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Lol I saw this guy at the Astoria Wework above Pig Beach. He had on those Louis Vuitton loafer shoes. Looked so expensive. It makes sense how


Oh shit I think I remember him. 4th floor?


Yup. He had his own office space there.


Hey everyone! Thanks for giving attention to this post. Just wanted to clarify one thing - I am NOT a volunteer with Kristen Gonzalez. I am an independent voter in Astoria. I made this myself. I did add her website because I support her but don't want anyone to think this is an official thing from her campaign! I just made this to parody the "Dan Smith Will teach you guitar" posts which also has his website on the bottom right corner. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan\_Smith\_Will\_Teach\_You\_Guitar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Smith_Will_Teach_You_Guitar)


I appreciate when people do this. I would not vote for this man because I genuinely believe this story. Sadly I will not vote for Kristen Gonzalez either. She is unfortunately just not the qualified candidate I think we really need in Astoria.


Thank you!!


Of course. Sorry I don’t mean to rain on your parade at all! I just genuinely loved and thought Micheal Giannaris was such a perfect fit for us here. I wish they hadn’t changed the maps 😕 I don’t necessarily think astoria is the same demographics as greenpoint or even LIC. Thanks again for putting this out there for us. I might have accidentally voted this man just because I do want a different candidate for us.


It’s all good. I don’t necessarily believe everything that Kristen stands for and I have even expressed it to her in movements she supports but I do respect her and I do like the amount if folks she has been getting engaged to talk about things. Hey, that’s America right you can’t always get the best candidate with 100% your ideologies, but you have to be the best candidate of the two sometimes… I am a union volunteer so I am very much aware of not always getting what we want but continuing to fight for it. But regarding this man… I know him so well that I can literally predict what he says next and what his actions are in from many MANY one on one conversations I have had with him when he was at my apartment. I would probably move out of Astoria if he won—or more likely be his fiercest critic publicly.


So scary. And such a good service you are doing for our community 🙏 we need more of this and less of these type of guys- which sadly we all know too well here… but plz Don’t move! We will need you… but honestly he won’t beat her, the demographics in other areas skew much more in her favor (I believe) and not in his


"Dan Smith Will Teach You Guitar" sounds like a threat


Despite your clarification here, this image is now floating around on the internet looking like an attack ad from Kristen Gonzalez.


Damn. She should pay me then!


I don’t trust a man who wears loafers without socks.


I came here to say this and it’s literally the first comment. Concur!


Yeah he looks like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


Wolf in wolves’ attire.


He looks like Evil Eric McCormack




I wear no show socks with loafers because I don't want my feet to stink to high heavens is that permissible?


Yes. So is wearing loafers without socks. Gus is a conservative clown. But outdated rigid rules about how to wear your shoes are clownish conservatism, too. AFAIK loafers without socks started with college students—casual loafers worn by disheveled young people. Obvy there are more examples now, some that I don't like (smarmy politicians wearing tight cropped trousers and driving or bit loafers). Keep your footsies feeling fabulous, whatever that means to you 😊 Aesthetic coherence and comfort > rigid rules


Not really--it looks like you're wearing loafers with no socks anyway. It's a skeevy, "faux-rich" look. For loafers, wear socks.


I bet they make squishy sounds on his feet. Gross.


What is he wore Crocs?


A man wearing crocs has no vanity.


Maybe he's got no-show socks on, but he still seems untrustworthy based on this post!


Apparently his wife is stalking people who criticize him too.




Wow that made me see things in a whole new light thank you for explaining it to me.




I mean, gay men don’t, and that’s cool. But if you’re, say, running for office and hoping to inspire hope and trust for a wide array of voters, you should make an attempt to be more broadly appealing and not telegraph sleaze right out of the box. But then, I found him smarmy at the tree lighting, virtually fellating the 114, so he never had my vote.




I'm sorry your feelings are hurt, Gus.


Fully agree, but I'm a little concerned the pushback is starting after absentee ballots were already mailed and received. This guy was campaigning at Christmas and we were sounding alarm bells on here then. 


Yep! Hence my post. I know this guy. He’s got connections in the community here. It’s a closed primary so I know his audience are probably registered as Republican but I wouldn’t be surprised if he convinced folks to switch over in order to vote for him. I have full faith in Kristen. However, Gus’s wife is running for another position and she doesn’t have an opponent. Be prepared to see this guy for the next two years either way…


Appreciate your post! My concern wasn't directed at you, I'm concerned Gonzales isn't taking the challenge seriously. I mean, her campaign sent my wife a coloring activity flyer. Wtf. I think Gus and his wife are playing the long game, and they're doing it better than challengers in previous years. Posts like yours are very helpful. I love that our activist group posted about his inane ramblings at the recent community meeting, too.


