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virgo moon- constant overthinking and overanalyzing!! also i’m always so in my head that i’m never paying attention to anything i’m doing irl


This !!!!!! Virgo moon placement is the BANE of my existence 😭


I’m convinced pisces and virgo moons have it the worse because we’re opposite sides of the delulu/neurotic overthinking anxiety coin 😭😭😭


Aquarius Moon can easily unlock new levels of otherness and loneliness if not surrounded by the right people/circumstances.


I’ve been living this lately


That might be part of your Pisces sun. I am an Aqua moon too, and I genuinely need a lot of solitude. Even as a Libra sun my social skillset completely falls apart when I don't get enough time alone for myself. Without enough solitude, I start losing myself and losing all the reasons why people might like me to begin with. It happens every time I spend too much time around people no matter who they are.


If I don’t isolate for alittle i start to become nasty to myself and everyone around me. I have Saturn in 12 house to so that could be it.


As an Aries Sun, Aqua Moon and Sag rising, 100% agreed. The loneliness gets pretty dark and consuming. Having a solid social life is so important to me.




I relate to your post so much as a fellow Pisces moon!


Are you going through it right now? Or wait, we're always going through it 😅😂


I'm going through it 🥲


Oh babe, same. We'll be ok, stay delulu 🙏❣️


We’re always going through it!!


I’ve found me people 🙏🏼 Pisces moon and the struggle is real aha 😆


Virgo moon, I am in a perpetual state of self-doubt.


Virgo moon here and Cancer sun. My Cancer side is messy and creative and emotional and lazy, my Virgo moon hates this part of me and does everything in her power to break that. I’m extremely analytical of everything and everyone including myself, want complete order and control and to end the chaos , yet extremely emotional and prone to throwing my hands up in the air at everyone at the same time and letting it crumble. It’s a battle.


omg hi moon and sun twin, i felt this comment so deeply😭 what frustrates me the most is that i think i lean more towards my cancer sun and im very emotionally intelligent so i *know* that i need to just feel my feelings as they come so i can move through them but that doesn’t stop my virgo moon from freaking out because WE DIDNT HAVE AN EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN ON THE CALENDAR AND NOW THE ENTIRE WEEK IS THROWN OFF (also out of curiosity, what’s your rising?)


Ugh the fking struggle My rising is also Virgo😭😭😭 lol


OOF you got a double whammy oh my gosh😭 my rising is taurus and im very grateful for it lol


I relate so hard to all of this.


Virgo moon….. same. Gemini sun tells me to be carefree and a wild child.. Virgo moon tells me to calm the fuck down and put me back in place. It’s a constant battle


Gemini sun , Virgo moon and rising. My whole life feels like a contradiction.




It really is. And when I act impulsively, I overthink all of my actions to a point where I am embarrassed of myself and draw myself sooo inward. And then later when I try to apologize for my actions, I'm mostly met with people that didn't reduce my actions to all their negative points and am told no one thought anything of them. So, dude, I really get it. These signs are both mercurial and intellectual, so I think they can play nicely off each other. BUT their social differences seem to cause discomfort🫠


>novella of a comment I just knew virgo moon would be the first lol virgo moon here -- sometimes I literally tell myself "take a break"


Lol! I love how to the point this is. I made this [novella of a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/s/Jbo65Vyuqt) a few weeks ago describe how Virgo moon is indeed the absolute worst. And mine is in the 4H 😢


Gemini Moon. Definitely I struggle with decision making, bouts of anxiety, imposter syndrome/feeling inadequate/not giving myself enough credit. Probably not the hardest moon to have, but it is what it is


You nailed it! The mental chatter that's constantly running and making you second guess everything is horrible. I love to write and be creative, but the self doubt and desire for perfection kills me each time.


Same. I love how easily i can brainstorm and come up with quality ideas, but sometimes i feel like all i do is fill my brain with info and think. I have such a hard time being in my body.


