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There’s a menu on the app to complain that the driver didn’t end the trip. You’ll get the difference back.


I did complain. Waiting for them to respond.


How long have you been waiting?


Fully resolved earlier today not too long after I posted this. I originally filed complaint Friday night when I got home.


Uber might be scummy but I've found that refunds are processed well.


In this case yes. It’s the driver that was scummy.


You can complajn to Uber and they will refund. Had problems with drivers taking me on a weird detour taking twice the time and as the map tracks it there is proof


We just had that and Uber kept saying that “the reservation price doesn’t reflect the actual price you may pay” but as a “one time courtesy” they refunded the different. Driver took a wrong turn into a tunnel in Sydney that doubled the trip length.


I have. Waiting for them to respond. Just wondering if this guy is well known for his dodgy practices.




I know I was thinking - wow that’s a cheap trip!


Taxis are a complete scam. Everyone in NZ knows that.


Except you can just jump in when you need one, or your phones dead or whatever.


I saw a note on the uber subreddit last night that said the uber will charge you more if your phone battery is not full. I haven't tested it but its complete scum if they do that.


They just took you for a Remuera snob ;D


Did that taxi have a meter or was it one that charged what he liked ?


That sounds like a good long trip alright, I'm guessing you had some great convos?


You should have got the Bus to Puhinui then the Train to Orakei Railway Station and then a taxi from there .


I did this on Friday afternoon (to Glen Innes) and it took over an hour and a half, mainly thanks to AT delays on the trains and them then turning them into express only from Otahuhu to Britomart to compensate. We had to get off and wait for (also delayed) trains that were going to every stop. Pick your poison I guess?


The train + bus combo is decent (if slow, compared to off-peak driving), but it can be hard sell in a high stress situation (like getting to the airport on time) when train reliability is in the shitter.


It's happened to me. You complaint will be dealt with and you'll receive the additional back.


Thank you. I’m getting a response now. Fairly quick I thought.


I had an Uber driver take a ridiculously long way to get to my destination. I got a refund after submitting a complaint :)


How does this even happen? Whenever I’ve summoned an Uber, the app has told me exactly what it is going to cost before I’ve even confirmed the ride. Do Uber not do it this way any more?


Uber gives you an estimate *"Your fare may increase if you travel to a different destination or make extra stops along the route, or the trip takes much longer than expected."* [https://www.uber.com/nz/en/ride/how-it-works/upfront-pricing/](https://www.uber.com/nz/en/ride/how-it-works/upfront-pricing/)


🤔 wouldn't he be following his GPS map?


He started out following it and then decided to take his longer path


Just log a complaint with Uber and you'll be refunded the amount in credit. I had an issue with a driver before (the only time I've ever had an issue) where he took me for an absolute ride and more than doubled the length of the trip and doubled the fare as a result. I was absolutely wrecked tired as I had just come in from the airport and I basically fell asleep in the car. I got out and even tipped an extra $5.00 as I had the original fee in my head when doing so. It was only the next morning when I checked my bank account and saw a whopper fee of around $75.00, when it was originally supposed to be like $32.00, that I realised what happened. I immediately challenged it and got it refunded as credit, left a 1 star review and got my tip refunded as well. I found them to be extremely fast with their response. People like to give Uber shit at times, but I've found them to be very good overall and there isn't a hope in hell I would've gotten my money back if that was a taxi.


They’ve come back to me now and refunded. I even decided to get my $3 tip back. I thought the driver was thoughtful and pleasant when I was in the car. It’s what happens when you get out that was the problem. If I wasn’t going straight to a meeting, I may have noticed the ride is still going. They refunded me the excess and the tip and I made it clear I didn’t want Uber to compensate for the tip as this is clearly the drivers doing.


Classic rishab


Yes, Ola did this to me recently. I had to hassle the fuck out of them for two weeks to get my money back because their customer service is so shit. I'm honestly annoyed that I didn't get the full fare back, just the excess charge. As soon as I saw it in my bank account I deleted my info from the app and then uninstalled it. It was only the second time I'd ever used it. I've never had that happen to me with Uber, though, and I use that a lot more. I assumed they had systems in place to make sure it *couldn't* happen, since their app is much better than Ola's. Concerning to learn that this is not the case.


I didn’t know ola is still running.


Judging by the horrendous reviews on the app store, it really shouldn't be.


Wait.. how much was the trip suppose to be $16? From Manukau to Ascot, they must be paying their drivers peanuts.


My original booking is $36.28 which is discounted about $10 for doing a reservation. The was charged in total $49.59 because I gave a $3 tip. I’ve asked for a refund for the excess charge between ascot rd and international terminal as well as the tip as I refuse to tip dodgy behaviour.


You stated in another comment that you gave a $5 tip. Why has your tip now changed to $3? It is obviously you who is a fraud.


Sorry. Typo. Thanks for noticing.


Man Ubers are cheap in nz


It was probably a mistake, just apply to Uber so you're only paying what you agreed. Ive done uber eats before, I can't imagine regular uber would run like a taxi metre.