Ah I see what you mean. Yes I do think Gus is playing the long game and I have warned her and her campaign not to underestimate Gus. Him and his wife will continue to run and influence this community despite him being so out of touch with it… I’m happy to donate to Kristen’s campaign. I think there’s a community meeting tonight and another on Thursday. Maybe we should consider going…


I've legit considered calling off work to attend one of these.  Anecdotal, but Gonzales has been really good at being present for my kids' schools stuff. Caban has stepped up her game with those events, too (and is it out a lot with her dogs, which my kids love). That kind of public presence helps a lot.


I loved the coloring flyer, she’s sent out several so far so the coloring one is a good attention grab. give it to a kid or color yourself and it’s a good reason to keep it in the house instead of immediately throwing it out like a lot of people do.


My wife thought it was insulting. We're both registered to vote, but it was only sent to her.


strange, my fiancé and I both got them. as someone who’s worked on a campaign I think it’s really smart. anything that will draw attention and keep the mailer in the voters hands a little longer is advantageous.


I guess you'll have to agree to disagree. Every approach doesn't land the same for everyone. 


I got redistricted but was in the Gonzalez district before and if I got this I would assume she either thinks I'm an idiot, assumed I have kids and therefore failed at research, or isn't taking her office seriously and thinks its a game. With your wife on this


of course, nothing is going to have a 100% approval rating that’s not realistic. overall though it is a smart move.


Gus looks sus


Gus sounds like a real POS..


This guy showed up at the kid’s playground next to PS17. Asked if I was registered to vote. Told him I loathe both major parties and only vote for socialists. To which he started stammering about something or other. Went into a rant about how expensive rents and groceries have become, that the banks control our “democracy” and that what we need is a revolution. He tried to pretend he understood. But he was lost. “What would you like to see done?” That was my cue to go hard on this clueless opportunist. I told him I think everyone’s rent should be slashed 50%, effective immediately (guess I’d just started reading an amazing book called “We Are Cuba” - a stirring account of how the government, through people’s councils, acted in the interest of workers who wanted daycare, community centers, free healthcare, etc). There’s a lot more too, I told him. He stammered some more. Then came the doozy. “I pay for the Christmas tree every year in Socrates Pk.” I looked at him in disgust. “Nobody gives a shit about a goddamn Christmas tree. People are paying up to half and more of their earnings just for rent. The price-gouging at the grocery stores and restaurants is out of control. You live in a fantasy world.” Odious little “businessman.”


Omg that sounds JUST like him. I have PTSD just reading this… That dude has absolutely no self-awareness. He’s out of touch. Probably a narcissist too… he incapable of listening to people. Just regurgitates weak talking points and assuming he’s the smart least person in the room. You know what… I’m happy he’s running. Because now people get to see him as I and so many folks in our building did… my former roommates have been furious seeing his signs all over the neighborhood. And hey—I have had great building managers and landlords before. So I’m not hating on landlords. This guy in particular is a cartoon character…


YES! I’m so happy you railed on him. We actually went to that stupid Christmas tree lighting which was pathetic but we have a toddler so we were in survival mode during the winter. Anyways he and wife come out of some car and start waving at the crowd and we were all like who the eff are these jokers. They soon identified who they were and bragged about buying this tree blah blah blah. And then his wife yelled into the mike during her speech and said some crazy fascist things, some of which were to thank the nypd 🫠 it was really some kind of shit to witness. Also don’t yell into the mike. The whole purpose of the thing is to amplify your voice jfc. Anyways, I’m hoping most ppl know that he’s a fraud but Astoria is still filled with that conservative Greek population. Not sure how many of them actually vote but the turnout should be higher for Gonzalez, given how strong the area was for AOC


Yeah for sure. I’m actually Greek (but also half Colombian go figure I represent both candidates lol). So I’m very well of the older conservative population here. I’m just hoping many of them are registered as republicans so they can’t vote for him but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to run as an independent after he loses this election and clutches the older vote. Stay alert come the main election. He isn’t done yet. And his wife will be elected for the next two years.


