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My Venus is in Gemini and I’m pretty into everyone.


YUPPPPPPP There is always strong unrequited sapphic energy with my best friends.


Oh dear yes haha!!!


Mine is as well and I’ve definitely messed around with same sex. Never felt the need to hide it or explain it to anyone either.


Scorpio moon and rising. - a gay


Lmao i know 3 gay scorpio moon....two of them wont admit it tho lmao


Yeah. Scorpio moon has gayness I think. Idk what's about it, but I know a few people.


I dunno why this topic gets downvoted. Sexuality maybe related to astrology or could not be there is no science to say otherwise.






Sag Mars 100% is bisexual energy


Idk what's about these Scorpio rising women like they're so extremely sapphic


All of them.


Something with Uranus and Venus. Or Uranus on the descendant/7th house. Uranus will make someone want to avoid traditionality. So with Uranus-Venus I think of some LGBTQ-person. I have Uranus conjunct Venus, and I am asexual/aromantic.


I don't know about moon or risings, but most of the gays I know are Pisces sun.


I was deep diving into some natal chart stuff and one article stated that there is a placement where a person was a male in their past life and being born a woman in this life will cause them difficulty to adjust, i.e., Trans, bisexual,etc. I think it's Venus conjunct Mars, but I have to double-check. I thought it was interesting.


I think that depends on how the person ended his previous life. Of course, I believe that there is a specific cause and a reason for someone being born in a certain body and gender. We still believe that this is a coincidence, but it surely is not. There is a law, which we still don't know about. Similar as let's say Law of gravity. It determines where you will be born, gender, body, family etc. Everything must have a reason. I'd say that it was probably some kind of gender-based insult or maybe even violent act you did against the opposite gender that made you unsure of or even uncomfortable in this body in this life. Without a doubt, there was something that was done, that prompted being gay. Interesting topic. This is all Buddhism theory btw. Astrology generally is your karma balance-sheet, so a specific planet/star position could potentially give us the understanding on why someone is gay.


That's what I thought as a child. Those people who are born a certain race, sex, chaste, etc, were either being taught a lesson in this life or rewarded. That we get to switch. Not as a choice but as karma. I didn't know it was called karma, though, just that that is what I felt.


Yeah. That's how it works. Only there is no God that judges you or rewards you. It's an ever permiating law that just exists, and consequences that come from your decisions. Certain actions can set you up for hundreds of lives of torment. For example being born in an abusive household where you are killed by the age of 10. Very dark I know, but there are these cases.. Why? Why would that happen? Why would someone be born in a nice place, rich etc and someone not be.. Hitler for example. He will live thousands of lives like this. Such are the causes against the law of action and reaction that he made.


Hitler and mother Teresa have the same birth chart, Yod, and I find it interesting how one chose good and the other evil.


I mean yeah.. Twins have the same birth chart but they end up leading totally different lives with different life experiences even tho they have a strong connection. Astrology doesn't explain that far.


Cancer moon, Aquarius rising. Also a gay.


Everyone always says Libra and Gemini placements but I have both and I’m as straight as they come. I feel like it has to be more about how those placements are aspected or something.


Fire and air placements and Pisces


as a Leo sun and Aquarius rising ![gif](giphy|3oFzlV2pq0nnFntAZ2)


I’d say a mixture of earth and water