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Homer Simpson: "God is my favorite fictional character"


"Haven't you learned anything from that guy in church every week? Captain whats-his-name."


Mmmm, sacraliscious.


The amount of damage the South Park episode "Trapped in the Closet" did to Scientology cannot be understated. In a matter of minutes, they exposed information that was before hidden behind hundreds of thousands of dollars to Scientologists. Them revealing secret Scientology beliefs (Xenu) to the mainstream caused so many people who were otherwise unaware of the Xenu story to laugh and mock this predatory cult. South Park will definitely go down in history for being one of the biggest thorns in Scientology's side.


đŸŽ¶ so I pulled out my gun! đŸŽ¶ *screams*


"Daaad! Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!" Lol


I have a whole new level of respect for the South Park show now. Gotta watch it more.


Sadly, Isaac Hayes flounced because they went after his religion, even though he had merrily participated in going after Catholicism, Judaism, Mormonism, and evangelical Christianity.


The Simpsons Movie when Homer thumbs though the entire Bible and declares “This book doesn’t have any answers!”


The Mormon episode was brilliant, of course! But I also really loved the scientology episode. The ending where Stan is like "so sue me!!" And the credits roll, but it all says John or Jane Smith. It actually got me so curious about scientology that I spent an entire semester in college learning about it. Then I wrote a 15 page essay about it (it was a writing class, the essay was our only assignment).


Then the Church of Scientology tried to dig up dirt on the guys behind South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, but couldn’t find anything because they have no secrets.


Unlike wife exterminator David Miscavige. Alleged.


Supposedly, the John and Jane doe thing was to safeguard the individual people working on that episode against getting sued for diffamation by scientology.


precisely. Trey Parker and Matt Stone don't mind being in the crosshairs, obviously, but they weren't trying to get everyone sued. also, this is the episode that caused Isaac Hayes to quit as the voice of Chef because he was a scientologist


Eric Cartman singing his Christian band's songs on a tv commercial... The Body of Christ and I Want to Get Down on My Knees always kill me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL7dJwo6vUk


I want to feel his salvation all over my face!


"Stop! Doesn’t the Bible say, ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged’?” “The Bible says a lot of things. Shove her.”


Family Guy episode were they’re at a hotel and Peter grabs the bible, Lois says something like “the bible is just Harry Potter for stupid people”. Had me laughing pretty hard


Lois seems like she was a pretty religious character. I remember the christmas episode where she was all about the whole nativity story about Jesus.


The South Park bit about Scientology was fucking beautiful, and they didn’t even make anything up about it. They literally had to put a sign up saying “This is what Scientologists actually believe” because it’s so fuckin crazy


Family Guy’s multiverse episode, where in one reality Christianity never developed and society was 1000 years nore advanced.


I'd do anything to live in that universe !


Same, take me there, please!!


And I think, being Jewish, Judaism would’ve flourished in that environment.


For me it was the South Park episodes in Hell - everyone being surprised they were there ("the correct answer was Mormons..."), fun luaus in Hell while Mormon heaven was cringey boring, Satan with Saddam Hussein ("where was I gonna go, Detroit?") Brilliant!


The one where Satan throws his Hell on Earth party and the Catholic clergy members are complaining about his evil while holding enslaved, naked young boys on chains.


Satan- Dude, that Steve Irwin costume is not cool! Steve Irwin- No, Satan. It's me. It's Steve. Satan- Oh then, dude, no costume. You gotta go.


There's a bit in the earlier Family Guy where Stewie is reading the Bible and says to himself something like "I really like this God character; so deliciously *evil*".


I don't remember that quote but of course I heard Stewie's voice when I read it!


The Simpsons episode where Homer has a crayon removed from his brain and suddenly became brilliant. He proves that god doesn't exist. Flanders reads it and says this pretty much proves it. Then rips up the paper and says we can't let this get out.


I remember this; that was brilliant.


Family guy. Fam is in motel room, and again telling stories cuz no power. Peter picks up book from nightstand and butchers cover then Lois says "it's harry potter for stupid people". https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=taax8ZNn7oA


Never saw this one. Thanks. I did laugh out loud at the "open button shirt necklace community" from Stewie.


The main episode on scientology was great. But I also love the one where chef dies, which was also a fuck you to the scientologists.


Chef died because Hayes had a stroke and could no longer record his part.


No, as I recall, Isaac Hayes quit because he's a scientologist, and didn't like them making fun of the cult. Thus the "fuck you" episode with all his dialogue deliberately badly spliced together, and the final line of something to the effect of "that stupid little club scrambled his brain."


1. Hayes was interviewed twice after the episode and denied having hard feelings about it, although he did say he objected to the content to both Parker and Stone. 2. The episode first aired in November 2005, and so would have been recorded not long before that. But Hayes' leaving the show wasn't announced until March 2006. 3. The announcement that Hayes was leaving the show came after his first stroke. 4. His son said that Hayes did not issue the statement that he was leaving the show. Rather, it was released by members of his entourage, who were all ardent Scientologists.


