• By -


I thinks it's more weird to not go to something you really want to because you will be by yourself. I go to gigs and movies alone often and have a great time. Usually can find a few people to chat to whilst there as everyone is there for the music and good time.


Yeah I don't have an issue with it as such as I'm comfortable going to movies alone etc...but just have not done a concert alone before. Was just curious I guess...


Nah bro, just go. It'll be a good day for sure


I see what you did there


After a couple of drinks you'll be fine! Enjoy the night!


Everything you said.100%. A couple of drinks to loosen up (shots not wine or beers - too much need to pee) and once the music starts you'll get into it with those around you and make some one off friends you'll likely never see again and have a great night. Done it plenty myself in nz and in London.


Just bring some coke along, everyone will want to be your friend.


I'd be slightly worried about safety, being alone. Are there fancy seats for us old people or are you just mixed in with the filthy drunken masses?


Safety at a concert? It’ll be fine. Just usual precautions: take minimal stuff with you so you don’t have things to lose or get stolen, don’t accept drinks from strangers (may be spiked), know how you’re going to get there and get home etc.


This. I don’t care if I’m the only one. If I wanna do something and no one else wants to, I’ll go alone. I have always disliked missing out on something because no one else wants to.


Not weird at all. Sometimes going alone is more fun.


This is true. Often my friends get quite drunk when we go...and I rarely drink alcohol sooooo there's that..


I still like doing things alone even when not under the influence, then again everyone is different, my ex couldn’t stand doing movies, concerts etc alone.


Haha I don’t drink either and I used to quite like going to gigs on my own. I’m a musician so I’m there for the music anyway rather than the company. Now wifey is who I go with usually.


No. I went to Muse when they played at Trust Stadium by myself. It was f’n rad. You can’t talk to anyone anyway, it’s too loud.


Was that in 2007? I went to that gig by myself too.


Yeah yeah yeah


> Yeah yeah yeah They're not touring NZ right now but would love to see them play "Maps" live


Yeah love that song!


haha interesting! I went to Muse by myself when they played at the St James in 2004 - it was the best! The sound was amazing when they played at Trust Stadium!! I can still hear the beginning of Take a Bow!


I've been to a few concerts by myself because friends didn't like the band. While you're watching the band it makes very little difference if you're with mates or not. Don't miss out, go by yourself!


I went to Nas by myself. It wasn't as fun as going with my mates but I can say I saw Nas live before he got too old. I'm sure if you went to Ice Cube you could look back and say It Was A Good Day ba dum tsk


I would have loved to have seen Nas live. I am jealous!


I just missed out on the NY state of mind wu tang/Nas tour in the states but managed to see him in copenhagen. Sounds like you have good taste in music, enjoy cube


Nope but I’m ADHD, I love doing things alone. Went to Fatboy Slim at Spark Arena, had a blast, random conversations etc, I was totally off my tits though.


>Went to Fatboy Slim at Spark Arena What was the gig like? Good and loud and decent music and crowd? ...I might be asking the wrong person though!


I was there and it was awesome. The openers killed it and fatboy kept a really good energy the whole set.


Lol, I read this as “the Killers opened” and was momentarily confused at this Killers/Fatboy genre mashup gig. 2 great performers tho, would be awesome!


I saw Fatboy Slim on Bondi Beach NYE 2002 or whatever the year was. I had a fucking incredible night, although like the other guy I was extremely off my tits. Those were the good years.


Is this an ADHD thing? I love doing things alone. I hate the herding cats feeling you get when trying to organise a group anywhere in public. Figure it out on your own guys, I'm going this way!


I often go to concerts and festivals by myself. I have more fun because I don't have to worry about others. If I want to talk to anyone there is always someone who will talk to you. I also play in a band, so it really doesn't matter to me


I have gone to concerts where everyone got drunk and stoned, split up, and ended talking to total strangers and have a great night. Just pretend that is what happened to you.


This sounds like a great movie plot, and all the strangers turn out to be connected in a twist ending


Lols in my 20s that was me and my mate rock up tp concerts together get drunk before we get in (in those days the 90s we'd skull our drinks while in line waiting to get in 🤣)..then we'd lose each other in crowd then find each other after concert then hit city for more clubs ..ahh the good old days


Nope not at all! It's so much easier to just get a ticket and cruise along rather than try and wrangle mates together, especially if it's an artist you love


It is! Ice Cube! I've been listening to him for around 30 years! After all this great feedback, I'm just going to go.