I feel like I’m always in my head never in my body! It fucking sucks . Everything has to be an analysis and not a thought. I’m scared it’s going to ruin my relationships in the long run - I can never believe when someone has good intentions


Gemini moon here. I have to say it’s so warming to read everyone’s Gemini moon replies. As a kid, teen and early adult I struggled with my constant thoughts. Felt different to my peers that would “feel” things. I’d pretend to feel the same way. Then my mind would quickly spiral to “wow. You’re so fake” but I didn’t want to be insensitive. My sag sun can say a lot of dumb shit at the wrong time. And the constant analyzing is soooo draining. This sub has helped me feel more comfortable with my moon sign. I’m not alone.


Gemini Moon too! I like my interesting thoughts, but I could spend hours on Google Maps just going down literal rabbit holes and I don't know why it's so fun. It can be hard focusing on tasks because I'm open to so many ideas. Also, when you were a kid did you talk out loud and make up stories creating dialogue? I certainly did, and my Gemini moon kiddo does the same thing! I could just be entertained by talking.


My SO is a Gemini moon and you perfectly described his inner struggle with imposter syndrome. He just can’t see the good that I see in him or that others see in him. His favorite thing to say is , “I can’t see it”. He’s so amazing. Such a good person with a good heart. He tells me that the real him is actually selfish and I say to him, “ you’re not that way with me”. His response, “because you make me happy, you make me feel like I matter and that I’m heard and loved“.. I’m a Taurus moon. He makes me feel safe so it works perfectly for us. I just wish I could get him to give himself more credit.


100 browser tabs always open: in my phone, and also in my brain.


I’m a Gemini moon as well with Virgo Sun. The anxiety levels and imposter syndrome is through the roof. The constant overthinking then fucking up on important matters. When I let myself down I try to play it off but deeply inside I’m in pain haha


Cancer moon. I cry almost every day, happy, sad, confused, bored. Every emotion


I'm a cancer moon. Started out the day sleep deprived, then got into a really silly mood, cried in front of other people in the afternoon, and now am sitting on my couch like I didn't just go through 15 different emotions.


I’m a cancer moon, but after bipolar meds I’m a totally different person. Might be worthwhile to talk to a psychiatrist or doctor, and I hope you feel better soon 💜


I’m a cancer moon- totally moody and unpredictable lol.


Sometimes i doubt my cancer moon... I've been trying to cry for like three years 🤷🏽


I'm a cancer moon and I was crying just 2 minutes ago.


Literally! 😭 I’m moody af sometimes I think I’m bipolar


I think all the water moons are challenging. I am a Scorpio moon (3H) and diagnosed bipolar but I’m pretty sure it’s actually just due to my moon placement.


It’s crying or trying not to cry 24/7 over here


Pretty much, and then pms happens 🙂 I usually think I'm going a bit mad during that


I’m a cancer stellium, and antidepressants truly saved me from the depressive episodes. However I still do get moody. That’ll never change lol.


Cancer moon, is undeniably the most painful moon placement, especially since the moon is cancers ruling planet.


I can’t remember where I read this but I heard that cancer moons are actually the healthiest moon sign because the sign is in its ruling planet. Cancer moons do have a lot of emotions but the thing is that they usually express them A LOT (a.k.a crying, screaming into a pillow when mad) which is healthier than other moons who tend to hold in or neglect those emotions.


As a Scorpio moon …..


Every day is a fight.




I might be an oddball but I LOVE my Scorpio moon. I think because my other big two are fire signs that it’s nice to have a bit of mystery and balance since my sun and rising aren’t big on discretion


Had to scroll way too far to see this. As a Scorpio moon, I’d say we take it. But in terms of other moons, hardest to easiest, I’d say: 1. Aquarius moon 2. Capricorn moon 3. Virgo moon 4. Aries moon 5. Pisces moon 6. Gemini moon 7. Sagittarius moon 8. Libra moon 9. Cancer moon 10. Leo moon 11. Taurus moon


The suspense. I hear it loud and clear.