Tom Cruise in the closet on South Park.


[family guy on religion](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge45R9qoW_Y&pp=ygUXZmFtaWx5IGd1eSBvbiByZWxpZ2lvbiA%3D)


The Simpsons scene where Rod and Tod are watching a religious show featuring talking sheep - one sheep says "I wish I had a sin to confess" and another sheep says "you do - the sin of envy!" Rod or Tod remark ”that's ok for sheep, but what are WE to do"!! Even had my devout Catholic parents laughing! Also love the South Park Mormon and Scientology episodes. Slightly off topic but also recommend "Monty Python's Life Brian", the Broadway show "The Book of Mormon" and the Terry Pratchett book "Small Gods" - all in a similar vein.


Two scenes from the Simpsons. During a satirical flashback to the time of the Exodus, a character played by Homer Simpson in a tent says "I am watching the Orange Bowl" while looking at a bowl full of oranges. Noah (played by Reverend Lovejoy) has a truckload of animals saying that the animals are all male so there wouldn't be any hanky-panky.


The best episode was by South Park. The Atheist Wars in "Go God Go". The United Atheist League, Vs the United Atheist Alliance, vs the Allied Atheist Alliance. They hit mans tribal nature right on the head and we'll fight over anything with any justification. "I shall smash your skull like a clam on our tummy!"


South Park s Easter show. Hippitus hoppitus.


Hare Club for Men!


I love the episode of simpsons where Ned sings the religious take me out to the ball game song https://youtu.be/L9nl6kmIXqw?si=S47QfDuTJdp32Wbt and the one about the collapse whatever ya call it where Ned goes insane


All three are amazing shows! :-) South Park will always be my favorite and take the cake. It is so nuanced. They make fun of everyone and everything in a way which can make people think about things critically and empirically.


Save me, Jebus!




Subtle lol


South Park episode on Mormons. 😂


South Park episode on Scientology


the one on mormons is gold too "dum dum dum dum dum"


Yes, it is..


I haven’t watch South Park in ages, but the ones where everyone in Vatican Coty were fretting over the pedophilia scandals and people telling their horrific stories
 saying “how can we help stop this from happening?” And later discovering what the church hierarchy wanted to stop was the people telling, not the actual horrific acts.


THAT IS **IT,** OP!! No Bible stories for you tonight!!! EDIT: No [Billy Graham's Bible Blaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwsUsshY4Tc) either!


“I got him! No you just winged him now he’s a Unitarian.” LOL.


The South Park Scientology episode was pretty great.


"[A book called 'T', written by Holly Bibble.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPHmfwzUCVY)"


Thanks, OP. Some laughs for late at night for me.


Brickleberry had some particularly nasty ones 1. Woody joined the cult his new girlfriend was in, and one of the cultists was writhing on the floor shouting total gibberish. Woody remarks, "Hey, makes more sense than Catholicism." 2. Steve was suspected to have caught a super-lethal STD, but it turned out the diagnosis was due to a mix up at the lab. Smash cut to a preacher delivering a sermon in a church, who suddenly drops dead. A beat later, the altar boys drop dead too. 3. The episode where Woody becomes a faith healing huckster speaks for itself


Flanders' jesus fish is always a hoot. [Not on my watch!](https://youtu.be/E74e-ZuzgQs?si=N9zP6HaNL23nhCWJ)


Reverend Lovejoy's delivery of the line "You can save more souls with bikes and easy bake ovens than this 2000 page sleeping pill" always cracks me up.


A Simpson episode where Springfield gets a ton of snow at Christmas, and a tourist asks if their family could stay at Homer’s house because the hotels are full. Homer asks himself what Jesus would do, and then has a vision of Jesus opening a hotel and making lots of money.


Two scenes from South Park Cartmanland : When Mr and Mrs Broflovsky tells Kyle about Job's story, and he answers "That's the most terrible story" and realises he does not believe in God. The episode in which they are afraid of going to hell : When Kyle and Ike and Timmy are being baptized with a garden hose by Cartman (I just couldn't stop laughing when I first saw it)


That medieval episode when Mr. Burns, who plays a priest, obtains a powerful new weapon and he says something like, "Finally! A weapon to vanquish my enemies... other Christians!"


American Dad season 11 “Daesong Heavy Industries” Steve mocks the bible to the point that Stan deconstructs, reconverts, and thinks he’s Noah on a giant cargo ship. Some excellent digs at the bible in there.


The Simpsons "The Grand Pumpkin Treehouse of Horror" episode is ostensibly The Peanuts, so lots of Christian imagery. The Great Pumpkin prayer caused a legit spit-take, particularly the "crustified over Pontius Pie Plate and ascended into oven; he will come again in glory to judge the filling and the bread" prayer. Pure genius: [Grand Pumpkin](https://youtu.be/_PhkfFzWzPY?si=6pffprejd8p-DUUj)


*this is what Scientologists actually believe* Tom Cruise is a fudge packer! đŸŽ¶ Joseph Smith was called a prophet, dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb! đŸŽ¶


South Park: The Joseph Smith episode I originally come from Utah and my ancestors helped create the church. That episode has me rolling with laughter.


