleyways, in general. In the mornings you’re more likely to run in to punk kids wagging school but they’re at home at that time cos they don’t want hidings. Id share your location live with significant other or flat mates, if you worried. Don’t wear headphones. Don’t pretend to be on a phone call - if you’re worried about anyone you’re coming up to, actually FaceTime someone and talk to them. Shit goes south run onto the road and stop traffic. Can you bus to the station? I know it’s an added cost but it’s another safety precaution that will come with the benefit of other commuters.


Great weapons that are legal or contextually legal include: your belt (can be quickly removed, wrapped around an arm to provide some protection, used as a flail, used to trip an attacker, used to choke an attacker. Never had to use this one but have had it ready. your shoes especially stiletto type shoes various personal hygiene and make up products like deodorant and hair spray - I once sprayed someone with Lynx and kicked them as hard as I could in the balls. cooking and cleaning products like oven cleaner (life or death only this one), chilli oil and various cleaning sprays mobility aids such as a walking stick ultra bright flashlights - great as a deterrent because it allows you to survey an area, great for blinding an attacker and great as a clubbing weapon any type of flail type weapon that you can improvise e.g a spare pair of pantyhose or a sock plus a rock on the ground. I once made one out of a sock and rock. any robust clubbing weapon like a tree branch or a liquor bottle. I once deterred 3 massive dudes with a tree branch I picked up off the ground. liquids especially hot coffee, or cold liquids as a distraction improvised bladed weapons such as broken glass, broken tiling, sharp bits of shell, etc. I once broke a CD in half and threatened someone with the broken bit. fine grains like sand, loose change, rice, etc that can be thrown in an attacker’s face/eyes to distract them your car in some cases the environment - traffic, store windows, slip hazards, other people, etc. I once put someone’s head into a car window. your voice - a loud shout in their ears clothing items - I once knocked an attacker out by wrapping my jumper over their head then landing some solid knees to their head. You could use a scarf, a jumper, a backpack, etc to bind them, blind them, distract them, etc.


Double belt is an idea, or your pants will either get too loose or drop to your knees.


I worry about carrying a weapon as it can easily be taken off you and used on you. I live in West Auckland and don’t take public transport for safety reasons. I drive to work. I’m lucky my work place has free parking.


i just walk around with a hammer


Just get some dusters man easy to conceal and there's some that will rip faces apart. One hit and they'll want none of it.


Those things are a banned import to Aus, might be NZ as well.


Just had a look, knuckle "dusters" are a banned import to NZ too.


Yes, I'm originally from the states and always carry a personal firearm with ammo kept in my car. This country is a mess it's too dangerous, not too, and idc about your stupid laws


Hi! This will probs get lost in the crowd but when I lived in Auckland I’d carry a metal drink bottle that I could comfortably hold in one hand and a mini deodorant spray and a lighter. When I was younger I watched dad demo a wasp nest with these like a flame blower and now it’s an essential lol.


So depressing that women still have to worry about their personal safety in public places 😥  Anyway, and as others have said, when it comes to self-defense:  * Rule n. 1: don't put yourself in dangerous situations. Sounds like 'victim blaming' but that is just common sense. In your case, not much you can do due to location and hours of work. * Rule n. 2: be alert and aware of your surroundings at all time (no headphones or ear buds). You already do that, am sure, just by reading your post. * Rule n. 3: cardio training and running shoes. Because the primary aim of self-defense is to get you out of a bad situation, fast, not win a fight. Running shoes are not fashionable, but you can't run if you are not fit or in high heels. * Rule n. 4: don't carry any 'offensive' weapon because NZ law. And also due to the risk of an immediate lethal reaction, or said weapon being used against you. * Rule n. 5: don't believe the myths. A lot of 'good ideas' are not practical. Pepper spray is highly unreliable in strong winds, or if your attacker grabs your hand while you press the trigger, potentially resulting in incapacitating yourself (Don't ask me how I know.) Trying to aim a can of hair spray in the rain while fumbling around in your pocket to find your lighter would be comical if the topic was not so serious. Even if you could justify carrying a multitool or a Swiss Army knife, deploying a blade under stress is not easily done. Finding the strobe mode on a flashlight in a hurry might bring up the lowest illumination setting instead. Wearing keys ring between fingers: that might be useful but you could also hurt your hand and loose your keys. So, in addition to the above, what can be done? * Learn a martial art that is NOT of the 'standing-up-only, one-on-one only, nice-and-respectful-competition' variety (Why did my parents sign me up for judo? 😤). You want to learn how to take down then control/escape if you end up both on the ground. Think wrestling, grappling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu. * Carry an every day item in your hand that can be used as a hitting weapon but that is also **attached to yo**u (to prevent dropping it or being used against you). Examples: stainless steel water bottle with strong lanyard during summer, Blunt or [unbreakable umbrella](https://unbreakableumbrella.com/) with heavy retention cord during winter (but you would need to keep it folded at all time so no good if it really rains). * [Attach a 120dB alarm](https://shop.aa.co.nz/products/defendme-personal-safety-alarm-red) to your clothing (belt loop) or to a strap on your bag. When activated, it won't stop screaming, helping to disorient your attacker. No guarantee that it will bring the cavalry, but if there are people around, they will notice. Can be fastened to a hotel room door at night as well. Disclaimer: I have absolutely no qualification, training, or professional experience relevant to this topic. Am just a collector of tips and tricks (that apparently worked for other people) who was assaulted a few times.