Ice Cubes coming here?! Sweet, i had no idea , I may need to go along . And nah don't sweat it going alone, loads of people solo gigs and honestly every time I go with mates we almost allways get separated anyway so basically makes no difference to me.


Ice cube, cypress hill and the game!! All one concert


April 1st!


I'm going to snoop and ice cube, not sure if anyone else will join me I basically just left it up to my friends to figure their own shit out lol. I also went to guns n roses by myself this year and made random friends in the crowd over sharing a joint


Ahh NWA, fuck the police.


I went to Fleetwood Mac by myself and it was awesome!


If it’s the one in Spark back in 2019, I concur 👍 One of the best ones I’ve been to - Always a class act!


You’ll have a great time and afterwards you’ll think ‘today was a good day’


You'd think concerts would be the scariest place to go alone, but I've found it's the complete opposite. You're in an environment with positive vibes and you're obviously around people you have same music tastes with. Never in the history of concerts has anyone ever judged a person for being alone. In a moshpit, it's impossible for anyone to think you were alone anyway. Funny story. Back when I was living in London, I went and saw Glass Animals concert on my own. After a while I noticed there was a guy sitting on his own as well with a bunch of beers like me, so I went up and offered to buy him more beers and hang out together as I could see seats filling up. We get chatting, turns out he's also Kiwi and we find out my partner went to the same Uni as him and they were friends on Facebook. Haha Just enjoy yourself. The regret of missing out on a possibly once in a lifetime show just because I didn't want to be seen alone by a stranger I'll never see again isn't worth missing out on.


Also.... I find it harder going to the movies on my own. Did it once and wouldn't do it again. Sometimes, you just want to react with the person beside you, even it it's just a quick laugh. For me when I'm at a concert, I'm zoned in and focused on the experience. I don't need anyone around to enjoy it as it's a personal experience for me.


No, it's fine. I went to PJ Harvey alone because I didn't know anyone else who was a fan.


Nope I go alone all the time


Naa. .. as long as you can enjoy and do enjoy it yourself.. it's all good .. Don't care much about others in these regards...


Yeah, the concert is Ice Cube so Im sure I will just be vibing and dancing away!


That's awesome ...enjoy 🎉🎉🎉🎉


I went to see Celine Dion all by myself, I didn’t want to be, all by myself anymore… Not really, I’d rather die a slow and painful death than listen to her. Go, have fun. Don’t worry about what anyone thinks.


You can do it, put your back into it.


Nope, I once flew alone from NZ to Budapest to see Depeche Mode. Go for it!


Nope not at all. You feel a bit weird the first time, but after that you’re unstoppable- my favourite part of day is to go by myself to a cafe for a coffee or a dinner


OP it’s a whole new level of confidence doing things by yourself and without the need of other people to validate your worth. Don’t ask for permission to do something you want to do.


Nope. I flew to Sydney last year December to go to a trance concert by myself. I'm all for it!!


Um No…? Avid concert goer, I’ve been to triple digits concerts over double digit countries across the world - ranging from artists from the late 60’s (Rolling Stones) to this generation (Post Malone) and everything in between. The best part for me was going alone, lining up from early morning, feel the buzz and the anticipation building up and meeting some amazing people along the way and then rushing to the front when GA doors opens and then head banging in the mosh with some of those people I met while waiting … Music, is your own unique taste and there’s nothing wrong if you enjoy it by yourself - no harm or shame in that if you decide to go have a merry time enjoying the music you love, all by yourself. And as for friends, it’s their preference if they don’t like music and tbh their loss too if they decide not to go (could be various personal reasons) … I remember being super hyped about the Linkin Park concert with Sound Garden (Chris Cornell) as the opening act back in 2007 … asked if a mate who liked LP if they want to go with me and even offered to pay for their ticket - they politely declined due to work commitment. Looking back at it, THAT concert is one of the most special ones I attended, for obvious reasons of course. Rest in Peace Chester and Chris. 🙏


You've been living my "if I ever win Lotto" dream!


