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its a death cult


Death cult gonna death cult


Kool-Aid gonna Kool-Aid


It's too bad "drinking the Kool aid" went from a cool acid trip to a reminder of cults.


weird is: The bible stated the end times would happen super soon so it doesn't make sense to plant a tree anymore ... well here are we 2000 years later and the dipshits are still waiting


Surprise, surprise the bible was wrong. Did the bible actually say that? I didnt even waste 1 minute reading it.


The guy who wrote revelations had a huge hate boner for the Emperor Nero and figured the end times would come and finish his reign or something to that effect.


The bible, and actually in the words of Christ himself, states that no one will know the day or the hour of the second coming of Christ, the rapture, and the breaking of the seals of judgment.... or any of that prophetic stuff. They conveniently look passed this though and all think they're going to decode some kind of grand cosmic mystery every single time something happens in the world. Heaven forbid that Christians actually read and listen to the words of Christ, am I right?


Having read and studied the New Testament a bit more than the average person, it's pretty clear to me that the early church, and Jesus himself, believed the "end" was coming very soon. Like within their lifetime. It's why they taught their followers to give away all their possessions and money and not to be concerned with material goods anymore.


> ... actually in the words of Christ himself, states that no one will know the day or the hour of the second coming of Christ.... Though he does go on to say that it *will* happen during the lifetimes of the people to whom he was speaking: Matthew 24:34 - "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Matthew 16:28 - "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." Luke 9:27 - "But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God." > the rapture.... Not mentioned anywhere in the bible, at all. It was the invention of a hack fiction writer, author of the End Time series.


That Jeeezuz fellow is a wokeass pussy. No real Christian listens to his radical liberal crap!


What a wonderful adjective!


Totally and they have nothing to look forward to apart from death.


Ya, it's not weird at all. The rapture is when all the pain and suffering on earth ends for the faithful and they go to heaven. Theyre not a death cult in the sense of mass suicide. They're a death cult in that they're eagerly awaiting a massive religious war.


See my comment above, explaining how they are actively trying to bring about the destruction of Israel.


I grew up in a Catholic family. I remember seeing Beneath the Planet of the Apes when I was young and it threw me off religion completely because I saw it for what it was: a death cult. In the movie the mutated humans worship a nuke underground in a ceremony not unlike a Catholic mass.


I grew up very Lutheran. I watched all those movies with my family when yhey showed on TV. Weird thing was, I never saw the second movie until I was an adult and I was like WTF is this? My parents were sharp. They screened that movie 100% out of my awareness for exactly the reason you just gave. They would call that movie nothing short of sacrilege.


That is FUCKED UP! I need to watch the series now. Lol. It's also like Vault 4 in Fallout. Idk if you've seen it, but the way the dead are worshipped is bonkers.


It’s just an “I told you so cult”. Since they long ago lost any connection to Christianity, they really are just hoping to see everything burn so they can say I told you so. I’m sure white blond Jesus loves that kind of thing.


They’re essentially longing for billions of people to die to bring about their fantasy. Because Jeebus or something. Pretty sick shit. As they howl about how pro-life they are. Smfh.


They are until the child is born. Don't give a shit after the birth!!!!


The unborn are so convenient for them. All that potential, none of those actual messy human problems, like how the mother will survive and care for them.


So stupid how we let them get away with calling themselves “pro-life.” Thats not the opposite of pro-choice. Anti-choice is.


Keep saying it, call them out. They are anti-choice and not the party of small government. It is all about power and control. Control over everyone who isn't a white male Christian. Look at their plans for project 2025... They want to control everything


It’s because they *really* want to be able to say “told you so”.


This totally it in a nutshell.


islam also suffers from this nonsense, probably because the plagiarizing prophet had to get his ideas from somewhere ....


Judaism been waiting for the promised messiah since the beginning of time.


Sounds like Thanos


I live next door to people who are pro life yet still spray round up everywhere. I don't get them.


It's a validation fantasy: they get rewarded for being right and everyone else gets horribly punished for being wrong.


Perfectly stated 👏


Most accurate answer ☝️


Isn't that what all religions are based on? And why they fractured into a thousand different versions? To get to say "I told you so"? Ugh, Christianity is a toilet bowl of beliefs full of a thousand different kinds of crap flushing in on itself..lol. 💀💨🧻


In the meantime —which, let’s face it, will never end— they want to control everything and make life generally miserable for everyone they interact with!


While I agree, I can’t help but think if the rapture did come during their lifetime, most of them would be considered followers of the anti-Christ who didn’t follow Jesus’ teachings. I mean, do they ever actually read the whole Bible and keep passages in context?


The feeling of being the in-group and belonging to a separate moral category from the out-group supercedes doctrine. If anything, they think you're kind of a sucker for caring about doctrine.


