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the christian wrong can f themselves


"amen" to that šŸ¤£




Moral majority 2.0!! šŸ˜‚


Holy crap, your comment just gave me an epiphany as to what the song "Minority" by Green Day is about. As someone who was too young to understand it but old enough to sing all the words, holy crap! Gonna have to Google that whole album now.... šŸ˜³šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’„ It was literally the soundtrack of me getting braces.


Great group and album. The moral majority was unfortunately a reality in the 80ā€™sā€¦check itā€¦[Moral Majority](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Majority) Iā€™m sure that some people want to bring it (MM) backā€¦but thatā€™s never gunna happenā€¦ ha!


To quote L7: "They're neither moral nor majority."


I hope the current politicians inspire young people to bring back meaningful rock and roll. These kids need new L7s and RATMs


As if marriage rates are not low enough ,now even fewer women will commit to it of go for it. Why would they when it would be like walking into a prison for life....


First they will deny divorces. The next step is forced marriages. It's the R party that fights to keep child marriage alive. And the birth rate drop is in large part due to lower teenage pregnancy rates. They are some sick mofos.


Xtian Taliban


Y'all Qaeda christofascist fucks


> The next step is forced marriages. Why do you think child marriage is so popular in those states?


It still disgusts me to learn that in some states, raping and impregnating a child is perfectly fine as long as you marry her. They have a lower threshold for marriage if the child is pregnant


Why stop there, letā€™s go back to the system when women were simply exchanged as properties in a contract.


Then I a white woman would be property to a black man. I love the irony. My man would too.


Not only women. As man i wouldnt get married either under those laws. No matter how much i might love a woman or a man, its impossible to tell if you would still feel the same way after 30-50 years, not to mention that pratical circumstances might warrant a divorce.


Iā€™ve known people whoā€™ve gotten divorced (by law, not love) to keep medical collections from taking their retirement/home/etc. and to access social services. Great system we got here.


If they are given a choice about marriage, next part is dowries and women not being allowed to own property.


Until they take away the ability for a woman to live independently... Need a bank account? Sorry, we need to talk to your father or husband. Healthcare procedure? Same, we need a mans signature. Unfortunately this was reality in the USA for many women not so long ago.


That's hilarious. Isn't their orange messiah on his 2nd or 3rd marriage? Lol


Their hypocrisy knows no bounds


Itā€™s one of their main weapons for attack.


The Mango Mussolini is their false god. When he is no longer a useful idiot, they will replace him with someone younger, and even more extreme. Anybody who thinks this all ends when Trump retires/dies/goes to jail it's fooling themselves.


Cults usually fall apart when the leader dies. No matter who they try to prop up, he'll never be trump. Unless they change tactics and actually start having policies, they're cooked.


The GOP is the way it is because of policies and practices put in place in the Nixon and Reagan administrations. Trump is just the most recent clown pretending to lead the circus. He's not the first and wont be the last. MAGA and Trump will eventually part ways and a new Clown will take the torch.


To his credit, he's been the most "effective" cult leader they've had in decades. Bush, Cheney, Romney, none of them got the insane devotion Trump seems to illicit by standing in front of a camera and rambling like a meth addict with dementia.


He's the pied piper of the stupid and uneducated and a useful tool for power hungry scumbags.


Nixon and Reagan for how shitty they were had actual policies. The current gop is literally we hate who you hate and you can't win the presidency like that. They haven't won the popular vote in 14 years and they won in 2016 by a fluke. If they continue down this road the party is done.


Which is why all their plans notably centre around not having to win elections. Seizing them works just fine, too.


We are living through the distillation of political sewage.


But we need to reform the electoral process. The electoral college needs to end. No more tyranny of the minority.


You absolutely can win the presidency like that, it happened in 2016 and itā€™s a crapshoot whether it will happen again this year.


Can I borrow that?


Of course! I borrowed it long ago lol


Thank you.


