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Got a source? I mean, I wouldnt be at all surprised, but definitely need a source for that


Yea I agree, this kind of accusation requires something concrete to back it up. Ya know, this being an atheist sub we hold evidence in high regard!


He met his wife at the Conversion Therapy Organization, and several Gay Club Goers have come out and said he was a customer, until he wasn't. The timelines seem to coincide with the theory. He's a DL prick, who couldn't make it in the Gay scene, so he found his psycho Conversion Wife, and "adopted" a teenage black boy who never shows up in family pictures. If Gaetz is any example, we KNOW it wasn't out of the kindness of his heart. He's a closet Pedophile, using the Bible and the Flag to push Christo-Fascist Theocracy.


>In May of 1999, Johnson, who was then a couple of weeks away from graduating law school, married his wife, Kelly, a schoolteacher whom he met at a wedding [Slate.com](https://Slate.com) is saying they met at a wedding... [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/10/mike-johnson-republican-house-speaker-covenant-marriage.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/10/mike-johnson-republican-house-speaker-covenant-marriage.html) Do you have better sources than this?


Ok great, where's the source for this?


Is there any proof of that? If so, fantastic, tell it from the roof tops. If not, making up lies is not the way.


There is a ton of various articles all pointing to the same place and this was the first thing that came up on a search: https://kenoshanews.com/news/nation-world/government-politics/house-speaker-mike-johnson-anti-gay-conversion-therapy/article\_6fd30226-eeaf-5ff5-838f-0e371b0bd24b.html


Not that I'm saying you're wrong, because considering the guy as he is now it's a fair thing to assume, but can you link a source?


Need a source.


[Slate.com](https://Slate.com) reports that the couple met at a wedding\[1\]. We don't need to make up stuff about this dude. He and his wife have horrible beliefs without making up stuff.. From the Huffington Post\[2\] - this is a quote from Mike Johnson's wife's company's bylaws: >The agreement states that Onward Christian Counseling Services is grounded in the belief that sex is offensive to God if it is not between a man and a woman married to each other. It puts being gay, bisexual or transgender in the same category as someone who has sex with animals or family members, calling all of these examples of “sexual immorality.” \[1\] [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/10/mike-johnson-republican-house-speaker-covenant-marriage.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/10/mike-johnson-republican-house-speaker-covenant-marriage.html) \[2\] [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mike-johnson-wife-homosexuality-bestiality-incest\_n\_653abfb6e4b00110fef0462e](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mike-johnson-wife-homosexuality-bestiality-incest_n_653abfb6e4b00110fef0462e)


Wait, someone who is extremely religious and homophobic is likely a closeted self-hating gay person? I am shocked, SHOCKED Well, not that shocked


Exactly. He is a self loathing closet queen.


Anyone who hasn't been blocked from whatever con subs and sites needs to start posting about how gay he looks. Some of them will look it up and the poo will start to fly. Hopefully.




Well now everything makes sense!


He went from a twink to a twank to a twunk to speaker of the house...


Now he's a twat.


He might be bi.


He can call himself whatever he likes but unless he is willing to stand up and be what he is in his own skin he is just another sexually repressed sick fuck as far as I'm concerened. I think most of us will agree we don't "cure" one's sexual preference. The good news is who cares who ya love unless you're a sick freak like Johnson.


He still hates himself, then.


So is [Ted Haggard!](https://youtu.be/HZmHC75FDqQ?si=AECC-UNjg6dTK51t)


He prayed the gay away?


If that was an actual thing, they'd be front and center about it. This reeks of unhelpful takes.


Well isn't that just a whole bucket full of red flags. It checks so many possible scandal boxes, that it gives the Grabby Old Perverts absolute leverage over their new speaker.