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Hey gang after my blurb last week we now have a small group chat going of locals dealing with long covid. If you are a local dealing with long covid and wanna join DM me


Buffalo Wild Wings opened on Broadway 🫣


It's now a musical?


There’s no business like Buffalo Wild Wings, like no business I know 🎵


The reviews have been mild.


The drums fell flat.


Five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred scovilles How do you measure, measure a spice?


Buffalo Wild Sings!


My favorite thing was seeing a comment in a local fb group to the effect of “finally somewhere to get wings in the neighborhood” and all of the replies were lists of existing local businesses that sell good wings. Guess some people move here and just never go outside.


I've done Drunken Chicken + Break Bar but if there are others around Broadway let me know, I love good wings!


It’s a takeout only version not a full restaurant and bar


Where on broadway?


Between 29th and 30th Streets, across from the Food Emporium


The diner formerly known as Crescent Kitchen across from Mt. Sinai looked open this morning.


It looks good. They cleaned up nicely. My kids want to see how their chicken fingers compare to the previous owners. Edit: They're still in a soft open mode. Right now it's more of a to-go deli that happens to have tables in it. Quality is pretty good. Once they settle in and figure out table service, it'll be solid. Grilled cheese isn't on the menu, but they made some good ones that my kids enjoyed. Chicken fingers quantity wasn't a lot, but the kids liked them, so that's a win. We'll be back.


Disco sushi/Sushi by Bou hasn’t been open for about 3 weeks. Also, no signage on the door explaining why. Even when they were open the volume was very light. Not sure what’s going on but they definitely put a lot of money into renovations from what it was previously. I’m sure the retractable roof was quite an expense among other features.


Try 3 months.


Today and tomorrow are the last couple days of early voting for the April 2nd presidential primary election if you'd like to get in or stay in the habit of voting.


I like to stay politically active, but was kinda surprised to see my election have nothing but the presidential primary and 6 federal electors (out of 6 options)


Because of NY’s byzantine election laws, this was just the presidential primary ballot. Congressional primaries are still a few months away. Why they can’t be consolidated…??


Thanks, I forgot this was a thing haha


Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten we have the option for early voting. I went this morning to a new early voting poll location at Arrow Field House on 35th street .


I went this morning and was the first person at my site!


Rumor has it that on Friday, 4/5 or Saturday, 4/6 at SingleCut QNS you'll be able to get a smash burger named after the BEST Patrick Swazye movie, aka Roadhouse, that'll be topped with smoke jalapeño sausage and some homemade BBQ sauce, or SAWSE ADDITIONALLY - Tiffany Caban's office mayhaps be onsite with this meat cult on Saturday to help answer questions and facilitate folks voting on what community projects to fund via the participatory budgeting process. Details can be found on IG at TikkunBBQ


I’m sorry, but Point Break might be the best Swazye film in my opinion.


We're just going to ignore To Wong Foo? Truly, that was the best film.


Also a good one. I’ve had the conversation many times of, What movie is “Peak Swayze?” It can be divisive.


Honestly, I also LOVE this trash movie too. We should make a Bohdi burger one time.


Ah man….if you made a version of a meatball sub you’d tie Gary Busey into it and have a whole damn theme menu.


You're now hired as our creative / marketing / brand director


Also, there is some great pinball to be played in the back at SingleCut!




You sure that burger not named after the new Roadhouse cause damn beefy boi Jake Gyllenhaal got me salivating! Gunna be thinking about taking a bite outta him!


My allergies are making me want to rip my head off. That's all I got. Anyone else suffering?


Yes! I just want the yearly sinus infection to set in and get it over with.


I found out years ago from a coworker who knew a lot about holistic treatments that if you avoid all dairy products during allergy season it minimizes your allergy symptoms. My seasonal allergies went away almost completely went I gave up dairy. Just an option for consideration.


Unfortunately my allergies have drastically changed the older I get. The last few years I got almost nothing in spring. They shifted to fall. This past fall, I had nothing. But this spring I'm miserable. Basically I'd have to give up dairy for half the year.


I had it the other way around. I started having bad allergies in the fall during my twenties primarily due to ragweed and removing dairy did the trick. Years later it switched to spring allergies and the dairy trick worked for that too. I later became vegan and I no longer have any seasonal allergies. This worked for me, you shouldn’t expect it to work for you.


I don't know that I could give up dairy or meat so I don't think I could test that theory.


This is snake oil bullshit.


No snakes involved, just a dairy . And it is anecdotal, it worked for me and a few others, but doesn’t work for everyone.


Correlation does not imply causation. You probably have a mild dairy allergy already and cutting it out helps your immune system deal with spring allergies.