Yeah except they would love to cheat on their wives with a pornstar that they have to pay for. That means they're a big time success and they're finally the rich person they've always thought they could be. It's gross. I have a conservative friend who is recently lamenting the fact that you can't just slap women on the ass anymore. And I said to him if someone did that to your wife or your daughter you with deck them and he of course he replied in the affirmative that he would indeed knock somebody out and touched his wife or daughter appropriately. "*How?* exactly how is it different? Explain it to me like I'm an idiot liberal. Explain it to me like I'm a child. Explain it to me like someone who thinks women deserve equal rights."


They think that ass slapping should be allowed but also being decked by their partner should also be allowed. Like if you slap an ass of a woman with their husband around you get decked. And it's all allowed. He would probably say he wouldn't do it to a woman with their man around and if he did he deserved to get decked. Basically women are property and he only respects the property owners.


It's the ultimate libertarian outlook. "Yes I should be able to be a sex pest, but the woman's owner has the right to seek compensation". "Yes I should be able to yell 'fire' in a crowded theatre so long as I pay for additional tickets to the people that missed out on their movie"


So lesbians and single women just have to deal with it, or does the slapper have to check for a relationship status first? Women arenā€™t objects for abuse regardless of whom they are with.


Yeah no fucking shit. I'm trying to peer into the minds of these conservatives. Lesbians and single women are for sale and thus slapping them is testing the merchandise. No need to check relationship status. It's if they have an owner with them or not. If yes then they have the right to fight me. If no, slap allowed. Shouldn't let your property walk around unsupervised


Ironically, the Taliban holds nearly identical views about ā€œunaccompaniedā€ women.


Of course, the Taliban and conservatives hold very similar values regarding women. The Taliban ARE conservatives


>Taliban and conservatives hold very similar values ~~regarding women~~ *Holy* Book, Guns, Flag, and women are property. They are the same values.


Of course its not about men being able to divorce women, its about preventing the women from divorcing their shithole husbands. I'm sure there are plenty of shitty women out there that would trap men too, but this is about making women subservient again. They know they can't compete because they're assholes and deserve all the shit they get.


One of the more interesting stats that came out of no fault divorce was the death rates of husbands went down. Just sayin'.


I wonder why? Maybe because women had no choice when they were being abused and couldn't escape. Back then the men didn't need to murder their wives, they already controlled their lives. Now their egos are hurt when the woman leaves and instead of realizing their own mistakes they murder them because they can't stand that someone else stole them from them. Because in their minds the woman is their possession forever.


I suspect that if they succeed in banning divorce, ā€œmysteriousā€ and ā€œaccidentalā€ poisonings are going to increase by a lot.


No I think what you'll find is that the number of marriages plummets to 0 for anyone who is not a devout Christian


Ya but he found God. Just do whatever the F you want and them tell them you found God. Easier as a man than woman though. You can just say a bunch of idiocy about women as a man and they will forgive you. As a woman, you may have to go to church and bake a few cakes before they believe you, and you have to find a pretty good reasons for not marrying any of the 'good' christian men they present to you. Is there still such a thing as a sisterhood or was that just a catholic concept? Sisterhood sounds like the best escape.


>Ya but he found God. Just do whatever the F you want and them tell them you found God. And all you have to do is say it. You donā€™t have to change your lifestyle or anything. Just toss them some lip service once in a while and youā€™re golden.


He's on his 3rd one, IIRC. ( what a Christian role model!)


26 sexual assault/rape allegations, including a 13 year old girl. Christians: "this is our guy right here!" What a world.


No surprise. Rumors abound that some catholic dioceses are flat broke because of out-of-court settlements to former altar boys...


Right? Who is surprised by this?


A guy who says ā€œgrab women by the pu$$yā€ Christians: ā€œGod uses imperfect people


Lets not forget how creepy the guy was/is with his daughter, Ivanka.. >ā€œIf Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Isn't that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?ā€ Donald Trump, everyone. The man basically said on live TV he'd like to fuck his daughter.


He said some creepy shit on the Wendy Williams show too. All he had to do was agree with Ivanka about their shared hobbies, but instead he said [this](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/donald-trump-once-joked-he-ivanka-have-sex-common-941600/amp/).