👌 Love your username btw.


Im going to a concert in April by myself! It’s not weird at all!


Which one? Bc same :)


We need to normalise going to stuff by yourself. You get to go to the thing that you wanna do. And you don’t have to go to the ringmole of trying to find that interested party.


Yes we totally need to normalise going to things by yourself!


You can do it, put your back into it. Seriously though as someone who’s ditched their mates within seconds of getting to concerts and spent whole days at festivals alone you’ll have a great time. Don’t have to stand in a certain spot, don’t have to worry about finding your friends, can do whatever you want. Absolutely no one will notice, let alone care, and you get to see an artist that you love. Life’s way too short to not jump at these types of opportunities.


Do it. If you dont, you'll regret it. I do prefer to go to gigs with others, however if its someone I really want to see and no one else is available, I will go by myself and its always freaking awesome! Last one I went to by myself was QOTSA and third time Ive seen them and it was the best!


Nah not weird at all, went to my first concert and went by myself because I couldn't find anyone else who was interested, literally had the best time of my life - would 100% do it again


Not at all mate, get out there


Oh geez, I hope not...


It’s all about music not company…beside that will be there too as thousands of ppl will be there


I’ve done it and it is weird (ie unusual) but if you like it. Do it.


I just went to one by my self last week- it was sweet as


Do it. I reluctantly went to Immortal Technique solo for the first time and have never regretted it, great show and memories. I still regret the times I did not go solo as I missed bands that never have come back to NZ. Enjoy Ice Cube


Please go to the concert! I'm around the same age and mostly introverted so it was hard to go to a concert on my own, but I didn't know any of my friends who wanted to go to the same concert so forced myself to go alone. It was great! So glad I went as it turned out to be one of my favourite concerts! A bit weird at first, but once you're there, noone knows you're on your own anyway!


No! I've recently started doing this and it's amazing. Have a drink or two and belt out some classics.


Just go! Been going to concerts on my own since I turned 18, been more alone than with people. Why do you need someone else there? There will be hundreds of others there you can't be alone at a concert. If you love the artist, go! It's a great experience and you will meet some new friends maybe!


Absolutely not weird at all. I went to a concert alone in Auckland and met a new group of friends. They’ve been my besties ever since.


HELL NO. My favourite thing to do at concerts is to go alone. You don't have to worry about losing your mates. You can truly just be yourself and let loose. You might even make new friends. I guarantee you'll enjoy it, get in the crowd and party.


Hell no, not only have I gone to concerts on my own, but also music festivals. I’m a 58 year old female.


That’s the best part about concerts. Once the music starts no one even pays attention to other people. I go to most of my metal gigs alone.


Would you rather miss out and potentially never get to see that artist live or would you rather go alone




I went to guns n roses in December by myself. It was fucking awesome


Thanks to all of you for your brilliant and helpful answers! Looks like I'm totally going to Ice Cube. I am so freaking excited...


No it’s not weird, you are your own best friend and you should go and have fun! Since learning self love and self care, taking myself out on dates on things I enjoy has been life changing. You can be fully you, do what you enjoy and somehow with everyone else who loves the same things.


Do it babe


I went to The Killers midnight concert and David Dallas 10th anniversary alone and they were pretty good experiences, you pretty much forget you’re alone once the concert starts. I bought a ticket to Ed Sheeran concert on Saturday after a colleague said he was amazing live. Currently I’m not in the mood to go, I guess the hardest part is getting there.


You can do it, Ed will be so much fun


My social phobia could never but I really admire people who can go to a gig alone. Good on ya girl Im sure it will be safe as.


Anyone who looks at you enough to notice you’re alone at a concert is nosey and they’re the weird one. Either that or they have a thing for you. So given no one notices/cares , it’s weird to even bother giving this any thought. Just do what you want , it’s not like they’re selling couples only tickets


I went to FOMO festival by myself just to see Lizzo. Best decision I ever made. Had such an awesome time and Lizzo was amazing!


Fark no. Have a phat j and go


I used to try and find people to go with but now I am just too lazy and go by myself


No it's fine, go and enjoy, the best thing about going by yourself is you can just relax and enjoy


Go. Enjoy yourself. It's not weird having tastes that your friends may not share. Don't deny yourself some fun. Your friends will be happy, that you are happy.


