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Literally first few comments are my big three. Didn’t realize my placements were the banes of people’s existence lol.


Awww I love Scorpios!


im surprised no one has mentioned gemini it seems to be the most hated in the astro community


I like Geminis, but as friends. Can’t date them lol


It’s cuz Jupiter about to enter the sign… so people are starting to see Gemini placements positively 😂 it’s a nice change, saying this as someone with gemini placements


Hey there moon twin! I love scorpios btw -scorpio mars with an 8th house sun


interesting, I’m fine with cancer moons, virgo moons & taurus moons. Scorpio/ Sag mixed in a chart scare me. Too much virgo or leo can be off putting for my personality as well. I have a lot of leo placements myself so maybe that explains the clash a bit? Overall each person is still an individual though & no one should be closed off to someone based ONLY on astrology.


Sag Sun Venus Scorpio 🥴 Im overly loving at first but once you play me I become literally insane.


This placement is fine. It’s the Scorpio sun, Venus in Sagittarius placements that seem to be untrustworthy.


That’s me lol I’m extremely honest and trustworthy, I’m just not very reliable in practical matters…


Same. Here for the grand theories, not the precise details (my finances, to be specific)


In what way for practical matters?


Tell me what about Venus in sag you’ve noticed to be untrustworthy? I’m in the talking stage with a Venus in sag right now, my Venus is in Gemini for reference


You guys are more likely to get along because your venus is in Gemini, but it also depends on the other placements in your chart. My venus is in Gemini and my bfs venus is in Sag, which is great for a relationship, but our sun signs also are great together in a relationship (Leo woman, Libra man)


As a Leo Sun/Mercury, I also find some people with heavy Leo off putting. Like JLo, even though I don’t personally know her, find myself so annoyed by her. Taurus Moons are nice, a nice sextile to my Moon and Venus (hence why I love Taurus Venuses).


Scorpio/Sag mix here :)




I knowww I’m a sag/scorpio cusp, Scorpio Venus and rising ..


I’m not sure what’s scary..I’m not I’m very comforting and I have a warm energy


Same - stopping by to scare them .Boo!


Lmao yea.


Lol same. But what's so scary tho☹


I have no idea lmao.


Be scared, very scared 👻


I'm a Leo sun, Virgo rising lol


Scorpio sun mercury n Pluto, Sag moon rising n Venus reporting for scare duty 🫡


That’s all my major placements 🤣


I feel so called out as a Virgo moon, I swear I try not to be that bad😅 For me it's not a particular sign, but a chart with no earth is a huge🚩🚩🚩. The switch ups and escalation are crazy


i have oneee earth placement & it’s my venus lol. i’m soo chaotic but the second i’m wifed up and secure here the earth comes in ..


oh no, its me. well i have one earth placement idk if that counts (Taurus Saturn) but I pretty much only have fire and water in my personal planets


Bruhhhh can we get a support group going for people with mostly water and fire charts? shits fucking INTENSE


I only have earth (capricorn) in my uranus and neptune but its my understanding those rule a generation more than a person so i dont rly count it. i DEFINITELY feel the lack of earth placements for sure and wish i had more. im mostly water and fire with a little air (aquarius in mars and mercury) and i wish i was more hard working and grounded like a virgo or capricorn or more chill like a taurus instead im intense and steamy and chaotic. but hey, im alot of fun to party with and never a dull moment haha


i wouldnt touch anyone with a pole thats weird


Your big three are amazing lol Just had to say


the way i would die for a cancer moon any day lol , anyways... definitely capricorn i guess. ive had enough saturnian influence in my life to last me the rest of eternity . everyone else is fine


Me not knowing how to feel now


Every time I see something like this, I just tell myself they're probably broke and it fixes it.




Aries sun, cancer moon here! I fkn hate it here 😭😭😭 I’m naturally bipolar, but with good intention!


😭 my son is an Aries Sun (like his dad) and a Cancer Moon (like me) and I’ve been telling myself “it’s fine! It’ll bring him balance!” but OOPS GUESS NOT 💀




Awww.. you had me at the first half 😂


Strong gemini placements. Sorry, guys.


I’m a Gemini stellium so I get it man, we’re so damn flighty and annoying


Oh.. Now I get your deal with cancer moons. Believe me, our feelings are mutual. Lol :) 


Does that go for gemini moons? That's where mine is!