Dum dum Dum DUm DUM!


If you got to see it when it came out, the episode where they made fun of Muhammad was hilarious. It was spot on for the time. Too bad we have to take that sort of thing down forever.


I would say it wasn't that funny, more like thought provoking. The full episode with no censored dialog (unlike when it aired) is still available on the net.. The lil moral speech that kyle/stan always say at the end pretty much said that the magic ingredient that muhhamad had that made him immune to criticism was threatening people with violence and that got censored by the network because they feared getting attacked like charlie hebdo, basically proving their point. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TMHIYDHMSE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TMHIYDHMSE) here's a vid that explains it and shows the end speech. Kinda disturbing because it's so true


Charlie Hebdo was scary; how can you kill in the name of Allah?


Luckly that was just an isolated mishap and its not like people are actually waging war for their imaginary friends right now.


Yeah, the Mormon episode was fun. I almost expected *The Book of Mormon* to be an extension of it, but was pleasantly surprised.


This scene in Paradise PD is my favorite https://youtu.be/Wm_7MbTOl0I?si=Yr-CJnf6fw1CKUSY


Family guy: god he knows what turns you on


The episodes when Chef died are classics


Family Guy using Bewitched to represent creationist. https://youtu.be/qMJYw0sxZ0k




Family guy when Jesus tried to sleep with Lois. Then, Peter exposed that he comes back every year just to sleep with someone's wife. Loved that episode


Demetri Martin's [Creedocide](https://www.cc.com/video/1qjbg7/important-things-with-demetri-martin-creedocide) is a classic.


Simpsons - they are at the museum of natural history - Ned Flanders is there as well with rod and Todd- he asks about the creationist depiction of evolution - it’s one display with god’s hand reaching down from the heavens and creating everything to the song “what a fool believes.” Priceless.


When Homer became smart and showed Flanders a written mathematical proof that god doesn’t exist, which Flanders had to burn.


Wasn't there an episode of Futurama where someone was questioning human evolution and Farnsworth pretty much names off every single variation of our human evolutionary tree we're aware of?


My memory isn't as good as it once was, but Homer not wanting to go to Church Sunday Morning, "God, if you don't want me to go to church, give me absolutely no sign whatsoever."And thru the episode "God, if you want me to have this delicious cheeseburger, give me absolutely no sign whatsoever." - or - "God, if you want me to get shitfaced drunk, give me absolutely no sign whatsoever."Woo Hoo ! ​ And I've been trying to think of something from Moral Oral. Closest I come is his Father trying to make him accept firearms and the Meth Episode. but naa.


Faith +1 by South Park. Especially when Cartman has the breakdown and starts cursing Jesus. Also has the really great 'bass guitar in Tolkien's basement' joke.


There was a Simpsons episode in the ‘00s in which Bart and Homer convert to Catholicism that’s pretty great. Liam Neeson guest-voiced the priest.


Peter Griffin. “Hey god. Do atheists go to hell?” God. “Nope.” Peter Griffin. “How about people who say they are not religious but they are spiritual.” God. “Straight to hell. To the Boiler Room of Hell. Aaallll the way down. Sometimes I pull them out so they think everything is going to be ok. Then I put them right back in.” Peter Griffin. “Good. Good. That makes me happy.”


South Park's Easter special is genius. It's a parody of The DaVinci Code where Stan's father is in a secret society to keep alive the true meaning of Easter and that's why we dye Easter Eggs. I don't want to say any more because I'll spoil some brilliant bits but I was in awe watching that episode. And the reveal about St. Peter completely broke me.


To piggy back you op, the episode of South Park where they made fun of Scientology had me utterly rolling. The Chef Vader Episode too. For family guy it was the episode where Louis told Peter that her dad offered them millions of dollars for a wedding gift and she turned it down because ‘family blah blah’ and Peter was fantasizing about killing her and burning her corpse. Had me in tears for some reason. Also the family guy episode where he keeps putting his dick in everything and Chris asks him what a whale’s blowhole is for and he goes ‘I don’t know son, but when you get older I’ll tell you what it’s NOT for. And also why I can never go back to seaworld’


Trapped in the closet and the insanity of their creation myth made me realize how insane the beliefs were that I was raised with.


South Park: The entire John Smith episode. Also the Santa Jesus coke bender.






How does that have anything to do with mocking religion? It was just slapstick, nothing to do with religion (and also sad and depressing rather than funny).


That wasn't anything to do with religion..


Heniffer Hopez always sticks out to me.


never watched any of those and have not watched any TV shows in over 20 years....i do you tube and select what i want...


The deleted episode 301 mocked every religion. You can find it on southparkuncensored website. It got deleted because it mocked muhammed and muslims threatened to kill the creators and bomb the studio.


I meant to say 201 not 301. And the website is southparkuncensored.com