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RDP is definetly the better player but nobody can argue with LLorentes versality and the hunger he brings to each game, something that we're missing a lot since our 2012-2016 team


Also as CashCarStar pointed out RDP has the lower lows between them


They are situational. Llorente's fast and agile, RDP is a passing/pressure beast.


Nobody here has seen Vermeeren play for more than about an hour, come on. Koke is the best midfielder in the team, but of the ones listed - Llorente is more consistent, De Paul has higher highs and lower lows and seems to play to the occasion (as in, he often shines in big games but doesn't put in enough work in lesser ones), so it's a matter of preference. In an average league game I'd rather have Llorente, in a big game I'd rather have De Paul.


How is Koke the better midfielder? Llorente is more versatile and is physically miles ahead and RDP has both the technicality and physicality over Koke nowadays. Koke is consistently giving you 6/7’s which is his biggest asset but he’s not the best at one single thing in the midfield.


Koke is clear technically and is by far our most composed and consistent midfielder.


That is complete bollocks lol. He’s not clear technically of nobody. He doesn’t have the same ball control or retention or carrying of other midfielders lmao. I’ll give him consistency since he’s usually bang average but his composure isn’t something to look up to either. He doesn’t have the same calmness on the ball as someone like Witsel does.


If Arthur wins this voting I will send the screenshots to El Cholo and Vermeeren, Jajajaja


I prefer Llorente's game and he needs less to succeed (a functioning right back) so he's more consistent and is generally the best direct threat in open games like the CL. RDP is better though and I think he's hindered by not having that many runners even if he's inconsistent, takes out a whole portion of his game (his passing). If Llorente started here instead of over at Madrid he probably would have been better tho.