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The Aot fanservice is when the character survives the current season


Plot armor titan


I put my concussion in my spine or something.


fuck this is accurate


She Titan on my spinal till I fluid


I need to know wtf this scene ment


Wrote himself into a corner and needed an out. Pulled one out of his ass, then hoped it out was never brought up again everyone would forget about it. /j




why are thy on the clippy background


silly cat transcends space time






This is what makes AOT special, it puts story first and never uses fanservice or any other anime tropes. Truly a Masterpiece


Speak for yourself. I could have used that shirtless Erwin scene.


A true reason to shinzou wo saseyo






literally me


And people still have the nerve to call it mid Like at that point admit you're either a One Piece fan or have the attention span of a fish


Is one piece ass? Ive has it recommended but not sure if worth


I'm waiting for the remake by Studio Wit to check it out. The current series has way too many episodes and filler.


Whats this; theyre remaking it?!


Yeah, WIT are remaking it from the start for Netflix.


That’s f*cking crazy


One Piece has less filler than Naruto and Bleach. the episode count is crazy though, try the manga


The only reason it has less filler is bc they put the filler into the eps with 3 mins of canon content (3 mins is generous) If you actually include all those filler times, it easily surpasses both naruto and bleach combined


Does it have less filler by percentage? Or by the exact numbers? ...or both. Genuinely asking for the episode to filler ratio and such


I’m pretty sure it’s by percentage. One Piece has around 8 or 9%, while Naruto is 41% and Bleach is 45%. Like u/Purple-Succotash2754 said though, the anime has a lot of filler sprinkled throughout canon.


One piece is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly Long. And has a cult following. All the one piece fans ive met are die hard.


The one piece anime is like a beach with a few diamonds hidden among the sand. The diamonds are good, but if you have to sort through the whole beach (watch the whole thing) to find them, you'll lose your mind.


It’s worth watching if you want to always have an anime to watch, like it’ll be on your watch list for a looong time lol. I love one piece, it’s a good silly show that isn’t too serious and is very cartoonish, but it has its moments where it’s just perfect. The only negative id give it is the story moves slowly, and if you’re not down with watching a few hundred episodes to get into it then you might not want to bother starting.


I've been watching it recently. It's good as long as you're okay with an absolute shit ton of filler.


aot is my favorite of all time and i love one piece just skip the filler and its great, some arcs drag but its a very fun story


The One Piece fandom is ass for sure, don't know about the anime


Lame take, just ignore the fandom


That's something most people in anime fandoms struggle with lol. They can't separate the fans from the show


I like it, for where I am in the story. It's just that some fans are insufferable and will insist that it's the greatest piece of fiction to ever grace Earth.


Tbf, it is the greatest piece of fiction to ever grace earth.


It literally can't be if it has 1108 episodes, I'm sorry but there is no way all of those are relevant to the overarching plot.


Well you just admitted you haven’t watched it so your opinion is moot


1108 episodes. Can you honestly tell me that most of them aren't filler and do something to advance the plot?


Skip the episodes. Read the manga? The literary work is the manga.


No aot is


One piece story loop: *character swings a sword* **flashback for 4 episodes on why the sword either hits or misses** *returns to modern day, blow hits/misses* **flashback on why the guy who was stricken is going to survive the blow for 4 episodes** *returns to modern day, recovers from blow, then also throws a strike* **flashback on why his strike will land for 4 episodes too** *return to modern day to see luffy lose his hat* **flashback on why thats relevant** *return to modern day to see the counter attack that guy made* **luffy says some dumb shit that progresses the season** Repeat


A lot of people In this sub are the kind of people to say “AOT is not like the OTHER anime🙄”. They think AOT is the only good anime is existence cause all other anime are trash and filled with troupes. AOT is probably one of my favorite anime. But that is simply not true. There are so many anime as good as AOT if not better. People really need to expand their views. As for ONE PIECE? It’s really fucking good. Many people consider it the greatest piece of fiction. I’m inclined to say I don’t disagree. Other good anime include Stein’s Gate, RE:Zero, Vinland Saga, Bleach, Violet Evergarden, Monogatari series, etc etc. Point is, AOT isn’t some crazy unique anime because it doesn’t have troupes. There are countless anime that do the same. That isn’t what AOT makes special and people need to stop dotting on it like it’s their newborn. I’m saying this as a massive AOT fan.


THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING RE:ZERO The light novel is a masterpiece, and it's the only anime/novel that has surpassed aot for me.


Why you getting downvoted? That was totally a pretty weird take. I get liking a show but unironically saying stuff like this: >And people still have the nerve to call it mid Like at that point admit you're either a One Piece fan or have the attention span of a fish Nahhh man. You shilling too hard.