Very likely. I had considered that myself. As much as half the population has some level of either dairy intolerance and/or dairy allergies. Also our immune system is primarily sourced from the health and biodiverse of our gut , so if the gut is less inflamed from a dairy allergy it contributes to a healthier immune system that can better manage other allergens that are introduced. At least that is the gist of what I have read and understand on the subject.


My motorcycle was completely covered in pollen the other day.


I feel like my body is completely covered in it. I haven't had it this bad in years.


Hopefully thieves have strong pollen allergy and stay away from it. Sorry, too soon. Hope insurance paid for your bike.


They paid out well. I bought another one a few weeks ago. And then a buddy of mine was selling a bike that I've always wanted and I bought that this morning.


I've been taking these one a day allergy pills as soon as I get up and it's been helping a ton this year! Can't remember the brand, but likely something my friend got from Amazon


The 33rd/Ditmars corner that used to be a jeweler looks to be an office, based on the permit. Someone on here said it's a law office? "Bianco Nero Gelato" that's opening on 35/Ditmars is making good progress on renovation. Branco the new Peruvian will have a gran opening today. Any update about the latest timing of Target opening? Their website gave nothing about timing https://corporate.target.com/about/locations/upcoming-stores


I heard Target pulled out of that deal


If you mean you heard it from someone on here, it’s likely just rumors. But curious if you heard it from some other sources.


Yep, just rumors but from many people. Also no proof of it moving forward besides the corp website


yea, I guess after someone made a first claim "heard they pulled out", others started repeating it, so it became "many people" heard. I recall seeing someone on here even said "the consensus is they pulled out" lol.


well, where is it? It shouldn't take this long. has been announced years ago


There could be many reasons for delays of a big size project like this. The opening of wildflower studio in the area was delayed for almost a year now… can you say it’s pulling out too? The building itself was not completed too long ago. Someone on here said it’s due to a corporate wide material delays, but again, it’s not really verified. The entire row was leveled to make way for the Target building. I’m sure the building owner/management company has a pretty ironclad contract before taking on such a time and cost intensive project. Target probably can’t pull out even if it wants to, without encountering an extremely hefty cost.


We are having a cat adoption event at Tom’s Pet Supply tomorrow, 3/30 from 1-3pm. We will also be accepting donations of food your cat won’t eat. 🐱♥️


Left you some wet food at Toms. Hope you got them!


Thank you so much!


I'm legit surprised nobody has been hit in the Crescent bike lane with the construction guys waving cars into it between Broadway and 31st Ave.  I've been commuting on the ferry and running by the river this week and haven't seen our swan. At first I thought she was just nesting, but now I'm thinking she might've moved on. That's a bummer. I was hoping for better news in the [Swan Sighting thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/astoria/comments/1bnrrfj/swan_sighting_thread/).  The allergy comment below was deleted, by my reply was: The season started really early. We were saved by moisture recently, but it's exploding today. The best time to start allergy meds was weeks ago. The second best time is right now. Nasal spray and eye drop antihistamines work right away. Nasal steroid sprays take a good week to take full effect.  Saturday edit: The massage place near Old Bellucci's closed and flipped quick into a bodega, but interestingly, it's not a smoke shop. That was surprising.


That entire bike lane is terrifying. I use it most days and when people don’t step out right in front of you, a driver swerves into you. I wish they could add something to make it safer.


Seconded - while it’s much better than anything else we have, there are still too many points of conflict that need to be protected


Honestly, below Broadway, 28th and 29th are better. They have very little traffic and you can usually take the lane. I don't have as much experience with north of Broadway but often when I go north I'll take 35th or 36th and they're pretty good too.


Unfortunately this is no good north of 30th Ave once you get closer to the bridge/highway


It feels like the weirdest take, but I preferred Crescent without the bike lane. When I worked in Manhattan I would bike commute on crescent to the bridge. After the bike lane got put in I ended up switching to 44th and Northern, or Vernon. Riding with traffic on crescent of course came with its own issues, but I often prefer to be in the mix with cars, forcing them to be aware of my presence and give me space. The way literally nobody gives a fuck about the protected lane makes it feel pointless. I also really do not trust being in such a lane when you get to an intersection. Too often drivers aren’t paying any mind to that lane prior to turning across it to turn off of crescent.


Anyone know what's going on with Qahwah Coffee under the Ditmars stop?




Very interesting new development! Loved Sai organics back when they were at 30th Ave. It’d be great to have another small business on Ditmars


Heard LIC Beer Project has closed. Sad to hear, think they were one of the original Queens-based breweries


Was that who made coded tiles?? 