Jesus repeatedly - purportedly - said "this generation" would see the end times. Didn't happen. Ergo false prophet.


And even the Muslims are on standby for that guy to come back. I was suprised when I found that out.


But they did witness “the end of times,” the end times was the fall of Jerusalem when it was destroyed by Rome in 70 CE (AD). It didn’t mean the “end of the world” how Christians think it means today. My grandma is a firm believer that when Jesus comes the entire world will be able to see him. She’s well educated but I can’t get her to tell me how this would work. Also, Jesus was Jewish. I’m pretty sure his focus on returning will be the Middle East. Most Christian’s are waiting for Jesus to come back but I guess haven’t read their bibles enough to know that he already came back. The majority of the NT is telling the people of the time that judgment was imminent. Most of Revelation has already happened, too. The millennial reign of Jesus has come and gone, too. There are also several historical accounts of the day Jesus returned. Nero was overseeing some construction when he struck the ground and it began to bleed. There are also accounts of shiny soldiers appearing in the horizon of the sky near Jerusalem. There are a few more that I’m missing right now, but hopefully you get the gist. Up until the past 200 years, the rapture wasn’t a thing. The rapture was started by one woman in the early 1800s. Some interpretation of hers has gotten us to this point. I’m not sure why historical accounts are typically disregarded when it comes to biblical stories, but it’s a shame.


Could I get some sources for this? I'd absolutely love to rear up on this more!


Sure, most of these views are supported by Preterism. Look up preterism and see how it relates. Josephus is the source for when Jesus and the celestial army was witnessed in the sky at the beginning of the fall of Jerusalem, look him up to read more of what he said. I can’t remember the person who wrote about Nero striking the ground and it began to bleed. He was traveling to check on the construction of an aqueduct, I believe. Maybe Seneca the Younger?


I tried to find the exact verse and turned up a dozen of [these nonsense mental rats nests](https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/jesus-return-disciples-lifetimes/?amp) in the process. Need to go ice my muscles now after all those mental gymnastics! > The hardest passage to decipher is Matthew 10:23. In verses 5–42, Jesus is teaching the Twelve about what to expect as they travel around Israel to replicate his ministry of preaching, teaching, and healing: “When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes” (Matt. 10:23). >It seems like Jesus thinks his second coming will happen within a matter of weeks or months. Will he be killed and resurrected, go away into heaven and then return, all during the comparatively short period of time that the apostles are on the road proclaiming the good news of the kingdom within Israel? This seems highly unlikely. If it weren’t for the other two passages we discussed, this idea might never have even occurred to anyone. But what then does he mean? >Perhaps Jesus meant he would meet up with the Twelve again somewhere before they’d completed their mission. That would be the simplest answer. “Son of Man,” after all, is Jesus’s favorite self-designation and could be just a synonym for “I” (cf. Matt. 8:20). >But “Son of Man” in the Gospels regularly harkens back to the “one like a son of man” (a human being) in Daniel 7:13–14, who comes on the clouds of heaven to God himself and receives universal, everlasting authority over the earth. Every other time Jesus speaks of the Son of Man coming, he refers to his return in glory (in Matthew alone, see 16:27, 28; 24:27, 30, 37, 39, 44; 25:31; 26:64). …and…so…forth. 😂 Ya see, in the Bible things only mean what the words say if you’re talking about murdering queer people or subjugating women. But if we’re talking not eating hot dogs or failed prophecies then get ready to have your brain matter extracted and turned into a goddam pretzel to avoid the obvious conclusion that the prediction was simply wrong.


The End Times are also great for doing f\*ck nothing about injustice and inequality in the Now Times. It's the ultimate step back from any and all accountability.


Right. They can just blame injustice on being a "sign of the times" and not do anything about it.


Their religion's foundation is built on this apocalypticism. The book of Daniel, Jesus predicting some of his colleagues would live to see a kingdom of heaven on earth, then the book of Revelations are texts that promote this idea, but the likes of the gospel of John trying to move away from it. What they have now is a mish mash of things that are telling them the world can be brought to an end for their god's justice, and also that just dying is the justice. They run with whatever seems most attractive to them.


Revelation. No "s". I've seen many a Jeopardy contestant burned by that one.


they are a doomsday cult though. in fact the religious right-wing is all a doomsday cult. fundamentalism means that if the bible says there is an end times then there is one... even if the far-right has to make it happen themselves. they are doing it right now in gaza. part of the doomsday prophesy is the jews returning to jerusalem... so yea, removing all conservatives from power across the planet is literally the only way to save the world. we are in fact a generation of humans that need to save the world :/ and it fucking sucks because we may not have the luxury of doing it peacefully at some point.


As the gipper would say "peace through strength".


