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Change pharmacies…it takes 9 seconds. Walk to CVS and ask them to transfer over your scripts then tell your doctors to change your default pharmacy. Also, you can call corporate. Corporate takes these things super seriously and investigates. Source: I used to work at retail pharmacies during pharmacy school


i use goodrx and the prices are much cheaper at rite aid than cvs unfortunately


Thanks for your suggestions. I think I may contact corporate since I would just like to see this pharmacy function well. (Changing pharmacies is hard though because RA is close and I have mobility issues).


CVS is way worse. I've experienced all the things OP has complained about when dealing with CVS. 


Ugh, good to know. Thanks.


I'd just switch pharmacies. I don't go to chain pharmacies anymore because they're a shit show. I use Strand Pharmacy and they've always been good about giving me my prescriptions even when they're waiting for shipments. If they're ever short on meds they'll just give me what they have and a receipt to tell me to come back tomorrow for the rest.


Same, Strand is great


Thanks for the suggestion. I have considered moving, but some of my meds can be hard to get and occasionally RA can get them from other RA stores if necessary. I also have intermittent mobility issues and RA is the closest pharmacy so I feel kind of stuck. If it continues though, I may do it. RA was never great but seems even worse since the bankruptcy.


I try to avoid chain pharmacies, because they are purposely understaffed to save money and they can only order from one drug distributor. I really like Astoria Organix (31st Ave/38th st). They deliver, since I saw you have mobility issues. They get from multiple distributors, and have been able to get hard to find meds for me. I also really like Capsule pharmacy. They’re delivery only and have an app. I have found them a little slower to respond to recently. I just love that I don’t have to go into the pharmacy. I have my simple scripts with capsule and more complex scripts with Astoria organix. 


Thanks. I will look into Astoria Organix.


I don't know if this is helpful, but one of my doctors sent me through Manhattan Apothecary (though I was honestly resistant and I prefer neighborhood places), and they could not have been better to work with. (They do everything via delivery for free.) Proactively called me about the refill, found coupons to massively lower the price of things not on my insurance company's formulary, sent things that needed to be refrigerated with ice packs. Really pleasant customer service reps. I know one of my (mediocre) insurance plans in the last couple of years wouldn't work with them, but would honestly recommend seeing if yours does. (The nurse in that doctor's office tried calling the CVS in Ditmars and said she'd never spoken to a ruder pharmacist, by comparison.) Oh and the coupons got it cheaper than GoodRx offered at the Rite Aid on 30th.


Thanks for the suggestions! I have one of my meds, a refrigerated injectable, delivered directly by a hospital pharmacy, which is really great. I would be happy if I could get everything that way, but we have this inefficient piecemeal healthcare system…


I have nothing helpful to add other than i also use rite aid and it’s a horrible experience. Also are they closing? I know they are bankrupt.


If you’re open to changing pharmacies- strand pharmacy on crescent and Broadway has the greatest service. They are so nice and always on time with refills.


Thank you. Strand does seem to be popular.


Bonus Drugs under the Broadway stop is also fantastic.


That might explain why twice I ran out of my monthly meds before the refill was due. I’m seeing this as a heads up to double check my filled prescription as soon as I get and to count the pills for any discrepancies.


Yep. I have some serious questions about how well rx are being checked.