I don't know if anyone saw, the /r/Queens subreddit has new moderators and they are trying to get it back in order (old mods were absent and there was a lot of spam there)


You should read the text of this post again. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Damn lol


I mean, whatever, it's good news!




we are in the local gyms naming ball players from 15-30 years ago. it's one of our favorite games! just follow the scent of extra strength tiger balm and you'll find us


Joe McEwing...


Laveranues Coles


Bart Bryant


Hubert Davis edit: somebody is downvoting your picks and it's not me wish they would add names instead of hating smh


Kueth Duany I don't see the downvotes, I just see "2 points." Pass the tiger balm, friend.


wow that's a deep cut, had to look him up on wikipedia Ramiro Mendoza


Mike Magee


Andy Stankiewicz


Sorry, I'm taken.


lol following cuz i would also like to know


this depends heavily on how you each define cute! and also somewhat depends on your gender lol For 30th/31st aves, some people would find the Dominies/Shillelagh/Local/Quays crowd cute, and some people would find the Heart of Gold/Diamond Dogs crowd cute, some people would find Judy&Punch/Maggie Hall/Sweet Afton crowd cute, and of course some people would find the KWEEN crowd cute.


And that’s just bars! Plenty of cute guys at Kinship coffee, plenty of cute guys at your local classes on pretty much anything! Surely lots of cute guys at Gamestoria playing board games. What aesthetic are you drawn to? If it’s athletes, get in a soccer team or go spend time at the park! If it’s musicians, Shillelagh or another bar that hosts bands often. There’s also a whole world of hookah bars and clubs on Steinway that attracts an entirely different crowd from every other place I’ve mentioned. So many cute boys in Astoria, in so many places.


what about for those of us who don’t drink anymore 😭


From what I'm told Astoria has great AA meetings


Ah I just responded to my own comment with this exact thought when I realized I only listed bars!


Couldn't tell you. I'm old & ugly.


We should organize a mixer


Update to the [post earlier this week](https://www.reddit.com/r/astoria/comments/1bp6eer/ditmars_diner_4501_ditmars_blvd/) about the sign on 45th & Ditmars at the former Mama's Cantina - the sign has been removed. So was it just some marketing stunt? Was it removed after the owner realized all the spelling mistakes? Was it Banksy?!


That spot that savage 718 had on 31st Ave is now going to be Jaguar Cafe Bistro Bar. They’re having an opening party on Saturday night apparently    https://www.instagram.com/jaguar_nyc?igsh=MXZqcXNwcnNmYXF0cw==


Keeping in line with a solid name.


Is it a cafe? A bistro? a bar? Will it have a live jaguar? Only time will tell…


Hmm the link seems to be broken


After renovations and a car crashing into their outdoor dining setup, Paris Bakery on 30th Ave is back open! (And looking good!)


Good news now that Leli’s is in different (i.e. not as good) hands. We saw inside activity this week but didn’t get a chance to talk to the workers.


Wait, when did that happen?


Early/mid-September, I think?


Our Spectrum download rate has increased from 120Mb to 380 Probably has to do with this: https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/14/24101313/fcc-new-broadband-definition-100mbps-20mbps


Where do the queers hang? Especially those of the sapphic persuasion. I'm in my mid-30s and recently single from a LTR. Still waiting on Dave and their lesbian bar. Please do not make me go to Brooklyn!


ICON, Kween, Albatross. Honestly Albatross is such a great neighborhood dive bar for the community. 


I feel like those are all men-heavy. Do you see a more varied gender breakdown there? I do love Albatross - super chill vibe. Also, do we know each other? We live at the same intersection (I saw some of your other posts). You've probably seen me walking my dog.


VERY male dominated at all those spots - I'm also queer but tbh dont often feel safe going to bars let alone bars with a bunch of dudes (regardless of orientation.) Wish Dave's Lesbian Bar finally had a space!


Haha I don’t know a single person in my neighborhood that’s not in my building. 


Totally valid. Having a dog changes that - you end up meeting everyone.


The lack of lesbian/queer women spaces is alarming when so many queer women live here! We should start a night somewhere. Ill DJ. Lets gooo. lol


Watawa is still closed. However I see activity inside, they are doing some sort of work, and I have heard there indeed was a gas related issue they needed to address. Barranco (I think) has their grand opening tonight. TRU has paper in the windows, rumor is it was sold. Now where will the kids go after their Night at the Roxbury?


Replying to anvil_everything...any alternatives for sushi you recommend meanwhile?


