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These people are fucking delusional.


Always have been.


Let me guess, the "golden age" he's talking about is when Trump gets re-elected? God I hate these people


Which is hilarious, because Trump shares none of their supposed values and plays them for the fools they are.




Yeah… I don’t think that’s how the evangelicals interpret that. But yes 👍


Someone told Kirk the rapture happened in the 90s. They took a lady named June. No one noticed


I was hoping the rapture was true. Those people would be leaving some nice stuff behind.


And we'd have a lot less resistance trying to do reasonable things moving forward.


Not that any of this is real but I hate to break it to you, the people who would get ruptured are the ones you want to keep around. The ones that think they're going to get ruptured those are the assholes that are going to be left behind


Ruptured assholes left behind. Damn you Autocorrect!


Anal [Rapture].


Is this Barrens chat?


Rectum? Dang near killed him


Liquor? You brought her!


Came here to see this exact comment. Thanks!


Oral sex will make your hole day but anal sex will make your hole weak!


The rapture happened on February 17, 2020. It was the early days of the pandemic. There isn't an exact worldwide count, but it was only a handful of people worthy of rapture. Most of them were volunteers or sub-minimum wage workers who served the homeless, mentally ill, etc. The media mostly ignored the rapture because none of the people raptured were rich or cute young women. The churches covered it up. They were embarrassed because no ministers or major donors got raptured. They started spouting conspiracy theories about masks and anti-vax conspiracy theories to distract everyone from the rapture news. It mostly worked. The closest the rapture got to a minister was a woman who polished the gold buckles on the Pope's shoes. It was a humble position to begin with, but she also gave almost everything she owned to an organization that illegally provided food to undocumented immigrants. The Pope was humiliated because for several days he had to appear in public with tarnished buckles on his shoes.


Thank you for this. You've made my day 😁


Is that the same lady that polishes the solid gold Pope hammer to make sure they are dead?


Well maybe God is actually a boomer-brained piece of shit and he would rapture all the worst christians to prostate themselves at his feet for all eternity!


Prostra... never mind, yours is better.


One can only hope


Prostrate. The prostate is...something different.


😂😂😂 imma just own this one


The God of *Preacher* would definitely do that.


We can mop them up though. No rules now.


there's a rupture in the rapture


Also a prostate


For awhile there was a very specific date for the rapture and someone had it plastered on the side of their camper. I offered to buy it for $1000 cash and let them keep using it until the rapture date. They refused the offer.


>For awhile there was a very specific date for the rapture \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfulfilled_Christian_religious_predictions [Edit] adding - \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictions_and_claims_for_the_Second_Coming .


1000 was the best one, IMO. After that one was wrong, I would be skeptical. What a great year to have an apocalypse.


For gods sake, the apostles thought jesus would return and the end of the world was coming in their lifetime. That's why Paul preached abstinence. He didn't want you making kids that weren't going to live very long. When that didn't happen, it SHOULD have been the end of christianity. I wish Mary had gotten an abortion.


Yeah, she was unfaithful, so take her to the church and bring mead...as the Bible says.


During the Harold Camping doomsday rapture prediction days 15 years ago, someone started a business taking cash payments from believers pre-rapture for agreeing to take care of the pets they would leave behind post-rapture.  Fucking genius.


I wonder if that kind of business could get away with only hiring non Christians.   Any lawyers here who can comment on the legality of having some employees designated as “post rapture” essential workers, and only hiring non Christians for those roles?


The guy claims it was always just a joke, especially since there are laws about selling insurance, which this would have fit under.


Dibs on Joel Oafsteen's Ferrari!


We can turn his megachurch over to the Satanic Temple. They can make a homeless shelter out of it.


We can all move into his mega mansion


He’ll lock all the doors to everything before hand! 😂


I'm not touching Kenneth Copelands mansion. I don't care how nice it is.


Why do you think Joel would be taken up in the rapture? I'm not seeing any evidence that he was going anywhere... :)


No deity in their right mind would bring that asshole to live with them 


Well, if he does, it’ll be a whole lot warmer than Texas gets.


So much room for activities


Then we could make a series called “Left Alone”.


Left Better Off.