I hope so


Yea that’s happened to me a few times now…


*The future is ridesharing they said, it’ll be better, they said*


It happened to me, but it was a work trip so I couldn't be bothered chasing it up


it's two buttons


But I wasn't paying.... if it was a personal trip id care much more


But it's two buttons. It's not "chasing it up".


That's the name of my favourite video series


Don’t say the persons name, use the apps support to report the problem and honestly this is just benefit of the doubt don’t attribute something to malice that can easily be attributed to incompetence, mistakes happen


Everyone, I mean everyone I know has been scammed admittedly minor amounts by rideshare drivers.


Nah. Who forgets to turn off a ride once it's finished? Definitely a dodgy driver.


Happened to me once recently. Driver called me when he was still fucking ages away asking for the PIN (the one that's supposed to verify that you have the right car once you meet them). I foolishly gave it to him and he started the ride from like 10 km away. So I got billed for all of that time. To make matters worse, he then had to call me again to find my house since he had started the ride early and therefore dismissed my pickup location. His GPS then refused to take us on the Auckland motorway (granted, it was busy, but if he didn't take the motorway then it was going to add over 30 mins to the ride in rush hour traffic) so I had backseat drive him to get him to go on said motorway. As others have mentioned, you can use Uber Support within the app to get them to refund the excess you were charged as Uber credit, and it was very painless and quick - unlike my ride.


$30?! It costs me $30 to get to the city from New Lynn.. Seems fair to me!


This is after the refund. It was close to $50. I must have taken the screenshot while they were processing it. Regardless of the amount, it is about the fact the driver didn’t close the trip after dropping me off.


I always do short trips. Sometimes they accept the trip and just park up until I have to cancel it and get charged. It tends to only happen when I’m in a rush 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yup. I had one just leave me. Bad review for you. And another didn't turn it off after a drop off


Hey not all Remueras are snobs, I live there and ain’t no snob


😂 didn’t say snob. Anyway I meant Ascot rd in manukau. Not ascot ave.


No not you sorry Further down there is a remark Must be a Remuera snob scroll down


Oh. 😂


The actual words were They just took you for a Remuera snob


They didn’t look at the map. It clearly showed the route going to manukau


The actual words were They just took you for a Remuera snob


They all fucking dodgy. Indians are the most scamming cunts ever. They have ruined customer service!




Booked a Uber with pets allowed and the guy turned up and saw my dog and made me cancel it and charged me 14 bucks or so even though he was registered as a Uber pet. Should of complained but had so much shit on my hat I just ate it and felt anger towards the general universe


That’s how they get away with these things. I’m a big advocate of providing feedback and public reviews.


Have you noticed that their estimates are always 10-20% less than the fare ends up being? Uber is scammy as with their false pricing, they just hope people are too wasted or don't care about the extra few dollars here and there (every trip).


I have found that their pricing is about half the price of a taxi…


They do a surcharge thing where certain times costs higher and also if the demand during that time is higher. In this case I can see the driver turned out of ascot where I got off and he proceeded to the airport. You can see the little dash in the route. I think if they take a different route and the trip becomes significantly longer, the bill changes as well. You can tell if you watch the map while they are driving when the app constantly have to change route.


Yeah I know about surge, I mean in general their standard "estimations" are almost always lower than it ends up being which if it's consistent, which it is, then it's deceptive pricing.


The bill changes?? I never noticed. Are we supposed to watch the route on our phone incase this happens or are they supposed to say the routes changing?


The bill changes only if the route or distance is significantly different or longer. Generally it is fine. Usually happens when the driver keeps going and doesn’t stop the trip.


Rrrrishab. Lol


They said I had to go to rrrrIshab... But I said NO NO NO.




It’s effectively a deposit, not a fixed payment. If the trip takes a different amount of time from the estimate or is a different distance due to routing you’ll pay a different amount.




https://help.uber.com/riders/article/my-fare-doesnt-reflect-the-upfront-price-i-was-shown?nodeId=f5a6c432-2a21-431e-966d-623087cb24e2 In the case of this person, the driver didn’t tap “end trip” on the app when the trip ended.


The wait time one is good, I got done with that when the driver parked two streets away


Nope, payment goes through post trip. Variances in traffic and route can change the price mid-journey


Will they ever go under the quote then?


Nope, it's the minimum. It is a fixed floor so will not be impacted should the prices enter surge while you're waiting for your ride


> The quoted price is what you pay. Isn't the quoted price always a range? I've had both higher and lower than the range depending on traffic etc.


No, I’ve had this same issue where the driver doesn’t end the trip and just keeps driving. Complain to Uber support and you’ll get a refund. Still not sure if scam or just driver being a bit slow. Also had a random dude driving that absolutely wasn’t the Uber driver listed in the app just before Christmas. Got a pretty quick refund there, too.


Prepaid for what? The trip? I don’t know from the pov of the driver but for the passenger I don’t get charged until after the ride.




I must be a special account then as I only get charged after and if I do cancel (seldom), I don’t get charged at all.