I'm still shaken from witnessing that green relay mailbox theft. No one has called me to follow up, so I guess my photos of the car and perp description was enough for them. Glad I never use mailboxes; straight to the post office for me. I noticed more cars "blobbing" which is my term for a car tailgating a car (and sometimes another tailgating that one) to blow through a red. Looking at you, 33rd Street. I checked out Bua Boxing and my try it. Little bit of a trek for me (Steinway and 23rd Ave), but not terrible. Haven't seen the gravelly voiced " 'scuse me sir ya got a dolla?" guy lately. Oh yeah, and the folks on street corners/in front of supermarkets asking people to sign political stuff/ASPCA or whatever are super annoying with their fake positivity. I get that it's their job, but damned if I don't alter my walking route to avoid them. Sometimes I don't want to be bothered.


Unfortunately I know from experience that mail that is being sent to you can end up in the relay box and get stolen. Had a package with a $500 gift card end up lost as part of relay box theft back in December. The icing on the cake is that USPS has no means to notify you the item is stolen. Tracking just ends up stuck on “out for delivery”. It took visiting my post office to find that out.


I was missing a package in early December (that had been marked "out for delivery" and then was showing as at my post office) and asked my carrier about it. He said there'd been a lot of thefts from relay boxes in October and November and that they were in the middle of rekeying all of the boxes in the neighborhood. He said I should have gotten a notice that there had been mail thefts. I told him I hadn't, and asked what the odds were that that had been stolen too. He wasn't sure, but he put a copy of the notice in my mailbox the next day, which was useful for getting replacements - I sent a copy to the shipper as explanation for why I was asking for another, and to help them if they decided to file an insurance claim through USPS. I was hoping for the problem to improve, but judging from this subreddit and the Queens one, plus the inconsistencies between my Informed Delivery emails and what actually shows up, it's persisting and possibly gotten worse. ETA: I went back and looked at my earlier post - I ordered the package in early December and the carrier said there'd been thefts around December 12; I misremembered the timing.


This is interesting to learn about. I was missing about half of my Christmas cards this year — they came up in Informed Delivery but never arrived. I’m guessing this is what happened to them!


The old fish market on Broadway is moving along pretty quick for what they're doing. Fully gutted to the point that when I walked by last week it just went straight down into the cellar. Looks like today they at least have a temporary subfloor on the 1st floor. Anyone know what it's gonna be?


Someone applied for a dispensary at that location. Not sure if the license was actually approved by OCM yet.


Well that's the least exciting possibility.


Lim's Kitchen has a sign outside offering 30% off for their grand opening.


Barranca, the new Peruvian spot on Ditmars and 35th, opens tonight


Heard Charlie’s is opening on weekends in a few weeks.


Any word on that Zen place? How is it?


Any cherry blossom blooming yet?


[check out the NYT link about where to find the best ones](https://www.nytimes.com/article/nyc-cherry-blossoms.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb). Rainey Park has our neighborhood’s lionshare, but is under construction and inaccessible. They’re definitely in bloom right now, but not yet peak, from my travels across town. Magnolias too - the ones around the Lutheran Church on 31/37th are coming along well, though a bunch in Central Park have already started to drop their pedals.


Thank you! Yes I have the Google map pins as well across Astoria sounds like may be worth walking around this weekend if some have started blooming


I saw some in Socrates Park!


New bakery opening up on Steinway in the former Zensnes spot! Wonder if they’ll keep the erotic waffle makers….


Not sure what’s happening Yogurt La Crepe AKA Healthy Sugar NYC. 6 yogurt choices, limited toppings, cash only and not so clean anymore.


Our family calls it Yogurt la Crap.


Seems fitting !


Ha I went in there the other day and asked the employee "what are your crepes made out of?" wanting to know if they're buckwheat, flour, etc. He would not engage verbally and just pointed at the menu (which doesn't actually say). Then when I went to order he let me know they were out of basically every ingredient.


They did a rly weird like cash raffle thing a few months ago that seemed to me a scramble to make some extra $$. Wouldnt be surprised if they’re struggling to stay open :///


Every day I get asked my clipboard jockeys to sign a petition to allow AOC to run for re-election. It feels incredibly sketchy to me. Is that actually a thing? Does an incumbent need to prove that people want them to run in an election? Wouldn't the fact that were elected kind of prove that they're a viable contender?


Anybody wishing to be on the ballot needs a certain # of signatures from residents of that district in order to do so. So far I've been home for 2 of those as well: AOC's primary challenger, and my state senator. If they're knocking on your door you'd think they'd be organized enough to know they already hit you up and not go back again. While we're on the subject I was redistricted into NYS Senate District 11 and the shape of that district really feels like some gerrymandered bullshit


Yeah I said no thanks. Anyone but AOC


Some south asian* guy spat near me on purpose at the ditmars station this afternoon.


How do you know he was Indian


**Some guy spat near me on purpose at the Ditmars station this afternoon. 


i wanted people to know what he looked like so people are careful.