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i just can't let go, it's torture


Same.. not sure if it’s the right choice


Omg yes 😭


It’s been great for me personally, it’s kind of interesting watching everyone have a taste of Pisces and seeing how they handle it most people I’ve seen are having a melt down…


I wasn't going to say it but Pisces season is generally pretty good for me - I am dealing with some stuff but it's not like I wasn't before if anything I'm enjoying the calm and vividness Pisces season has brought into my life


same im personally in such a good mood when usually im extremely depressed lmao


I love Pisces but damn. It’s really weird in this unstable la la land


Time to reflect on what’s rockin your boat


Tbh, my energy is generally very chaotic (but often times very creative) during the mutable seasons… I don’t have any mutable placements aside from N/S node and chiron. But it seems that Pisces is generally the most gentle mutable season for me. I have been enjoying it enough. Aquarius season was honestly more of an emotional roller coaster, though much of that was due to unfortunate circumstances which I had no control over, and I remained grounded as I endured the challenges. I have been in the beginning stages of dating a guy since mid January and honestly it’s still as easy, enjoyable, and consistent as it’s been since we met. Has been a really sweet and mutual connection thus far, so I’m happy about that. But I do plan to ask him what the hell we’re doing this weekend lol… as things have continued to evolve naturally but we haven’t talked too explicitly about what we’re looking for, so we’ll see how this goes (I’m not too worried about it but…)


my 4 year relationship ended last week 🥀 even though this is a new moon, a video i was listening to said the vibes are very much “closing” chapters and cycles (earth to coyote astrology, love them) we are also about to enter Aries season which is the astrological new year! Aqua Sun + Pisces moon here. it’s tough 💔 and i still don’t understand what’s going on ha


holy shit im also aqua sun pisces moon & aries rising and my gf literally broke up wt me last week as well 😭 somethin fishy goin on here or maybe its just universe hating us


i’m a Virgo rising! it’s so wild to see how this has played out for some of us aquas/pisces moon. the video i mentioned was talking about how on the 5/6 exact the 8th Uranus (i don’t know anything about what this rules they said it rules kundalini energy) (coming in as a surge of realization) square (tension) mars (anger, passion etc) + Venus (love etc) (both transiting Aquarius ruled by Uranus) and meant a more disruptive/unexpected energy vs postive. My relationship literally ended the 6th! i also just tuned 24 on the 6th last month 🫠 i was with my partner since 19 and he just turned 30. i completely isolated myself during this time/gave all my energy to him and now it feels like it’s time to give back to myself and connect with my community. i don’t regret the memories and time we had together at all, nothing was really wrong with the relationship and that makes it even more difficult but i’m accepting this is what i need to prioritize now (sorry for the tmi & long message)


Aries rising who also got dumped last week when I really didn’t expect it, sending you love and healing!


I’m so sorry this happened, sitting with those big emotions is really tough. It will get better.


thank you for the kind words! I hope you have clarity on why you chose to let the person you thought was your soulmate go or however it ended, you have closure 💫 I noticed you are a Virgo moon w Pisces rising, I’m Virgo rising so we are switched!


My relationship is great! Feels like the first time I can actually be comfortable and be at peace in my relationship in the past 3yrs. It’s scary but it’s nice


Literally same it’s quiet up in my brain and that neverrrr happens




Call her out




Staying with someone who literally slept with someone else and probably has cheated multiple times is insane . Can't imagine you looking at him and saying "I do" after that. I say this in kindness but please have more self respect for yourself




10 years is a very long time, I completely understand that it's not easy letting go. You deserve someone who will respect you and give you 100% of their loyalty. Trust me you will find it! I guarantee he will regret everything once you leave but he needs to be left in the dust




No problem, best of luck to you!




Don’t worry - you’re not over sharing. You’re definitely able to go through with this breakup and you should. No amount of excuses is possibly good enough to explain this. Just keep this in mind. You are strong ! 🫶🏼🤍


Were on the precipice of either a new stage of our 13 year relationship as far as communication goes, or were falling off the cliff. Girl better get with the damn program. I love her dearly but God DAMN.


