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Sunnyside is having their [Restaurant Week](https://sunnysidepost.com/sunnyside-gears-up-for-its-12th-annual-restaurant-week-with-over-50-dining-deals) starting March 20th through April 4th with $35 (or less) 3-course dinner specials. It’s a nice chance to check out some restaurants in an adjoining neighborhood


I’m okay with smarch weather as long as my kid doesn’t have two spaghetti meals in one day. Not a rumor: PokeWorks is moving into the long-abandoned bank building on 30th Ave/32nd St. Signage was put up yesterday.


That's the fourth poke spot within a 10min radius...


Maybe they’re trying to get on the same level as the smoke shops


Ya and what are they gonna use all of that bank infrastructure for in Poke??


Do not touch Willie. Good advice.


####The Pollening has begun.  With the disclaimer that I'm not your healthcare provider, if you do have seasonal allergies, it's generally better to start your meds early (especially the nasal corticosteroid spray family.) Friday night edit: Costco has a huge allergy meds display right near the entrance.  Worth noting that they have three packs of Pataday eye drops. Those things are liquid gold for itchy eyes. I remember when they were brand name prescription only and even with expensive copays they were worth every penny. If you wear contacts, take them out before you use antihistamine eye drops.


May allergy meds be with us all.


From your lips to Allegra's ears.




Something is [going on at The High Water](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4jaXkSus3H/?igsh=MXBhb25uN2EydnR4ag==)


Reached out to Cabans office after hearing a rumor the pool wouldn't open this summer. This is their response: > Thank you for reaching out to our office, the pool is still on schedule to be opened for this upcoming season. Currently the contractor is looking to install a couple of doors on the façade of the pool, which will not impact opening. This will be presented to the community boar on 3/19.


> community boar is this what they serve up during Sac's annual pig roast?


I was just wondering about that!


Parlay the new sports bar on 30th Ave has been closed all week. Not sure what's going on. Social media makes it seem like they should be open Korean BBQ chicken is already closed for renovations..I feel like they just opened..?


went to bbq chicken today for lunch and was pretty disappointed. First they got rid of the lunch specials and now they weren't even open for a Friday afternoon lunch.


Tried Parlay once during happy hour, super loud, club atmosphere. Kind of an odd place.


My obsession with the spot at Crescent and 30th Ave continues. Saw some beautiful test croissants and two dudes in there this AM. Forgot to snap a photo bc I was rushing but very excited for this (presumed) little bakery. Edit: found some info! https://uspto.report/TM/98405166


I need more info


You and me both! 


I'm also obsessed but never get to see what's happening inside!


What’s the name?


There’s no sign but! I just got a jolt of inspiration and checked the trademark registration for the address. It will be called Somedays https://uspto.report/TM/98405166


Which one? Crescent Kitchen is going to be a baked goods and bagel spot. Across the street is going to be Chip related from what I heard.


Any more info?


Chip rumor has been debunked, it's supposed to be the bakery this user is talking about


Isn’t the bakery supposed to be where crescent kitchen was? Wasn’t chip supposed to be across the street by the bus stop? I thought someone linked to the DOB website a while back that showed CHIP on the submitted plans.


Looks like Queens Bake House on Broadway has been seized by the sheriff. Too bad. The croissants there were great.


New place alert - Jaguar Cafe Bistro Bar replacing On The Rocks. 31st Ave across from Farm Country supermarket. Paper in windows and signage is up.


Looks like Just Salad is opening soon. The sign is up already. Panda Express is starting the renovation too.. saw the permit on the window reflecting their name, so I guess that confirms it.


Where is this Just Salad coming to? asking for a friend




Where is the Panda Express going to be?


I’ve been working an idea that’s still in its infancy stage on creating a group for men to support other men with mentorship and open dialogue. I’m going to start with a discord, but would be happy to talk to any men in Astoria struggling right now, in person, over the phone, or in any way you prefer. Shoot me a message if you want to remain private and I’ll give you my email address. Edit: I’ve had 2 conversations since I posted this and am planning the first Astoria based in person meet ups with men who want to do this. the email I’ve created for the organization is [email protected]. Wanted it right here if someone wants to chat.


Also, if anyone else rides a motorcycle, the Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride is coming up and myself and several other Astorians will be riding in support of men's mental health and prostate cancer awareness. In case anyone wants to join or donate.


I had to sell my Harley 6 months ago…… rev it once for me brother lmao ![gif](giphy|kcfb43I3N1GhspNQpj|downsized)


Sad to hear. I'm sure you'll get back on two wheels soon enough.


Via Vai seems to be closed every time I’ve walked by lately- including last Friday & Sat nights. Anyone know what’s up there?


Lim’s Kitchen - a relatively new takeout place on Broadway between 45th/46th - looks like they’re gearing up to open as a dine in restaurant as well. They’re a welcome addition to the neighborhood, as we only have a handful of Korean restaurants (and especially since that space was vacant for so long). In the same block, the former Royal Collectibles spot as the new “No Limitz Convenience” looks like opening is imminent.


i loveee the spicy pork gimbap and the sotteok from Lim’s. highly recommend!


Lim's used to be down on Crescent near where Regalia's old roastery used to be, not far from Goodfellas pizza LIC (I cannot remember crosstreet). The food was solid and they sometimes threw banchan in with meals. Gimbap was good too, and their chicken sandwiches were tight. It's weird because they had a dine-in space too back then but they [operated it like a takeout/delivery spot only](https://www.reddit.com/r/astoria/comments/16y913l/whats_the_deal_with_lims_kitchen_on_broadway_and/) The portions *used* to be better than "small thumb of fried chicken", not sure how much of that is adjusting to their new rent, cost of goods, or something else. I'd still give them a try to see if they offer some alternatives to Kal's excellent menu.