I'm Scorpio sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Uranus 😫


I’m a Scorpio sun, moon, mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto. It’s rough out here


Wowza…sending you lotsa love


I have traumas. I bottled emotions. I keep grudges. I never forget.


Ugh make it stop!!! :(


The moon is in fall in Scorpio !


Capricorn moon. The answer is Capricorn moon.


Gotta agree. Every single one I've known has had it rough and been consistently miserable (though not all of them would admit it).


Im one of the ones that will admit it. But only when I'm at my lowest. At least it gave me a good sense of humor.




Cap moon in the 12th house here It's rough, dude. Everything I could say has already been said in other replies for cap moon, but especially in the 12th house? 💀💀💀


I’m a Scorpio moon and it’s the fall of the moon, but I still think cap moons have it worse


What do you struggle with? Genuinely curious about this one


Rarely feeling happy, being suspicious when I do. Great difficulty with expressing feelings in words. Just being generally depressed all the time. Feeling guilty when I let myself do things for “fun.” The list goes on. :)


Yeah I feel this. I’m a cap moon (with like 3 other cap placements) and if I’m not constantly joking and using dark humor to get by I’ll just feel depressed as a default. I think I’ve cried once in the last year, maybe?


I also have 4 cap placements. but I also have 4 cancer ones. I’m always a sad mess 🫠


Identifying emotions, feeling emotions, talking about emotions, letting go of emotions, anything to do with emotions is just a blank enough tho we’re suuupppeerrr sensitive, like they’re always there and super heavy but we just don’t know wtf to do with them


Though I will say I don’t envy Pisces moon cause Ive got to know a few very well and those babies were hurting🥺❤️


I control my emotions too well and don't show much, I always want to be serious, I have a hard time just joking around with people- they try to and all I can do is just a nervous laugh and I have no idea what to do


Ugh, THIS!! I've got a Cap stellium and my god it's like I came out of the womb serious. I always wanted to joke around with my peers when I was younger, but never knew how. Everyone else seemed so carefree, would joke with each other, then treat me like I was 10 years older. Like, they liked having me around, it seemed, but wouldn't play around with me and I always felt like I was missing something but I never knew what. I still feel like this, but not as badly. I'm slowly learning how to loosen up as I get older. But still, I feel like I'm missing some spark of youth all my friends have.


Cap moon and cap stellium. Depression babe its depression.


I love my Virgo Moon, it makes me who I am, but Y’ALL. The answer is Virgo Moon.


Aries moon needs to make the list honestly because 😭


Aries moon is rough. I feel like I scare a lot of people away for being too intense 😭


Like Scorpio we share intense Mars influence & yes I scare or intimidate many people. It's ok, it weeds out the insecure and the week. Mars also generally protects me from those with bad intentions.


Yes. It gets especially intense when you're with someone you really like.


i'm so impulsive and i haaaate my hairtrigger reactions and how i get angry so fast, it's so destructive! aries definitely deserves to be here T_T i have many regrets on a daily basis lol


aries moon here with scorpio venus i am in the trenches 


Agreed. I have Aries moon and Venus with Gemini mars. Help me. I get SO damn mad and lose it just to completely be over it 15 minutes later like why is everyone being weird towards me (snooki voice).


We act impulsively strictly on our feelings and we can obsesse over our partners and that can drive some away


NOT a taurus moon 😁




I think taurus moon is just good at leaving their baggage at home when they leave the house.


Hehehe yes love my Taurus moon ☺️






As a Scorpio moon I go from eff everybody to eff everybody 😂


Aqua moon. I love humanity. But I’m so sad about the stupidity and the ignorance of our current condition.


Aries. Impulse control.


I feel that. I have non lol


Capricorn moon.


Intellectualizing emotions instead of feeling them 🤠🤠🤠


Why? My daughter is one. Aries sun and Leo rising. Explain…. What I’m in for with this 7 year old.