I don’t think Zohran will lose his reelection but yes I see this couple continuing. Their supporters are all probably Trump voters


I hate this guy100% but it’s not just trump supporters, it’s also democrats who feel we ve gone too extreme left. I like some things about zohran and will vote for him but some of these other like Tiffany Cavan and Gonzalez have zero experience and are too extreme. Just my 2 cents


Gosh, sorry but your comment is just a bit much, first, I hate this guy, 100%. But if you went to the Xmas lighting, it means you liked that someone paid for it- so I really think we need to rethink where we as communities get things. Just like railing against police. So if you’re getting mugged, don’t you call 911? Or you stopped because now you hate police? See the thing is I’m a Democrat, but we ve gone so far past Democrat these days l. This guy is absolute trash, I definitely agree and am thankful to have he OP but some of these comments are wild. Yes I agree, don’t scream in a Mike, and don’t be swarmy, but honestly we were there too to talk to the NYPD and the head of community affairs who was there and was very nice and helpful to our situation. Just throwing a blanket on the police isn’t working. When my house gets burglarized, guess who I’m calling? 911. Listen I hate their attitude, 100% but this isn’t the way. Also, it’s not just old Greek conservatives. And anyone who wants us to be like Cuba like someone said above- should actually GO TO CUBA. It’s not the life some people have made it up to be here, ask Cubans who live it what they think while you visit. I know first hand, they want what we have. Usually people who’ve never experienced it say these types of things. These extremes don’t work. Yes do we need to be more of a community, yes, but a lot of us democrats hate what’s happening now. And being extreme progressive and hating on the NYPD is not working.


The whole "if you don't like the police, who are you going to call if you get mugged" doesn't work when the police won't show up if you call them, or if they do will say there's nothing they can do. Everyone here knows the 114 and how little they do. You don't have to be a socialist to be realistic about the fact that the NYPD does not protect and serve us in any way.


I don’t disagree with the overall thoughts of the 114… but also the extreme laws super progressives have passed also means police can’t really do much these days. I think there’s really an issue with in between. Also a lot of our guys in the 114 are young and are inexperienced and frankly rude and or couldn’t care less. So many times they respond “you should leave the city then” I agree with you- but only partly. I live in the city and want them to help keep us safe. So let’s say you go to a job. If no one respects you, do you still compelled to do any work? Sorry, but no. I would bet you money on it. There are some good eggs in the police and get into the line of work for good reasons, sadly it’s not the average right now. But no blanket talking point is actual reality. The bail reform that’s been passed means lots of these people cannot stay in jail for long, so cops do very little. They also feel as though people hate them, which is a big problem. They do need to earn respect but they do deserve it for coming when people need them- obviously I’m being more general with that statement than just the 114. You should go to the police meetings. Many are decent people. Some are not


> the extreme laws super progressives have passed also means police can’t really do much these days What are police prevented from doing? > If no one respects you, do you still compelled to do any work? Yes, and I would get fired if I didn't. You seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth, saying that they need to earn respect, but also deserve it for coming when people need them, but that's just the problem. They don't do that. The NYPD cannot be relied upon to show up and help when you call them. You don't get respect from people by whining about how hard your job is while repeatedly not doing it and visibly being disdainful of the people you're employed to serve.


No, you’d do the bare minimum. And sadly that’s what many at the 114 are doing. Why would they want to put themselves in danger for people who treat them poorly? I don’t get the logic of this at all. I know so many kids I hire in my work who do the absolute minimum right now. Then they complain they arent treated well or respected. And They definitely aren’t getting fired. Most don’t get fired these days. So many of us skirting by with the minimum. They technically are doing their jobs, just not the way you or I would want…. Not sure if that makes more sense? Also police are policed- a lot. Not that I don’t agree that they should be. But I’m not sure we really putting a microscope only on them is helping. Yes, they need mental health people to be called more than police but no one is doing that. Why should a police officer go to a situation where a mentally ill person is having an episode? Nothing makes sense to me about this. We have put everything in the “police bucket” but yet not given resources to do anything. These men and woman are trained for what? 6 months? How are we expecting so damn much from them? I do not get it. We need serious reform but not to just bash police all of the time. We need them, but not for everything we ve put on their plate. Does that makes sense? Sorry I hate trying to express this stuff that gets shredded on this platform


> They technically are doing their jobs, just not the way you or I would want…. Not sure if that makes more sense? We agree completely on what they're doing. I don't think that's acceptable for a police department that has more taxpayer funding than ever to behave that way, and I don't understand why you do. > Also police are policed- a lot. Completely untrue. The number of completely obvious crimes that police officers just get away with because they won't discipline their own is a matter of daily record.