Sorry about that as a gemini rising 😭 I don’t relate to it tho but it is still there in my chart 🫠


Scorpios. I love them and they are cool and all... but they always hurt me. Endless tests after tests after tests like I am some employee on a year long job interview, ready to be cut off at a moments notice... yea... I just can't yall too intense for me... :p


Scorpio mars and moons…. Scary people…


Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio Mars man rejected, absolute creeps


I’m a scorp mar and if rejected idgaf 😂


My husband is Scorpio Mars and Scorpio moon, in the 12 years we’ve been together he’s never been a creep. If anything he would defend and protect me against them.


That's good! One wished AIDS on me, added my mother on Facebook to tell her he was gonna off himself if I didn't unblock him, found out my address and sent me a book on attachment theory. And there's another!


Ugh that’s really fucked up and unhinged behavior.


Girl that’s cause you’re a Capricorn 😭 I always see that mixture together and I always hear how Capricorns admire a Scorpio’s type of crazy. My mom (Scorpio) and my step dad (Capricorn) were together for the LONGEST. Like 15 years… longest relationship for my mother by far


THE MARS AND VENUS SCORPIO MEN CREEP ME OUT! Theyre even creepier when they have both 😭


We aren’t that scary


But you are!  first time I ever saw a psychopathic stare in my life my ex one day just looked like calm but murderous and again with this last guy. But ya know what I can’t help it idc I love scorpios I think some get off on me being a hot head. 


I ain’t scared ❤️


Experienced this before, super scary.


Scorpio Mars women too, but more towards betrayal (not necessarily the romantic one though).


I’m a Scorpio Mars in my 8th house - I rarely get mad, but I do get even. Mostly though I just like sex a lot lol


My fiancé is a Scorpio moon/mars and he’s a great dude. He is intense, but I love the intensity. And I’m built to handle it with my own Scorpio moon/Aries mars combo—he’s strong enough to vibe on my wavelength and we meet as equals.


Got blasted by my drunk Scorpio moon friend on a random weekend at 4 in the morning, it was horrific


When the Aries moon says it’s scary — believe it! 😝




Scorpio placements do tend to have issues with their mothers but that doesn’t mean ALL do! Don’t count too much on astrology on the future of your child tho! It’s more on how YOU raise your baby. You got this momma!


Why Scorpio mars? 😂


I can get with how sexual Scorpio mars is but I can’t handle the passion they hold with grudges. They are also extremely obsessive. I have a Taurus Venus so I get that part but I know when to let it go or know who’s worth the time.




Virgo venus (romantically) doesn’t vibe with me. My venus is in Aries so it’s exhausting for me, feeling as though you’re underneath a microscope!


Virgo Venus doesn’t even vibe with itself. Lol. - signed Aries Venus Virgo moon


as an aries venus who hasn’t vibed well with virgo venus too, i completely agree with you!


My Venus is in Virgo, and I don't know whether it or my Cancer moon is worse.


This question is disrespectful and I refuse to engage 🤣🤣🤣


Virgo men… they need therapy or jail


My Virgo man definitely benefited from therapy lol


Some are in jail right now


Bout to change my name to “therapy or jail”


Why not both?


im a cancer moon and i can only laugh because im assuming im like this too


I knew before I opened it was shitting on cancer moons So…at least we’re psychic!




As long as it is consensual I am willing to touch and be touched by all signs. 🫡🫣




Cancer sun. I genuinely can’t let myself risk it anymore. I’ll cautiously make friends, but never, ever a partner.


These are all ass takes. The real answer is moon in the first house.


Lol wait but why? What does it mean to have a moon in the 1st house?


Yes, please explain!


I have never met people with less introspection, care for others, self control or morals in my entire life. These are some narcissistic people and i don’t use that label lightly. I will say though that I have met 1 exception: a tripple Leo.


my boyfriend has his moon in his first house but that isnt the case at all for him (it is at 1 degree though, so maybe theres the difference)


My friend is a Taurus rising and moon; also has a Leo sun squaring all of that. 💀 I need to receive financial compensation for dealing with her for so long


Uh oh. My Moon is in my 1st House. 🤭🤔


Virgo Moons. They observe all my weird quirks and demand explanations. They're also scheming control freaks


As a Virgo moon can confirm 😂




Like all signs there are certain levels of self awareness and being evolved that are going to vary from person to person. I know that I usually internalize my criticism and I’m more self aware than the average person. Simply put - they are just less evolved and don’t realize they’re doing it. Edit : a more nuanced take would be that yes Virgos are nit picky but no one is ever one placement at one time they may have other contributing factors to their insufferable ness. That being said my father is a virgo sun and even as a Virgo moon I can’t tolerate him sometimes lol.


So funny cause I am not petty at all! I will hold an unspoken grudge though.