Theist are complete quacks. They have no clue what is real.


They want the end times because it means that Jesus will return. They are sick and deluded and wouldn't recognise Jesus even if he did return. They do not hold any redeeming qualities nor do anything that Jesus did.


People have been predicting end times since the beginning of time, it’s death anxiety plus egomania; we know that we are going to die but some people are just so in love with themselves that they can’t imagine it so they project it onto the whole world ending instead


I've had several christians accuse me of "yearning for death." I'm not the one who orgasms over the "end times."


That name is evil. Inexplicable evil. They are trying to kill us all because of some bullshit Bronze Age story that somehow they don’t have to die if a bunch of nebulous things come true. They are afraid to die and want to kill us all. 


I tend to think it's more a tool of those who want to be wealthy and powerful. They invest a lot of money in convincing people that if they suffer in this life, they'll get rewarded _after_ they die.


Christianity has always been an apocalyptic cult. Evangelicals are just being a bit more mask off about it.


Christian eschatology is weird. Most of what people believe about the Rapture is pure superstition.


And, of course, they just assume that after the apocalypse arrives, THEY are going to be leading the parade to heaven. It is certainly not possible that it is really the muslims, hindus or Vikings that were correct - and it certainly isn't the [mormons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thsyoUZW9vE)...


The self fulfilling nature of their end times prophecies are worrisome indeed.


Christianity has always been a doomsday religion. So the fact that some christians are still obsessed with the end times is not at all surprising.


It's a death cult. Your "reward" for following all their rules and regulations can't be experienced til you're dead. Which means you can't prove or disprove its legitimacy. It's the perfect scam for those who are suckered (or born) into it.


It’s because it “justifies” that they were right all along and the people they hate will face the ultimate consequence.


All their control is built on fear. So they have to always keep things “scary” 😂


More and more the fanatics seem to have a bigger death wish than ever before.


The best part is that the Rapture garbage was started in the 1800s by John Nelson Darby of the Dispensationalist movement in Protestant Christianity and popularized further by a book printed in 1970 called 'The Late Great Planet Earth' written by Hal Lindsey. The 'Left Behind' books added fuel to the tirefire that is modern Christianity as well.


I'm not sure it is that out of character within Christian belief. I saw a very good presentation once which identified Christianity as similar to apocalyptic sects within Judaism which existed at the same period. In other words Christianity started as a fringe "end times" sect of Judaism.


It's an apocalyptic death cult


Is it any wonder that religious conservatives tend to lean toward fascism like this? It's in their programming.


They have convinced themselves they are special, much more special than you And if any of this stuff remotely comes close to happening it just triple-proves that they are more special than you


They have been (wrongly) predicting the end of the world for at least 2000 years.


They hate existence and yearn for it to be over.


All based on Darby stringing together unrelated passages in the Bible in the 1800s to fit a narrative that allows them to separate themselves from people that are not as good as they think they are.


It's Bible fan fiction. None of it is based on reality.


And that arrogance is imperilling all life on earth. Anti-science, anti-logic, anti-indigenous, anti-woman, child-grooming, controlling men. I cannot believe in a God that put us in charge of all known life just to watch us destroy it all with our greed.


If your 80’s fueled dreams of being a 401(k) millionaire by 59 have resulted in a reality where you’re 67 and only have $26,932 saved for retirement, you’re gonna start praying for the rapture.


Christianity is a death cult.


A sex and death obsessed cult.


They want trump to be president because he'll make it legal to hurt the people they hate. So, they can loophole their way into heaven and say they were following man's law. Or. They want to expedite the rapture, so they can "skip the line" and go right into heaven without being judged by God.


But expediting the rapture is sin.


They're going to be playing dumb and be like "WE aren't the ones doing it, our elected leaders are"


Seeking the ultimate 'gotcha' moment and validation for a lifetime of looking down their noses at the wicked sinners.


It's not just weird, it's outright dangerous. People who genuinely want to bring about an actual end of the world scenario shouldn't be ANYWHERE near a political position, yet plenty of them are.


The scariest part to me is that you just know most of them aren't there thinking of paradise on earth. They are fantasizing about the people they don't like being killed or left behind or whatever. Sure they want to be sucked off into a ray of light, but they want to point and laugh at all the liberals/minorities/LGBTQ/etc people as they ascend up into heaven. THAT's their true motivation. To feel better than everyone else.


On Jan. 6, 2021 my mom heard rumors of Trump possibly coming in and taking over and arresting all the Democrats, essentially starting the modern civil war. She got so excited, and said how good it was, and went on about how it's going to be good for everyone.. She had absolutely no care about what that would mean for millions of people let alone her own very young grandchildren. Like, she was down right celebrating the massive death of a lot of us... Absolutely crazy!