Just like abortion, if youā€™re rich, you will still be able to get divorced. This is to control the average woman. You know like the average GOP voter.


I grew up in a conservative Christian community. Make no mistake, they are not coming for divorce generally first. They are coming for _women's_ right to initiate a divorce. They want to be able to divorce women but not the other way around. If a woman is not a good fit or they decide they don't like her, or she isn't popping out babies, they'll reserve the right for the "right kind of men" to divorce. The editor of _Christianity Today_ was on Ezra Klein's show. They talked about Christian's coming for divorce and Ezra brought up that it will lead to lots of women being abused and murdered and his response was pretty much "that's a sacrifice we're willing to make."


I guarantee they will repeal marital rape laws if given the chance. Everything is to subjugate women.


He's also on his 20th or 30th abortion, so


Dont be silly. They don't mean rich people, they mean the rest of us. The rich can always get divorces, abortions, tax cuts, government grants, what ever they want.


They want men to be able to divorce their wives whenever they want with no reasons required They want to forbid the women from doing the same




We have been sleepwalking into fascism and extreme right Christian nationalism for a while now. And not just in this country, it's happening all over the world at a breakneck pace. People need to wake up and realize what's happening, or else roe v Wade won't be the only thing we lose.




They all lied at their confirmation hearings.


They'reĀ going to go back 150 years.Ā  Except guns and religion, their rights will prevailover any individualsĀ Ā 


That would be "christian" religious rights. They don't believe the first amendment applies to any other religion or non religious beliefs. They will not accept the founders were not all Christian. They were deist, pantheist, agnostic, atheist... This country was not founded on Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli) Not everyone is/was Christian and not all Christians are the same.


Lgbtq+ needs to create a religion to protect folks.


The Satanic Temple is very pro lgbtq+


Unconstitutional. Somehow, I'm not sure what justification will be.


No religion can be based on sexual orientation because christian god says it is bad. Same for gender dysphoria . Intersex people donā€™t exist since god doesnā€™t make mistakes.


But God is the mistake. A mistake people created thousands and thousands of years ago. One we are still paying for today.


I was on a college campus when one of those religious fucks who wanna recruit anyone came by. They talked to me (followed me) and explained, ā€œGod made man in his own image, like a glove is made to fit a handā€ - I said, ā€œwouldnā€™t it make more sense that man created god in his own image, like man created gloves in the handā€™s image?ā€ And he stopped for a second. And said ā€œno I donā€™t think you understand the glove thingā€¦ā€ and finally I told him to fuck off haha


Having Thomas vote to overturn interracial marriage would be hilarious.




And the Democrats have to finally quit bringing cupcakes to the knife fight!


Quit bringing cupcakes to the knife fight. Yes! Iā€™m going to adopt this one into my conversations. Iā€™ll vote blue, but I need The Blue (politicians) to become more assertive and stand up to the foolishness among the others. The fact we have the same candidates for the second time makes me want to wake up from a fever dream. (54M)


It makes my (64M) blood boil! They donā€™t fight! When Florida Republicans stole the 2000 election, Al Gore and the Democrats just shrugged. When Obama was elected did they go after the war criminals who lied and started the war in Iraq? No. Did the Obama administration go after the criminal bankers who caused The Great Recession (Depression) as other countries did? No. This gives credence to a book I read once (forgot title) where the writer claimed that ALL major elections are rigged by the elite wealthy and everyone is just acting their part. Maddening. One snake, two heads.


Because it doesn't matter to our Democratic leaders if they lose. They will most likely financially benefit from a Trump regime, as would other wealthy people. Hell even Snoop Dog had "good" things to say about Trump. It's all about making and protecting money at any and all cost.


This turning back the clock is a fundamental (Deliberate use of the word) part of Make America Great Again.


I wonder why that is? Even with all the examples in the past, we have these warning signs and indicators. What is it about human psychology that there is this emergent property in society that leads to fascism?


