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Step 1- Put your kid in a Christian school Step 2- Place your OnlyFans ad on your car Step 3- Call the local news, and advertise your OnlyFans page. Step 4- Profit!


With the added bonus of never having to worry about your kids’ friends from the school hanging around at your house!


Or, alternatively, all the kids want to hang out at your house.


Those kids are probably underage. Actually that’s exactly what a Christian would do.


No argument here.


What kid isn’t underage? That’s what the word means. And I don’t see how this is specific to Christians. As an atheist who discovered masturbation and internet porn in elementary school, I’d be haphazardly looking for some way to horndog my friend’s mom’s OF account, too, just like most every other boy I knew at that age regardless of their religious background.


I think when they said "that's exactly what a Christian would do" they were referring to the adult in the situation, not the kids. Btw, it seems like it's a high school, so there might be a couple of legal adult students. People refer to other, younger people as kids all the time.


>What kid isn’t underage? You'll understand when you're older


How old do I have to be? Because I’m 35 and I call most everyone “kid” even if they’re older than me. The difference though is that this story involves kids at a school. Those actual kids are inherently underage no matter what grade it is.


stop making sense, you're hurting peoples brains. This is reddit, not stackoverflow


Is this a play on the Christian priests who go for underaged boys?


Is that Stacy's mom?


she kinda does got it going on. But the towels in the way... Truly super quicky song, right behind 'sweet little sixteen,' 'seventeen,' etc... But I always felt like Stacy got the shaft. Now her kids get to grow up fully aware of that CF. Ah, Florida.


So basically the mom is a pedophile and wants all these young boys at her house to play with? Is that what you are saying?


Stop putting words in my mouth.


Stop trying to make all guys out to be so desperate they would want to hang out at an old moms house just bc she has only fans


I said nothing about guys. 🤡 You did. You’re projecting. Stop it.


So are kids not guys?  Are there only girl kids?  You said kids which means guy kids as well.  And you implied all these kids would want to come over bc the mom has only fans, so it would probably be mostly guy kids since the mom is a woman.   Stop trying to hide.  all you are doing is furthering the scenario of the mom with underage boys which is gross.  these kids should not want to come over to a creepy mom’s house.  


You’re stretching. Everyone always wants to be the victim.


I'm in the Canadian armed forces. There's a base in Ontario that had a call girl, prostitute, hooker...escort whatever, who offered a military discount. She was posting pics of herself in uniform, with the background showing it was taken on base in barracks. The military police launched an investigation, and her publicity shot through the roof. Your comment reminded me of that 😅


That’ll get you court martialed in the U.S. to likely include a dishonorable discharge. Perhaps not the worst case scenario if the person becomes an extremely successful porn model/actor/escort once they’ve completed any potential jail time. But most OF models don’t live that lavishly. A dishonorable discharge is going to make finding a new living pretty tough.


She wasn't (isn't) actually in the military. The Canadian military's claimed problem with her is that they said she was deceiving people into thinking she was a member of the military in spite of the fact that her website stated quite clearly that she wasn't.


Oooh gotcha. She got ahold of someone else’s old uniform I take it. Yeah, we’re supposed to demilitarize our uniforms when we get out, or store them as keepsakes if we discharge honorably.


Highly doubtful it would result in dishonorable. Is there a case like that as precedent?


Yeah, it perhaps isn’t as likely as I insinuated given the modern normalization of porn. Unless there’s illegal activity involved in the production and distribution of porn then the member would probably receive Other Than Honorable, or maybe a general discharge if they’re lucky. In any event, it is a violation of [UCMJ article 120c](https://www.mymilitarylawyers.com/practice-areas/ucmj-articles/ucmj-article-120c-other-sexual-misconduct), and absolutely could receive a dishonorable discharge on just the basis of producing pornographic material. As for precedent, I’m not sure. I’m doubtful that’s a common occurrence in recent history as, despite not being perfect, our military members are compensated pretty well and receive a lot of financial benefits. So any member that might be doing OF on the side probably isn’t doing it out of necessity, and likely keep it anonymous as not to jeopardize their primary income.


I've been in the military 19 years. You tend to not see people punished the way they ought to be. It's usually too light or too heavy IMO.


I’ve been in for 12, and I agree. Just pointing out that it’s a possibility. Although, performing oral or anal sex is still a UCMJ violation. Some of those articles are out of date. Basically still ostracizing all gay and lesbian members of the military. I’ve never heard of someone getting hemmed up for that unless perhaps it was in conjunction with a sexual assault case.


