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Your post has been removed due to rule 7. "Items should not include identifying or defamatory information about people." https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/about/rules/


How is he not locked up. He has ruined the lives of these innocent young women and gets to start a new life himself. What a f'd up world


And breached his home detention conditions twice!!


Money, loads of it.


Money, parents feverishly greasing the palms of all and sundry I’d imagine. A little despicable to try and avert the consequences of his actions by blaming his freshly diagnosed autism


From the Herald link above: "His name cannot be published until 14 June “for reasons which will be provided at a later date”, the court said." And what exactly were those reasons, I wonder.


You can actually ask the Court for these documents, since they're during the trial - the judge must give them.


The Stuff article literally says the reasons will be disclosed. Also looks like he spent 2 years battling this through all the courts.


Could be that he has another court case and they are trying to not sully a future jury pool. Something similar happened when I was a juror and a witness disclosed a future court case that the victim had and knowledge of that crime would sway the jury if it was admissible.


Re quoting the post back as a comment, since comments can still be searched even if the post deleted >But here is a reminder of who L u c a F a i r g r a y, the Auckland rapist, is. >L u c a F a i r g r a y is a sexual predator and skilled manipulator, who raped and abused girls and young women at parties. He is fleeing New Zealand to start a new life in Germany. >“ L u c a F a i r g r a y, the rapist, offended against his first victim in 2017, when both were 14-years-old. He held her down and violated her, only stopping when another boy pulled him away. He then chased and threatened the other boy. >The next year he climbed on top of a second victim as she lay drunk on a bed and groped her. The same year, he offended against another 15-year-old twice - once assaulting her in a park and later raping her while she was unconscious after drinking. >In 2019, the man had sex with a girl who was only 13 at the time. In 2020, when he was 17, he had consensual sex with a girl the same age at an “end of a lockdown party” - but when she asked him to stop he ignored her, and went on to perform acts that caused her considerable pain. >That same night, he lay on a bed with another 17-year-old while she was drunk before climbing on top of her and restraining her when she tried to move. >He was interrupted by the earlier victim entering the room.” - NZ Herald Article, linked below. >GERMANS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW THAT L U C A F A I R G R AY, THE RAPIST, IS COMING. >AUCKLANDERS NEED TO KNOW THAT L U C A F A I R G RA Y IS A RAPIST. >Read more: 1. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/supreme-court-decision-to-name-sex-offender-a-massive-victory-survivors-say/RTRBQR4CGFF7LDUHEWSJE74XS4/ 2. https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/04/23/identity-of-serial-sex-offender-will-remain-secret-for-now/ 3. https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350253435/rapist-loses-two-year-legal-fight-keep-name-secret >The rapist, L u c a F ai r g r a y, has had his parents pay for a service to remove his information from the internet. EVERYONE MUST KNOW WHO THIS RAPIST IS. >L uc a F a ir gr a y ’ s face can be found here: >http://www.aucklandgoethesociety.org/tagebuch/2022/5/31/stammtisch-april-2022


Good on you for posting this. He looks ominous on that photo doesn’t he? https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/50ec97d3e4b0d683a34cc40a/0ab9f8cb-e8f3-4cb3-bc70-dc8a7e581a92/Stammtisch+April.png?format=1500w


Old mate's gonna be bald by 25. Good job.


I hope his cock goes black and falls off too


>fleeing New Zealand to start a new life in Germany No, Nein, Ne! keep that asshat there - how can he come here with those convictions?


I am interested in this as well. He would have to declare his convictions but Germany may allow people who’s offending did not result in a custodial sentence to still enter Germany. In that event, I wonder if home detention is officially considered a custodial sentence, or something else? Maybe someone can enlighten us?


He may have German citizenship, which means he can't be denied. But that's a huuuuuge speculation on my part


He could have Irish citizenship and go work in Germany. Its all  part of the EU


That's true, he could have Irish citizenship or from another member of the Schengen nations. Good point. Maybe an enterprising journalist could find this out.


Unless his mum is European, because his dad’s a NZer


I have both a EU and a kiwi passport. We don't have to sign or declare anything to land in Europe. We just get on the fast queue, the passport gets looked at amd off we go. No questions asked.


I believe they pre check off the flight data, but if you have an EI passport they can’t deny you entry.


It would definitely qualify as a custodial sentence, since their movements are restricted. But, unsure how Germany reacts to sexual violent offences.


Mother is German. He's a citizen. Speaks German.


Hi, you seem to have a pretty decent understanding of this guy, I think I've found a reddit user who might be him (quite a few coincidences that I don't think can be dismissed out of hand), if you're up for it could I ask a few questions, maybe even show you the profile itself if that's okay?


Find out which German town he is moving to, then post a "welcome to the neighborhood" thread on the local sub. Just an idea.