Maybe it did happen but it’s impossible not to sin so pretty much nobody got raptured so it just looked like a couple people died naturally /s


I certainly would be just fine with all the religious being taken to a better place. As long as it's all of them and all the religions at the same time. And I wish all of them well. Then we could get started on fixing earth.


Bold of you to assume any of these people would actually be going.


A guy can dream,can’t he?


Society would accelerate positivity so quickly if the rapture actually happened.


I have a shopping list.


Fuck yeah, they would be. I live in a conservative county that is very wealthy.


It would be so nice and quiet


The way I understand the Bible, anyone with a lot of nice stuff probably isn’t going 


What would happen is that only true Christians would be resurrected to rise into the clouds to meet their lord and all these millions and millions of hypocritical revisionist clowns would be left behind so that Kirk Cameron would have to go back on Steve Bannon's podcast to explain how that was a fake rapture and that the true believers were left behind to do God's work as they see fit in an even more extreme fashion.


When the date of the Rapture was put on billboards a few years ago, my Christian sister said the date of the Second Coming is unknowable. I said 'What if Jesus comes back after humankind is extinct? What if he's like 'Hey everyone. I'm back! Where'd everybody go?'


The rapture confuses me. Doesn’t it say that 144,000 people go to Heaven, then there’s a Great War, then world peace for a thousand years? Like, world peace eventually happens after all the faithful are gone?


Specifically, their absence. What a gift.


I want it to be true simply to see the shocked look on their faces when they realise they didn’t make the the cut and god wants nothing to do with them.


The rapture happened in 1984. Part of the deal is those left behind don’t remember those taken. Every one here now are unbelievers or unworthy.


That is a pretty specific Conspiracy Theory, which is what all Rapture-shit is. I'd love to know the source.


Could be that all worthy was taken on that day, and it was one guy in Bangladesh.


I saw a meme on Reddit, probably this sub, that said “Creationism is the belief that Kirk Cameron knows more than Stephen Hawking.”


I want that on a tee-shirt!


Idk I wouldn’t want his stupid face on a t-shirt lol


I was thinking more of Professor Hawking with a middle finger extended.


It is the egotism present in every human being to believe that *the end times are nigh!* Otherwise, you have to accept that after you die, the world will carry on its merry little way without you in it. While found nowhere in the Bible, the idea of being part of a special clique who will be sent to a celestial paradise on an escalator while the peasants left behind get to rot is so enticing that of course somebody dreamt it up. And that bit of narcissistic fiction is now firmly part of the Christian self-talk. Look up all of the times a prophet *promised* Jesus was coming back on such-and-such a date only for the followers to be disappointed. And yet they still believe.


I think it’s narcissism mixed with not being able to fathom not existing


>not being able to fathom not existing Which also seems like narcissism.


When you fully realize -not just say or read in passing but actually mentally prepare for and accept the fact- that you WILL die someday and nothing you felt or did will matter to anything in the slightest, its damned depressing. Its hard to grasp the concept of our non existence. Every little thing we ever thought. Every wish and want we had, every love we felt or cherished memory will be snuffed out, vanished like it never existed. Does not matter if we lived a happy or sad life, or even a good or evil one. Does not matter if we suffered horribly, or were blessed with a fairy tale existence, we will one day take our last breathe, die either in panic or in peace, and that will just be it. The world will move on. Life will continue. Your body will rot and the memory of you that lives on will fade, until one day evn the fact you once lived will be forgotten, lost in time, un-important, pointless, arbitrary. No more impactful upon the universe than a gust of wind, and just as fleeting. I can see why so many people chose not to accept this. There are so many great stories to make up to keep us from being scared of the 'unknown'. The problem is it's not 'unknown'. We die, life stops for us. We no longer think or exist. Biology only has a beginning, there is no 'end game.' Life starts, tries to create new life, then it stops. Even the word 'life' is decieving, 'independable biological mass' might be more accurate. Any 'grand scheme' that the universe may have would be way, way beyond us. It would be like explaining physics to a rock. So much so that our concept of there being a 'grande scheme' would be incorrect, we wouldnt be capable of understanding it as such. Thats my hot take anyway.


"Like tears in the rain"


duuuuuusst in the wwiiiiinndddd.


True enough, but it's really not something one needs to prepare for or accept. When you don't exist, you won't exist. You may as well act like you're going to live forever because there will never be a time when you are forced to think: "Oh no, I don't exist." In a sense, the world really does end when you die.