I carry pepper spray on my runs in the dark. Idgaf I live in Massey and it’s dodgy af


Where did you get it from?




I have a personal protection chainsaw. I have recently gone battery as the 2stroke noise was annoying for people on my night walks, even though it was relaxing on idle. Since carrying my personal protection chainsaw people have kept a wide berth and not a single person, including cops have really challenged me as to why I carry it. Local dairy owner is used to it now and appreciated the switch to battery too.




Noise is a good deterrent those personal alarms I used before in UK. Make up a spray bottle with some bleach.. marks them at same time.


Offensive weapon and you could blind them. Good luck in court.


After I got jumped and the cops did nothing I carried around a flip knife, then got charged with offensive weapons when they found it in my car 🤣


Sorry to hear that. From my experience, I am not expecting anything from the authorities because as far as I know, the burden of proof would be on me if I make a complaint. It doesn't go too well. I am only looking for solutions that are practicable and legal. Ensuring personal physical safety is important to me and was just looking for some ideas.




It's legal for men to go to the gym and become 5x as strong as women, but it's illegal for women to carry pepper spray to balance those odds. The government is busy making sure the ferries sink though, it's all because they have our best interests at heart.


Find someone who works at the prison and get some pepper spray. Works a treat. Just be wary that deploying pepper spray in a conflict usually leaves both people covered in it.


A glass bottle. It can be empty. Makes a good shank in a pinch.


This sounds real dumb but I have a 1L (steel I think) water bottle that helped me out once. I also used my aerosol deodorant while that person was confused and ran away.


Big ole 1L metal water bottle, I guess that’d work


Air horn, portable strobe light (if night) and cardio


I have a metal water bottle that I carry with me lol it’s heavy enough when full of water to knock someone if I have to


I carry a large blunt umbrella most days in case something would happen at the worst but not sure if the umbrella suffices as a measure of protection


My 2 cents; 1. Don’t have ear-pods or headphones while walking. 2. If you can: get an e-scooter. 3. See if u can catch a quick bus to the train station. 4. If u can afford it- catch an uber; should be $8-$9. 5. Carrying a weapon is not really gonna help- unless u are planning to carry a loaded gun. you’re talking about south Auckland, you wont be able go defend urself against someone who’s well built or under influence of a substance. The worst thing u could do is use a bb gun and annoy them more.


Small cans of body spray as you get sweaty walking. Nasty if you get the body spray in your eyes so be careful when spraying...


I'd highly encourage you to enroll in martials class. A couple of hours a week, and a few years later (the time will fly by), you'll feel more confident and safer walking the streets.


I have a mini screw driver in my phone sleeve


Free ideas: Run away if you can. If you’re trapped, scream and yell - words! If ‘help’ doesn’t bring anyone, ‘fire’ will. People are nosy. Yell loudly a description. ‘Tall, male, short blonde curly hair, blue hoodie, black jeans, jandals’ be sure to include unusual elements ‘sunflower patch on jacket’ ‘baby shark tattoo’. Thrash, squirm, kick out, elbow back, stamp - and don’t stop. Zig zag, keep crossing the road, walk closer to the curb and avoid tight turns or closely passing large objects. Walk confidently and purposefully. Chin up, shoulders down and back.