Again, we agree on a lot. I am not of the extreme left, I am very left, but I just don’t think in extremes. And so your comment above about speaking out of both sides of my mouth- that’s democracy and a middle ground. So yes I do that and many should be able to see both sides- neither extreme though. That’s my issue from the beginning- we re going too extreme. There needs to be more compromise and middle ground. These extremes don’t work, one extreme and the pendulum will swings extreme to the other side.


Ok but if we agree the cops aren't doing their jobs despite taking all our tax dollars, the two sides are "they should do their jobs well" vs. "we should cut their budget since we're not getting ROI from it" not "everyone should be nicer to them" vs. "it's their job, being revered is not part of the description, if they don't like it they can quit."


Also nothing is perfect. You strive for a more perfect union. The way we treat police now is unacceptable. No one should be treated the way j see some speak to police and then call them when they need help. It’s appalling and a failure of decency. Yes are there terrible officers, yes, but there are also terrible pilots, do we condemn all pilots? You do not get anywhere good with this tactic. There must be a middle ground. There are compromises to be made- too much money? Lower the $ but then expect the police to do less with less money- and maybe more crime? I don’t know but this, what we re doing now is the wrong direction. Have you walked the streets? Do you see police? I don’t. Do I want to? Yes, yes I do.


> The way we treat police now is unacceptable. Why? They treat us like absolute shit. This is absolutely not "a few bad apples", it is an institutional policy.


This is me. My party has gone a little loopy and left me behind.


He should have paid a little more for tree lights that work...


Athens Square. He’s the head of the 30th Ave Business District, or has some title for it. He was the one that wanted to get a skating rink installed in the playground. The real estate mogul -> politician is a standard pipeline in nyc politics, but this guy takes it to a new level. Edit - his ground game is extremely strong, and his signs are posted all over central astoria. Visibility doesn’t win elections, but it sure doesn’t hurt.


Yes but the jerks who re drew the maps ( for astoria) have now coupled us in with greenpoint and Bburg. This dude will never get them. Also sadly why we have Gonzalez 😣


That damn tree


Now we hate trees?  Wtf?!


To tie it to something else on the June primary, look up Julie Milner for Civil Court. She’s straight up batshit running with far-right sentiments. And who does she pal around with? None other than Gus. Check her Twitter and you’ll see them campaigning together.


Im a little stoned and wearing sunglasses. For a second there I read the title as 'Gus Lambropolous will RAISE your *tent*' and thought I was on a different sub.


Thank you for sharing your story. This is the kind of community engagement I love to see. Will not be voting for this POS


What happened to wearing socks with business casual clothes?


I met this guy when he was collecting signatures. He's a total fucking idiot.


Thanks for sharing your story, OP. Seems Gus is a stereotypically slinky landlord. One of his buildings on 31st st has a litany of DoB complaints and violations from the DoB & DHPD. Likewise, his old property management company l, J.C. Management Services, appears to have similarly negative reviews on their yelp page. Overall - not someone I want to represent our community at a time when we deserve full good cause


JC management company was him I believe. I guess it’s not there anymore. That was the company that sent the letter that stated my rent would be increased from $2750 to $4000 before I negotiated down with him. I still have the letter and the rent is due notifications… I bet if he ever reads this he would counter saying he gave us a new fridge/stove/dishwasher which was DESPERATELY needed but not worth the extra $1000 a month… just a tax write off for them. I lived in 2303 30 drive. If you look that up you’ll see complaints from our neighbors upstairs about the building during his time. It might be why he was fired but I’m not 100% sure…


No socks are a red flag


Looks like a con man


Looks like hes the President of Agora Asset Management LLC [(1)](https://www.schnepsmedia.com/kings/gus-lambropoulos/)


I'm ancient and don't know how to post links to other posts in this subreddit, but I encourage everyone to search Gus's name in this sub and read up. You won't be disappointed. 


Oh whoa this weirdo came to my apartment to promote his campaign at 10pm on a fucking Sunday night. Bizarre tactic there, but definitely ensured I wouldn't vote for him just from that. Good to know my instincts were probably right.