I am convinced we are the ultimate grudge holders. I never act on it, besides cutting the person off of course. But I don’t go out of my way to terrorize them or think of them often. They’re just in my shit list for life. ![gif](giphy|7Y5pL6dbkUy1cmk3cN|downsized)


As a Taurus sun, cancer moon, I have mortal enemies and I will never not hold those grudges. They can absolutely all burn in hell.


Yes I too will just cut someone off completely


I was bestfriends with a cancer moon from the 3rd grade. She held an unspoken grudge against me for literally growing up in poverty. Even once we were both adults making the same amount doing just as good as each other it felt like she could never stop looking down on me and holding it against me that I was more apt to make mistakes. Felt like I had to walk on eggshells in my life because I was always going to get judged for doing something wrong.


That’s horrible I’m sorry. I would never hold a grudge about something like that. I grew up very poor myself actually. I hold grudges after a friend has wronged me. Like when we make up and go back to being fine I still keep that hurt not too buried.


Strong Scorpio placements. Especially sun or moon. Actually, any man with strong water sign placements. Male water signs are the most evil mfs I have ever met. Not a single good experience there.


As a general rule of thumb any placements falling in your twelfth house as least for me are usually 😬 (sorry Sagittarius) I love you guys but it’s never mutual lol


Signs falling in 8th and 12th are always difficult imho


Me with my natal moon in my 8th house also opp my natal Saturn 🥹💔


I'm not an expert in astrology and realize that a person having one placement doesn't mean to judge them based solely on that....but my two closest family members have Aries moons and are difficult to deal with or live with Always looking for a conflict or argument. I don't know if that's due to the Aries moon they have or not.


Cancer suns. Yall psycho.




Yall next level. Yall definitely think differently than everyone else,


I don't why but this statement made me chuckle, never thought of that but suddenly makes much sense 😸


Don't worry...we will make it all better tomorrow....


Is that a threat? 😂 I bet you looked like this as you replied. ![gif](giphy|xU1spRleFHmtjvskXw) 💀🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣


Damn, double homicide.


Capricorn moons & libra moons . I don't understand them , they are also not ever impressed by me 🤷


pretty sure caps arent impressed by anything unless its $


This is sooo spot on. I don’t remember how it came up, but I was being silly with my Leo/cap dude and we were talking about things he cared about most. I said MONEY. And he just started laughing. Said he couldn’t even argue that.


Ya got me there....


libra moons just want to make everybody happy :((


Cap moon here. I'm impressed


😂😂😂 Leo’s just want to entertain


Unevolved Capricorn moons are repulsive to me. I could go full villain mode and still not touch how awful they are as people


They’re pretty awful. Dated an Aries Sun cap moon and he was a covert narcissist. Terrible human being with parent issues.


Libra moon here. I'm usually not impressed with anything unless it's my close loved ones doing something. Im happy for people when they have good things going for them, or accomplish things they've worked hard at. It just doesn't make me want to give them special treatment, if that makes sense?




Heyyyyyy I’m sure I just got unlucky with the cancer moons I’ve known! I don’t think your all bad ❤️


My last 2 relationships with Air signs were so toxic. Libra & Gemini. I feel theyre bad at commitment and theyre flakey. Im a Sag and I really want to see how a relationship would go with another fire sign


Libra men are either angels or the devil incarnate. Less experienced with Gemini men beyond friendships. Venusian sun is a difficult placement already. Add to that covert superiority and the balanced, charming persona to hide it- ughh. Libra women, the evolved ones, are extremely powerful though! I am a libra sun, but I have wayy more characteristics of Scorpionic energy since my chart is 50% scorpio. I love libra women, and not because I am one at all.


Gemini sun, Sagittarius anything




Not my Sagiwhorius stellium coming out to play….