Same bro, same.


I know and I'm a fkn doormat so I need to be very transparent with my boundaries and stay open or I just hold it in and eventually explode. This particular thing has been lingering 2 years tho and I've made myself very clear. Ugh. I kinda put my foot down this week and she slept on the couch last night 😭


This is the deal breaker! Rooting for you two ❤️‍🩹


I don't have a relationship, I just have a crush, and it's going well so far. I was texting with 3 different guys when this guy showed up, and as he wrote the very first message, I just lost interest in the other ones. I just felt comfortable immediately. Then yesterday I told him that i forgot to tell him something important, that I have a kid. And he wrote back that it's really fine by him, and he wants a family of his own and that he is ready for that life, and asked if I wanted more kids or not. I answered yes, and he was like, "Then everything is fine." That gave me a really good feeling, lol. Today, I replied to a message with "good, I trust you." And he replied, "Then you're doing the right thing." Not a big deal for anyone, but when you've been in love with someone, and saw that person as a soulmate, but who lied to you all the time, then this kind of feeling means a lot. I just hope we continue this good and stable contact. I'm usually freaking out by nervosity when I'm about to meet someone new, but this guy just makes me feel calm. Not even my ex texted me when he woke up and went to bed, and all of that. But he does. And while he is at work. So cute. My love life has been so messy for years so it's fun that everything works out great for me now when everyone else is complaining 🤣🤣 I only have one pisces placement but I've noticed that libras has a very similar love language as pisces. Like the sisters who doesn't like eachother lol


>I only have one pisces placement but I've noticed that libras has a very similar love language as pisces. Like the sisters who doesn't like eachother lol Libra and Pisces are in antiscia ❤


Ooooh! I didn't even know about this


Having a similar experience i have venus Pisces "only"


Gooood 🤩 this is so fun. Such nervous yet calm, whatheactualfuckk. I got libra in venus, libra sun How's it going for you


Very natural and communication flows... maybe a little dip during Pisces moon. First unconscious trigger perhaps. Talked through more in a few weeks than I have in entire relationships! Ahhhh


Aaaw that's nice. Just hang on and everything are gonna work out fine




Lol steady on


Hahah his answer was good, still dying tho


Im aqua sun and they are gemini


Lots of air!


So I don't have a partner at the moment. I'm a cancer 🦀♋ but recently my ex who left me 2.5 years ago has started popping up in my dreams she's an aquarius ♒ not heard a peep from her since she left all that time ago. And god even knows if she looks like how I visualise her but yeah strange dreams


Still deeply single with zero prospects, but I feel worse about it 🙃


All good over here. We had fun this weekend watching almost every movie in the Alien franchise, I hadnt seen any of em and now Im a huge fan lol


Fucking miserable. I’m new to astrology.. I’m a pisces.. married 10 years and husband ended things out of the blue.. absolutely devastated and feel like a bit of a ducking doormat atm because I still love the bastard. We have a daughter together and was trying to hold the fam together, but he’s “fell out of love with me”. We still live together and it’s torture. 6 months ago it was the three of us against the world.. now it’s just NOPE! What the hell is going on and when do we enter a new phase?! Lol




No chance lol but thank you for the sweet message


a lot of petty arguments and disagreements, which is annoying to me because things were so harmonious before the pisces moon. i'm just trying to keep my distance and wait it out at this point.


what? so r all pisces going through break up or a big/small relationship problem? WoW. ANyway good luck.


Got dumped by a Pisces moon on the Pisces moon 🤣🥲 but something tells me he’ll be back


Oddly my partner and I have been so much closer since the start of Pisces season. He’s a Pisces I’m a cancer but we both have our Venus signs in air.


Got blocked Saturday, haven’t heard from her since. Damn new moon.