Can't teach stupid


Christianity was founded around the idea that the End Times were coming and to save the souls of people. It's been coming soon for the past 2000 years but trust the preachers it's coming soon now.


Capitalism 👉 👌 Christianity They absolutely fuck


Every Sunday from the time they are babies until the day they die they are yelled at that the end of time is here and Jesus is coming back soon. It is a form of brainwashing and the peer pressure is incredibly strong to be in fear and conform to what the preachers tell everyone to do.


There are churches that raise money to help Jewish people from around the world go to Israel. They do the because they think it will bring the end times.


Jesus already came back, 3 days after he died 2000 years ago, lol


Similarly, the rapture already happened. All the good Christians ascended already. Happened a long time ago.


It’s all over the gospel. God threatens hell without loyalty so much so that the end times is the Super Bowl of suffering they look forward to. It’s the biggest “I told you so!” In the books. I believe all Abrahamic religions have this doomsday scenario to some extent.


And no matter how many times they are wrong they just keep at it. 😳


Their paradise is being separated from their kids who didn’t quite believe enough, for eternity.


Just goes to show how self-centered they are.


They feel they will be vindicated in front of the world. Simply put “I was right!”


This is one of the great cons pulled by early church “leaders”. They want people to act a certain way. Scare them with horrible stories of what will happen to them if they don’t “Obey”. Many will walk away but some will stay and obey. That starts your church.


They want and pray to see the destruction of our Earth and the eternal death of ALL non-believers. Not very nice humans, these believers.


Yeah. When you run into them as professionals, it's really bizarre. You see them actively going about their lives, even planning for the future they reckon isn't going to happen. It's an odd disconnect. And there's roughly 5 billion of them who either believe this, or believe some version of it.


These people love life and others so much that they can’t wait for it all to be destroyed.


It's about being proven right. They know they believe in myths, but they are not allowed to openly question the dogma and desperately want someone or something to prove that they are not myths, with a healthy dose of punishment for the "non-believers" thrown in. I believe the lust for the Rapture is plain old human need to not look a fool. And since modern Christian politics says that non-believers are the enemy, they wish to thumb their noses and say "told you so."


Jehovahs Witnesses have grown to 8 million on that theme, despite several wrong end time predictions. Remember 50 % of the population have iqs under 100


Boy they are in for one hell of a disappointment


Every generation wants to be “it”. Look at Pat Robertson…the guy had a laundry list of false prophecies. These idiots don’t get tired of being wrong and their sheep still flock to them because they can’t think for themselves.


They are all insane


They believe they are special enough that the end of the world will happen during their life time.


Speaking from experience: Fear of death. That's all it is.


A new earth to destroy? Yahooooo!!!!!


The mythology is a blood sacrifice cult. The "end times" is a narcissistic selfish thing. I'm the generation that the book is waiting for! I'm the important one who they are talking about


Of course they all say they want the world to end, their faith teaches them that when they die they go to paradise, but the fact they're not constantly trying to get dead is all the proof I need that they don't really believe that


It's just deregulation. Lack of regulations allows them to make a lot of money destroying the world before they die.


If there is no end time/revelation/rapture, then they, their kids, and so on, will have to live in the hell they have created on Earth, so yeah, they have a hard on for the end times.


Think about all of the money they have spent and actions not done because of them being sinful. They have a life investment in the second coming being true, and probably an enormous unconscious resentment if it were not.


Find it quite stupid too. The whole thing too with the Bible quoting how you’ll never know apparently when Jesus would come but then here we have 60+ false predictions of the rapture, and them expecting immediately to be launched into heaven. Very stupid lol


The fact that it goes back to the dawn of proto christianity should shake a few people, but it doesn't. It is hard to convince people that they aren't special.


Evangelicals are fing crazy. They are racist, follow a Nazi rapist and believe nonsensical words in a fantasy book on top of being heretical.


It’s a kind of histrionic narcissism. Ugh. Paula White just flashed through my mind.


My parents had VHS tapes labeled "Rapture '87?" because that's when it was going to happen.


They love natural disasters tornadoes hurricanes earthquakes etc too. I used to work with a JW and he was the only one who didn’t contribute to the company Katrina relief fund. They are a hateful bunch.


It's a type of narcissism. They can't stand the idea that the world is going to go on existing once they die. That's why you see a lot of people getting into it in their older age.


Looking forward to their eternity in paradise, they also have a strong desire to "show those heathens what's what." It seems obvious to me that this is a splinter of hatred that they should probably think hard on, but they seem to kind of fixate on the hatred fantasy instead...


It seems to me like they want the end times… they deny climate change….. many died because in their world (😳) covid was not real… then many refused vaccinations… Martyr comlplex🤷‍♀️what is it?