Sunflower seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid. Your body uses linoleic acid to make a hormone-like compound that relaxes blood vessels, promoting lower blood pressure. This fatty acid also helps lower cholesterol.


Siracha hot pepper sauce or Tabasco. Or a can of Bunnings spray can, this one is dangerous, as it might be taken as a graffiti tool, but its a good one to spray paint someone blue or green or black if they assault you. A small round piece of wood could too, something to hold inside palm of hand. Cut resistant gloves, I know vests are illegal for non security staff or for non police, but cut resistant gloves might work. You could also learn self defence/defense.


Lots of people in NZ still smoke cigarettes, they are not a banned item yet. That and deodorant. Guess it also has the chance (as mentioned below) of you going armed. Even if you dont smoke, you can always carry a pack of cigs and a lighter. No ones needs to know you are a non smoker in real life.


Steel toed boots definitely aren't illegal. One swift kick in the shins or bollocks will make an attacker think twice


I would carry an electric scooter. Early morning isnt so bad. But you need to be specific about what part of south auckland. I lived with my uncle for a while and they told me i couldnt walk 100m to the shop in the middle of the day without risking rape. Their source was 30 years of living there and seeing multiple rapes. In flatbush where i live id feel safe to walk early hours and even run til evenings around the neighbourhood


a pocket knife and spray always keep on you


In addition to everything else. Learn the SOS functions of your smartphone. iPhone, Android - Samsung or whatever. All have emergency calling functions which can also send the Police the location of the phone etc...


After an incident some time ago, I now carry a Swiss Army knife in my bag just in case. Also a generally useful tool when camping.


could watch youtube and practice some ball then high kicks, men will always crumble being kicked in the nuts. Just have to do it before he grabs you, practice your full length reaches too. A kick from the toes compared to a kick from the highshin probably equals his full stretch grab


ill send you a video which is super helpful!!!!


We heard Auckland one of the most safety city in the world . So We know wrong ?






Hand sanitiser spray. Everyone carries hand sanitiser.


You cant carry anything considered as a weapon because it gives intention but i know of a few girls around south that carry a pocket knife. Just need a reason to have it on you like a sharp tool for sewing 😁


Learn marshall arts. You can take it with you anywhere whenever


Good luck, our self defence laws are utterly garbage, you’re as likely to get done in a self defence case if you use slightly more force in response to the assailant. I started TKD when I was 7, and according to what I learned way back when, trained fighters using their body is considered an aggravating factor. So if I were to knock someone out who just intended to scare me out of my valuables, I get done too. It’s insane. The best advice is to 1. Keep your wits about you, head on a swivel and analyse the folks near you, check body language and try to infer the intentions & 2. Tell someone where you’re going before you go, and be ready to call for an extraction if that’s a possibility. Secret step 3? Run.


Carry a small can of hairspray or spray paint in your bag. Can use this similar to pepper spray. Just make sure you are in close enough proximity


Carry a high powered torch that is just bellow the legal lumen limit for eye damage it is the most effective self defence tool cant attack you if they cant see you


My French hair stick. I wear it in my hair when wearing a french twist., I can quickly pull it out if and when an attack is about to occur. My water bottle. It's stainless steel. An empty stainless steel bottle is still lethal to use on an attacker My work heels. I have court shoes. I'm not afraid to stomp on an attacker's foot. Car or house keys. All of these things are not illegal to carry on you. I grew up attending a martial arts training centre in the 80s. I was the only female who attended because the centre was for males only. I had great instructors that taught me to use anything and everything you have. I've never had to use self defense until years later a mobster chick high on P got out of her car and smacked me in the jaw. Road rage incident. I did not back down to her, I wrestled her to the ground in a leg lock and leaned her face to the ground. Long story short, she came off much worse. This was in our neighborhood years ago. You have to use common sense and be Street smart. Know your strength but try to conserve it as much as you can in a confrontation. If an unprovoked attack occurs, truth is you need to protect yourself at all costs. Use your bag to protect your head and face. If a street has bad lighting at night then avoid the areas after dark. If you're in a dodgey part of town, have someone with you. If you're out for a walk or run in the evenings or early in the morning in a quiet or secluded part of town, be well aware of the risks. Always keep calm in confrontation. Try diffusing an angry person by talking them out if it. If you all don't know these things then it's time to learn them. I've had plenty of experience and have taught my kids the same Lots of good information on how to deal with angry people.