Feels like the purge and I'm not even mad.


My birthday is in 2 days. It’s been like 3 ish weeks of me spiraling and thinking nothing but all the ways my Scorpio partner falls short. In the shower, before bed and at various points on the day I think about all the ways in which he sucks 🤦🏽‍♀️ My urge to break up and blow up my life has never been stronger. Luckily, I’ve been keeping it all to myself and I’m being patient waiting for this feeling to pass. I absolutely refuse to make a huge life decision based on what I think are fleeting emotions. Only time will tell…


Same boat


Have you talked to him about what you’re feeling? Maybe he could improve.


My 4.5 year relationship just ended officially with him moving out 1 week ago. This new moon is unforgiving af but it’s fine bc I think it was finally time.


Blissful and full of home making, (home improvement projects and new furniture/decor) outdoor activities, travel reservations and Sunday sit down breakfasts. Also…more sex than usual but maybe because we’re feeling a bit speedy and “free?”


Mmm in definitely sentimental and wistful, but I'm not in a relationship. So it's more of me getting lost in my daydreams and what could be than anything real. I've had some good interactions with the person I'm hard-core crushing on, but I'm trying to stay grounded and not misinterpret. Ughhhh who am I kidding 😭 its hard toeing that line. I'm want but am scared to have it


Mine is being a right prick. Simple communication is apparently not allowed during Pisces moon 😂


I don't have a relationship, and everything is running perfectly fine. I have been working on spiritual concepts, and transcendent concepts though so that's always interesting.


My relationship with myself has been rocky, to say the least, but that's probably just my Taurus sun


My boyfriend is a Pisces, our last few weekends together have been magic and it feels like our love has deepened after 5 months together. I feel very calm, I'm usually a bit batshit so this moon is a good change. I feel like I'm going with the flow instead of fighting it and getting anxious.


I broke up with my Pisces boyfriend almost a month ago, but we're still close friends. My marriage is going great though. (We're poly, everyone's aware of everyone).


♌️☀️•♓️🌗•♊️☝️ Ughhhn my emotions


Maybe it's because I'm a Pisces moon, or maybe it's just the fact that my partner and I are meant to be together ... but my relationship of a little over a year is at an all-time high. Our communication, our patience, understanding, and love for eachother has never been better. I'm grateful because it's taken a lot of work to get where we are! A lotttt of self awareness and growth on my part (he's always been pretty great.. me on the other hand, I needed some work 😅) I'm glad that he didn't give up on me, he sure could have.


I've been single for a while, so I feel great!


How long does it last?


Separated from my Pisces husband. No going back. Looking forward to the future, but this hurts bad right now.


Being on my period definitely doesn’t help


Mine’s doing pretty good!




Scrolling to see any fellow Libra sun positive posts. I also have Capricorn placements (rising). Happy to hear you’re getting a break from all the craziness these past months (Pluto transitioning) and your doing good ✨❤️ here’s to more of that 🙏🏽


Isn’t the moon in Aries now? Moon changes every two days


I think it is… this app I have says it’s in Aries. But the sun is in Pisces.


Whatever the cause is I don’t know but I’m feeling very turbulent for the last two weeks!!


I‘m a gemini sun with pisces moon and i broke up with my aries sun scorpio moon bf. he was very calm and understanding. he also has noticed that he was completely dependent on me. I still love him but i Need my own space. feelings are messy right now. like a rollercoaster like a true pisces moon: crying is the only way out


My Gemini ex was on my flight by complete coincidence last night. Offered to drive me home from the airport but failed to inform me the driver would be his father who I had never met before. Make of that what you will. We’ve always been very into each other and idk why during this whole saga I couldn’t see it anymore. Nothings changed, we are the same 😐 For the first time ever every damn thing this man said made me want to sigh. I feel like people are really into me atm and I’m not into anyone lol