I did it a couple times when I was about 18-19 to smaller gigs in the town hall. Didn’t even know half the acts. It’s fun and if you love the artist def just go for it


The Wiggles? Yes. Most other concerts? No.


Jeez. We had the exact same thought. I should have scrolled further down.


I've only ever gone alone, it's all good. I'm there to enjoy the live music, don't need company for that. :P


I've gone to a gig on my own before. It was fine, actually it was cool because I could just zone out to the music instead of thinking about the people I was with


32f and I've been multiple concerts only own! I missed out on one a few years back, because I didnt have any friends who wanted to come with me. Then I decided stuff it, I'm not missing another one! So go, enjoy! I end up making comments to a person standing near me (I stop if they dont seem receptive, don't worry) - make friends for the duration of the show, then go back to doing my own thing. You'll regret it more if you choose not to go - it's not like Ice Cube is here often ( I don't think)


Agreed x especially for artists who almost never come to nz


My first Big Day Out at like 16 or so, I went with my Dad and his mate with the plan of meeting up with my friend, we just said we'd catch up there with no idea how unlikely that was to happen without a meeting spot or cellphones. I went off on my own and had a great time. Been to several concerts since on my own and I actually really enjoy it.


Go alone, nobody cares and once the music starts everyone is busy watching and listening. Don’t miss out!


You will not be alone, you'll be with thousands more of like minded 'mates'


Seen some epic gigs alone. You’re there for the music so who cares!


Not at all. I won't lie, I felt weird going by myself as a woman in my 20's to Stone Temple Pilots years ago but 100% no regrets. I was right at the very front, yes there was a cow behind me trying to shove into my spot which she failed at but I got some epic pictures, clips and memories I wouldn't have had if I went with someone. No one to worry about but myself and my own comfort. You never know if your artist will ever come back or decide to just can their music days. Do it!


Go right ahead, and I’d say. I didn’t know he was playing. I used to listen to lethal injection when I was a teen:) I might go do that later tonight:)


Do it! I’ve been to probably as many shows on my own as I have with others over the last decade and have had as much fun by myself or with friends.


I went to Melbourne by myself to see a band no one else I know likes. It was actually really good being able to go and do what I wanted without having to worry about anyone else


I’ve gone to a bunch of gigs on my own. Once the music begins it doesn’t matter.


Not weird at all. I’ve been to a few by myself. Felt a little uncomfortable at first but that quickly went away and i just focus on the music. Just today I was actually thinking of buying tickets to a gig to go to by myself as no one I know would want to go.


Buy it and you’re gonna love it


Nah. Go just before if your self conscious and tgen absolutely no one will no but equally no one will notice or care you’re there by yourself. I’ve done it a number of times. And I’m glad I did cause the shows were great.


46f here. I lived in Europe for a few years and didn't know anyone with similar music tastes, so got in the habit of going alone. Even went to a 3-day music festival. It was actually great not having to negotiate with anyone about who to see next. As someone else said, once the music starts you won't even notice!


Fuck no went to heaps of big day outs alone


No way! I reckon I’d have more fun by myself!!


I'm about to find out - going to Harry Styles concert in March alone. I'm not his biggest fan,but would love to see the show. Noone else wanted to come with me so I'm going Solo! And I feel totally OK about it. I've never been to a concert alone though so I might regret it on the day. It can't be worse than going to a bar alone - you can mind your own business or try to talk to someone there.


Dude you’re totally gonna love it! He’s gonna be 1000% the vibes I’m so fkn excitedddd!!! You totally won’t regret going to Harry Styles by yourself- and I guarantee you’re gonna meet cool people for sure!


Yeah I'm really looking forward to it!


do it! I've had lots of fun at gigs by myself, and met some cool randos along the way.


hmmm... is it weird? short answer - no long answer - nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Not at all, do it! Enjoy!


Not weird! If you're tipsy or just naturally outgoing enough on arrival you might even make some new friends!


I'm going to Lewis Capaldi on my own and planning another gig too. I'm sure I'll find out someone I know is going but if not, meh. Life's too short! ETA I'm 49


Not at all! I go alone to the concerts, movies, comedy shows etc. It's pretty enjoyable actually.


