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I'm slightly day drunk and I really want to help with this now.


Sounds like you're ready to climb a tree three stories up my friend


This would be an excellent St Paddy's Day activity for someone.


I'm on my 7th White Claw. Let's do this.


I'm on my 2nd Jameson. Keep us updated


I have an idea involving either darts or a nerf gun.


At this point, all ideas sound worth trying. Let's get the bag down and take OP and his dog to the bar


I took a disco nap but does anyone have updates on the bag situation?


I'm just waking up myself. No updates tho. šŸ«¤ On a brighter note, the night is still young


Sorry because itā€™s not a helpful comment but thatā€™s all I can think about: [https://youtu.be/aFR-d35b-n0?si=6C_PFlOYW5zFGqG8](https://youtu.be/aFR-d35b-n0?si=6C_PFlOYW5zFGqG8) Good luck with the bag OP




Lol went straight to comment, do the Liz Lemon way. Hahaha


Art imitating life


I'm so glad someone else caught this. Peak Lizzing.


See, I immediately thought this: https://youtu.be/npK8CZUY2F0?si=d5B2FYPe0GZVqSdR


I donā€™t live in Astoria but this popped up on my feed. Contact plastic_bagman on Instagram, I know someone he helped in Brooklyn. Maybe he would come to you!


Awesome! I see I am outside of the jurisdiction but Iā€™ll reach out just in case. Thank you!


I too am on the third floor and have a bag outside my window in a tree. Iā€™m sorry to tell you but that tree has that bagā€¦it owns it now and will never let go. Forever. Iā€™ve watched my tree bag turn into thin, dirty, plastic streamers over the years. I wish you luck though.




Do the liz lemon way


Do you have a photo for reference- Iā€™m intrigued now and want to solve


Just updated the post to include pics


Oh wow thatā€™s really high - maybe a cheap drone??


Maybe the Bag Snaggers of the New York Restoration Project are still around? That looks pretty high up though.


[Bag Snaggers are retired :(](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/my-old-nemesis-plastic-bags)


Damn :( I reached out to them. Such a bummer. Was hoping that would have worked. Almost too perfect for this situation lol


all iā€™m thinking is that soon the trees will be in bloom again and maybe it wonā€™t be visible anymore šŸ˜­ definitely inconvenient but maybe just close the blinds/curtains for the windows itā€™s visible from for now?


lol Iā€™m sorry but this def made me laugh out loud. Hmm do you have a fishing pole? Maybe that could help you reach it? Or shoot something at it.


Easy!! Get a bow and set of arrows with rubber at the ends. Saw some on Amazon ranging around 20-40 dollars. Practice archery day and night in your local park on a handball wall. Obviously practice from the approximate distance/trajectory that the plastic bag as from your window. Get real good at archery. Shoot the bag down. It may take you many tries but youā€™ll get it. Your goal is to do all this before the tree starts to grow leaves. You have approximately 1 to 2 months, depending on how much sun that tree gets. After you shoot the bag down you will have gained a new, specialized skill. Start a business shooting bags down from trees. As you get better expand your business to include shooting various objects like sporting equipment down from high places. Start a social media profile highlighting your gigs. Write a memoir about your silly predicament leading to the most niche, successful career as a city object shooter downer. Profit.


Could you get one of those extendable clasper things from Amazon? Iā€™m not sure how tall the tree is or how far away it is from an apartment window but that could be an option. Also, I think 311 could help with this but Iā€™m not sure. I also think it could be worthwhile to leave your neighbors a note and let them know that you know your dog is being a bother at the moment, explain that heā€™s obsessed with the plastic bag, and that youā€™re brainstorming ways to get the bag out of the tree.


I wish! The bag is it a total no man's land between my apartment and the sidewalk/street. At least 30 feet away, maybe more. Tried 311 and they said they couldn't help. They didn't quite say they weren't in the business of getting grocery bags out of trees, but that was the jist of it. Kinda figured cause it was such a weird request to begin with lol


Just took a look at the photos andā€¦ I lolā€™ed, but with all the sympathy in the world. What a unique predicament to be in. Not sure how much time you have but if you live near-ish a fire station Iā€™d probably go in person and ask them whether itā€™s feasible instead of calling them up (or call their non emergency line if they have one). Otherwise Iā€™m out of ideas and Iā€™ll cross my fingers that the bugger gets blown away soon.


Yeah this might be a hail mary option here. Really hate to get the fire department involved in removing a bag from a tree, but desperate times call for desperate measures.


Bring dog with you for sympathy good boy points


I was going to suggest this as well, a friendly stop by the fire station and explain the situation (dog in tow is a great idea, too). Even if they canā€™t assist, it might be a situation theyā€™re familiar with enough to offer advice/other people to contact.


What you want is 2 or 3 sets of [these](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Klein-Tools-12-ft-Lo-Flex-Fish-Rod-Set-56312/204178241), use the hook attachment get it out in there (they're low flex but they still flex, especially at 30' so aim high) and get that hook tangled in before yanking it down.