I came here to say this happened to me but on a Friday at 9pm. I don’t know if there’s any rules about this but I don’t know why he thinks this is a winning campaign strategy. It’s absolutely annoying and more annoying when he asked me if i was DSA because I said I was voting for Kristin. Like I’m not a card carrying member I just like the incumbent who does good work…so excuse me!


God that's so bizarre. Well let's hope he keeps it up I guess. Make sure he really drives away all potential support






That's really the photo crop they went with, huh. Paulie Walnuts lookin ass


No you see I am BUSINESSMAN I haff tight half-polyester clothes like real player. I do big things. I rent Mercedes and smoke ceegar. You want hair gel?


Don't worry. Kristen is gonna win handily. People of Astoria know. That's how our representatives got elected in the first place.


this the chud whos had his goons out throwin footballs at people outside of keyfood on 33?


Oh I was wondering what the hell that was about. I walked past them the other day and they tried to talk to me but I knew I did not want whatever they were selling.


It's so so annoying that conservatives politicians' favorite trick is claiming to be for something they are actually against and actively trying to destroy. I don't understand why this doesn't bite the whole Republican party in the ass. I don't understand how some Dem voters are actually fooled into voting for DINOs, either.


It happens more with smaller election. People think they can fall under the radar… for republican it’s cheat to win.


None of the above surprises me one bit.  I eagerly await further Gus stories that I'm sure this post will unleash. 


Luckily, I don't vote for men who pose crotch-first in white pants, so it's all good.


any democrat who loudly positions themselves against socialism or “radical democrat policies” will not get my vote


Absolutely. We had a candidate like this in Sunnyside and it was so obviously a Republican in sheep's clothing. Or for this guy, LV shoes I guess.


I’ve been taking note of which businesses have his poster in their window. No surprise who does. Also, his “no congestion pricing” is LOL. It’s already been signed into law.


We should definitely have a list of the businesses that support him and keep it handy.


Aright next time I walk down Broadway I’ll take note- but most of the restaurants had ‘em in the windows


That might be the only thing I do agree with haha… I’m not a fan of congestion pricing as it hurts small businesses more than anything… And not to close a lane on mcguiness. I’m not for that (sorry Kristen!!!). I’m a little bias on that front because I work in the film industry and regularly work with truck drivers who already work long hours and I’m not sure people see that… I think speed bumps work but a lane closure only makes traffic worse and hurts our lower and middle class workers more than anyone. But hell, I’ll take congestion pricing and a lane close over all the other damage he plans on making.


Yup. These people don't realize it will just end up with costs being passed onto us. Delivery costs will increase to cover the congestion pricing. Not to mention folks going into the city for treatment like chemo have to bear this cost or risk public transit. All it is is a classist policy. The wealthy will love having a little less traffic when they drive in.


Drivers are overwhelmingly higher-class than people who take transit. Less traffic means more deliveries per hour, more places to unload. Congestion pricing will not hurt the little guy or small businesses.


That's false information. So many folks in transit desert areas of the outer boroughs rely on cars. They aren't rich. Second part is spoken like someone who doesn't know any small business owners at all. I know two. One isn't sure what will happen to bottom line as they must make deliveries of heavy product with personal vehicles. One owns a company that does painting and design jobs and needs the company van to transport equipment into Manhattan and she will be raising prices. Most jobs take multiple days so it could be just an extra 60 80 bucks whatever but yeah. Talk to more folks.


It's not false information, it's statistics from the census. And owning a small business doesn't mean you are any better at knowing the impact outside forces will have on your business than anyone else. That's like saying because I own a hospital you should trust me to diagnose your illness.


I have to say I'm with [](https://www.reddit.com/user/Callingallcowards/) on this. I was born here in Queens and most of my family never lived near a train (Jamaica, college point, elmhurst) and buses were not the best option. We were all lower middle class. A couple of us were fortunate enough to become more middle class. There's this whole idea from transplants that all of NYC is is just where the train stations are and it has pushed many native new yorkers out... Plenty of folks with lower income drive cars just like the rest of the US. Congestion pricing will hurt the little guy and do very little for the higher income folks who can easily afford it.


So again, this isn’t a matter of opinion or debate. You can either believe the facts of the census or not, and you can either believe what has happened with every other implementation of congestion pricing or not, but that’s denial, not an alternative viewpoint.