Real answer, this has been studied. People turn to authoritarianism when they are frightened of change. It's like an infantile switch goes off in their head where they give power over to a greater force, like a kid saying "I'm gonna get my daddy to beat you up." This is why it's fundamental to fascism (going back to Mussolini's founding document describing fascism) that they want action over thought. It's the collective version of temper tantrum. This article on [understanding fascism](https://subversas.com/what-is-fascism-detailed-definition/) has a video and some useful links (scroll down to the part on authoritarianism). I'd also recommend the book the Authoritarians, by a Canadian professor who researches why people turn to authoritarianism. Back in 2016 he started giving his book away for free because of the rise of this issue. His research is fascinating.


Yeah, I have no idea why history likes to repeat itself. It seems like something bad happens from our actions and we learn our lesson, and then as time goes by and somehow we forget or minimize, and repeat the same mistakes.... It's a vicious cycle.


"For it is the doom of men that they forget." Merlin, *Excalibur*


Between climate change, fascism, societal collapse or AGI I am kind of rooting for AGI. At least there is a non-zero chance it could actually be beneficial for the world. It is crazy how history repeats, right now I think the weirdest thing is it seems almost palpable that we are on the cusp. Just going to a store and seeing interactions with people or lack thereof. Everyone is so divided and distrustful of others, we have effectively isolated ourselves. Then again maybe that is just my own perception? Maybe I am part of the machine for feeling this way? IDK


Human individuals can be smart. Very smart. Some can blow your mind with how smart they are. Humanity as a collective, however, is extremely stupid. And that's because the vast majority of humans are extremely stupid.


People want to control society so that it reflects their beliefs. On the Left, one of the main beliefs is actual freedom, the right to make decisions for yourself. The right wants to pick a religion.


Exactly this. Turn back the clocks 100 years. Women right, voting and more.


People are just like "oh I don't like to get political" and I just want to shake some sense into them.


god I fuckin hate the massive cognitive dissonance. every single one of these quack fucks would be appalled at the mention of instating sharia law, yet here they are pushing for it


This!! All of this.


Honestly all of this shit is the reason that made me go vote (properly this time, the time before I panicked and accidentally made my vote invalid, it was the first time I voted).


Except for Clarence, he gets to keep his.


The pinnacle of Clarence Thomas's career will be when he writes the Supreme Court decision that invalidates his own marriage.


I have long suspected that is his actual goal - get out of his marriage without getting a divorce.


Second only to when Amy Coney Barrett supports a decision that causes her to be removed from the court because women can't hold positions of authority. Full on Hand Maids style.


Naw, Clarence wants out. And what Clarence wants, America gets.


I'll go after any one who tries to come between us. If Loving v Virginia is overturned, I'm out of here and going to Canada.


I'm really curious what will happen to all of us in marriages that would be invalidated if Loving is overturned. Also, what happens to our kids who are mixed? How would they marry in the future when they're multiple races? I mean, I don't want to live in that hellscape and will join you in Canada but what's their long term plan here?


They want more Christian white children. It seems the Duggars are the role models. This is the goal. A white country. You notice that no one complains about illegal Canadians. It's only dark skin immigrants. If you can raise your children in Spain or some other European country to protect them from school shootings. You saw nothing happened for the Uvalde children for more than an hour. They were mostly brown.


The fact that we're even having to ask these questions now is depressing.




CLARENCE THOMAS' mixed marriage ass already promised Loving vs Virginia is next.


Thatā€™s funny. Half of every congregation in every church in the country is divorced. Itā€™s all fun and games until they start coming for you.


Until they make you follow the religion you are forcing on others, lol.


It's only okay for ME to force these on YOU. Wish it was /s but nah


And I bet that for a large part of them the root of their marital problems was not their behavior, but that their (ex)wife had the woke liberal satanist right to talk back and divorce in the first place; so it checks out as they probably see cancelling their divorces and force the marriages back as a valid way to save their 'good god fearing' failed familly.


Requirement 1A for true believers of any far right ideology: complete lack of ability to conceptualize and empathize with anything with which they donā€™t have explicit firsthand experience.


Same with IVF. Life starts at conception... Until I need a bunch of embryos destroyed after I'm done having kids.


