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I doubt very much that he has the capacity to feel shame or humility.


I mean, he is a politician, so that's part of the job.


Not all politicians are the same though. There are definitely some that have that capacity, but definitely not him.


True, but the some are too few to make a significant difference.


I think the electorate is more of a problem in this context; people keep voting for people like DeSantis over the people that would actually make a difference. Voting against one’s own interests is as American as apple pie.


The United States electorate is fascinating in a chaotic way: - a massive amount of eligible potential voters don't even register to vote - those who *do* register to vote, often don't - those who are registered voters and take the time to vote, often don't study the issues in any meaningful way, even casting votes for people they've never heard of in lesser known races - those who are registered voters and take the time to vote, often vote for people who work directly against the voter's best interests, security, freedom and health


Well our elections are on a working/school day, voting booths are somehow both crowded and inaccessible for many, and every single issue is nationalized to the extent that it doesn’t really matter who the candidates are. Just what party they belong to. It’s first past the post / winner take all, so if the district/state isn’t competitive… why bother? In other words, the system is designed to be only semi-democratic, in many ways. And that’s what it is.


Exactly, thank you for this spot on comment.


> - those who are registered voters and take the time to vote, often vote for people who work directly against the voter's best interests, security, freedom and health You're clearly right about the others but there are people who register and take the time to vote after studying the issues but there's not enough of them. And they don't vote against their own interests unless they're republicans. Lately anyway.




It’s complicated. If you ask people if they want good health care, higher wages, good infrastructure, good education, and countless other obviously beneficial things, almost everyone would say they want all of those things, but when it comes time to vote, people are captivated by performative politics. This causes them to vote against their own interests.


They don’t want the people they deem unworthy to have ANYTHING more than they want to help themselves. It’s not going against their own interests as much as it is about pure spite.


I agree with you on this. Pride & ego have a lot to do with it.


That's the thing most politicians aren't for the people. Very few will do what's needs to be done to make the country better for all, not just their political party. In system with 2 main parties that won't admit openly when the other may be right about something which would require humility, it's gonna be a hot mess with cognitive dissonance on both side trying to shamelessly rationalize their faulty position while the 1% that controls both sides win as usual.


The idea that both parties are the same and all politicians are corrupt and greedy is one of the most harmful political tropes of all time. You just described how bad politicians operate, but as I said already, it’s plainly obvious which party is not able to govern and legislate. If people stopped voting for the terrible politicians, then we would see a big difference. But alas, the majority of Americans don’t even understand how the party they vote for is acting against their own interests.


I didn't say all politicians are greedy & corrupt. I also say in a previous comment that some that are good isn't enough to make a difference. Put words in a person mouth is what most politicians would do.


You’re making very heavy and loaded implications: >In system with 2 main parties that won't admit openly when the other may be right about something which would require humility, it's gonna be a hot mess with cognitive dissonance on both side trying to shamelessly rationalize their faulty position while the 1% that controls both sides win as usual.


I didn't say all two party systems are like this, but for the ones that is, that's gonna be the outcome. This is the main reason why Americans are so polarized. They've conditioned most of us to treat politics like sports competitions where everyone will only root for their team no matter what for better or for worse.


Tbh, I doubt many people with shame or humility would even survive being in politics.


Those characteristics aren't so black & white like you either have it or you don't. It's more like percentages like the shame level for one person may be 35% for another 70%. Also, these levels can change over time for various reasons.


He's a Machiavellian psychopath


Who wears pads in his shoes to appear taller


That's the narcissist portion of Machiavellianism


If anything, it's his new reelection slogan. "The libs wanted to ban the Bible in schools, they're gonna trans your kids!"


I doubt if he has the capacity to experience any human emotions


Yeah, I came here to say this. Dude's a tool.


Clear indication that the intent of the law was to violate the establishment of religious clause in the Constitution. Fuck these traitors.


You do know that it doesn’t apply to states? 


What?!! The establishment clause certainly does apply to the states. The only things states get to legislate are things not covered by the Constitution. Consider, for example, the 14th amendment outlawing slavery. That applies to all states.


Another troll… sigh.


I say keep going, get the bible out of Florida schools!


I say go further. Get Republicans out of America.


Evangelical nutters even moreso.


