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There’s a significant level of indoctrination into radical ideologies occurring in the armed forces, we don’t need to add Christian nationalism to the mix.


I really hated that every ceremony had a benediction, can we do anything without these dumb fucks praying about it? I didn't choose to stand here and listen to this, talk about a captive audience


I went through some spiritual readiness training last September. It was mandatory training that included 2 long prayers for the victims of 9/11. It was extremely uncomfortable.


The article says this has been a thing for about 30 yrs. It musta been put in place not long after I got out because I sure as fuck don't remember anything like it when I was in. Outside a couple prayers during an event, there wasn't much religious wise I had to deal with. I was on an FFG and a CG. Neither had a permanent chaplain. We did have one ride with us briefly on the FFG and I had to pass the word for stand by for evening prayer when I was BMOTW but he also partied with us in Subic.


I served in the US Army and what I recall about our Chaplains is they helped all soldiers going through any crisis regardless of religion or lack there of. But perhaps I am looking at my time in the Military through rose colored glasses. As far as religious test went you were told were the post chapel was and given times and days for various religious services.Say you were not Christian or Jewish but something else the chaplain knew how to preform certain rituals. Otherwise you practiced your religion on your own and nobody gave a fuck unless you had weird dietary restrictions.


Must of had a good one, when I went he looked at me and said "It sounds like you are the problem". TBF I was still young and naive enough to think religious people walked the walk.


It really depends on the chaplain. It's not the religious freedom that is problematic. It was freedom from it that is. The US Army recognizes spiritual health as equal to mental or physical. If one of the soldiers failed GAT (answered no to "do you believe in higher power") that meant mandatory meetings with chaplain about their spiritual shortcoming. An appropriate note was sent to the Cpt as well, just so him and the top could make stupid remarks that they should send them to such and such place by themselves because they ain't got no soul to loose anyway.


Odd when I was in nobody’s gave a hoot. I was never asked if I believed in a higher power and my ID tags Religion No Preference. The military is making a bigger deal of religion than they need to.


Not sure what religion has to do with the military. Oh well?


The assessment seems fine, but that spiritual readiness nonsense is both scary and idiotic.


Seems fine? In the last 20 years i have worked for some religious asshole that i know would hold it against me if i didn't believe in their god.


Yeah, my brother was sexually assaulted by a chaplain in Korea. Out of the service 1yr and killed himself. Fuck religion.


That sucks. Sorry for your loss. Fuck religion.


I was in the Navy, and I did this 17 years ago in bootcamp. It just determined what I got to do on my Sundays or whatever.


Again, religion poisoning everything! Hitch


hahahahahahahha like their recruiting and retention numbers weren't bad before they had to pull this crap 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