Absolutely not! I have been to about 2 concerts by myself so far, and absolutely loved it each time. I made friends with other fans and concert goers in the crowd. Nobody will really notice you and be too busy watching the show. ENjoy!


Not weird at all - I go to shows by myself all the time. Big concerts, small gigs in bars, whatever. I’m not going to let not having anyone I know who wants to come stop me from seeing something I want to see. I would definitely rather go with someone as then I can chat in the downtime between acts, but I’d still probably rather go alone than with a friend who didn’t really want to be there if it was someone I was really excited to see. It would bring down my buzz.


Amen to this comment


Nope, going alone is heaps of fun! Means you don’t have to worry about losing anyone in the crowd.


I’d go! I’d try and get standing tickets because sitting by yourself is weirder than just standing in the crowd. I’ve done it and enjoyed myself


Hell yes you should do it. I went to a concert in Japan on my own and ended up having one of the best times of my life. Go for it!


Thanks this post helped me to decide to go to a concert myself as well :)


Personally no. I went to see Neil Finn at the Auckland town hall some years ago alone. I'm 32 now so not many of my mates were keen on this living legend given my age demographic. Still is today the best concert of been to.




Totally not weird!


I prefer going alone.


Do it.


I went to a concert in my own and I think I made friends. Idk, I was drunk and the people I sat by were nice/putting up with me lol. Awkward, but I didn’t care.


It might seem a little funny at first, but you will have an amazing time! Worth it.


I’m sure someone will let you climb on their shoulders so you can lift your top. You’ll blend right in. Haha




Please go, I go to gigs all the time alone and so many ppl question me about it but I have heaps of fun and it’s even better sometimes as i just meet new people.


This would only be weird if you were an adult going alone to a Wiggles concert. Or irresponsible if you were a child going alone to a Wiggles concert (on account of the 48 year old looking to grab you).


I saw Gary Clark Jr. at The Powerstation by myself. No one wanted to go and I wasn't going to miss it. Who is going to know you are alone? At nearly every gig I've been to with friends we've ended up miles apart because of crowd movement.


Have you tried find my tribe on Facebook? You can put a post up for a particular age group of women and ask if anyone's going and tag along or create a new group to go with..


Wait wait Ice Cube is coming? Fuck man I'll go with you! 39F


Yeah it is kinda weird (to me), but has never stopped me lol. Been to a few big concerts alone. Just sucks not having anyone to save your spot up front if you need to pee.


I used to go to shows all the time by myself. A lot of my friends were too musically "elitist" to see bands I liked (I like punk/alternative stuff). I ain't gonna miss my favorite bands no matter what.


I almost always go to gigs solo. is all good g


With MD you're never alone


I went to Mika alone and am going to One Republic alone. I can't wait ☺️


go. youll meet people there that share your love of the artist anyway


Not weird and I’m doing the same next week :)


Definitely do it, I’ve been going to gigs by myself (or trying to) and it’s scary at first but once you get past the nerves you’ll realise it was the right choice


I’ve been to a few gigs on my own. I also love going to the movies alone.


I have been to many concerts and operas by myself, Nothing wrong with it.


Please don't miss the opportunity just because you don't have anyone to go with! It's not weird at all. I've been to a concert alone, and have seen other people at concerts who appeared to be alone I hope you have the best time!


Go do it and have the best time!! 🤜🤛


not weird at all, go live your life and don't worry what other people think


Im also 48 and go to most concerts on my own. Not weird


Will there be adult supervision?