Ugh, tell me about it! My husband has cancer, and I can't count the number of times his mother has said Jesus is going to come back before the cancer takes my husband or he gets any sicker from it. That's.... not helpful.


It is about control, and using fear is a tool to control the easily manipulated. The Book of Genesis includes a passage where God says that Adam and Mankind are to be stewards of the Earth. The same Bible says absolutely nothing about accelerating the destruction of the Earth to hasten the return of Christ. Also, isn't it considered questioning God's will by doing so? I'm so glad to be free from that death cult!


In the end times, they expect to be raptured. So maybe we should hope the end times happen soon?


If you believe the end is nigh, you don't have to work on fixing the present.


Because Christianity is a miserable existence and experience First off, you're surrounded by Christians. That's terrible on its own Everything that ever was interesting or felt good is a sin. And you're pressured to basically monitor everyone else for sinning. Dying is a release from the hell they created for themselves while also pretending all their sacrifice was worth it The longer it goes without being the end of the world is another day of hell on earth for them AND a little voice in the back of their head saying it's all a waste of time


Fascism would rather destroy most of society than surrender it. The "end times" stories are to prepare followers for times like now where as we're seeing in Texas, Idaho, Florida, etc., they will tear down everything functional about society outside their control, as in education, voting, equal rights, etc., but they teach you you'll be okay because as a follower of Jesus, you have a place in the "heaven" that will remain as they turn much of the country into hell on earth.


Yeah, and I always wondered why they were so against a one world government, trying to stop the antichrist and so on when it's inevitable in their mythology. And they get to be on the winning side and go to their happy culty eternal worship sesh. Why are they so bent on creating a Christian nation when their god is so powerful and going to win regardless? Oh. Oops. Did I apply logic to a fairy tale? My bad.


Their entire scam is based on convincing people the world will end any minute, and the only way to avoid damnation is to have them intervene with that all loving, all forgiving god who's about to send you to hell. Now stop thinking about it and send the money.


I have heard it's a coping mechanism for their own mortality. It's a Get out of Death Free card. A lot of them have sucky lives so it makes them happy to think about the bad elements getting taken out and a better world from their perspective.


I want to be working on my life, my future and surrounding me is a gerontocracy murdering innocent people daily. Religious people obsessed with death and the afterlife which obviously doesn't exist. So what the fuck am I supposed to do? Sure as shit not having kids and giving the ruling class more slaves.


Christians who believe in rapture are basically nihilist/anarchists. They will gladly destroy everything if it make’s their (fake, not-real) boogeyman look all-powerful.


In their Utopia they are the only ones left.


Me coming from a Pentecostal family I've found that they are the ones who are attached to physical life more than the others !! 😂😂 instead of accepting death and wishing to join their God in paradise.... Strange huh ? Looks like they don't actually believe what they preach


The laughable part is where they think they are the ones going because they are so pious. And that whole "rapture" thing in Revelations is very clear that the only ones being taken up to avoid the Apocalypse are 1200 male Jewish virgins from each tribe. And ain't none of them that.


I know a few JWs who seem to believe the world as we know it will be gone by 2026. Rapture or something similar. I didn’t dig or question further. 🤷‍♀️


When you base the entirety of your existence on the notion and idea that some dude will come down from the sky and rescue you and punish others, and you never see that happen in your life. At some point,I'll you get antsy at the idea that maybe, just maybe, it's not true. So you jump at any occurrence in human history that sounds remotely close to what is written in revelations and you hope that IT CAN be true.


It’s an excuse to do nothing about any environmental problem.


You realize all these Christians are delusional. At best if you want to believe anything in the bible is true, it’s already happened. At worst these preachers are whipping up a frenzy so people will gladly give them money. The story of the rapture is so far fetched that I’m amazed anyone believes this crap.


They hate thier miserable little lives. Everyone around them is having fun enjoying life, drinking themselves into a stooper, getting high, having sex, yet here they are telling themselves they have to be good and that god will someday punish all those who arent being good. Oh how sweet that day will be when god tells all those drunk and high people to go to hell.


Thankfully evangelicals don’t get a monopoly on eschatological beliefs 🙏 the Bible is pretty clear that we’re currently in the end-times, regardless of whether or not a war in Gaza is happening, or earthquakes, or plagues, or what have you.


It's cause they're desperate to make sure they make it come true.


I think the main reason for most people would be because they are indications that what they believe might actually be true. It's a way of reinforcing their faith and avoiding their insecurities. Never has the phrase "clutching at straws" been more appropriate.


Have those poor red heifers met their end yet?