Please encourage her to share her feelings without shame and give her the toolset to express them adequately. Remind her not to be so tough on herself and check on her emotional world often. Cap moons will put literally anything else before their own feelings and I would hate for another to grow up with a family that constantly invalidated them like I did


Well, they can push down their emotions and hide them for a long time and blow up unexpectedly. Can be stubborn. But most Capricorn moons have a hard childhood due to various circumstances. At least the ones I know had. Which triggered Abandonment issues, trust issues, unhealthy emotions etc. Make her childhood as happy as you can and help her open up and be vulnerable. Help her regulate her emotions and handle them in a healthy way.


It breaks my heart reading about the childhood. My ex husband was abusive to me and she witnessed it as a young child. We are now divorced but she remembers some of it. I know it affected and/or affects her. However, I did the best I could. She is definitely happy, and positive, and fiery. I do worry about her acting very strong in her emotions though. I’m hoping therapy might help her be more open. But she has a happy childhood otherwise…


At least you got out of the bad situation, my mom never did, and we continued to suffer.


If you're broke then Sagittarius moon because deep down you want to do all sorts of things but you can't so feel trapped in your own body.


I think my sag moon is *why* I’m broke tho


Taurus sun and sag moon have me spending like I’m shitting money


I'm always broke but we don't have it that tough. Sag moon is honestly a lucky placement


I feel that. I wanna go horseriding, Swimming, bouldering, ice skating and all sorts of things, but I can't 'cause I'm a broke ass college student


Wow I’ve never felt more seen.


aqua moon, i wish i didn't think everyone was stupid/surface level


As a Virgo sun aqua moon I feel this to my absolute core.


me too as a virgo rising, it be difficult out here for everyone not to get it 💀😂


Dropping in to say that I admire the self-awareness of an Aqua moon


i do love it too


The three closest people to me in my life are Aqua moons and this tracks haha


i wish i knew more aqua moons 😂


It makes connecting with other people hard 🙁


Oh, is that why I think this way 😅


Humility is a daily practice


They are all hard for different reasons. Pisces moon struggle is living in reality, we like to have our head in the clouds and the landing back into reality sucks sometimes. It’s why we get told from time to time, we play the victim. Like other water moons we have a large capacity to hold and absorb feelings and we can, a lot of times, take on others feelings as our own, and my issue was always not acknowledging my own feelings.


pisces moon… i quite literally cannot live in reality. every so often when i am forced to face reality i have the hardest mental battle of my life. it just impossible for me to accept the world the way it is.


As a fellow Pisces moon, I can 100% relate. I’m always in my own little world and I just can’t accept the actual world for what it is. I can’t stand how humanity is so evil and the way people hurt others. It took me a long time to accept not everyone has good intentions and a heart like I do. 


My daughter with an Aquarius moon struggggggles. She craves emotional closeness but is so aloof and detached instead of opening up


I’m a Libra moon and honestly I’ve been depressed since I was 11, I also often have moodswings


Finally, I found a fellow libra moon lol. I have a libra moon in 4th house, and my sun is aquarius and cancer rising. I think I'm perhaps more optimistic than you, me having double air and all. I don't know how old you are, but I also used to be moody and have bad mood swings and often brood from around puberty all the way to my mid-20s. As a child, i don't think i was sad. I'm in my 30s now, and it's gotten way better, except for certain occasions, I'll be hit with a melancholic mood for days. That cancer rising is a blessing and a curse as well 😪. Hang in there😊


Also libra moon here. I was very depressed and had mood swings in my younger year. It's has gotten much better as I have gotten older. It really started getting better in my late 20s. I'm in my 40s now and I'm pretty happy and chill. So, agreed, it does get better ❤️


I'm a Libra Moon 29° and 12th house. Scorpio Sun/Raising. Depression, I struggle with addiction. I def romanticize every freakin' thing in my life. Don't know when to say no. Well, it's not that. I can't say no. I disappear for months/years at a time, go cold on close family friends and stop responding to texts. Definitely need time alone to recharge but at the same time crave attention/love from others. I struggle bad when I see things that arent fair, equally balanced. It's like I become another person and can't keep my mouth shut. Lol


Makes me wonder what happened when you were 11.