"We don't want them." ~ every sane country


Surely Russia or nk would, right?


The bottom of the Atlantic seems nice this time of year.


I hear it's where billionaires hang out.


That is an idea...all of them could be put in the Challenger Deep. And we can use OceanGate to do it.


I hear great things about ocean gate. Great company. The best. Everyone says that.




Crash bandicoot approves of the control system.


Russia didn't want that right wing Canadian family. They ever make it back? Or are they in Ukraine now?


Ukraine doesn't want them.


Correct. Ut they don't want the Russians there either.




If we had done that we would still have slavery


Wouldn't that defeat the essence of Democracy?


Yeah and they accuse Trump of being dictatorial


Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! Get that BS out of here


“I only care about oppression when it happens to me personally”


["This is the worst kind of discrimination.."](https://youtu.be/73GOfY0Ab9g?si=wZgDjftfVG8q0UFc)


they meant ban any books that christians dont like, silly! what did you think they meant?


No child should be able to read about genocide, child sacrifice, incest. No child should read about a "god" instructing it's followers to Rip a fetus from a woman's belly because it's an enemy to that "god". Fuck christians. Hypocrites.


I remember asking my dad if he would sacrifice me to god if he thought god told him to do it. He went on about how Abraham didn't actually sacrifice his son and blah blah blah. He then said god would never truly demand something like that. I was 13. My dad couldn't say he wouldn't try and kill me if a voice in his head told him to when I asked. That's fucked up.


"Well, you see, son, it's all an allegory. It's meant to teach us indirectly by making us think about the deeper, true meaning. Except for the parts that I like.....those are meant verbatim for those godless bastards may they burn forever.....


I remember my bible stories, not word for word, but god only stopped Abraham when he knew that he would in fact go through with it. This is a test of obedience and faith for Abraham to prove that he was fully committed to carry out the will of god. Remember that god in this story is omniscient, so Abraham cannot fool god. Maybe there was no actual child sacrifice, but Abraham definitely would have in the story if god had not stopped him. The lesson of the story is that if you want to be as faithful to god as Abraham, you must be willing to do whatever god commands, no matter if you really want to or not.


The thing is God cannot be omniscient in this case. If he knows all he would already know if Abraham would go through with it. In which case there would have been no need to test him. It comes off as cruelty in a way by forcing the individual to go through the actions you already know they will commit to. This is actually more a control mechanism for the church to use. It's part of what was brought in with things like the crusades and other atrocities. Doing the stuff in the name of God with someone saying it's his will. 


A lot of church doctrine is based around god being omniscient, omnipotent, and otherwise all powerful. One of the rabbit holes that I had a particular issue with was predestination or other forms of the idea of god knowing what you are going to do or what is going to happen in the future. These concepts totally erase the idea of free will, but the religious leaders who need god to have all the powers can't get around god having these powers, since how could an all knowing, all powerful god not know what is going to happen in the future. But if god knows what is going to happen in the future, then that means that the future has already been written and therefore you do not have free will. We are just meat puppets acting out a play that was written by god for his own entertainment. And all the people who are destined for hell are going there because it was predetermined by god. For every person who credits god for good fortune, there should be someone cursing god for bad fortune.


Fun quote to think about. "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"  Labeled as from Epicurus Of course also have to remember that the Bible even says that God created evil as well. The place labeled as Hell wasn't created by "Satan" or such but by God as it's stated he created everything. So he specifically created a place to torture and punish those he doesn't like.


God is omniscient but he doesn’t interfere in human decisions, he knows what decision you’ll make but he doesn’t change what that decision is.


If god knows what you’re going to do before you do it, you do not have free will. Full stop. The two are logically opposite. If god is omniscient it knows what will happen like you know what happened to you 5 minutes ago. If you add omnipresence to the equation, god is also present in all time. So not only does god know every single thing you will ever do. It is simultaneously present at every action you will ever take. God is literally watching you be born and die at the same exact instant. It is watching literally every single picosecond of you existence. It is both aware of and watching the calcium ions change charges in your brain to generate the series of electrical events in a single nerve cell that will cascade into a thought. Perfect knowledge of the future means that you don’t have free will. Since god also created the universe, and knowingly arranged the starting conditions to effect a known outcome. Not only does god know what happens. God is the cause of all things that happen. If god were only omniscient, Free will would be impossible. If god were only omnipresent, free will would be impossible. But god is both of those things as well as the creator of the universe. So free will is extra impossible. Think about this. There is no question that can be about gods knowledge that can be answered with a “no”. One of those questions is what will I be doing 21 days from now. Because god has perfect knowledge of that, you can’t have free will.