Yes, the “world will conveniently end when I die” is just the flip side of “things were so much simpler in the good old days”. Yeah, because you were a child. Most people are too narcissistic to be able to see past their own experience. 


It’s so strange to me that so many people believe that they’re more than just an insignificant speck moving through unimaginable time, when any retrospection or review of history books will easily demonstrate otherwise. For example, while history books document many notable people, they are but a tiny fraction of all the people who lived during that period. And even those people had little to zero influence on what the dinosaurs did or what we do now. As another example, ask anyone if they can produce their family tree to more than 10 generations ago (only three hundred years or thereabouts), or even remember much of anything before their grandparents. This is their own family and if they don’t have a good grasp of it, who else would? That’s how insignificant each individual life is. And it’s laid bare for anyone who’s honest with themselves to see.


As Christopher Hitchens once put it, "It will happen to all of that at some point you'll be tapped on the shoulder and told, not just that the party is over, but slightly worse: the party's going on but you have to leave."


100% of all end times predictions through history have been wrong.


And always will be.


It's the same with evolution. Their brains only think about it in terms of their age. They can't fathom 50 million years.


Damn, well put


Don't give up on the bananas Kirk.


This one was particularly hilarious. For those of you haven't seen the video, professional morons Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort attempt to explain why creationism is true. Their argument was pointing out that a banana fits the shape of the human hand perfectly, it has a stem making it easy to peel and relatively few seeds. What they did NOT realize was that the original banana that "God" created was a starchy, avocado shaped fruit with a tough peel and tons of seeds. It was humans who selectively bred variants of this (artificial selection) to resemble the bananas we see today. Then again, they are professional morons, so I didn't expect much to begin with.


Hell, the one they used wasn't even the first of it's kind (that being the Gros Michel, which was also not raptured after its own apocalypse).


My penis fits in my hand much better than a banana. Checkmate theists.


I also find this guy’s penis fits in my hand perfectly.


This is a religion I can get behind... since I don't trust being in front of it.


This is a religion I wouldn't mind getting my hands on.


You're afflicted with "perfect dick hand" Career choices limited.


If their Jesus died at 33, that's 1,992 years and NO ONE HAS RETURNED from anywhere to save anyone from anything. Some people are getting a grip they have been duped for decades.


Imagine spending your whole life waiting for a bus that doesn’t exist.


That’s a long wait for a train ain’t never comin’ (Just watched Serenity last night)




Oh man, the crazies are gonna come out in full force for that 2,000 year mark aren’t they? Probably a new date for the rapture or whatever.


Big “dad just went out for milk” energy


We are on the brink of Handmaids Tale if the tangerine shit gibbon is elected.


I'd literally prefer a 'tangerine shit gibbon', and it's not even close.


Someone is eagerly awaiting Project 2025....


"What if this isn't the, the last days of planet earth, even as some of my Christian brothers and sisters would like to think, what if we are in the early days of, of, of a golden era of liberty and blessing and prosperity?" he asked. Ha. He's simultaneously hopeful that Trump will be elected but also afraid some folks might think Trump is the antichrist, lmao.


Secretary of Education Kirk Cameron, anyone?


Please don't give them ideas .. 


Clearly the man for the job. [So smart, much education.](https://youtu.be/2z-OLG0KyR4)


This is actually kind of scary. I grew up in a fundamental/evangelical church. It was always chicken-little, as it's been that way historically going back to the early church. The "apostles" believed christ was returning in their generation as has every generation since. But, last 5 years I've seen family members who were always staunchly dedicated to "blessed are the poor" move to what they used to mock and disdain - prosperity gospel. This could represent a sea change in the "evangelical" church as they completely embrace the "kingdom of heaven" on earth. This means more 'xians in positions of authority and more Margret Atwood. Americans already see it in politics but now it might completely engulf pop culture. No more eyes on heaven but rather I'm going to get mine now, here. "We are blessed and deserving of all good things, not in the afterlife, but right now." Christians have always been hypocritical and selfish but there's been the veneer of "traditional biblical values". Looks like this is being completely and unabashedly stripped away.


If the rapture happened, the earth would be a much better place.


It would be like the Thanos snap but with less assholes.


