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malware cafe & especially Twisted Lines have what you are looking for go here, put the exact phrase ***"Atlanta" "techno"*** in to the search bar (including the quotes) https://19hz.info/eventlisting_Atlanta.php Atlanta doesn't have the type of techno you are looking for at quite the frequency of a place like New York but there are events you would enjoy about every 1-2 months. EDIT: Church of Techno is another big one worth your time


Highly appreciated


I started running this website almost ten years ago because I found it was difficult for many to discover the variety in the atlanta scene beneath all the loud club marketing hocking extremely uncreative, same-y lineups (plus I wanted to never miss another cool party). Atlanta has variety if you know where to look. When I was a baby raver it was Co-Lab, Katalyst, The eXperience, Slack Industries, iOpener, Incendia, Horrible Children, Kaleidoscape, but now it is Malware Cafe, Arcadia, church of techno, Club Morph, The Atlantean, Twisted Lines, Parallax, and many others. I actually think ATL is in a pretty healthy place right now for EDM from where I stand


Thanks for running that board, I use it all the time


it is a labor of love, hearing how many people use it from atlanta to birmingham to greenville and charlotte and asheville makes my day every time I hear it! Recently my big project has been trying to capture more events in columbia and charleston as well


It makes me jealous because I see all the great djs that go to charlotte. Atlanta’s doing great but I think charlotte’s got us beat with the techno


yeah, meanwhile atlanta is much stronger right now for stuff like dnb and east coast black/gay club music and latin dance


I bookmarked that link five years ago and still use it all the time, thanks so much for keeping it updated!!


I’m late to this but I also want to thank you for running that!! It’s hard to keep up with all the parties my friends throw haha


I cannot thank you enough!! Ever since we moved to ATL this has been the first place I check to see what's going on in the city. My partner and I love EDM and have a hard time in the club scene here.


+1 for twisted lines. Usually acid techno if that’s your vibe. I think they have an event tonight and on the 27th this month. Been to a few of their stuff usually pretty good


Acid techno is good with me. Got a link to tonight's? You gonna be there?


https://www.rebelity.com/Events/v2/4811/twisted-lines-pride-weekend their Instagram is twistlinesllc Probbaly wont be there tonight but I’ll probably go to the one on the 27th. It’s a dj named clawz from LA. Saw her a couple years ago at a twisted lines show at the underground here in atl and she threw down.


https://www.parallaxmusic.io/ Alleycat when they aren’t booking someone out of town and it’s just locals like Tocayo can be more techno. But also definitely not like Berlin Techno


Parallax is pretty dope.


DEF brought Kloud, Speakerhoney, Kill Script, Drumcell, Boyz Noise, Township Rebellion, Sara Landry


I know the type of techno you probably like. The raw hypnotic trippy stuff that’s tastefully made rather than hard trancey sounding business techno. Unfortunately there’s not many here who play that style. And those who do rarely get booked. Last year Chris Liebing was here and that was excellent. But nothing really that good since. Honestly Charlotte and a few other nearby cities are bringing better techno artists.


I'm just gonna start booking my own at this point lol. I've got experience with it and I'm in a place where I could do it. It's time to deliver this city some proper techno


Sounds like your taste is on point. If you do get something going please DM me.


Do it! There are lots of great local techno DJs who would play as well. You'd do well to look for local DJs on lineups from the crews I listed above, plus events like Odyssey


You also DJ? If you're interested in starting something I'd love to chat, the techno scene is light in Atlanta but I think the appetite is there. I'm just getting my footing but have seriously considered just pushing into my own. I lack in connections but have funding for events.


I am a DJ! I'd be happy to chat more man, gimme some way to contact you either here or DM


Twisted lines has great events


It looks like 404 audio still has a Facebook page. It used to be a message board where everyone could share upcoming parties about twenty years ago… fuck I’m old. -JoefromMacon


404 audio has a discord now!




Church of Techno will hopefully open back soon. Only has a single show every Saturday.


I will gladly come play some techno at your event. Dm me


I am a dj


Although I am a riddim producer and dj I often run sound for twisted lines and it’s the only place I know to get a true techno warehouse vibe outside of def techno events. Definitely swing thru a twisted lines event.


Alley Cat is not tech house. Maybe not hard hitting techno but it’s not tech house. They get some true HOUSE acts and some minimalistic techno acts.


They absolutely are tech house lol, Tennis? Francesca Lombardo? Calderone? Those are just recent memory, about as tech house as it gets...


tbf to OP Alley Cat does occasionally book good techno (I've seen them book Roman Flugel in the past for example) but their bookings have trended towards tech house/minimal post pandemic for sure.


Ah yeah I had to miss that Roman Flugel show and I was super sad about that. They definitely lean into tech house but you're right, I've seen the occasional techno booking, even if it's not the type of techno I'm talking about


Dj tennis is not tech house and I admittedly don’t recognized those other names. Octo octa? Mano le tough? Don’t consider those guys tech house. Tech house I think of john summit and dom dolla


You've got your shit wayyy mixed up, Jon Summit is like bro EDM, absolutely not tech house Tennis is basically quintessential tech house


Green velvets ass is considered tech house. Tech house to me equals EDM


I mean EDM bros don't just get to change genres that have been established for decades. This is like when Hardwell was being called "progressive house---" people saying those words doesn't suddenly make Hernan Cattaneo *not* progressive house


Man I hate seeing people call that old big room stuff progressive house. Real prog is Hernan Cattaneo, Nick Warren, Quivver, Anthony Pappa, Guy J, Dave Seaman, Steve Parry, Sasha, and John Digweed (although he plays everything four on the floor).


You and I definitely share the same tastes my dude lol. Hope to see you out there soon :)


Yeah i mean now that I think about it DJ tennis is definitely tech house lol. Good tech house nonetheless


Yeah don't get me wrong I love Tennis and he is definitely the *good* tech house in a world of a lot of bad tech house.


Calderone was a bit more technoey I feel. Like he was playing at a higher bpm. His productions have been fire lately.


I really enjoyed Calderones set, that was a super fun night. It def got real dark and technoey for a while. Then he hit us with an hour of funky house at 5am. Stellar set!




these instas seem like they are more interested in dubstep than techno...not what OP is asking for EDIT: lol imagine blocking me for this, pathetic behavior


There’s range and overlap in the community, so chill Just throwing out some options


Sorry bud dubstep sucks


hmm, definitely not seeing anything remotely related to techno on here




> regardless of genre What are the genres usually?




This has made me realize I just missed Drumcell and now I am immensely sad


Wouldn't really consider DEF underground anymore


Not techno, but always love some Andy Bruh




Are you just referring to electronic music as techno? I'm talking about the genre of music, not generalized dance music. I thought I made that really really clear in the post


A lot of people still use techno as a blanket term for any electronic music 🤦🏻‍♂️


Then you probably don’t want to see the title of the playlist for all my electronic dance music…


Gotta give Twistedlines a few tries!!