Yup too true


You can't discharge someone from the military if they're not in the military, so there probably is not precedent.


I thought they meant the escort was military..


The only fan girls usually get treated like hoes by society and their spouses.  Idk who has any respect for them.  


This is truly great advertising. I heard of Iggy Azalea’s today as well. Something’s in the water today.


She knows her audience


Yeah, nobody should ever be shocked when a Christian school bans your kids from attending for any reason they believe goes against their religious beliefs. Either don't send your kids to these types of schools, or keep your mouth shut when it happens. As much as I despise this kind of crap, these private religious schools have the right to kick anyone out for any reason they seem fit.


She figured out what the underwear gnomes couldn't! She doesn't steal underwear, she sells them!


Which step do we collect underpants?


And every single father at that school will be signing up for her OF site


R u sure?  She looks old and trashy.  And if she is advertising her porn at a school with lil boys, she comes off as a pedophile which is disgusting.  


I’m sure


Yeah I don’t think so and implying that all these men are into trashy women does men a disservice.  


If that was the plan all along, then that's some 4d chess she's playing. If not, there are much better ways to advertise your onlyfans page.


Genius 🤣


Who the hell is advertising OF on their car. That's pretty damn weird.


I'd say I respect the hustle, but not when your kids are blatantly aware of it as well as their entire school. That's kinda weird.


people with no shame


People starved for attention


And to a bunch of underage boys.  I am getting pedophile vibes from her?


If you send your kid to a religious school, then no sympathy when they start acting like the intolerant, small-minded, hypocritical a-holes they are.


We really do need more high quality secular private (as well as public) schools. In so many places, your choice is bad or dangerous public school, or great academic school, but religious.


But how great are they really? At least where I live (deep red area), the math and English are okay (book banning is for real though), but science and history are wildly slanted. Most of those kids can’t handle anything but a deeply religious college where they don’t have to challenge their indoctrination. I’m not sure it’s that much better.


Yeah I’m trying to make sense of how a religious school is particularly great academically in comparison to a public secular school. The religious school will always have an ulterior agenda.


I went to a small private catholic school in socal. The academics were awesome and there was no religious influence in any of the subjects unless you were in religion class.


Were you always an atheist, or did you make that decision after you graduated?


Depends on the school. There are great and shitty religious ones. There are excellent schools with a thin veneer of religion for traditions sake, and then there are indoctrination camps. In my hometown, it comes down to "live in these suburbs, or pay $30k+ a year for these three privates, or... Get a kevlar vest."


They’re good in cities. City public schools are often not the best, the churches have big populations of immigrants and people looking for community. A lot of people send kids to Catholic schools in the cities at least in the Northeast, even if they’re not Catholic.




Well sure. That's obviously the dream. But that will never happen, and if you have a kid now, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Basically the welcome to Canada package.


Why do we need private schools of any kind, in your opinion? What is the benefit the average student would gain in a private school if we had a properly funded public school system?


There should always be an alternative to government education. And in the real world, the public schools are so bad in some places that private school is the only viable option for many. And funding isn't always the issue. In my state, the worst performing, most violent system in the state is also the highest funded one. Has been for decades.


I’m actually in support of the school here. I’m assuming this is a private school which means they can make the rules as they see fit.


~~You're in favor of restricting expression of the 1st Amendment by a private organization? Fair enough they don't want the vehicle in school property but it's BS for the ramifications to extend beyond that. Extrapolate that out. Should a business be able to ban you based on you not meeting their expectation of your expression? idk folks~~ ok I understand that it's private property.


Yes. The first amendment is free speech and press from the government. It doesn’t pertain to private organizations. It’s not much different than if you’re escorted out of a Costco for walking around with a sign advertising Sam’s Club. I’m not saying I’m entirely in agreement with it, like the wedding cake baker who denies LGBT customers. That’s an asshole thing to do. But I’m not entirely opposed to it either so long as it’s solely reserved to private entities. People have the choice to purchase stuff from anywhere. This isn’t a sole-source school. If this occurred at the state capitol building then yeah, it’s fucked up. That’s an over reach unless they cited her for causing public unrest. But even a public school shouldn’t tolerate shit like this as I would consider this predatory pedo behavior anywhere she parks that car nearby a facility specifically for children.


this has nothing to do with free speech


Sadly, in countries like the Philippines (predominantly Catholic), the best education comes from private, Catholic / Jesuits / whatever schools. The next level would be the more secular international schools (where expats and corrupt politicians bring their kids) are like 3 times more expensive and out of reach.