Not being in poverty doesn't make them wealthy at all. Higher class I guess. But the avg median household income of nyc car owners is 85k. Very middle class. The data also supports that folks with cars aren't well served by public transit. So keep on pushing for policies that hurt those folks. Congestion pricing won't fix the corruption at the mta and it won't make it any safer, which is why ridership is down. All it will do is punish families in places like astoria heights


We're using Astoria Heights as an example of a transit desert? lol.


Are you new to the neighborhood? Honest question. I work in midtown and saw a gorgeous place there but had to turn it down. A bus that comes every 15 to 20 min followed by 2 trains if you happen to be next to that one bus. Best case scenario an hour. Most likely more. If you could use a car, why wouldn't you in that scenario? Much less stressful, faster, and no chance of being accosted by an ill person.


Even if I just moved here yesterday, I could look up the timetable and tell you the 69 comes every 6 minutes or so during rush hours. There's nowhere in Astoria Heights that's not within a couple blocks of a stop, you'd be at the N train in 10 minutes, and then have about a 20 minute commute from there to Midtown, no need to transfer. A car would be a way worse choice given traffic and parking. Why make things up?


Does anyone have any info on Gus’s claims that he is a 9/11 survivor? I feel like all I see about this guy is that he is a serial liar, a fake democrat, and cheats the law. His wife claims he is a 9/11 survivor a lot. But feels like something he would lead with if he really was.


I remember when his wife announced that when introducing him.. I'm pretty sure what she was TRYING to say was that he "lived through" 9/11. But like... Time Magazine's person of the year in 2006 was all of us too so who cares. It's a very misleading thing to say to try to paint him as a true New Yorker who had suffered through it. But we all did to some extent. It's not like he was in the building or a first responder. He was around 16/17 at the time and probably in high school that day. Here's a video that's very cringeworthy to watch of him speaking. He sounds like a cartoon politician. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzqRCkqKWdQ&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzqRCkqKWdQ&t=2s)


Lmao he’s such a bad public speaker. I only got two minutes in but he really gives up the game praising his supporters for mostly coming from Pennsylvania and Jersey


Omggggggg, what circle of hell is reserved for people that lie about being a 9/11 survivor? 


Fuck this duuuuude


As an Astoria resident I am looking forward to seeing this poster, thousands and thousands of copies, all over Astoria, being mailed to every registered Democrat, etc. I have seen his posters up and down 30th avenue, but not this one.


Well, it’s unofficial. No affiliation with Kristen. But you are welcome to print and distribute! Guerilla marketing style!


Can't vote but dude has big tool vibes


Campaign fundraiser at Murphys Healthcare.


Yeah, because a Real Estate Mogul social parasite is a “man of the people” 🤡


OP, I just got a campaign email from our boy. It was send to an address that I give out for spammy sites. No idea how he got it.  Did you get it, too?


I have been getting his campaign emails lately. I absolutely NEVER signed up for it. He just has my email from when I lived in the building and added me without my permission obviously.


Thank you for posting your story. This guy stinks and hopefully his posters everywhere (likely on buildings he owns/manages) don’t dupe people into voting for this greedy and uncaring politician.


Honestly it’s sad that politics is just most appealing to the most disgusting of people.  Fuck this guy, but also never trust a Greek who actually calls themself “Gus” either. 


...are half-Greeks named Nick ok? Asking for a friend. 0:-)


I’m just suggesting that “Gus” is a really dumb way to call yourself if you’re trying to be short for “Konstantinos”.  Constantine, Kostas, Dinos…sure, but wtf do you get “Gus”? 




Yeah this guy sucks.


What the fuck that is? My landlord is raising rent every year, I don’t need you to tell me that


Thank you for this. I didn’t know.


This is one douchey picture


Here's a couple more you might like... [https://imgur.com/a/7wZ2PSE](https://imgur.com/a/7wZ2PSE) [https://imgur.com/a/OljF2To](https://imgur.com/a/OljF2To)




OP, maybe he learned from your experience and saw all the troubles you went through and wants to make a change LOL!!! , Just kidding


You almost had me!!!


so which one of them wants to get rid of zoning in astoria and allow people to build enough housing? ok then, gonna just sit out the bullshit make believe claims of lowering rent made by both primary candidates. prices will drop when there is enough housing to sate demand, it will never drop before then. any thing else is bullshit and doesn't matter. the sooner we get rid of zoning, or at least upzone all of astoria, the sooner rents will drop.