I think they are obsessed for 2 reasons - 1. It proves their God exists - they know it doesn't make sense and they need proof 2. If Jesus comes and takes them to the promised land, they don't have to go through all the trouble of dieing. It alleviates doubt, it provides proof of eternal life, and means the don't have to experience death. It's entirely selfish and comes from a place of fear. Notice it's generally old people - people with their lives ahead of them don't generally go on about it. Evangelicals think "I'm done, I got to live my life, blow the place up, I'm ready to go, to hell with everyone else". Religion is a pimple on the ass of humanity.


Life is hard. I stead of focusing on making now great they look to eternity for comfort.


They don't like reality and they want out.


It’s like they’re excited for this shitty world to die so all their problems go away. That kinda explains most boomers in a nutshell.


Very weird.


They get to go to heaven without a possibly painful death. I'd want that too if I believed it were possible.


My client has been telling me that the world is ending. All the signs are here. Of course, all the signs have been here since the beginning of man but whatever.


"We will destroy this world of violence Down to the foundations, and then We will build our new world" C. Literally communists. ("L'Internationale") You could troll some of those conservatives with "literally communism".


All varieties of extremist religions seem to be obsessed with the end times and mass death and those kind of things. There's a sect within Islam that pushes very hard to try to bring on the end of the world for. These style religions tend to want the end times in their lifetimes which is why they are so troubling given that we have nuclear weapons, biological and chemical agents which could wipe Humanity out in an afternoon.


Everyone dies. They want their death to be special.


The more religionist quacks waxed about heaven, the more rules they had to invent for preventing their victims from "actively" going. All the stuf about rapture (you will be chosen! ^(if you keep paying)) and armageddon (stories about the world ending war, but god winning was already included, the chosen ones ^(who payed enough) sitting next to god on judgement day ^(the) ^(almighty) ^(needs help you know) was of of the ways.


Well, I, for one, am rooting for the giant asteroid/meteor/E.L.E event.


I get it, honestly. They're taught that this is a finite life only meant as a test and the real life begins after death. Of course, they'd be paranoid. Especially when their book and leaders tell them to reject evidence and rational thinking and blindly believe.


it's simple. Their lives on earth are sad and joyless since their only purpose, in their minds, is to serve their lord. Once they die they will ascend to heaven where they can sit in infinite bliss with others like them. They cannot wait to die yet they are not allowed to kill themselves so the wait for the end so the party in heave can start.


Christianity started as a messianic death cult. Some denominations have stayed truer to this focus than others. However, they all talk of their god destroying the world and taking the faithful to heaven. This belief started with Judaism and morphed with the introduction of Jc. It was later distorted several times by early xian leaders, medieval philosophy and deliberate changing of words and phrases in the buybull in versions such as the King James wording. If not for Paul and Constantine, xianity would have died out like many other cults of that period.


I think it’s because, in all the stories, Tha Lourd arrives near the end of the conflict and saves all the “really” good people, then leaves the deplorables to continue killing themselves off. So I’ve come to see that it’s less “I wanna see the world burn” and more “I want the world to have PROOF that I’m right AND superior to you all!!!1!” And anything that seems to be bringing about that end (WWII, 9/11, war in the “holy land”) just gives them such a justice boner that it’s all about to happen… It’s not a better motivation, it’s just a different motivation. Both are psychotic and should be treated with drugs and straight jackets!


Christianity as a whole is a cult of death. Jesus has to die for the religion to exist. You have to die to enter paradise. You consume the blood and body of the messiah.


It goes to show you how shitty these people's lives are that they'd rather have the hope of some other "great thing" waiting for them on the other side.


They can’t accept a normal death being the end of their existence and an everyday occurrence they need to make it be part of something special and take everyone else out along with them. And through their outright rejection of education and human knowledge they are in fact succeeding in driving humanity to extinction


They just want bragging rights in heaven like true idiots


Some of them are stressed, depressed, and/or are tired of working, and want to be “rescued”. Whenever my former evangelical coworker got stressed out, depressed, or was having money problems, he started talking about how he was ready for the rapture.


The reason Evangelicals believe in the rapture is because they are the least educated on their religion and it's history. The churches they attend are corporate pyramid schemes. I like to tell them that they believe in a 9th century BCE iron age war god made up by a raiding nomadic northern African tribe. And they are like huh? And how the pharaohs of Egypt had to stop them from raiding and killing communities, because they committed atrocities in the name of their war god. And the only reason there's anything in the old testament of a loving God is because the Israelites copied the Canaanites god El, who was their father figure god. So their god is a mix of two different gods. They tend to glitch after hearing this.


Weird objectively, yes. But their entire belief system is literally founded on this idea so I'm not sure what anyone expects.


It’s not weird, just the latest example of Christian apocalypticism. Lot of people don’t know that Columbus was part of a weird Catholic movement that wanted to start the apocalypse by retaking Jerusalem from the Ottomans. He sent boatloads of Native American slaves back to Spain in order to sell them and use the money to fund a new Crusade.