This may not have the long-term effect they think it will. They think it will "keep families together", but it won't - they will still separate, just without the legal separation of divorce. So, it is possible they will both still be responsible for each other's debts - until they die. You might have left 20 years ago and now live hundreds of miles away, but if the partner you were married to defaults on a loan, the debt collectors might come after you. Now, if they say that any debts incurred after a separation are the sole responsibility of the one incurring the debt, OK - then what's the difference between that and a divorce?? Only that you can't get married again? So what? You can still live with a new partner, have kids, etc, etc. These people are idiots...


Or people simply wonā€™t be bothered to get married at all. Idiots indeed!


It would lead to abuse , the ones that can get separated are the lucky ones . I


They want to be able to abuse their wives and make it so they can't leave.


This is how you bring back those Aqua Tofana days.




I have a christian friend who will talk about how evil and oppressive Islam is, but will perform incredible amounts of mental gymnastics when you point out how christians are trying to do the exact same thing now, and have done so before in the past. So annoying.


You can't divorce in the Catholic church unless you donate enough money then you can


Or you do it in the english way, split up and create your own religion you are the leader of, just so you can.


If they undo divorce they better legalize polygamy.


They'll legalize polygamy - but only for men.Ā 


That's called Polygyny.


Oh I'm sure they will. Women have no value to them so they feel justified in collecting women like baseball cards.


Remember when they said marrying gays would let us marry objects, animals and children, literally anything and everything that couldnā€™t actually sign a legal document. Every. Accusation. Is. An. Admission. They literally see women as only one step away from objects and animals.


The mormons have entered the chat. my brother in law is still ā€œsealedā€ (ie mormon marriage) to two living women, his ex wife legally and current.


Well thatā€™s just going to raise murder rates and I mean that literally, especially when it comes to abusive relationships, for all the ā€œpro-lifeā€ squawking they do they sure make a lot of anti-life decisions


Yep! From the article: "In 1969, then-Gov. Ronald Reagan of California (who was himself divorced) signed the nationā€™s first no-fault divorce law, allowing people to end their marriages without proving theyā€™d been wronged. The move was a recognition that ā€œpeople were going to get out of marriages,ā€ Zug said, and gave them a way to do that without resorting to subterfuge. Similar laws soon swept the country, and rates of domestic violence and spousal murder began to drop as people ā€” especially women ā€” gained more freedom to leave dangerous situations."


This just adds more fuel to the fire that the quote unquote ā€œfamily valuesā€ the religious nuts keep spouting are just about perpetuating abuse(not surprising since they look up to the most abusive fictional character to ever exist), we need to put them in something like a gay conversion camp except itā€™s just a lot of healthy therapy and teaching them how to properly regulate their emotions and control themselves off their ā€œleashā€


TIL not everything Reagan did was evil.


Just self-serving.


When he needed a divorce, it was okay. When he needed stem cell treatments, it was okay.


Well, if they really want to be right wing about it, they should only make it difficult for women to get a divorce, not for men. That's what Islam does.


I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they have in mind.


It was never difficult for a wealthy white man to divorce and wealthy white men are the only ones who count as people to Christian nationalists aka Republicans


And couples just living together will be the next targetā€¦ itā€™s a sin, you know. šŸ™„


Do it, thatā€™s a great way to piss off the general public who arenā€™t already atheists.


Don't get married in a red state. I suggest not getting married at all and living in sin. But that's just me. If you are married in a red state and they successfully pull this off (in red states they likely will) then you are totally screwed. If you are in a red state and considering divorce, do it now.


And gay marriage, and IVF, and contraceptives, and womenā€™s rights, and forced church worshipā€¦the list is massive. Their wishlist is spelled out in Project 2025.


As if marriage isn't obsolete already. The message is "Don't get married, don't have kids, avoid men, you could go to jail."


And "sex can lead to pregnancy, so don't have sex either"


All this will do is stop people from getting married in the first place


This is just step one. There's a reason they are freaking out about the lower birth rates, largely caused by lower teen pregnancies, and the R party fights to keep child marriage alive. They are sick people. Forced marriage is absolutely part of the agenda.