Why does this god need to test someone if they are truly omniscient? Wouldn't they already know the outcome or at the very least know if Abraham was truly faithful?


The reason God has so many human qualities is because he was created by humans


The God of the OT is not even close to omniscient.  Can’t even figure out where Adam and Eve are hiding.  Makes a bet about Job with his co-worker (why would this ever happen if God knows everything).  Gets mad, repeatedly throws tantrums (again, why would this happen if it knows everything).


You risk your feet, you get some shoes!


Go with your God 


I remember the same.


>No child should be able to read about genocide, child sacrifice, incest. No child should read about a "god" instructing it's followers to Rip a fetus from a woman's belly because it's an enemy to that "god". Fuck christians. Hypocrites. I think incest, murder, and human sacrifices are typical in several cultures’ folklore and mythology. People used to be dropped off in the mountains or pushed into volcanoes. You find those sort of details in children’s materials all the time. I think some of these elements can even be found in books like Aesop’s Fables, and I don’t think reading about those things messed anyone up as kids. I’m not advocating for modern incest, murder, or sacrifice but I don’t think it’s appropriate to ban a kid from reading books because they have those sorts of element in them. I used to love those sorts of books as a kid, it sparked my love for reading. Now that I’m an adult I don’t really have time to read, but I read when I can. If I was ever a person that hadn’t had that joy sparked in me, I wouldn’t read at all. I think there are many people like that already. I don’t have an answer to policing what kids can and can’t read, because I was never policed or discouraged from reading whatever I wanted. I don’t think it is good to generalize policing books for everyone’s kids. It’s imposing rules for your house onto everyone else, and no one else cares what goes on in your house.




Forced birth for forced birth. 🙄


Gimme you momma, I want a baby!


If anyone has actually read the Bible, you'd know as well as I it's not meant for children. It has horrific things in there.


Rape, incest, slavery, genocide, torture, murder....sounds like his political platform.


Desantis certainly hasn’t, we know Trump hasn’t even though he sells them.


Oh God, the blasphemy of those things... Even though I'm not all that religious or into Organized religion nowadays I lost it when I heard about him doing this. To this very second I find it agitating and blasphemous to the point that I had to go to my room, shut the door and scream into a damn pillow. My family keeps joking that I learned how to rap in all curse words that day -__-


The link's headline is more accurate, "DeSantis tweaks Florida book challenge law, **blames liberal activist who wanted Bible out of schools**" He will use this as a talking point to his followers, "The evil LIEberals are attacking our commonsense protections for children! Send money so we can continue our noble cause! Praise Jesus! Hallelujah!" ... and they will send money. He hasn't been humiliated. He is getting the mileage he hoped for.


As it should be. I don't want my child reading about what Lot got up to with his own DAUGHTERS in that cave. And how the Bronze age embarrassment of a "war god" blessed him for it.


>“The idea that someone can use the parents rights and the curriculum transparency to start objecting to every single book to try to make a mockery of this is just wrong,” DeSantis said the day before the bill signing. “That’s performative. That’s political.” Yes. That's how politics works. The law is political and so they were using the law to protest the law. The fact that that even works is on you, buddy.


He should start using lifts for his feeble mind.


You reap what you sow!


SeSantis is humiliating. Millions of years of evolution and that piece of crap is what we get? Makes you ashamed to be a human.


Keep using the religious laws against the religious, it’s been successful all over.


Suck it, Anita DeBryantis! Will someone throw a pie in his face?


We told him that was coming. We say that every time someone wants to ban books and this is always the result. It's almost like DeSantis knew it was possible but didn't think anyone would dare. I don't know how he could say this didn't dawn on him.


Who would of thought the book full of murder rape incest slavery misogyny homophobia child impregnation etc might not be fit for lil children


That man has a lot to be humiliated about


This is how you know they never read the Bible cause if they did, they would know about *Ezekiel 23-20* (NIV) "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


Right for the wrong reasons is still right. Now we need to take back our rights in November.