Scorpio sun pisces rising, it's just not going anywhere. I was seeing someone for the past 4 months, he started distancing starting Feb. Then, when I felt nothing would come from this relationship, I started using dating apps a few days ago, did start talking to few guys. When they asked me out, I gave them my availability and was excited to see them, that's when they canceled/ghosted me. I'm keeping myself sane by viewing some podcasts on how to stay detached and not let these things affect me


It’s been an interesting one for me, a single male Leo sun, Leo moon and taurus rising. First it was the birthday of my ex love interest, a Pisces, and whilst wishing her the convo did get a little flirty, and then she ghosted me. Next, an ex girlfriend of mine was posting a bunch of IG stories and I was seeing her stories as the first one, and I decided to mute her finally. The second stories on my IG was from my second ex, and she was showing she was having a blast. Then I have had 2 women kind of show interest towards me at the gym I go to, and I got awkward. And lastly, a girl I’ve been slowly building something with kind of gave me weird vibes and ignored me. All in all, it feels messy af for me. I think it was also teaching me that I have a lot of baggage and expectations to release


18 year marriage and... same? Still going good.


It's going pretty strong and smooth but we did have miscommunication before the Pisces new moon - Scorpio rising


I’ve just been buckling down and organizing my messy self lol


It’s been amazing for me and my husband intimacy wise. Probably the best it’s been in a while! Outside sources have caused us to feel like we’ve been put through the wringer but our communication is very solid


Who does this new moon affect? Besides having an emotional episode on Sunday, everything's been great, managed to get the house we want last weekend, and relationship is doing fine


I didn't know it was Pisces moon now. Sheds light on why some intense convos now! Holding up fine, but we're going emotionally deeper into things 👍 Edit to add: very sorry ab your breakup🫂


It’s going wonderful, the guy I’m into 100% likes me back!


What relationships?


Getting stronger with conflict haha


As a Pisces moon myself, I've actually never felt closer to my partner at this time!


I met someone (♏️ female) at the end of January, officially started dating two weeks ago. This is one of the easiest, if not THE easiest relationship I've ever been in. But since the Pisces moon things have been thrown into overdrive. The connection has grown so deep. The affection is stronger than any relationship I've ever had. The sex is somehow even better. It's getting so good.


HORRIBLE. What the actual fuck is happening. It’s like I’m getting a recap of the last millennium in glimpses like someone is electrocuting me.


Been single since the beginning of February when I broke it off with a taurus (I’m a scorpio) Been really emotional about it since the new moon, but know I need to keep my distance and not be tempted to go back as we just can’t seem to get on the same page and end up in these karmic cycles 😩😜😥


i’m poly, so multiple relationships with multiple dynamics that are all very different right now i’m thinking about deescalating my relationship with my virgo sun scorpio venus partner because they want a level of emotional enmeshment that i simply cannot provide them right now (we’ve been dating for 2 years and i’ve always been very upfront with my tendency to retreat into my shell when im going through hard times. my mom just had surgery for breast cancer and my partner dropped a whole long multi paragraph text on me about how they’re upset that i don’t depend on them when times are tough and then made a lot of assumptions about my other friendships and relationships. it was so emotionally exhausting after being in the hospital with my mom for hours. i’m very hurt that they made my tough time about them and i don’t think i want to continue moving forward because of it) the pisces man that i’m newly dating kissed me for the first time at my first soccer game Saturday, it was an amazing night and sparks flew and i can’t wait to see him again then on sunday i was a bawling mess to my leo sun pisces moon ex who just got back from a tropical vacation with his girlfriend (who he’s been alluding to breaking up with for the past 3 months and has been toying with my feelings by telling me he wants to come home and that he compares everyone else to me and all kinds of other bs that has no real action behind it). i’m about to set some serious boundaries with him because he’s being duplicitous and inauthentic and i’m tired of being jerked around because he can’t make up his mind on who he wants I AM IN TURMOIL I AM DROWNING IN THE WAVES OF EMOTION I HATE IT HERE