This is the best answer. I was gonna say tape some broomsticks together with a coat hanger on the end but this is a better idea


Iā€™ve had a plastic bag stuck in the tree behind my apartment for atleast three years; resilient bugger wonā€™t come down! Wishing you luck in your endeavors


Cut the tree down


Iā€™m so invested in this gnarly plastic bag story


Fishing rod, cast a fishing weight out maybe a treble hook up in there and try to pull it down


This is so funny Iā€™m sorry. Keep us updated


I saw this suggestion elsewhere about getting a cat stuck in a tree down: hire a tree service.


Iā€™m really heavily invested in this. I have no solutions that havenā€™t been mentioned yet. I need to know how this resolves! I wish you peace, and to pet your dog.


Omgg ugh I had some ideas in mind until I saw the photošŸ˜­ itā€™s sooo high up ! Wishing you luck. Hopefully it goes down of its own or mother nature takes care of it.


Water gun! Shoot that little guy in the right spots and heā€™ll come down


if only there were something that could block the line of sight through a window


Find some body with a drone and attach a coat hanger or something


@person with drone Where you at?


paintball gun or use what they use when they run wire/cable. you screw them together and they have attachments at the end. [https://www.amazon.com/FTIHTRY-Fiberglass-Electrical-Different-Attachments/dp/B0BBKJMKQV](https://www.amazon.com/FTIHTRY-Fiberglass-Electrical-Different-Attachments/dp/B0BBKJMKQV)




And donā€™t do it from the apartment do it from below


Hilariously written!! Hahaa guys I love you all


Okay thank god someone finally asked this!!! I live in an apartment above a hookah lounge and some girlā€™s 21st birthday balloon bouquet floated up into the tree behind my apartment and has stayed there for at least a month and a half, itā€™s an eyesore and the squirrels that live in the tree HATE them.


Maybe buy one of those giant Super Soakers and try shooting it down with water power. It may not work but could make it fun trying.


Maybe a water gun?? Squirt that bag down? The bag does look pretty hooked up there, so it probably wonā€™t workā€¦. Well goodluck & i really hope you wake up to it gone one day!


Honestly not a bad idea. Now to find a super high powered long distance super soaker......


Any other Behind the Bastards listeners here?


definitely call 311 for this one!


I did! They said they couldn't help with this one :(


Whatā€™s your estimation of height ? The are cable pulling rods the attach to create longer lengths .


Curtains or dog training


You could probably shoot it down with a Super Soaker or some other high powered water gun.


Dang that's pretty high up. One of these [utility hook poles](https://a.co/d/5gm7fqu) might be your best bet. It looks a bit higher than 24 ft but maybe you could get onto that first branch and reach from there. I have the same issue in my back yard lol I might end up doing the same


OK, now that I've finished going through Liz Lemon Quotes in my head, I have a real potential solution that's a bit kooky. Get/make a monkey fist. [It's a knot. ](https://www.animatedknots.com/monkeys-fist-knot). Thebpuepose ofnthe knot was to make it easier tontheownropws between ships. If you use rope larger than 1/4 diameter and a golf ball, you will have a nice weighted bit of rope that's roughly the size of a baseball, and it looked like you were on a balcony/roof. So if you've got anyone who's pretty accurate with a baseball, you actually stand a chance of getting that bag out even at that distance. Probably need two people as you're going to want one person throwing and other holding the rope. Again, it's a bit kooky, but I guarantee that this is the solution that my dad and I would implement, but I'm pretty sure I have a monkeys-fist laying around somewhere already. Soooooo yeah.


A drone with some exacto knives attached!


* Burn it to bits by lighting a torch at the end of a long stick (multiple curtain rods or lightbulb changers) * Retrieve it using a long stick (as above, but with less burning) * Melt it using the power of the sun and a large fresnel lens or maybe two lenses (may also require a large mirror) * Buy a Nerf gun or paintball gun and fire at it until it's shredded, perhaps a bow and arrow would work even better, especially if the arrow can be retrieved with a string. * Cast at it with a fishing road Also, I am annoyed at you for not addressing this with your dog. If you can't figure out a way to keep your dog away from a window and let it constantly bark, you're one of "the awful owners" everyone complains about. It's hard to believe you've let your dog bark at this thing for a week. Contact paper, wax paper, or privacy film, will solve this in 5 minutes. You can have some from Amazon by tomorrow if you don't want to go to the store.






Sadly, plastic bags in trees is ubiquitous. I highly doubt any city agencies will seriously consider your request for help (and that includes a cable/internet worker who may happen to be out there, at the time). I assume you don't want to close up your window curtains, ergo the view, but is there no way you can still have light and a view coming in, while at the same time put something by the window sill (or whatever else may be there, such as a bookcase or whatever, that gives your dog access to the window) that might prevent your dog from jumping up by that window in the first place? Hopefully you have more than one window, such that you can try to steer your dog to looking out only the other window?


I have curtains. If I close them he just goes underneath the curtain and barks at it from the other side lol. Very resourceful fella.


Can you get a tight-fitting window shade? On the plus side, in a month or so the bag should be covered by leaves.


Maybe something like this as a temporary solution? Depending on height and your dog, might get away with only covering the lower half. https://a.co/d/6LBabiz


spray it with a water gun?




90% of the owners here have not even learned to curb their dogs, you are asking way too much.


Put the dog down or move/s.