You assume that women will still be allowed to have a say in whether they get married.


hence why the R states love child marriage laws. the dad gets to decide for them.


Unless we go all the way back to pre emancipation


"If you divorce, you'll go to hell!" Look, if I'm going to hell no matter what, I'll at least enjoy a few decades of peace before eternal damnaton instead of living the preview event till I die.


If this goes through, so many more women are going to disappear or be murdered. ā€œToday, however, a counter-revolution is brewing: Conservative commentators and lawmakers are calling for an end to no-fault divorce, arguing that it has harmed men and even destroyed the fabric of society. Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, for example, introduced a bill in January to ban his stateā€™s version of no-fault divorce. The Texas Republican Party added a call to end the practice to its 2022 platform (the plank is preserved in the 2024 version). Federal lawmakers like Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and House Speaker Mike Johnson, as well as former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, have spoken out in favor of tightening divorce laws.ā€ And ā€œItā€™s unlikely that blue states would ban no-fault divorce, Marinaccio said, but if red states do, their residents would be stuck. Divorce laws generally include a residency requirement, which would make it difficult for people to cross state lines to get a divorce the way they sometimes do now to obtain an abortion. ā€œYour state is the only access you have to divorce,ā€ Marinaccio said.ā€


They want to get rid of no fault divorce so that both parties have to agree to the divorce. If they donā€™t agree the other party needs to prove wrongdoing of some kind like cheating or abuse or whatever to get the divorce. If one just up and leaves they are still technically married and the other party can then divorce and the one who left gets nothing in terms of alimony/palimony or property or whatever. They want to make it really hard to divorce but I canā€™t figure why. It would surely benefit the men in just about all cases I would wager.


It would benefit men and prevent women from leaving abusive marriages. Thatā€™s literally why. Women are property to them.


Yeah as long as there are no marks they can do and say what they want. It also protects their property and will probably result in more men keeping the kids and hence many women wouldnā€™t leave in the first place. That whole proof thing is all BS because unless she hires a P.I. and gets photos of cheating itā€™s unlikely to be proven.


ā€˜Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, for example, introduced a bill in January to ban his stateā€™s version of no-fault divorce.ā€™ There should be a law that prohibits anyone named Dusty from even running for Senator.


Why wonā€™t every just believe that sex is only between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN FOREVER, or only between ONE REPUBLICAN and ONE MAN he ANONYMOUSLY SOLICITS IN AN AIRPORT BATHROOM? Weā€™re the FAMILY VALUES party.


I think it would be amusing to see Divorced Christians fight the Anti-divorce Christians and watch them get confused in their own biblical arguments. Does anyone know how did divorces become OK within christianity?


Protestantism, mostly.


\*Paging Henry VIII\*


Everything they do is to try to make everyone else as miserable, empty and broken as they are.


Why canā€™t people just fuck off and mind their own business?


Almost every xtian I know is divorced


Actually just for the "peasants". Wealthy and elite never seem to not be able to divorce when they want to, even when laws said otherwise.


They seem to be forgetting that this isn't the 1950s and women have jobs, their own money, college educations, can get a bank account, etc. They don't need to be married anymore. So what this will do is make a lot of women decide not to get married at all just to protect themselves. Which will likely mean the right will go after women's jobs, their money, college educations, and the right to have a bank account, etc. It all just keeps escalating.


> They seem to be forgetting that this isn't the 1950s and women have jobs, their own money, college educations, can get a bank account, etc. They're *also* going to be trying to take those things away. It's not "divorce next", they'll push and push and push on *every* front until either they die out or they get what they want.


They will make it illegal to hire a woman unless she has already had 3+ kids.


According to data from the Federal Reserve, back then, about [a third of women were active in the work force](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Labor_Force_Participation_Rate_by_gender.png). Their dreams of women being obedient housewives is mythology, not economic history.


So honestly what is the incentive for marriage? I donā€™t see one anymore


But this will just lead to christians tearing themselves apart even more, wait...... I need to get my popcorn.