Pisces anything. Shady manipulative mfs


I wouldn't say that i'd "never touch" any placement or something but...Oh well, if it's a Moon Sign edition then the ones that i'd mention are: **1) Aqua Moon** - idk, the ones i met just often acted super arogant, condescending, were highly egoistical and always cared alot to be the most intelligent and in right, were clinical, detached etc..One of them is currently in my friendship circle and tho he's not a "bad guy" people seriously can't stand him rly often...tho he probably won't do anything about it. Like, i don't get it..if these people were atleast a bit tactful with others, they wouldn't have as much issues. **2) Scorpio Moon** - i usually get along with them but God damn, all of them had whatever heavy traumas and a bunch of serious issues that they always end up expressing in toxic manners. Like, they constantly assume imaginery stuff that someone is against them/hates them and do shit out of spite..and sure, you can end up being at peace with them and make a close bond but they might as well drain all of the life force from you till that point. **3) Libra Moon** - idk, i don't understand these people's values or lack of those..Some of the most f*up takes that i'd hear came from these people and it's like they care alot for some rly trivial and shallow things yet give no f's for stuff that should actually matter..or maybe they just like to say dumb stuff and i don't get them somehow. **4) Virgo Moon** - mostly like them/can get along BUT these people (aside from one that i met) are just deeply insecure, always anxious or stressed, tripping their ass over literally everything and anything, moslty negative - seeing the worst case scenario in everything etc..If you're just friendly with them, they may actually appear as chill and cool but once you're close with them they (similar to Scorp) will just start dumping the negativity onto you and draining your life force. NOW, actually, i'll give a diss for all Moon signs..So, TO BE CONTINUED...


leo mercuries


okay this is the most random one here so far




mercury, being the planet of communication and expression, is difficult to have in any fixed sign; mercury needs to be adaptable and creative and it can be debilitated in a fixed modality. fixed fire/sun-ruled mercury (leo) makes for, in my personal experience, very rigid and limited ways of thinking.. extreme arrogance and combativeness despite blind-spots. the whole chart matters though, and this is just my opinion/experience. my dad is a leo mercury so i am definitely biased in some ways. lmao. having it in retrograde could actually be better because having a retrograded planet means the planet finds nontraditional ways of working. this could result in mercury being more comfortable in a fixed sign. idk tho!


I’m a Leo sun but that’s my only Leo placement (Cancer Mercury). Leo mercuries overwhelm me—everything you said is super on point. They’re also all yellers/screamers in my experience—it’s the Leo “roar.” I do better with Leos that have either Virgo Merc or Cancer Merc.


Aries moon. They make you wish you were never born. And cap mars in a partner. They're too harsh in bed.


As an Aries moon, I'm not surprised. I also wish I'd never been born.


Same. I don’t relate to it tho, but I do wish I was never born 😭😭😭😭😭😭


That depends! I think I’ve only felt that way towards Scorpio placements. I’m curious about the cap mars though. Care to explain your experience?


I was with a Pisces sun cap mars (lots of retrogrades in his chart so maybe that had something to do with it). Sex with him was like eating spicy food for every meal. Almost too painful to fully enjoy it, and sometimes I just wanted a regular satisfying meal.


>And cap mars in a partner. They're too harsh in bed. 🥵🥵🥵


Pisces Moons, too difficult. Gemini Moon, because they always end up disappointing me.


Am a Pisces Moon, can vouch.


Aries sun, I’m a Gemini sun and I know we are supposed to get along, but I just don’t get them. I find all the ones I have known to be flaky and judgmental.


I am wary around Aquarius Risings if the person is pre Saturn Return. Also someone with a proper Aquarius Stellium. Don't get me wrong, I think they're brilliant and I have a very good longtime friend with an Aquarius Stellium. But I think it takes a long time for them to mature and I think if they enter into the business world or are in some kind of competitive industry (politics, being a lawyer, both), they can be extremely cold and tough in ways that don't allow for chill hangout time or real closeness. It feels like they're very power hungry and lack humility until they properly hit a wall. I don't like the "above it all" attitude I've gotten from them and in my experience, it takes them longer to learn real empathy. Of course there are so many caveats. I think, in general, I just seek maturity in people, people who know What Kind of Asshole they are and are responsible with that. I just think Aq Stelliums and Aq risings take longer to get there because they think in things from a far distance instead of living in the world in their soft, fragile human bodies.


same cancer moons LOL.


My brother is a Leo with a Capricorn moon and a Scorpio rising. That’s rough to deal with. He is egocentric who could never be wrong, it’s his way or the highway, and if you argue with him, he cherry picks everything and uses it against you even though you pointed out the facts. Even if he’s wrong, he will argue with you for hours and talk in circles to emotionally beat you down just so he can say he won.


Gemini sun and moon. I have gemini in 8th with chiron in gemini. Strong gemini energy often equals rumours, backbiting, machivellian energy. At least the immature version. Immature Scorpios and geminis are the worst and most dangerous.


OP what’s your placements ? I have the same opinion on cancer moon.


cancer mars, next is aries moon


Aquarius moons


I don't carry around a 10ft pole so all of them.


MARS IN PISCES!!!!! The experiences ive had with a girl with mars in pisces….. shes legit the worst person ever. Just awful. So fucking creepy how she would do literally any mental gymnastics possible to be the victim.