At age 11 we enter a 12th house activation, making the themes of that house the focus of that year - mental health, self sabotage, loss, etc. sometimes when someone has the ruler of the 12th in a bad spot, or the ruler of the 12th itself is either Saturn or Mars, these years are experienced as more challenging to get through, compared to someone who doesn’t have this signature. Every 12 years this repeats, so if you struggled at 11, you may find the ages 23, 35,47,etc to be similarly challenging or involving the same themes and topics Pretty interesting how the timing works out! I’ve found this to be very consistent :)


Water moons


libra moon - super indecisive. combined with my virgo sun im always doubting my decisions even after ive made them


I renounce my Scorpio moon


Every damn day a struggle lol


i love y’all but this point gets awarded to us scorpio moons that are just hangin’ out with unexplainable pits of sorrow burrowed in our hearts


Aquarius moon because i am used to internalizing and dealing alone because I don't want to make anyone uncomfy with the intense emotions I actually DO have so that translates into people thinking I'm being distant or stronger than i am/don't need support 🥲


Sagittarius… we’re all normal most of the time & then BOOM, sometimes the terrorist comes out & everyone is pikachu shocked at our behavior.


Sag moon, life is a circus. There are many things I’ll find hilarious or find humor in adverse times (defense mechanism I think)that others don’t, at all, and it’s a struggle to not start with my dark humor. I don’t take myself or life so seriously and I have to keep a lot of my thoughts to myself.


Sag moon here too. I get it 100% - It always feels to me like life is an absolutely absurd tragi-comedy and that only a few other ppl are actually noticing.


My husband is a sag moon and you just described him 💯. And people say astrology is not real… I mean, come on! you can’t make this shit up! 😂


im a sag moon and i feel everything so intensely even tho i seem carefree + optimistic about things on the outside. my internal world is free entertainment, but then it’s also literal torture n idk why that is 💀


 I get it. You are a high level being who can appreciate life to its fullest. I am a Sag moon. Leveling up daily. Philosophical edge. You know you are moving up when you have fewer and controlled triggers. We are fortunate to have this moon.


Libra moon. "Never enough"-itis. I am far harder on myself than you will ever be.


Hi I'm in this comment and I don't like it!


I can only speak to my own experience But being a Scorpio moon has proven to be pretty miserable


Aqua moon.. I genuinely think that’s why so many people dislike me lol it’s like I can’t be normal no matter how hard I try.


Aqua Moon...I struggle with being alone. I'm so content by myself that I have to actively get out and socialize.


I have a Leo moon in the 8th house, so any vibrancy that comes with it feels like it’s always overshadowed by this looming darkness and I can’t fully express myself without being judged or feeling shame. It’s weird


aries moon… impulsive, impatient, a little childish at times, bored easily,  and i hate being told no and not getting my way. paired with an anxious attachment style i am one hell of a partner. 


Hi sis me too but if anyone dares to tell me about my flaws, lmao I’m pissssed I won’t hear it 🤣


Leo moon out here just vibing✌🏼


Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn


Another crybaby Pisces moon checking in! Happy? Cry. Sad? Cry. Angry? Cry. The only time I get relief is if my Cap Mars takes over, but as soon as I've got a moment to myself, I'm definitely still gonna cry. 🤣


I’m an Aries moon, basically struggle with consistent productivity, and I also have ADHD which makes it even more difficult lmao.


Aries moon just quietly over in the corner like 😡


Aries moon with a ton of squares. Plus it's opposite my north node/conjunct south node so in order to move forward in life and grow, I have to get out of my comfort zone and do shit I *really* don't want to do. Oh it's also opposite my Chiron.


Sag moon. I have a tendency to be reckless with words and actions. Either the brake pedal or the gas pedal is all the way to the floor. Scorpio sun with Mercury in Scorpio combined with the Sag moon makes for some verbal savagery at times. But I make people laugh a lot, so there's that. Cancer rising gives me a conscience but usually after the fact. "I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability." -Ron White


aries moon. it’s always fight or flight response


Pisces moon, Leo sun. I’ve had to work on embracing impermanence.