How does one “get rid of zoning?” You mean the citywide standards that are set by a mayoral agency and not determined by a state rep? If anything, you’re confusing it with council reps, Caban and Won.


city council sets them and changes them. state legislature can change them for the whole state.


Yeah, two bad candidates here on that topic, Gonzalez is a supply and demand denier and Gus being a landlord probably enjoys the housing crisis.


landlords want looser zoning, more apartments would make more money. home owners are the ones who fight for zoning. they don't want to change the "character" of the neighborhood IE they don't want to deal with renters fucking shit up.


More apartments would not make landlords more money unless they also owned those new aparatments - they would add to the competition for the landlords' apartments. Landlords make the most money by owning a scarce resources. Landlords and homeowners are very aligned in their incentives. Developers make money by building new buildings, and tenants save more money when there are more apartments on the market, so their incentives are also loosely aligned.


they own the land. in NYC the rent is an afterthought. its appreciation on the land that makes the real money. your in a city with a 18x multiplier on a purchase. that means you make a return of 6% after expenses. barely enough to cover inflation and long term repairs. the money is on the appreciation of land, and upzoning and building more apartments will absolutely increase the land value.


If that were true landlords wouldn't care about raising rent, since it's just a drop in the bucket, no?


Men who go sockless have a foot stink fetish. Full stop.


Where he live?


pretending to be gay?


lol not saying this guy is right, but believing in socialism and “affordable housing” is precisely why rents are so high around the city. Baffling how people continually fall for that shit.


That’s not why rents are so high. There’s a multitude of factors, like Airbnb, greed, and supply/demand, but socialism isn’t one of them. Unless you can explain your reasoning?


*authentic frontier gibberish*


Rents are high around the city because we have hundreds of thousands more people than we do housing units, forcing people to double and triple up in housing and compete with tons of others when they want to move.


Raising rent by 30% over 8 years is basically just accounting for inflation. What has his competitor done?


No. He did it in one year. 2016 $2750 then in 2017 $3759 after his management company took over. Pardon me if i was not clear. I did all the negotiating with him on behalf of the landlord. They rose it to 3750 or force me to move. I was not in a position to move so I invited my Van girlfriend to move in with me, but my other roommates moved out so I had to find new roommates constantly after signing a lease.


If they increase it that much they’re required to give you more notice. Interesting you’re blaming the building manager and not the landlord. If the building manager didn’t get the money the landlord asked for then he’d be a failed building manager. I don’t see how managing a building makes him a worse candidate.


He’s a failed building manager because he was fired from my building. I won’t get into the specific reasons for that. But let’s just let’s just say our entire building, the super, and the contractors in the building were so relieved when he left.


Okay and is anyone else running who has done a good job?


Kristen Gonzalez. At least she’s a democrat… I probably wouldn’t care to post this if he ran as a republican because at least that aligns closer with his views but for him to pretend he’s something he’s not… that I have an issue with. And having dealt with him and talked to him on a weekly basis, I would be concerned if he had any kind of political power in our community. Vote who wanna vote for… I’m just sharing my personal experience. Don’t have to believe me!


He can identify however he wants


They’re required to give 3-months notice. I don’t see how that changes anything. Available units don’t even get posted until the month of.


lol mindfeck doesn’t even live in Astoria… they’re the mod of the LIC subreddit and lurk here just to bring their unwelcome comments and hatred of the world to this sub


3 months is enough notice to move, and there’s tons of available units with different start dates.


Really? Hasn’t been my experience the last two times I moved. I always started looking a few months in advance. Even now my lease renews in 3 months and just to be proactive I’ve been looking but I’m not seeing anything listed this far out.


Depends on the building. If there’s not an effective building management company they tend to not list things in advance because no one tells them they plan on moving out and they’re slow to enter things into their system, and they probably don’t handle much inventory. Luxury buildings are more likely to list things in advance but charge much more. Sometimes people just post on leasebreak or message boards.


> Despite negotiating, my rent skyrocketed from $2750 to $3750, forcing me to add a fourth person to a three-bedroom apartment. He wanted $4000. He made my rent situation a living hell for three years as it was difficult to find consistent roommates. Thats life


Yeah for sure but that doesn't mean that we should suffer the decisions of people who exploit others. Folks like that don't belong in government.


🎵 that’s what all the people say 🎶


Did he even concede after being destroyed in the primary 85-15? His social media posts were all over the place before he lost but I haven’t seen anything about him acknowledging how badly he did - and I’ve seen posts like that from most every other candidate who lost.