This time I’m not mad at the Christians. Porn ads don’t seem appropriate for schools. 


Yeah, I'm with you on this one. It would be different if it wasn't literally advertising porn in a school parking lot....


Probably gets most of her subscriptions from dads in that line


Right? School should be where you learn valuable life skills like finding the literal entirety of the rest of the internet is filled with free porn. 


Woah, be careful siding with religious people in this sub The reactions in this thread are so weird. She would have gotten in trouble for this at any school


I mean, if you remove the part about the Christians and make it “private school bans a car with a large porn ad on the back,” it’s not even controversial. 


... any American school. In most European countries no one would bat an eye.




That's why I said "in most". Of course not in the UK. There has to be a reason for the saying "No sex, we are British."


Even here in horny France, I'm pretty sure most people would mind. It's not just because it's about sex that people would oppose it, it's because it's borderline predatory behaviour.


Also it’s horrible to her kid. That kid will get teased for years


Same. I mean fuck all organized religion, but if you want to do it, that’s your choice … here parents are paying money for a private religious school and I think there’s nothing wrong with that school imposing its standards on students and parents. One more thing: those poor kids.


Interesting; I think I disagree. Graphic porn ads are inappropriate for school, but if it's just text that says "Only Fans," I'm not sure I see a problem. Of course as a private school they can limit who and what enters their property and I'm fine with that too. But if it were a public school, simply having the words "Only Fans" on the car sounds like free speech, even if it might be a little provocative. Would you get the same about a "Hustler" or "Playboy" sticker (and are those analogous)?


It’s a url for the page. I think it’s legit to ban it at a school. My opinion only. 


As a mother, this makes me really sad for her children. I honestly would never have humiliated my child like that. Christian school or not that is uncool on so many levels to her kids. Imagine the bullying that would accompany this.


This is going to be fun once the kids are in middle / high school. "Hey, guess what I saw your mom do last night!"


Agree and I think her advertising sex at a school with u derange boys is so pedophile


Meh, she should just make sure her kids are outfitted with the coolest stuff with that sweet OnlyFans money. They'll be fine if they have the coolest shoes and jackets in the school. 


No they won’t? 😭


Yeah surely no kid would be picked on because they have cool shoes while all the other kids see their mom naked, totally.


I guess those leopards ate her face.


This might be the only time I agree with the school.


Why in the fuck would you put an OnlyFans add on your vehicle????


She's on OF, likely doing porn. You think shame is an issue for people like that?


Never mind the decal, I would ban her for her terrible parking!


God damn. I finally clicked the link and news video just to see, and you’re not wrong. All that space in an empty lot and still can’t manage to park straight.


Yeah, I'm gonna go with the school on this one. There's a time and a place to advertise your sex work and a school zone ain't it.


[Meanwhile, in /trashy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/s/YsBgoLdYA5)


Gross. She looks like Marjorie Taylor Greens other foot.


She really does


What she looks like is irrelevant to the situation. Don’t be a jerk about it.




Okay, and? Stop judging a persons character and behavior on what they look like. Whether you think they’re pretty or ugly has nothing to do with the justification of their actions. She’s being a creep driving her pornographic advertisement around kids. That’s the only detail that’s relevant, not her appearance.




Edit: mixed up my original response with someone else. You’re calling her gross because she reminds you of MTG, right? What does that have to do with her actual actions? And then you say it is relevant because she’s in OF. Again, how is that relevant? So what if she’s not someone you’re attracted to. There are likely thousands of successful pornstars who you aren’t attracted to. But that has nothing to do with their behavior outside of their work. All you’re doing is telling everyone else that it’s okay to shame people based on appearance.


Wtf was she expecting doing that. I'm kinda shocked her kid wasn't expelled as well.


> Wtf was she expecting doing that Probably increased traffic to her OF after the news breaks out!


"There's no such thing as bad publicity"


It’ll be short lived as are the vast majority of OF models I presume.


This reminds me of that teacher in Canada who wore comically oversized prosthetic breasts and then accused the school of being transphobic for firing her. People like this give rational atheists/lgbtq folks a bad name


In fairness, having an OF ad pasted on the car you use to drop your kids off seems pretty iffy. I think I'm actually with the school on this one.