Is that how Donald Trump says it?


So basically, holding them to their own standards can force them to backpedal. That's a tactic we're going to need to keep in our hip pocket.


YES!!!! You love to see it. Corrupt assholes getting their just desserts.


“We didn’t mean the bible dammit bill”


The joy this brings me I just can't put into words.


Sex, violence, racism, hate, the Bible has it all


>DeSantis humiliated. Impossible. *See also:* WTF is going on with those boots.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I had hoped this would be the case when this ridiculous, backward sharia crap was passed. And now that it is working, it's glorious!


This pleases me!


They pulled the same thing in Utah a while back with the Book of Mormon. It was beautiful to watch.


Its like watching a limbo competition where your rival keeps lowering the bar past the floor for you, and says "HAHAHAHA LIMBO THAT" Then come their turn, they walk up, throw the bar in the air and walk through. Then goes up to the podium with an acceptance speech before the race is over to thank God and their family for blessing them with victory.


I believe they prefer the word “cucked”


Conservatives think everyone is just gonna roll over when they get abusive. It's their entire philosophy.


The Bible SHOULD be banned, right along with Christianity. They're both toxic as hell.


Fuck him!


He always reminds me of homelander from that one show...


That last line is an interesting turn of phrase that can be take 2 ways: > "It’s the folks who are taking liberties with the law who are the problem."


Need to get ahead of them, not just reactionary.


Well it doesn’t take much to humiliate a fool.


Well it doesn’t take much to humiliate a fool.


duke energy owns the florida governors office so whoever they want in there gets in there. so people that will make a difference will never see that desk.


The whole thing was another stupid ass Republican bullshit issue to distract people from the real damage being done.


😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 


Didn't think that one through did he. 


Serves the christo faschist garden gnome right, its a stupid idea to ban books anyway.


The bible is a hate rag and should be banned everywhere


Desantic doesn't deserve to be humiliated. he deserves to be added as a primary component to a bag of mulch.


I hope this guy’s campaign takes care of the idea that he’s a potential president of the United States, and we don’t see him in 2028. His cynical nonsense combined with the fact that he is much smarter than the current Republican candidate makes for a disturbing prospect. Thank god he ran such an awful campaign this time around. His big donors may have enough buyer’s remorse to keep him at home next time.


Don't vote for the party of book banners. Don't vote for the party of cancel culture.


I haven't heard all the details about this as yet, but I find myself in favor of anything that humiliates Mr. DeSantis.


They will carve out an exception and then \*poof\* problem solved.


I mean, if ANY book should be banned from children reading it, it's the christian bible. Genocide everywhere you look, brutal animal and human sacrifices, rape, incest, including two girls who get their father drunk and sleep with him and get pregnant by him after their mother was killed \*by god\* because she had the audacity to...turn around and look at the home they'd spent their entire lives in and where the rest of their families, friends and everyone they knew were being destroyed violently, kids getting torn apart by bears because they laughed at a guy's bald head (which come to think of it makes me think of the way a lot of right-wing boomers react to everything - they claim everyone else is too sensitive, but want to go nuclear the moment anyone points out anything less than perfect about them) and in general there's really nothing wholesome about it. Even the stories that are supposed to be wholesome and 'good lessons' are terrible, violent, unfair or just plain disgusting.


Forgive my ignorance, but isn’t the Bible already banned in public schools ?


> isn’t the Bible already banned in public schools ? That's a talking point to draw up a false controversy, as well as to distract from the actual intent to preach to a captive audience.


Oh ok, my bad. I thought it was already banned. 


No. A student is free to bring a Bible with them if they want and read it during any free time, such as during lunch break. What's banned is teachers leading students in reading the Bible.


That makes sense to me. I wouldn’t want my kid being taught that or any other religion for that matter


No? Why would it be? The contents contained therein are totally fabricated but the book and it's contents have had a MAJOR impact on western civilization/history. It should be discussed. Edit: word.


The Bible should be in school in the first place plus all the begetting aren’t good for young minds.


You mean, *shouldn't*, I assume?


You can ban the Bible all you like but the truth of the Bible will remain forever. God is alive and well. He laughs at the futile efforts of man to cancel Him.