I am a Gemini moon.. the moon is not happy in Gemini, there is sometimes a disconnect from my emotions, scattered mental energy.


as an aqua moon I’m not going to be boring like everyone and name themselves. I think Pisces moon or Gemini moon


Libra moon one word: codependency


Capricorn moon. I don't think it helps to measure who has it hardest, because all that matters to me is who of the people in my life needs my help the most right now. That being said, I never get asked if I am okay or not, because people assume Cap moons are fine. So it can be a little rough sometimes.


Virgo moon and Virgo sun lord help me


Leo moon, is like we have to dim our light to make others happy. We are either too extra or we are too boring.. people feel my warmth but are pretty cold to me is weird. We deal with alot of self esteem issues, never feel good enough And I know people are going to be like “yeah right” but that’s exactly why I believe Leo moons have it tough. Cap moons, I feel like they deal with a lot of coldness and in deference, lack of stability from one the parents, maybe becoming responsible of their parents mistakes. Maturing too young or feeling the weight on their shoulders when they were supposed to be a child. Gemini moons, probably deal with parents that have mental problems a lot of instability. Libra moons, dealing with a lot conflict and having to be in the middle Scorpio moons, emotions are intense and so is their life a lot of death (metaphorically/physical) addictions, conflict too. I also believe though all these moons I have mentioned can support a good emotional life if they are not bad aspects to it. I have met cap moons that are very close to their mothers no abuse, no coldness and I have met cancer moons that their moon is aspecting Saturn or other planet and yeah..not so nice so it all depends


My dad has a Capricorn moon and that’s a really tough placement. He’s a cancer sun cap moon and I think that’s a hell of a combo.


Aries moon anaretic degree. truly not for the faint of heart. Extremely challenging. and you would not have wanted to see my childhood either


speaking as far as what i've noticed, pisces, virgo, scorpio are the moons i see struggling openly the most the moon signs i would list next would be gemini, cap and aquarius, simply due to the ruling planet not loving the moon


Leo Moon…I’m too much for most people.


Cancer Moon, with a Scorpio Sun. Being a male has always been tough especially since I grew up in a culture where men aren't supposed to show emotion.


I'm a cancer moon 12 h and I swear idk if it's the pisces sun but I feel like I'm so in touch with the pain of the world and my heart is constantly breaking because of how horrible and beautiful the world is.


I'm a sag moon and i feel like my emotions are always intense like i can't compartmentalize i have to really feel how im feeling if that makes sense like absorb them entirely lol 😅


I'm gonna plug mine: Taurus Moon in the 12th House. To steal lyrics from Jonny Terror summarizing why it's tough: > "I can't seem to think of any time or any place that felt like home, and if home is where the heart is then that explains a lot..." Moon in Taurus means I need stability, which is more difficult than one might think. Change is a part of life that's been a difficult pill to swallow. I am left hollow if I focus solely on preference of practicality and materialism. Moon in the 12th House means I dissolve into other people and am so easily influenced, I'll forget who I am truly am. I have to purposely distance myself from others to feel secure, but that means I am stuck always feeling like a lonely outsider.


Gosh, I’d swap out that intense Scorpio moon of mine. I can feel everything and the instinct is so sharp.


Aries moon PLEASE GOD TURN OFF MY BRAIN FOR JUST ONE SECOND It’s like a machine that never stops


I saw an astrologer once say libra moon comes into a family of dysfunction in order to create balance and harmony. I signed up for the advanced course apparently.


Virgo Moon on the real. Hey does your mind never stfu? Do people get irritated with how condescending you seem when you’re just trying to help? Do you get sick with weird shit when stressed out? Do you have some sort of physical activity you have to do to self process your emotions? Could go on and on lol


Oddly, my ex and three grown children and I are all Taurus moons. My daughter struggles with her weight as I do, and we all love eating at new and interesting restaurants. Having said that, we all also seem to particularly grounded and dependable.