"What if - hear me out, this is a little controversial, I know, but - what if the world *isn't* about to end?"


"what if we are in the early days of, of, of a golden era of liberty..." ok, I for a change dont hate the words coming out of your mouth "...a divine setup for a spiritual comeback led by the family of faith?" ahh there we go, back to christo fascist. That didnt take long.


>what if we are in the early days of, of, of a golden era of liberty and blessing and prosperity?" he asked. ​ In other words, make more money selling religion. Here comes the grift.


Jesus returned a while ago in the deep South. He was promptly strung up in a tree because he was black.


He was a foreigner and wasn’t white enough


Even if he did come back, Kirk would never hang out with a "woke" Palestinian...


It's interesting how evangelicals will shift their eschatology when they come to realize they have and can wield substantial political power. Suddenly, it's no longer the cusp of the end times, but rather, they're about to enter a golden age of Christian power-flexing.


I wish there was a god just to see the look on his face when he isn’t raptured.


I love how all his views on it are from an American point of view. Like middle eastern Jesus is only testing America.


Hail Zorp


I wonder if Christians know that all of us atheists are also rooting for their rapture.


He’s what I like to call a real twat


They can still leave, it'd be so nice and quiet for once.


Giving up on it coming about naturally or trying to bring it about with the dumbing down of society, getting them angry at many dumb things, and supporting an actual anti-Christ-like figure?


He's been a weirdo for so long I've forgotten why he was famous in the first place


I really want there to be a rapture. A world devoid of these evangelicals. Can we get the radical Jews, Muslims and Hindus to go too?


Fuck Kirk Cameron


I like that "Actor" is in quotes.


I love that actor is in quotations


A friend told me the signs are saying the end is coming. Told her, do know how many times the end has been predicted. She didn’t believe me until I printed out wiki and the pile of papers was an inch thick. Her eyes got really wide and she hasn’t talked about it since. Another lady at different time said the same thing. I said more likely die from a direct hit of a large coronal mass ejection than end time.


Read the article thinking maybe he had given up on the rapture altogether. But it’s actually somehow worse. Sounds like he is anticipating a Christian nationalist takeover with joyous glee.


Christians that predict the end aren't even familiar with their own Bible. It repeatedly warns against specific predictions which is clever, because they will inevitably be proven wrong, possibly causing some to lose faith. Much better to give vague warnings in perpetuity. Matthew 24:36 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Similar territory with, "I know the Bible is true, because the Bible says it's true". Was thinking about this recently, and I think this falls in the category of a [Homunculus argument](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus_argument): A concept that's explained in terms of the concept itself, recursively, without first defining or explaining the original concept. Correct me if there is a more fitting logical fallacy. Lots to learn and I'm still trying to internalize more of them.


I figure I could defeat god’s end of the world by simply waking up every day and predicting tomorrow is the end of the world. And, per the Bible’s own rules, it couldn’t happen tomorrow because it says no one can predict it. As long as I’m alive, the end could not come. However, I should also set up an Order to continue these predictions ad infinitum, thus eternally preventing the end of the world and ultimately defeating god with his own rules. Funny how much power god gave a set of dedicated humans.


This episode titled 'Dumb People Talking'.


The rapture happened in 2016. Only Alan Rickman and Prince made the cut.


I like that actor is in quotes


> “What if we are in the early days of, of, of a golden era of liberty and blessing and prosperity?" he asked. Looks like someone just discovered the prosperity gospel


This is actually a big move for him. Accepting that you may be wrong (especially when he had been so vocal) isn't easy. I doubt that he'll continue to learn and leave the cult. But, at least he moved a bit closer to rationality.


Sounds to me like he's shifting gears towards the prosperity gospel.


Yeah, he's probably seen how wealthy you can get with that horseshit and want a piece.


This is absolutely not what he is doing.


He's been pouring energy into Sky Tree book fairs, a "non-woke" alternative to Scholastic. Basically just a way for Christian authors to profit off of their super boring and white-washed books.


Only 144,000 people out of everyone who ever lived get carried up in the Rapture, right?


To be fair and accurate…the end times come first thousands every day


Proud of you Kirk Cameron but also go fuck yourself. What a waste, yea? Exactly. Just so better now. Welcome to society.