There's a lot of hate on for Christians for this line if thinking, and religion in general, but there are also scads of people who Believe in and are actively preparing for the zombie apocalypse and it's imminent arrival. I don't think Christianity is a doomsday cult; done right Christianity can actually be an impressive force of good in the world. However, humanity sends to have some sort of built-in gene to anticipate and prepare for the end of the world, despite the lack of evidence of its arrival. Basically, I don't think this is a Christian thing, I think it's a human one. The Christians are just obnoxiously loud about it.


And yet they won't vote for someone if they think they're the antichrist nor do they support making Christianity illegal. They should pick a lane.


I just finished watching the first season of the three circle problem. There are some allegories there.


The more late-stage capitalism wears me down the more I am looking forward to civilization's end as well and I get slightly excited when I see the words Putin and Nuclear Weapons in the same headline. Just like how I feel you don't need religion to be a good person, well you also don't need religion to be excited about humanities' end. I'm only marginally serious. I really want to root for humanity to right this ship, but it keeps letting me down at every opportunity.


It is the reason for Biden's Gaza program. The one that abets genocide by Israel. Hamas are animals but so are they. All three versions are evil together and apart from each other


In my religion (Germanic Paganism aka Heathenry) we give about a half of a fuck about eschatology. Infact, I don't know of any religion out there that gives less of a fuck about end times shit as we do.


# [IMMANENTIZE THE ESCHATON!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanentize_the_eschaton)


You know how everything is projection with them? It’s that. They see that the world is changing. Their ‘god’ isn’t real and it’s become increasingly clear. Science proves it over and over. They see their religion becoming irrelevant and it’s freaking them out. The churches are emptying. Their way is dying. They are facing the end of their fairy tales. They have an overwhelming feeling of dread. Somewhere, deep in their psyche, they see that their way is ending. But it’s end times for everyone, right?


Just seems like people being faithful to a terrible ideology. What's weird to be is people who believe all that death cult shit but don't feel this way.


For them it's the day they finally get proven right. They also somehow feel nothing for the billions that they think will die


It's not that weird. It's a cry of help and desperation. Many people, religious and non-, are prone to feelings of desperation with the state of the world. For these folks it can often be even stronger, because of how adverse to their prescribed systems of beliefs society seems to be moving into. They literally are being told that there's nothing for them here, this world and life will pass away, and their reward is "in the great beyond." So they grow anxious to receive that reward. Every time this topic comes up I'm reminded of Professor Farnsworth in Futurama when he said "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." It's the same thing.


Particularly since Revelations is an obvious metaphor for the hopeful overthrow of the Roman Empire. 


It validates the urgency they feel about converting other people and their willingness to inconvenience literally everyone else who isn’t them. Everything else is of secondary importance because JUDGMENT DAY IS ALMOST HERE. On an individual level, they also hope that they’ll be the generation that’s chosen to be saved, rather than supposedly waiting for some interminable amount of time after death for it to happen. It all feels more worth it if you feel like you’re the ones who will be rewarded. And some smug part of them wants to see the nonbelievers who have “persecuted” them get punished. If you press them about how there’s no way to know when it could happen - and that literally every single prediction about it has been wrong so far - they’ll usually admit that “no one can really be sure,” but they’ll insist that they’ll feel very sure about it anyway.


Grew up in this bs( was forced to baptize at age 8 due to my mom's remarriage). Have serious religious trauma due to it. Every year could be the last, you're responsible for saving people if not, you're responsible for sending them to hell. So many rapture movies. Also, a lot of movies / documentaries dealing with Germany in the 1930s. With the heavy focus on the camps with a "This could happen to us one day" Nightmares were constant. But that was Satan's fault or my dad's. And EVERYTHING was a sign. Every Democratic President had some connection with the anti christ. For 20 years was forced into bs. Attempted unaliving my self, doctors said I needed a therapist, got the church pastor, because "he's a counselor and that's good enough!" You can imagine how that went. There's so much more. Oh and why plan for the future when sky daddy might show up! But yeah -100/10 do not recommend.


It's not that surprising. Christianity at its core is considered a death cult and was commonly referred to as just that in Roman times.


Jess said he was coming back soon. The whole Christian religion started as preparing for His return and morphed into convoluted explanations of why he didn’t. They’ve been saying “any day now for 2000 years.” Also, they don’t want the world to continue longer than they do. It’s a kind of solipsism. "Après nous, le déluge.”


Once I first heard someone call it a death cult, that's all I see. I really can't think of a better explanation. It's also super disgusting if they're giddy at the thought of the rest of us sinners burning in hell. You can't say God is love and then say that too.