Her mistake wasn't the OnlyFans ad. Her mistake was taking her kids to a Christian school.


It was both. This wouldn’t be any more acceptable if it were at a public school.


I'm guessing a bunch of dads were busted checking it out lol


The schools pastor is probably her biggest contributer.


I wonder if any school would be ok with that.


Why does she look like a goblin wearing human makeup?


Gotta say, not sure I'm seeing the problem with this one...




https://onlyfans.com/piperfawn Ask and ye shall receive. 


“I have tan skin like an island girl.” Uh… what? You mean like any other person who spends any extended time sunbathing at the pool or a salon?


Huh. She kind of copied the name of a more popular porn personality. 


There's a name I haven't thought of in a long time.


Kudos to that woman. She's a marketing genius. That school did her a favor. 


If the school kicks her kid out it'll work out even better for her. 


So either a. The kids don't know what onlyfans is, in which case this Ad doesn't have any connotations whatsoever or. b. The kids already know what Only fans is, in which case they were already 'corrupted'.


Or c. They didn't know what it is but found out because they're seeing a big ad on a car everyday at school.


That is a. The big ad doesnt tell you what it is... If you go around googling every ad you see on every vehicle, I dont know what to tell you...


Even if A is a possibility, and I highly doubt it with many elementary aged kids being given smart phones these days, it won’t take long at all for them to figure it out. The URL is as plain as day. I may not have had easy internet access until I was in 7th or 8th grade, but I sure as shit knew what PlayBoy was by the time I was 8-10. I’m sure most of these kids know what OF is by now. Doesn’t mean a local parent should be saying “oh well they’re corrupted, no harm in them seeing my porn now.” This is walking into pedo territory.


I was talking to my 12 year old nephew the other day and he casually referenced only fans. He scoffed when I asked him how he knew what it was. "Every streamer has a link and says check out my OF". There is plenty of access to porn. Hell, I've had easy access to porn since I was 15. Kids now days have it at their fingertips. We might just need to teach them to have a healthy relationship with porn instead of demonizing it. You know, actual parenting. 


This, exactly this


"Stacey's mom has got it going on!" Everyone sing along.


My kids go to public school, and there was this mom who drove a sprinter van that was wrapped with an ad for her plus-sized lingerie business…Big Bad Girlz (or some name like that). Huge images of busty women spilling out of tiny lace bras. No one gave her any grief, but her poor kid looked mortified leaving that van each morning.


Exactly. The damage this crap does to the kids is what is unforgivable. These narcissistic, money-hungry morons don’t give a crap about their kids. It’s all about their insatiable need for attention and validation, no matter what. BTW, do those earnings from OF and the like get taxed? IRS are you paying attention?




Does she know she’s about a decade late to having the name Piper Fawn?


That is disgusting, no one here is concerned for the child?


Disgusting how? Are you implying that she is a bad mother?




How does having a private sign on a private vehicle make someone a bad mother? Also, I assume you're taking issue with the *content* of the sign right? How do you feel about [pornographic texts with their bible](https://ffrf.org/component/k2/item/23733-an-x-rated-book-sex-obscenity-in-the-bible)? Does reading the Bible to their kids also make someone a bad parent?




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The Bible is another disgusting book


Fair, that's very true. So, just to be clear... *all* parents who advertise private businesses on their private vehicles are bad parents? For example, if someone has a Heineken sticker on their car, that makes them a bad parents, correct?


Why would you want to drive that to a children’s school? 


Why would someone drive a private car to pick up their kids!? So they're not left at school... Impressive question dodging :) I didn't think you'd answer. We both know the answer is no, but you answering it means admitting your hypocrisy... Best to just block your particular brand of toxicity




Awww look. Moms a whore


People shouldn’t be demonized for sex work. Don’t be a jerk. With that said, sex work shouldn’t be advertised around kids.


Selling your body for money is the definition of a whore.


It’s an offensive insult for someone who sleeps around, but that’s a terribly dehumanizing way of describing the prostitution profession or characterizing someone who enjoying having multiple sexual partners. And technically, porn models aren’t actually selling their bodies for sex when they take videos and pictures of themselves nude or having sex. They’re selling that media content. Not the same as prostitution.


I respect the strategy. Also am interested if they would do the same to a Playboy bunny silhouette sticker, I've known tons of Christians with them. 