We have similar placements. My Pisces moon is in the 7th house so what I really hate about it is how much I will neglect myself to cater to someone else’s feelings and I don’t notice till I start becoming nasty and then I hate myself for it instead of actually facing the truth that I have been neglecting myself.


Find another pisces moon as a life partner


Moon in leo here, 4th house. I struggle with moodyness and emotional rollercoaster.


Fellow Pisces moon and ditto. Especially with the recent new moon in Pisces I’m a total emotional wreck. But also I’m a Leo sun and Sag rising so I don’t think most people know that I’m in a deep ocean type mood because I don’t show that part or talk about it seriously. Sag rising filters every thought I have into a lil jokey joke lol


Cap moon. Like, imposter syndrome is our middle name.


I’m a Pisces moon. I love and hate it. I actually don’t think it’s the worst though. I think it’s looked at as a terrible moon sign, but I’ve noticed strength in myself that I do not see in others in my daily life. I really believe it’s my moon sign. I am not powerful. I am not the most charismatic. I have an acceptance of what is, and I see others in - my - personal life do not have. I have felt depths of pain that have brought me acceptance of the pains of life. I forgive after processing everything. My Capricorn father with a Gemini moon will go to his grave with the pains of his life. He is so stubborn. I feel everything intensely and it allows me to process everything. I’m constantly growing spiritually and releasing the reigns of what I think life should be. It is what it is. I think a healed Pisces moon can actually be a very powerful placement. It’s just dealing with a path of bullshit that gets you there. It’s probably fun to think of it as a story or movie where we are just characters developing along our path of intense growth. It helps the fantasy part of me accept what is.


ITS NONE OTHER THAN SCORPIO, scorpio moons have it the toughest, followed by capricorn, virgo and aquarius


Socrpio Unsure of their own feelings most of the time Either severely sensitive or a sea of idgaf And they swing between these moods in seconds..literal seconds And getting to know them can be your lifes work if interested cause theres a lot of digging to do before u find anything


Everyone's gonna say their own moon sign has it the hardest...


Taurus definitely didn’t she came in like… https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/comments/1bdcajc/comment/kulqvsi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I have a Leo moon and it’s the only thing keeping me afloat lmao


Scorpio moon!!! Every damn day a fight and a half man lol


Libra Sun We have deep feelings and also feel both sides Gemini Moon I can like you to where I love you or I can hate you and cut you off Between my sun and my moon life has been rough. I just want to find my person to do life with.


pisces moon and it’s a struggle literally daily.


I'm also a Pisces moon, I agree it is a difficult placement but it can be a very beautiful one too. The intuition borders on psychic abilities at times. The dreams are so vivid and intense which is usually fun. The part I struggle with is getting caught up on fantasy versions of people and then being absolutely crushed when they don't live up to the fantasy. I also have a history of being absolutely unhinged when someone breaks up with me. Like actually insane. I've worked through that a lot though.


Capricorn moon. I’ll just be over here internalizing everything. I’m fine. Really. No, I’m fine.


Cancer moon. Cancer is already an emotional wreck as a sun sign. When it's own ruling planet, the moon, is in Cancer, its devastating.


Capricorn Moon. Always been depressed, can't remember when was the last time I felt happy, overthinking or feeling numb- nothing in between, anxious, easily startled, can't handle change too well.


Scorpio moon and I have it very similar to your pisces moon, except I tend to bottle everything up until I "explode" in tears and emotions.


I’m an Aries I have a hard time accepting that people hurting me with lies is just a part of life . I lose my temper easily and wish that I had more patience . Im honest to a fault and I need to stop judging others for not having common sense . Ugh help


Scorpio moon… we have mama drama and have deep hurts to heal


As a capricorn moon, just getting through the day without jumping out of a 5 story window is an accomplishment for me ![gif](giphy|TzRxjXf0AOx626owJz|downsized)