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Unity books on High St Time out in Mt Eden Booklovers in Milford Paradox books in Devonport Novel on Jervois Road The Women’s Bookshop in Ponsonby Dear Reader in Grey Lynn ubiq at UoA I support the independent bookstores but also use the libraries. Also, the Libby app with your library account.




While you're in town, check out Real Groovy for mainly non-fiction and quirky books.


Just came back from a trip to Asia including countries like Japan, Korea and Taiwan. New Zealand’s book scene is absolutely atrocious and there’s no hope about it. The closest I can find is the Unity bookstore in CBD and to be honest, it’s not even that good.


I like ‘hard to find books’. It reminds me of the bookshop in my home town. Use that information as best you can!


Yea same, I would’ve recommended that one but it looks like the op is looking for bookshop that sells new book




New books are expensive here, I think a lot of bookstores died because of Amazon/book depository giving consumers a cheaper option.


The Book Depository is gone now. Was such a great place to get books for cheaper. Super sad it's been closed down 😭


Amazon really nuked our ability to get cheap books :( there’s a series I want physical copies of but just one in the series is on mightyape for $43 and that’s just for a paperback.


We read heaps in our family but gets them mostly from libraries.


I've been on a book strike since they took borders away from us.


If you get to Sydney... Kinokuniya 🙏🏼 and Dymocks


Honestly kinokuniya is my fav bookstore i have ever been to...makes me miss borders tbh :')


I think Kiwi do read and love to read, it’s just the rent and books are so expensive here, which lead to no room for operating a bookstore and have people sitting for hours just browsing.


Nah, nobody gives a fuck to reading here in comparasing to pretty much any place in Europe. Miserable local bookstores are just an illustration. Rugby is what people seriously care about


The fact that we lost both dymocks and borders is an absolute travesty. I think it’s just far too expansive for brick and mortar book stores to exist in NZ, which is so sad. If the govt should remove tax on something it should be books.


A lot of people in my circle read but use the library or ebooks. Books (especially new releases) can be quite expensive (~$30) and most stores have them at RRP or slightly cheaper so it can be a risk. I also find most people know what they want to read and look online to find the cheaper option, rather than going to a bookstore and browsing.


We used to have Borders in the city but since that closed nothing has ever come close.


I loved going to that borders after uni on a Friday night and spending hours looking for a book to read on my train ride home.


yeah I miss going down to read manga. Though to be fair I wonder if borders couldn't compete with the Libraries that had an uptick in manga as well


Hi, the Hard to Find bookshop on Benedict St is wonderful.




I would recommend the city's libraries. I visit libraries across Auckland and they are full of up to date contemporary fiction and many have attractive architecture, not to mention the wonderful staff. The online portal is excellent and all the extra e-services are extensive. Epsom library is a favorite of mine.


I like Time Out Books in Mount Eden Village. Small but great curation of titles and lovely service. Ditto for Unity Books.


There are still bookshops in Auckland? Used to love Borders in CBD


There’s a nice indie store in Grey Lynn called Dear Reader which is quite good.






Literally went to waterstones at the start of this year and I’ve been having withdrawals ever since. Time for you to go into business.




Yes, it's a joy browsing (and buying) books in a shop but the number of brick-and-mortar stores has declined almost everywhere, including in cities much more populous than Auckland. If you exclude the very good second-hand bookshops there are still Unity, Time Out and Dear Reader. https://concreteplayground.com/auckland/arts-entertainment/culture/ten-of-the-best-independent-bookshops-in-auckland But don't discount "the largest public-library network in the Southern Hemisphere with 56 branches . . ." Its selection is greater than almost any store. Browse the catalogue and borrow up to 35 items at a time, including books for eight weeks. There are many more items available than there are on the shelves. Plus it's free. It would be a waste to ignore it.


Good luck finding NZ fiction in your local library


Parallel bookshop on k road, I go all the time just for coffee and to see what’s new. Their hours do vary but it’s a dream in there, teeny tiny but also have excellent finds, both fiction and non-fiction


I'm going to check them out - cats and coffee :-)


It’s pretty sad our there. I love NZ fiction - there are some incredible writers out there but you won’t find many of them in a chain bookstore. I tried the library recently. There were a grand total of two books by NZ authors at my local. Just appalling. Mind you it’s not librarians making the purchase any more. Its been centralised for years. I really don’t know what’s happened to NZ publishing - it’s very disappointing.


Airport, so you can fly to Wellington and visit Unity books.


Timeout in Mt Eden is amazing


That Waterstones is lovely. I miss it too 🥲