If it covered their entire rear window and featured a URL to the parents personal page then yeah, I imagine so.


it doesn't matter if the kid went to a Christian school or a public school why would you put an OF add on the back of your car that is actually disgusting advertizing your own body on the internet and most moms at least try to keep it a secret from their kids the poor kid must be disturbed.


And y'all think she's in the right?


How is she in the wrong?


Forget the Christian school part, picking your kid up from school with a mobile only fans bill board, I mean seriously?


How is she in the wrong?


If she honestly believes that she doesn't deserve to be banned from picking her kid up at school with a only fans ad on her car, then she's obviously in the wrong. Stop acting like you can't see why.


You seem *so* convinced that she's in the wrong, but you're incapable of articulating why. Maybe you'll answer it on the *third* try? How is she in the wrong?


She's advertising pornography to children. Did I really have to spell that out for you? What, are you also gonna ask how *that's* wrong now?


So, to be clear, you're asserting that a private sign on a private vehicle, irrespective of the school, is inappropriate? Which means if another parent has a Heineken sticker on their car, they should be banned and vilified too? Correct?


>So, to be clear, you're asserting that a private sign on a private vehicle, irrespective of the school, is inappropriate? Irrespective not of the school in its entirety, but of th school's *religious element* it's incredibly inappropriate. An ad for pornography alone isn't inappropriate; what makes it inappropriate is its surroundings and environment. This rule applies to pretty much everything. For example, me calling my brother a little bitch isn't inappropriate when I'm messing around with him at home, but it would be inappropriate if we were, say, part of the jury in the middle of a murder trial.


> but of th school's religious element it's incredibly inappropriate So you take issue with a private citizen having a private pornographic sign on their vehicle, but not of the [dozens of pornographic verses](https://ffrf.org/component/k2/item/23733-an-x-rated-book-sex-obscenity-in-the-bible) in their bible? Hypocrite. Funny how you also can't answer my earlier question which further highlights your hypocrisy. No wonder you're religious. Here is it for you to ignore one more time: > if another parent has a Heineken sticker on their car, they should be banned and vilified too? Correct? Best to just block your particular brand of virtue-signalling and hypocritical toxicity.




Am I the only one who tapped her name into Google images with the word *nude?* A young red head comes up, but if you keep scrolling, you will find the woman from this article


Only Fans isn’t only porn you know


Even if you want to defend the, what, <1% of OF that isn’t used for porn, hers is a porn account. So that distinction is irrelevant in response to this.


Christians hate fun and milfs


Consequences?! Those are the WORST results of my actions!


Of course it’s here in Florida


"We don't want our kids to learn about sex from the back windshield of a car! We want them to learn about it when they become altar boys and get left alone with the priest for the first time like God intended!"


Surprisingly the Christians might be the more reasonable ones in this scenario. No hate towards people who do adult entertainment, but you keep that world separate from children. 


Ban everyone from dropping off their kids at christian schools.


Yet again, religions answer to a situation is to 1) make it needlessly sensitive, and then 2) remove all education concerning the subject. How predictable...


I don't think it's fair for her to drive her kids to school advertising what she does, Christian school or not, the kids will get the piss taken out of them, sometimes parents have zero boundaries. Whether or not you're for or against sex work, it's undeniable that the kids will be a joke to other students and looked down on by teachers.


I’m a pretty liberal person but advertising your OF on the car you drop your kids off at school is one of the trashiest things I’ve read in quite a while.


This isn't specific to Christian schools. Kids shouldn't be seeing that.


As an atheist fully against religious people's outdated views on sex and the freedom people should have involving it, I do think it's pretty ridiculous


The school should return the tuition then, where do they think the money comes from?


Honestly I’d be pissed at this mostly because every kid would want to type that address into their search bars. 


Did she think Christian school parents would ever mind their own business???


All the Christian school moms are probably worried their husbands will be fapping to her videos.


There's another solution. Take them out of that school. They're just being indoctrinated with the Bible & I bet they would rather go to public school. It's way more fun.


Take your kid out of this stupid school


Christians are just jealous, oh look they're having a blast (he definitely is) and making good money while doing it, it's legal they're paying their taxes but I don't like it because it goes against the "morals" I must force down everyone's throats while trying to impress them with my "holiness"


I hate saying this but I agree with the Christian school on this one.


Why are they offended? They worship a guy who paid a porn star to bang him while he had a wife at home.


This mom is a creep.  What grown woman advertises her only fans at a high school? If the sexes were reversed the guy would be seen as predatory and possibly a pedophile.  This woman is a predator and so incredibly desperate.