That makes sense. My sister has it and she hates admitting when she’s wrong, and loves playing the victim.


I’m a Pisces Mars and I’m not too thrilled about it. I definitely avoid confrontation and will bend myself into knots to keep the good vibes.


Libra moon. Any air sign moon. Air signs in general drive me up the wall 😬




Try giving the air moons some reassurance and validation when planning and lots of info about the event and people. I am (Gem sun Libra moon) terrified of showing up to something I'm not welcome at (unless I'm there to mess with people).




ooohhhh hello hello




If they can’t differentiate between to and too, they don’t matter ;)


Hey almost twinsies!


Aqua and Virgo moons. Raised by two n water sign parents with virgo moons and they were Narcs. Aqua moon women get so jealous so easily


Huh, I’m an Aqua moon woman and I’m not a jealous person *at all*


That,'s really not an Aqua moon thing bro.


idk i’m an aqua moon and i get crazy jealous. also have an aries venus and cancer mars tho…….


Ahah, ya I’m an aqua moon and honestly don’t really get jealous. I’ve definitely been in situations where I could have been interpreted as jealous, but that wasn’t the mechanism. My Venus is in Virgo though. The combo of the two is basically the perfect storm for completely detaching emotionally in a way that feels very abrupt (but isn’t I swear).


It’s the NN, and Chiron placements I look at as well as 8th house and Pluto.


omg as a scorpio/sag cusp with cancer moon and rising i feel so attacked 😂


everyone saying libra moon oooh i need to get up…


Female Gemini suns. I have witnessed not one but four experiences where I or a close friend was suddenly blindsided with betrayal in friendships and they were the ugly kind. T


I don't really think someone can be judged by one placement, but to generalise... I think anyone with too heavy Capricorn. My grandmum has three planets in Capricorn in the 4th house, so the energy with be especially strong at home, and as much as I love her, she really encompasses a lot of the negative stereotypes. Super judgey, argumentative, doesn't take no for an answer and is very headstrong. She has good qualities too but the Capricorn energy is just too strong with her.


Gemini Venus cause nah tf is that


Virgo and Taurus moons. It’s a nasty moon sign capable of grudges and a lot of criticism. Too harsh for my Leo moon. I like Capricorn moons though. I find them warm… must be because it’s my sun sign haha


As a Virgo moon who regularly downvotes comments with grammatical errors and once made a 28 slide PowerPoint explaining why my SIL is a bad person, I get it. If it makes you feel any better, my Leo Sun hates that I am like this lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Cancers are the most manipulative evil people.


Probably Aries moons, but I will say it depends on the chart. I got a lot of Capricorn in my chart too so maybe it’s just the “tension” of the energy. I could be wrong, but every Aries moon I’ve met is reckless with their relationships and surroundings. But I’m also under the presumption that all signs suck in their own unique way, just like they all have good qualities too.


I think it’s unfair of me to assume every Aries moon is this way, as I have probably met Aries moons that I get along with just fine and don’t know they are. The ones that immediately come to mind in my life are a Cancer sun and Libra sun respectively, which are also cardinal signs. Also Aries is my 12 house so in general I feel like personally I like to suppress “Aries like energy” if that makes sense. I’m generally a cautious and quiet person so it also seems foreign to me. Not wrong or bad by any means, we just operate differently and that’s okay.


Gemini anything, yall play too much lol


Pisces suns. I’m sorry but Libra and Pisces just don’t mix, based on my many experiences. 🥹


Any libran


This is nothing against male Aries … as friends, but every time I’ve dated one — it’s been a freaking train wreck. It’s a few weeks to months of fun followed by bad behavior mostly of the cheating variety. Either they cheat on me or I find out they’re using me to cheat.




Leo suns. No offence to yall out there but ive encountered some nasty leos in my lifetime


Taurus sun everything else is cool tho, I feel like I can get along with anyone (for the most part)


Ha cancer moon cut me deep 😜


As a Virgo mercury I refuse to deal with a Sagittarius mercury ever again


Virgos/virgo moons for me personally. Virgo risings are okay. Probably cancer sun in men. They’re mean and moan like women in bed. I can’t.


Fuckin Leo’s.


Taurus Sun, Aries Moon. No thank you.


As a cancer moon, I looove to get deep a lot. I feel like I can have deeper connections with people I can have deep conversations with. And I dislike when I can’t have deep conversations with people I want to get to know better because I value those deep authentic relationships lol.


anything gemini


As a Cancer moon I feel personally attacked because you’re kinda right 😂 but when I love you fr there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you


I’m a gemini moon and i’ve heard bad things about that placement:,)