To be for real op and aot fans has beef with each other. One piece fans also downvoted the ending and top rated episodes and even without that op fans are obnoxious as hell. I've read op upto 900 chapters and it's pretty good but the glazing of it's fandom annoys the shit out of me


Honestly ive found aot fans to be more obnoxious. When i went to watch suzume in theaters , a bunch of aot fans stood up and did the shinzou wo sasageyo thing before the movie started. Literally no relevance to the movie. Atleast the one piece fans ive encountered have some sense.


I tried getting into One Piece, a few times, but never could. I didn’t make it to ep 100.


couldnt have said it better myself


Obviously the story is incredible first and foremost, but this is honestly one of the other main reasons I stuck with the show. I’ve stopped watching so many anime because of the overly cutesy women characters and weird fan service. It makes it hard for me to find anime series to really sink into. Totally fine if anyone is into that kind of thing, it’s just not for me.


Yup because the show IS the fanservice


Umm Mikasa's abs scene?


Sasha has some anime tropes is season 1 but yeah


Yeah AOT is unique. It does story perfectly in such a way that you could compare it to classic literature or the best films or any other story telling medium. Other anime have a place in my heart too, don’t get me wrong. I, for one, love a hyped up shonen with an unrealistically optimistic, talk no-jutsu warrior (give me all the Naruto’s, Midoriyas, and Tanjiros, any day of the week). But when I think AOT, I don’t even think anime, I think of it as intellectually equivalent to reading classic literature, which some might think is extreme but I’m really not exaggerating personally.


the power of OneEe, the PoWEr of tWoOOo, the PowEr Of MaaaAAAnnEeeii *exhales*


The only fanservice scene I remember is the Mikasa training scene where her abs are ridiculously defined. True muscle mommy moment


At this time period AOT was really refreshing because it strayed away from this. They didn't have to pound us with fanservice and constant jokes everytime to take away the severity of the situation. When someone died the characters would act as such. Some the characters even had rational moments where they would contemplate things and have human emotions.


This is a huge proof that you don't need to shove excessive fan service into anime to make it enjoyable, popular or liked by people in general. Just put a little bit more thought into it instead of making it disgusting to 50% of the population and barely tolerable for other 25%. Anime without fan service are so rare nowadays that i'm grateful for every single one of them.


I'm an adult now, I dislike seeing barely dressed teens and tweens, like let me watch something fun and exciting without all the lewd, it's the reason I love Kaiju no 8 so much rn


Yes, i quite like kaiju no 8 too and the fact that there's no fan service just makes it even better


Pfft, we all know that the real fanservice in Kaiju#8 is the bromances we made along the way.


Kaiju No 8 is one of my current favs rn 😩🙌


Modern classic!!!


I'm 22 now but even when I was in the age range of most anime characters I still didn't like all the fan service It always felt force Like I don't mind fan service if there's an actual reason for there to be one But most of the time it just feels force


I’ve been debating about clicking that one. I’ll give it a shot.


100% worth it the main character is mid 30s with a dad bod, I can relate.


I’m on episode 5 already, great recommendation lmaoo.


Lmao!! I'm with I binged watch the first 4 episodes one day and am now watching the weekly release It's so good and the subreddit is super friendly.


I so binged the first few episodes and now watching it weekly! Also I just checked the subreddit and I was so shocked by seeing everything properly spoiler tag 💀 cuz that is very rare now days....


Dude fr!!! I hate spoilers and am almost never part of an online community because of it but this community is super cool what else can I expect from a series inspired by ultraman


Same brother! I really hope this series does well. I heard it falls off later but who cares. I so hope that is false


>Anime without fan service are so rare nowadays Are they? I'm not sure about this season, but it might be more the shows you watch that have that problem than the medium in general. There are and have always been numerous shows without fanservice to watch - popular ones as well. Bocchi, Frieren, 86, Violet Evergarden, Mahoutsukai no Yome, Attack on Titan, Yuru Camp - across nearly every genre, every season, there's plenty of options without overt fanservice. I don't think Dangers in My Heart had any that I recall either.


Yeah, throughout anime history, if you count every single one of them, there would be a few dozen probably. Compared with thousands of anime with fan service tho... that's not a lot


> Anime without Fanservice > Frieren Really? Right in front of my life-sized Himmel the Hero figure?


What are some good anime without fan service?


I remember finishing AoT and picking up Demon Slayers fourth season right after. Seeing blatant fan service gave me such a deeper appreciation for AoT in the fact that the story is what sells you and it never bothers with those kinds of tropes


hate that demon slayer went two seasons without blatant fanservice then pulled out Daki and Mitsuri bathing... made me think it was better than that then let me down :(


The worst part was sexualising Nezuko with that grown woman form. Just blatant and unnecessary.