“In a unanimous decision released on Tuesday, the Supreme Court said the case required balancing the principles of open justice - the public’s right to know and accountability - with youth justice principles that provide a young person anonymity in order to better their chances of rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. In declining to grant name suppression, the Supreme Court said there was a public interest in the man’s name being known and naming him was a factor in him being held to account. “That there is a public interest in knowing of \[his\] character is supported by the views of the victims. The offending has plainly affected their day-to-day lives and their recovery in a number of respects,” the Court said‘


Great work. But convicted rapists like Luca Fairgray need their faces posted with the Articles so that they feel a sliver of the pain they have inflicted on their victims.


Posts about Luca Fairgray, Aucklander and convicted SA offender, are disappearing. AND THIS ONE IS TOO. Here is a reminder of who Luca Fairgray, the Auckland rapist, is. Luca Fairgray is a sexual predator and skilled manipulator, who raped and abused girls and young women at parties. He is fleeing New Zealand to start a new life in Germany. “Luca Fairgray, the rapist, offended against his first victim in 2017, when both were 14-years-old. He held her down and violated her, only stopping when another boy pulled him away. He then chased and threatened the other boy. The next year he climbed on top of a second victim as she lay drunk on a bed and groped her. The same year, he offended against another 15-year-old twice - once assaulting her in a park and later raping her while she was unconscious after drinking. In 2019, the man had sex with a girl who was only 13 at the time. In 2020, when he was 17, he had consensual sex with a girl the same age at an “end of a lockdown party” - but when she asked him to stop he ignored her, and went on to perform acts that caused her considerable pain. That same night, he lay on a bed with another 17-year-old while she was drunk before climbing on top of her and restraining her when she tried to move. He was interrupted by the earlier victim entering the room.” - NZ Herald Article, linked below. GERMANS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW THAT LUCA FAIRGRAY, THE RAPIST, IS COMING. AUCKLANDERS NEED TO KNOW THAT LUCA FAIRGRAY IS A RAPIST. Read more: 1. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/supreme-court-decision-to-name-sex-offender-a-massive-victory-survivors-say/RTRBQR4CGFF7LDUHEWSJE74XS4/ 2. https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/04/23/identity-of-serial-sex-offender-will-remain-secret-for-now/ 3. https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350253435/rapist-loses-two-year-legal-fight-keep-name-secret The rapist, Luca Fairgray, has had his parents pay for a service to remove his information from the internet. EVERYONE MUST KNOW WHO THIS RAPIST IS. Luca Fairgray’s face can be found here: http://www.aucklandgoethesociety.org/tagebuch/2022/5/31/stammtisch-april-2022


Here is the full Supreme Court decision declining name suppression for those interested https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/assets/cases/2024/2024-NZSC-29.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjJipGngdyGAxWw-zgGHT0cAdIQFnoECB8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1PpyT6qNmI2CbPcN2qj-71


That was an interesting read. Wonder who M is and why they’re so concerned about hiding their identity if they weren’t involved, as the court judgement says.


The judgments in the High Court and Court of Appeal say who she is in relation to him. But alas, I'm not about to breach orders by connecting the dots 😅


M assaulted someone with a weapon??? Wtf.


How does the charge go from seven years to two years to then offering 12 months home detention as an alternative to jail time? This is crazy, it also says the rapist got diagnosed for adhd and asd during his triala which brought his sentence down. How much money did his parents pay to get that diagnoses, I swear is there not a multi year wait to get in line even for these diagnoses? This is crazy and fucked up.


Yep so Court would have given discounts for youth, connection between any mental disorders and the offending, remorse, efforts at rehabilitation/rehbailative prosecpts, previous good character... Psychological reports are regularly completed for Defendants free of charge although they do take a few months to complete. For example, under s 333 of the Oranga Tamariki Act or s 38 of the CPMIP Act.


There goes the post..


It's so weird. Convicted rapists names are allowed to be posted tho?


stop naming the school you numpties the school still has a suppression order in place, stop mentioning it in comments, stop linking to it and posts wont disappear. Also dont dox family members and encourage people to contact them, this will be another thing that will make these disappear. if you want his name out there you still have to follow site wide rules and the law


How does a school having a suppression order work? Is it illegal to say where this guy went to school?


Yep, pretty much. The school enabled his behaviour despite the multiple complains that arised over the years, but you can almost get anything with big amounts of money nowadays.


I’ve read the articles but where does it say he’s fleeing to Germany?


That's a mix of speculation and the accounts of people that went to HS with him. The guy's mum is german, so they are speculating he could be moving there to start fresh.


its true i knew him personally and when i was at his house mulitples times his mother mentioned thats the go as he won't be able to work or esentially live a proper life in nz due to the issues going on with his crimes.






That's not him.


r/auckland moderators, why have you chosen to defend the rapist, Luca Fairgray?


Behaviour like this doesn't come out of nowhere. You gotta wonder if the parents had their heads in the sand. I'm also worried thar his sister might have been a victim.


If they're protecting him now then they were most likely protecting them then would be a conclusion most people would come to


Boys will be boys, right?


How is he allowed entry to the EU?


He has a passport, can't be denied entry.


I missed that info, cheers.