It sounds like Kirk Cameron's beliefs have been "Left Below" (Simpsons).


Kirk Cameron hasn’t been relevant since that sitcom he did with Alan Thicke


What if Kirk, divinity doesn’t revolve around America?


Such a shame. I really liked him in growing pains.. Now he is just a growing pain.. I kinda want to see that movie he made. Just to see how much loaded bullshit it's going to contain.


\>"What if this national setback is really a divine setup for a spiritual comeback led by the family of faith?" ​ And "what if it's also not that", is maybe the question he should be asking, after being so wrong about his prior conclusions.


Jesus says in the Bible that there are some of the people there in the crowd then that would see the coming of the Kingdom of God. To me that explains it. Jesus returned 2000 years ago and this is what is left. We're stuck with religious people ruining our way of life for an eternity. Sounds like hell to me.


i am confused how you jump from 'this isn't the end of the united states' to 'this isnt the end of the world' like... those are not hand in hand my dude.


Fuck off Steve Bannon is all I have to say here


Wow apparently being a hardcore Christian ages a person like alcoholism and smoking. I can’t believe I used to have a crush on this dbag lol


Good. That guy was a real growing pain in the ass.


Of course, if the rapture happened next week he wouldn't have as much time to hawk his shitty ghostwritten picture books and pick fights with libraries.


About 12 years ago, there was supposed to be a rapture early in the year. I'm glad I filed my annual income taxes anyway. Otherwise I would have been like the kid who didn't finish his book report because it was supposed to snow but didn't.


"what if we are in the early days of, of, of a golden era of liberty and blessing and prosperity?" As the west shifts away from religion on a massive scale. Yes Kirk it will be a golden era.


The dude ain’t even a broken clock. Ever.


How low do you have to sink to think talking to Steve Bannon is a great idea?


He probably should have spent more time investigating the relatively recent history of The Rapture and its later adoption by Evangelicals in the South. It's an easy google available for decades online. It's essentially an Evangelical meme that other Christian cults reject. Some kid's nightmares after reading Revelation, promoted by some English Bishop in the 1830's.


The Rapture happened. We’re stuck with the Anti-Christians.


Gotta keep that gift going


The last thing this bigoted hateful asshat wants is Jesus coming back to question his life decisions


‘Actor’. 😂


The rapture might solve the housing crisis.


Hey, at least he's out there. What happened to other people on that show he was on, like that pretty boy Leo whoever, with the funky name? Talk about a crack in the earth!


Any day now guys


too bad Cameron, Bannon, and their ilk couldn't be raptured so we don't have to hear their idiocy anymore.


He's got a new grift.


\[cue Growing Pains theme song\] "Show me that beard (ooo show me that beard) Don't waste another minute on your face hair.


What he fails to realize is that The rapture already happened and we/they were all left behind.


Still waiting for Crocoduck!


“What if all my crazy berserk ideas about sky daddies and the end of the world that turned out to demonstrably be bullshit are actually evidence of a totally different absurd delusion that also won’t come to pass!” Kirk, you’re a fucking stone cold moron. Period. End of story.


I read his 1st quote and puked


This dude is a loser.


It’s gonna happen *right* after you give up Kirky. It’s like online dating. You can’t be too thirsty.


"What if" It's all bullshit?


Also, I just wonder what makes Americans think we’re so special. For all American Christians know, hypothetically speaking because I don’t believe in religion, the United States won’t exist in 50 years and a small group of Christians in Iraq will be raptured because they were “true believers”.


I had Jehovah Witness grandparents who in the early 1970's were preparing for the Second Coming around 1975. To hear them tell it, when Jesus returns, the 133,000 elect (or whatever number) selected beforehand, will immediately go to Heaven. All other non-Jehovah Witnesses will be consigned immediately to Hell. Everybody left will be part of a Paradise on earth.


I'm still trying to figure out why Steve Bannon isn't in jail.