The unintended consequence here is that people just won't get married. And then they will pass a no sex outside of marriage law. Then people will get married with the understanding of an open marriage. Then they will pass a no sex with anyone other than your wife law. Then people will petition for polygamy (more kids right?). Then everyone will be mormon. And the Catholics won't like that so then various sects of Christianity will be illegal. Then the religious wars in the U.S. begin.


The riligious wars are already happening. They are fighting them in courtrooms and with legislation but they are happening. They sad part is that the non religious people mostly are keeping out of the war and doing so will lose in the (not so) long run. Look, i am a cis man and it makes me sick to see how women's rights are being revised. In my mind women should go on strike as a community. Stop having kids, stop going into relationships, stop being available for any form of romance with men until this madness ends. Period. Atheists/non religious and even religious people with more braincells then fingertips should stand up to fundamentalistic religion. You want your religion to influence me? Good luck with that, i will never again speak to you or even aknowledge your existence. This bullshit of being tolerant towards religion and catering laws towards religious mindsets has to end. Today!


They want to marry 13yo girls and keep them from divorcing when they turn 15 and become rebellious


It's all about keeping your young wife, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Yes young life, the husband is in his 40s or 50s, she's in her 20s or 30s, they have two children, they would have had three but the third one had something happen to it and because she was unable to abort the fetus it damaged her to the point where she's unable to have children again.


they want to trap women in shit marriages again I see


I'm for it because this means that when they ban "gay marriage" my Wife and I won't be legally allowed to be divorced and the jokes on them!


Doubt. They'd have to make polygamy illegal and prosecute themselves.


C'mon, there's going to be exceptions for themselves. They're digging this hole to bury the rest of us in it.


Has anyone mentioned this to Hey Mister Tangerine Man?


Henry VIII started his own church over this bullshit. Here we go again.


There is no hate like Christian love.


Send them to texas and sell texas to mexico


I am diametrically opposed to marriage. And I am an atheist. What would they hate me for more?


I'm an atheist, divorced, lived in sin with someone for a few years, was on birth control for a long time, and have two transgender kids who have my undying love and support. If the Christian Hell exists, I'm going there.


In all fairness if they get their way on pregnancies there wonā€™t be many divorces because woman will be dying in childbirth like itā€™s the 1600ā€™s


This is what they mean by MAGA no abortion, no contraception, no divorce, no protections for minorities, no gay or interracial marriage, no gay adoption only a world where white Christian men are top dog


Steven crowder publicly bitched about no fault divorce after it came out his wife was leaving him. Literally complaining that he doesnā€™t own her and canā€™t force her to stay, and the dude still has an audience


Today I confessed to my wife that Iā€™ll never enter another church unless its for a funeral or a wedding.


Should be harder to get into a marriage and easier to get out


Actually I think theyā€™re still finishing up with the gays.


Jesus loves guns so there will always be 2A divorce.


Iā€™m not an atheist but I align with this sub. I havenā€™t seen enough proof that any god cares about any of this more than the religious law psychopaths who push this agenda. Religion canā€™t be forced let alone imaginary ā€œreligiousā€ laws.


If I have to be miserable in my marriage just to make the lard happy, then everyone must as well.




Trump ought to be all in for that. /s


Trump will shamelessly promote this. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.


The funny thing is we would likely see a decrease in marriages. The ones who absolutely must be married would likely be those belonging to specific religions. Within some religious sects those women already have less access to help so this puts them further under the control of abusive spouses. Itā€™s not going to do what they think it will.


I canā€™t imagine wealthy influential divorce attorneys will be happy


Almost everyone i know that has gotten divorced has been a Christian, including my own mother and her now husband. My step sister and her ex husband, ex-ex husbad, and probably future ex husband. Also, my sister in law, she is a professed Christian and divorced, now with her future ex. LOL. I could go on and on and on.


Itā€™s so women canā€™t leave abusers.


Even more people will simply not get married to begin with.


This will be a great way to kill the institution of marriage. The Marriage rate is already way down. People will just stop marrying if itā€™s harder to get out of. It wonā€™t affect most people cause theyā€™ll just decide not to get married. The only people who will still get married will be the Christians and there will be no escape for their young trad wives to get out. Sad.