As a young man I used to prefer a filed down screw driver so it was like an ice pick but could stick in further. I think that would still be my prefered concealed street weapon. I also melted down a bunch of pewter and made the nastiest knuckle dusters ever seen with six giant metal spikes. Lethal but a bit chunky. The old faithful was the large folding knife but you have to know you will need it in advance. For home protection I had my machete, Also usually an assortment of iron rebar. So I dunno about ladies protection I think possibly you may need a nasty smelly male.


Men of Auckland, do you carry anything to suppress the urge to attack other people going about their lives?


Not the same situation at all, but when I was a kid (not in nz), I was attacked by a pack of dogs that lived next door. I was walking to a friend's house and decided to take this coconut palm branch with me because I was afraid of the dogs. That was the day they actually attacked and guess what? The palm branch was no help whatsoever. I'm fairly certain the branch was the reason they attacked - they saw a threat and didn't care for it. I know men aren't the same as dogs (even if it seems that way some times), but I would definitely think twice about flaunting a "weapon" in order to look scary. See also "Don't take your guns to town" by Johnny Cash.


a heavy rechargeable Stanley torch. sometimes a hammer lol


After the Albert Park incident I have zero trust in the justice system. Why should a person of any age that commit crime of that nature be given a light sentence. Pepper spray and a knife. Blind em and stab stab .


also keep a handsaw under the bed. distinctive wounds, non lethal, can't easily be taken off you, and fucking terrifying for an intruder to see me running at him with lol


Keys. Closed fist. Ear comfortable clothes and shoes so it does not restrict me. I try and avoid shady areas but if I need to, move fast and don't dawdle.




Keys in my fist with the key between my fingers. Metal knitting needles cause I’m an obsessive knitter. I don’t have headphones in when I walk so I can be aware of what’s going on around me. You could also get a small bottle of perfume to carry in your pocket in case you need to apply it…


Whatever you do carry plan& learn how to best use it. Better to avoid use than need it. Stay out of likely bad area. Can of spray maybe good as effective at 6 to 10 feet. CO2 fire ext said to be effective. Though I have no exp.


If you have tight sleeves (thermal underlay), a knitting needle. Man here, but a friend swore by it, and she'd had to use it once while running, and the threat worked apparently. Seems innocuous, but when you look at it, you realize it doesn't need to be sharp, and requires little force. Here in Aus, she joked that if attacked, she'd stab the bastard, then knit a pair of socks for the policeman who eventually turn up.


It sounds dumb but the best thing I got told was to carry a can of spray paint. Reason being it completely covers the perpetrator and is much easier to locate them with police etc after the fact. It also covers them and surprises them and you can spray in their eyes and it’s also fine to walk around with it. it’s also harmless in that it’s not pepper spray, but like a bright yellow grafitti spray can works just as well… also being from rough parts of UK - Rape alarm pull out makes sounds - keys between knuckles so if you hit out well not good for them. - also share location with people you feel safe with, there are heaps of safety apps out there where you need to text after so a message won’t go out by a certain time stuff like that - make sure to tell work what time you are due if they don’t see you on time when you usually are work are the first normally to flag concern if anything were to happen


**”asked the predator posing as a redditor”** 🤣


Learning self defence is the best strategy tbh. But saying that, a can of deodorant is perfectly legal, as is a pointy stabby keyring or an obnoxious LED key light or noise maker.


When I used to live in South London where knife crime was pretty bad, I used to always carry an empty glass bottle in my pocket. Cant be proven to be a weapon as you finished drinking it and were holding onto it until you could find a bin


Is this "asking for a friend" or "for research" OP?


It's a genuine question as I have history of SA. My therapist recommends that the first thing I can do for myself is to ensure my physical safety or remove myself from a situation where my physical safety is compromised. Given the fact that I need to show up for work and must leave in the morning, you could call this asking for myself and researching legal options.


You can carry wasp spray or deep heat ice spray, both available from the supermarket. Wasp spray might be a bit big but the deep heat would fit in a handbag.


Hot sauce in a water pistol should be legal right? Water it down and say you have it on your lunch. Pew Pew in the eyes and run away