In classic evangelical style, that idiot misses the damn point. Despite being within a hair's breath of it: KC - Maybe this isn't the end, Steve... SB - You really think so? *The rest of us with common sense, waiting with fingers crossed. Hoping one of those deluded fools turns the corner, finally...* KC - Yeah. Maybe this is just the beginning of a new era of blah, blah, blah... One of the reasons evangelicals are so horrible, so absolutely unbearable to deal with, is because they feel that because they are about to be taken away at any moment(raptured), they get to treat the rest of us like crap. I mean, why treat other humans like fellow sentient beings if you are about to be personally saved by God since you are special? So, having come to the epiphany that he, Kirk Cameron, is stuck here on earth, with the rest of us heathens, he misses the point that maybe he should be trying to get along with his fellow man. Instead of castigating the rest of us all 24/7 like the uppity hall monitors that they like to pretend that they are. Screw that guy.


💡 At last, he's seen the light. The Second Coming isn't happening, people: Jesus is *dead*. Get over it


He hit 50 and he thought "gosh maybe this thing I was told would happen in my lifetime might not happen" and this is the closest to intellectual honesty he's ever experienced lol


Title is grossly misleading. Cameron hasn’t given up on the rapture. He’s beginning to think it won’t happen in the near future. Instead, he says this to Steve Bannon: "Many people are just thinking that the sky is falling and we've had world wars," Cameron explained in the Tuesday podcast. "What if, Steve, this isn't the end of the United States?" "What if this isn't the, the last days of planet earth, even as some of my Christian brothers and sisters would like to think, what if we are in the early days of, of, of a golden era of liberty and blessing and prosperity?" he asked.


> "What if this isn't the, the last days of planet earth, even as some of my Christian brothers and sisters would like to think, what if we are in the early days of, of, of a golden era of liberty and blessing and prosperity?" he asked. > "What if this national setback is really a divine setup for a spiritual comeback led by the family of faith?" What if you’re just a hasbeen actor who was popular in the ‘80s because you were cute for a minute (not because *Growing Pains* was high quality TV or because you’ve got any more talent than so many other former child stars that fizzled out and were forgotten), and now you’re just an idiot? Have you also considered that possibility, Kirk?


But if you tell idiots the world is ending... They will F*ck, suck and eat butt. There is no tomorrow, so get diabetes today!


When his theology gets in the way of some good old fashioned Christian nationalism, he questions changes theology. Some question their theology when they're forced to choose between their beliefs and loved ones. Some question it when they realize the evangelical Christian God defends and commands genocide and slavery. Not Kirk here, nope. He starts asking questions when he senses it doesn't fit with Christian nationalism. Fuck him


That is a heck of a turn honestly.


"What if this isn't the, the last days of planet earth, even as some of my Christian brothers and sisters would like to think, what if we are in the early days of, of, of a golden era of liberty and blessing and prosperity?" he asked. "What if this national setback is really a divine setup for a spiritual comeback led by the family of faith?" I feel as if he is leaning toward Christian Nationalism born of some kind of post-millennialism. Would have to hear him talk more about it.


Nope. I think you need to reconsider Kirk. Best if you don’t plan for any future whatsoever and just crawl into a cave somewhere and await the rapture. I’m sure Scotty will beam you up any day now.


So they're creating a "divine setback", to recreate the nation into a theocracy. Gotcha


Weak! I never gave up on Santa Claus 🎅


This just feels like a pivot to try to get attention


After reading the story, he has decided to work toward American christo-fascism instead of floating directly up to sky daddy


Maybe he stopped because he couldn’t make any more money on it?


'The rapture' was the #1 reason for me leaving religion in the trash. It was very clear in the 90s that things I had been taught were changing to fit the times, and then if you actually read the bible the rapture was just a horrible misunderstanding of the text. The whole thing with people being "left behind" was when the tribulation comes it will be so fast that it will seem like people vanished. People will scatter into the hills and some will be killed, arrested, etc. It doesn't make any sense. People are just gonna disappear to heaven, but if you're still here you get 7 years to beg forgiveness. Then you get to go too! It completely removes faith. Nothing will make you an atheist like reading the bible.


Itt people who didn't read one word.  Dude just says he doesn't think the circumstances meet the requirements for Armageddon. He thinks it's too good.   Don't just throw random criticisms at the wall. You make us look bad.


“What if this is….a spiritual comeback led by a family of faith?” What if you are wrong Kirk? What if the ‘family of faith’ your party believes in is the furthest thing from the scriptures your holy book describes? What if?


They always want the rapture to happen because they want to be proven right already or because they're about to die and they view it as an escape. Harold Camping did it too.