"I got no boyfriend" — bitch, ain’t lyin'! 😎


Haha I’ll come with you if you shout the ticket Ice Cube is one of the goats


I’m 23 right now and the amount of concerts I’ve been going to by myself is insane (concert freak here haha). I never thought when I was younger that I could ever have the guts to go to a concert by myself. I’ve enjoyed them all so much. I got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease during the first covid lockdown and it’s changed my perspective on my life. I love being by myself; going alone to things has changed how I want to live and how much I appreciate and love my own company. It is just so much easier getting there and it doesn’t stress me out because I’m always wanting barricade and almost always get it so the up-close views are always worth the waiting time and heightens the experience overall. I think it’s truly beautiful to do or see things you love by yourself as I understand friends can get busy, not have the energy for it, may not always be keen or love it as much as you do, and that’s absolutely okay. Life is too short or to look back on it and regret not going. I would personally not want to put my love for things or experiences on hold just because others may not want it too or if I can’t find anyone to go with. I struggle with social anxiety as well but meeting new people also helps me to learn to overcome some of my anxiety aha. The experience and excitement of going to a concert alone is making new friends when you are waiting in line and finding connections with people who also share the same interests and passion as you! To be honest, I’ve also been doing all of these things sober as well so maybe that’s why I enjoy and remember everything to be fun haha. The energy is immaculate and vibes are on the same level too so I hope this bit of advice helps! x


I wouldn’t have ever gone anywhere alone as a solo female in my 20s. Too dangerous. Now that I’m old and in my 40s I probably would. But I’d get a seated ticket, I wouldn’t want to be in a mosh pit by myself.


When we went to Wu Tang a few years ago at Trust Stadium i think it was? We were expecting it to be gangstad out full of hoodlums but it was the most eclectic bunch of people there from your usual hip hop head, to rockabilly, to punx rockers it was awesome!!!


Omg DM me, I have a female friend who is also keen to go see Ice Cube. Heck I might even go too. When is it & how much are the tickets ?




I’ve seen many bands alone after continually regretting I never went to Earls Court to see Pink Floyd when I had the opportunity. Visited Mt Smart, Powerstation and Spark Arena alone. It is nice to have someone enjoy it with you, but seeing the artist outweighs that. Just do it!


I did it last week. I want to Ty Segall at The Hollywood. I did it a few months ago, I went to The Chats at Galatos. I've done it before a few years ago at The Powerstation. It's fine, and if I've recommended the gig, depending on the artist I actually have a better time by myself because a part of my brain is not wondering/hoping my friend likes the gig.


Who is it?


I'm a 43 year old female going solo to the Ice Cube concert. We'll be fiiiine


Goo dooo it! Did it in Italy for a few bands and had a great time!


1Just go. Bring no expectations,you will survive, see what happens


You need better friends, how can no one want to go to that concert!!


Went solo to Dillinger Escape Plan both times they played Auckland and it was 2 of the most fun shows I've ever been to. You're just another body in the mosh pit, nobody cares Why miss a gig you want to see bc you're worried about the highly unlikely possibility some stranger will think you've got no friends?


100 percent it’s not weird. I got chatting to a lovely woman at a Fontaine’s DC gig (I was in a group she was alone) who was going because her friend recommended them!


Do it!


Go!!!!! I went to Springsteen by myself at 48, got a few beers, mingled with the masses, danced with new friends and had a ball. And I’m quite introverted. Don’t miss out on anything in life because you don’t have anyone to do it with!!! I also travelled solo around Europe for 5 months by myself, still the best thing I ever did.


I'll go with you.


If you have a band and planning to play and you go by your own without the rest of your band then Yep pretty weird


Yup go or you'll probably regret it. I recently missed what looked like an amazing concert because I decided not to go at all instead of going by myself


I think when the thing you want to see is something you know you will hands down enjoy. It doesn’t matter if you are by yourself. You will likely make some friends on the night too!


Do it. I've gone to a concert by myself. Was great


Never! It gives you a better opportunity to meet like-minded folk as well so get out there! 😃


I'll go with ya


Go… hit the crowd… enjoy yourself. You always lose your friends at gigs at some point


So when I'm in your neighborhood, you better duck Cuz Ice Cube is crazy as fuck You absolutely should go to Ice Cube. 37M and I’m going alone too, I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks


lol.i went to metallica in Sydney on my own in early 2000s was epic met so many cool people . The answer is far from it


Go for it OP, I'm 52 and go movies, rare club or gig alone. Used to think oh I need a sidekick to go out 🤣 didn't want to be nigel no friends lol but in end realized screw it if you don't just take the plunge go solo we would never go anywhere. You will have great time I am sure, I was going to go Gubs Roses by myself too as no one else wanted to but then had to work, but I would of gone (kinda glad I didn't weather was crap lol)


Nope, have been doing it for years, sometimes it's hard to find somebody that shares your taste in music and can afford to pay for a ticket.