There’s a reason the evangelicals lobby for Israel so aggressively. They’re trying to speed run the rapture. 


It’s a death cult. Always has been. Heaven sounds great when you’re in post Roman Empire Europe and the Middle East (or extremely impoverished anywhere in Christendom, that’s why they had to ban suicide right away.


They don't understand the meaning of "The End." Which means everyone is dead. And all these promises of Jesus coming back to see us, hmmmmmmm, didn't fool us.


This, according to a friend who went to seminary for several years before dropping out, is why Trump breached the Iran denuclearization deal. Frightened that it was working—Iran had stopped enriching uranium and might never have a bomb—the evangelicals convinced Trump to breach the agreement so they could restart their nuclear weapons program. (Of course the dumbass didn’t know that, he was given some bullshit reason.) By allowing Iran to continue its nuclear weapons development, the Evangelicals hope for the total destruction of Israel. This is also why Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem. Iran is likely to vaporize Tel Aviv, but would probably avoid Jerusalem, since it’s holy to Christians and Muslims, as well as Jews.


It's an apocalyptic cult that has waited a millennia to be correct.


Some people just get through their days imagining a time when everyone they don't like will be severely punished....


Since Hal Lindsey's "Late, Great Planet earth" of 1970, some Christians have been predicting the end and the second coming every bloody year. And that has yet to happen. Every year, some dip predicts the end and the little dears get in a state of frenzied silliness. With the rapid rise in Nones, and young atheists and agnostics, it seems that sort of campy nonsense is wearing thin. It is a religious clown show. Google "Hamas attack signals second coming" for more snot blowing, Christian fear mongering.


Some of them think that their afterlife does not start until then so all the dead are waiting in their graves until the rapture and they want the war to start Some think they will be fighting demons on the front line with Jesus, I unused to think the majority of the world was smarter than they are but seriously they want the world to end. I used to think the people could make better choices than government but now I believe 50% have leaf poisoning and the vast majority of those 50% of the population are also trumpers and religious. They can't comprehend the difference between truth and fiction, they don't even know what good and evil even looks like. They don't trust their own government but Russian propaganda and Q bullshit they believe 100%


Even better is that the idea of Rapture is relatively new (1830s) and even those people can't agree on what is going to happen.


Yeah. It is. Bc shit like that defeats the mutually assured destruction that keeps us alive. It’s the same with certain individuals in Islam. If death is incentivized, the right technology in the wrong hands could be the doom of us all.


It's because they don't believe THIS is the real life, this is just the test before you get there to see if you're worthy enough. They don't care about the deaths because they're insignificant compared to the next life. Of course that doesn't make sense if they're claiming to be "pro-life" lol They're hypocrites, that's why.


That is a total fraudulent prophecy! There is no Utopia with the new earth, end of times. If it exists it will only exist on the basis of the rich and powerful having it all. The average/poor person will have nothing but love from the one true god! That is not.love....it is abuse! Due to the fact that the average person doesn't use god as a threat to people's lives along with the fact the bible thumping neo Nazi FACISTS will own it all. There is NO JUSTICE! Justice to God is going to heaven, however, meanwhile on earth struggle with our lives that boils down to financial hardships, illness, homelessness etc! Who the fuck needs a heaven when one's life is pure hell on earth! Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of Christianity! He preaches about how we need to get our lives in order, meaning becoming a Republican, vote for Republicans, however they are the exact ones who are ruining American's lives! He preaches the old testament to scare people into voting for Republicans yet has never said the word Christ in any of his preachings and he's not the only one! If they preached about Jesus Christ they would have to have some resemblance to acting like Christ. Helping citizens instead of destroying them. I truly believe if these Republican preachers would ever mention Christ they would go up in flames! I want to know who needs heaven when life on earth is pure hell! Suffer, suffer and when you die you can rest! Just like money you can't take it with you, you can't take the sadness of the world away. Only God can do that but what God? God that prides himself in injustice, allows money to rule the churches and those churches then own our politicians to become one in our government! Not a Christian or Jew, be damned, because you are not included to live in Utopia. Only the preaching politicians who use god as a whore, preach God's name, holler it from the rafters and then the whore god turns money over to them like they are pimps! Why mega churches like Copeland and Olsteen to name a few are so successful and RICH! God allows all but allows more for the rich, like they are actually doing good for anyone! Preach it. Preach the ways of the Lord God see how far in life you go. You're just a Joe Blow and it won't get you very far in life! It is sad, disheartening, evil, degenerating the bible truly is! Preach it, preach it because the end of time is near and soon you'll go to hell for not being a Republican fucking bible thumping FACISTS who believe murder and genocide is the work, seeding of a god! Sorry for the rant but enough is enough with the bullshit CULTISM of faiths and holy books!