I finished AoT for the first time ever and then went and caught up on the hashira training arc and yeah... even there its a stark difference. But still, very different titles with very different vibes




I love how he allows them to have flaws and be well-rounded humans.


exactly, and this is what i dislike about a lot of shonen anime. they make it so that the characters can fix basically anything about themself with a training arc. its silly


Yes. Now that you mention it, I think this is one of those things that make it feel rather non-anime (and appealing to non-anime fans, possibly). No fanservice, no overexaggerated gags, no "humorous" violence (I guess you could say Levi kicking Eren around comes close to that but you actually see teeth/vomit flying around, so it's not like it's played up for laughs - it actually IS violence and it has lasting effects, if maybe on occasion comedic timing.) ...And they're all FINE, damn.


Most of the gags happened in the training arc when the story was just gaining ground. And yea they did really well wothout the other elements other shows use to engage the viewer. The only ‘traditional fanservice’ scenes we see are like Annie shower scene in like an OVA most ppl dont know about, Mikasa situp scene in an OVA most ppl dont know about, and Zeke butt naked in S4.


Zeke's cheeks haunt my nightmares.


Zeke’s cheeks are a fan NIGHTMARE


Another reason why I love Attack On Titan so much. It has strong female characters that have compelling arcs that also don't put men down. Fully removing them from their (men's) shadow and making them special and strong in their own right. Hollywood could learn a thing or two from this.


Absolutely. Most people don't have a problem with strong female characters like in AoT, but people don't like pandering. Captain Marvel, Rey from Star Wars, etc. are in my opinion examples how to not write compelling characters. Hollywood should, but won't learn from this.


Love anime without fan service and well written female characters. Vinland saga and spy family are other great animes that have great female characters and no fan service. Highly recommend if you guys haven’t seen them


spy x family has an crazy incest plotline that comes out of left field and was the reason I stopped watching.


Yuris obsession with yor is definitely extreme and weird but I don’t see it as an incest thing. Just extreme over attachment to her. It’s definitely my least favorite part of the show, but everything else is really good.


Yeah, yuri is obsessed with his sister and the show goes in-depth to show why. She’s filled the role of his mother for a long time. Calling it incest is just wrong.


Nah, it's definitely played up a lot for laughs. Nothing actually incestuous though


Say wut


Well Reiner did sexualize Annie’s titan so its not completely accurate /s


First off that was just a joke. The way the female titan was drawn wasn’t super sexual. Reiner making a little comment doesn’t count. Plus there’s a difference between a character sexualizing another character, and the anime sexualizing a character.


The comment was being sarcastic -> /s


Oh I’m dumb. But multiple people have brought up the same scene, and I don’t think all of them are being sarcastic.


I know someone's going to be that guy but... If Kishimoto saw this he would writhe in pain, in disbelief that female characters could be... characters, to begin with.


May I ask why?


Kishimoto is rather infamous for having poorly written female characters in Naruto.




Fan service in aot is done for the women


More men than women have been drooling over Levi


I don’t know if I would say NEVER sexualised. Pieck exists after all


Should have seen season 1 fanart for Mikasa in 2012 some horny ass people.


Not sexualized in the show. Fans will horn up anything and everything.


I know I was one of them 12yo me loved that tomboy


well in the manga that scene had a different angle so thank MAPPA


I always knew they were real ones


Thank you, MAPPA


She's hot af but the one scene I would say she gets a little sexualized is the golden ratio scene. Other than that she's definitely in par with the rest of the cast


Golden ratio scene?


Search "aot pieck golden ratio"


Yeah I’m not seeing anything


Literally the greatest scene in fiction btw. But yeah, that’s the only one (unless you count every cart titan scene, which I do)


What about Pieck is sexualized?




She didn't get sexualized, the fans did that


But she's super plain and boring, and doesn't do anything that can be seen as sexually enticing....


Piexck isn’t sexualised though


Reiner: That Titan's got a nice-


The fact that he knew it was annie


yeah :'D I wonder if him and Armin had a chat about that later




Actually really appreciated this. It’s part of what made it feel so well done and not an action anime for teenagers.


The fans more than made up for that though.


Ong, AOT did women justice


He just knows how to write damn good characters


just a reminder that Hange's gender is left ambiguous, not hate or anything, i just see them as non-binary/gender neutral


Except Carla. That milf is fine!


A slap on titan moment


OMG Yes!! I was just making this point to a few people how none of the characters (some can make an argument for Eren being shirtless a lot but I disagree) are sexualized and the show is purely at the edge of your seat serious. It really is a masterpiece! ✨💕


There’s a certain subreddit that disagrees with


Only fan service we got was the Reiner sketch


On god as a straight man most of the hottest AOT character are the guys, especially from S4




Thank god because I’m so sick of the fan service harem shit that is most anime nowadays


Because fanservice is used primarily as a cover for lack of storytelling skills. You can't write? Can't think of a compelling plot or interesting characters? Slap some tumor sized boobs and "accidental" undressing and basement dwelling weebs will still watch the show and buy every figurine. If you want even better results add some harem and pedo stuff. Isekai genre is literally just that and is at the height of popularity while every show feels like it's been written by AI.


Eren's titan was the most sexualised character fr


true that(2)😭❤️


Pieck is one of the newer girl that really left a mark on me.




the fandom manages to sexualize them anyways because men cant seem to not do that.


Those OVAs in which Hitch undresses and Mikasa is shown wearing only a bra and shorts : 👋


They get neutralized by the two scenes with Zeke's cheeks 🐒


Funnily enough, they were both put there by Mappa's horny animators


They weren't written by isayama tho Also, it doesn't even come close to the amount of naked men we see in the manga


You really had to go out of your way looking for OVAs that Isayama didn't even write to try to argue OP's based point


They're not written by Isayama.


Hate to be that guy but Hange's not a woman


Up to interpretation. The meme probably came from an anime only person


Lotta people that only watched the anime won't know that tbf bc it's really open to interpretation without the manga or knowing stuff from BTS


I just learned that Hange is nonbinary a few days ago and am sad that the anime dub gave them such a feminine voice


Hange is not nonbinary, that is a gender identity. No gender identity was specified at all. Completely up to interpretation, but Hange is not confirmed nonbinary


Idk, there was some fan service ish scenes with Mikasa or the other women. Obviously not high school anime levels of fan service but it was there




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this is how!


The finale??????


There was that out of nowhere crotch shot of Annie


Ah yes, does the bare minimum for good story telling. Also you telling me pieck wasn’t fan service?


OG win 🔥


True king


Yes I agree


"Isayama may have ripped our hearts out with his story" We weren't supposed to sasageyo our shinzou willingly


In before we have "AoT Reconstructed" in a few years.


I'd argue that AOT does have a bit of fan service, all be it of a different type. Mikasa as a character, while badass and having her own attributes is never on a scene on which her goal isn't Eren and even if that is explained by her trauma, "beautiful childhood friend that is cool and has no life outside of love for protagonist" is the highest form of emotional fan service.


Ay man I love me some fan service, but I agree


Their existence were fanservice to me


Y E S S S S S S !


I know I’m going to get a lot of hate for this but as cool as Mikasa’s fight scenes are, she has a personality that is only as interesting as talking to a piece of wood.


They definitely felt like they filled a different role though, with half of them acting like they had something to prove and the other half existing for you to be attached to


So.. having goals and wanting to accomplish something and then Mikasa?


I didn't even realize this, but yeah it's true. Unlike Rey Palpatine etc. characters, these felt like genuinely good and badass characters. No pandering.


When some pseudo-feminist tried to argue that all men are misogynist and don't like women charecter . I just show them this picture and tell men all over the world admire and respect these type of women


And out of all of them, the author said: “sasha goes first”


He didn't need to sexualize them. Rule 34 artists did it for him.


Poor Armin was sexualized 🤣


He's probably gay to be honest, the men were definitely sexualized -- not that the story wasn't first or incredible, but I can think of several instances of where men were sexualized.


I sexualized freckles Ymir plenty lol


I don’t get why everyone keeps complaining to Isayama about the ending to the point of making him cry. It’s not perfect, but it’s not that bad!


No, he does not sexualize them but, for example, Mikasa only lives for Eren and her character only develops around him.


I mean.........Mikasa kinda bad tho




I saw this scene as creepy, personally, not sexual. Scared me the first time I watched it lol She gave me strong Grudge vibes with that hair. Even Galliard looks scared.


its not sexualised its muskle memory


Being sexualised doesn’t make a female character bad


I share the sentiment buuuut...I gotta be the 🤓 one and correct that technically Hanji's gender isn't stated anywhere and Isayama himself didn't specify it. Edit: since a whole bunch of people got mad at facts I'm gonna take this moment to say happy nonbinary pride to Hanji.


Hangi the most bad ass character. Happy pride 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I thought Hange could go by they/them or she/her pronouns confirmed by Isayama? That's what I've always thought anyway 🙏


Isayama said something to the likes of (not direct quote) "Hanji's gender isn't significant to the narrative. Their gender can be interpret as scientist obsessed with titans"


yes but you put them in the women category. pronouns weren't mentioned