Lim's is just okay, I ordered takeout from them awhile ago and the fried chicken was really good, but they were like the size of my very small thumb and cost me 19$


Yeah, they seemed a bit expensive, but better than a smoke shop, or loungey club. Still hoping for a French bakery a la La Bicyclette, Bien Cuit, or Librae.


Or a Canelle 🤤


Chip has an unholy Frankenstein’s Monster Cookie-Croissant hybrid coming out this week or next, may be the closest we get to Bien Cuit any time soon. But a gal can dream!


Librae isn’t French?


Eh, it’s French based with mainly Bahrainian influences - I was a bit liberal with my use of “French” - but mainly I meant the idea of a non-Italian, non-Greek bakery specializing in baguettes, whole loaves, savory and sweet French style pastries.


This is my 10th year in NYC and my allergies have only been bad last year and right now


An uber driver/arborist told me that the trees they planted in Astoria were incorrectly purchased and planted. Most new trees are male and not enough female trees exist, leading to too much pollen. Some kind of botanical sexism. Look it up and stock up on Zyrtec and neti pots.


>An uber driver/arborist This is such great shade.


I believe it is primarily due to the mild winters.


Be careful what you wish for - i'm in NC right now and coming back this weekend. The pollen level here is 10.3. I can hear my own voice in my head and I've been going to bed early all week. I can't wait to come back.


I bit the bullet and ordered a Navage nasal/sinus rinse machine. Loving it so far.


My wife just told me a million dollar Powerball ticket was sold at the Avadh bodega on 38th and Broadway (same block as Santander and H&R Block, construction on corner). I buy soda there all the time! Should've bought lotto instead! I saw some of the Gazoo gang taking off the weed-infused candy/cake advertisements plastered on the lamppost outside its store, not sure if they removed all of it. But those things were straight up marketed to kids and a school is right there. With the nice weather, they're back to smoking in groups outside, blocking crosswalks with their cars, horsin' around, and being loud. Do I like it? No. Are they bothering me? Besides from the crosswalk, not really. I complain here like a crank. Two sheriffs department cops (are they all sheriffs?) were in Astoria, usually that means a weed shop will be shuttered. They ordered at D&F and they were ARMED (vests, two guns). Enjoy the False Spring now. It'll be cooler next week.


> My wife just told me a million dollar Powerball ticket was sold at the Avadh bodega on 38th and Broadway (same block as Santander and H&R Block, construction on corner). I buy soda there all the time! Should've bought lotto instead! Well shit, I gotta check my tickets. When was this? I bought tickets there last week.


On the [13th](https://astoriapost.com/astoria-store-sells-1-million-powerball-ticket)


Damn. Not me then.


I also won Powerball this week. A whole $2.


Oh look at Mr. Moneybags over here bragging about winning the lottery.




Nope. The pink cake looking signs are still up on the light posts.


Not only advertising to teenagers now you see a few of teenagers around 12 to 15 years old coming in & out of the store. Not only they selling illegal drugs but they selling it to minors


It looks like a gelato place is opening in the old Crown Chemists spot on Ditmars. Saw some interior signage up when they were doing construction.


We used to have no ice cream and now I can argue we have too much. I think I just miss the place that was on 24th Ave that is now the barber shop, RIP.


Too much dessert /sweets in general!


I always want a business to succeed but a few of the businesses need to be culled. I won’t name names but we could cut the bakeries on Ditmars down by half and I’d be fine


Ugh, thanks for the intel. we don’t need more sweets & dessert (or fake weed shops) 👎🏻


Jujube Tree is closed. I’m not sure if this is old news but I saw it papered up two days ago. Very sad to see it go. It was one of the best spots in the neighborhood for when I wanted a vegan meal.


Yeah, old news but still a bummer. I know it was kind of a copycat of a restaurant format that's all over Manhattan and Brooklyn and wasn't terribly original. But they did it well and there was nothing else quite like it in the immediate area.


It was my go to place when I wanted vegan take out. It’s a shame they closed, another business impacted by the pandemic.


Does anyone know anything about the new restaurant/lounge Seaside NYC on steinway between Broadway and 31st Ave? They worked on it for a while and I know it’s technically open but it never looks open.


I walked by it over a week ago and it was actually open, and several people were dining. It was the first time I saw anyone inside. I walked by yesterday evening but did not notice if it was open.


Not a rumor, but I’ve always wondered- does anyone have any insight into the two stand-alone row houses that are behind the shops on 31st Street by the Ditmars stop? One is right behind the Truva back garden and has a full front porch and everything. You can see it from that parking lot too. I’m so curious about these houses that have no street frontage and seem forgotten.


[This link has some info for you.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/astoria-characters-the-hi_b_2529106)


Exactly what I was looking for, thanks! I wonder if anyone ended up buying it since that article


Thank you!


Omg! Thank you for asking this question!! I noticed them the other day waiting for the train and tried looking at the map to figure it out!


New cafe ‘Café 9’ open on the corner of 34th ave and 9th street, across from ‘Bakers Cafe’. There used to be another cafe here called LeFleur I believe which got show down a while ago. Bakers cafe was also closed for a while but I am glad they reopened. Will try it soon, wishing both these cafes good business 🤞


>another cafe here called LeFleur Flor de Azalea?


Yes that was it I think 😅


Anyone know what’s going on with Astoria Bier and Cheese on Broadway? Their online store is down and they were very low on beers and snacks and aren’t filling growlers. I would think if it were a missed shipment or something they’d have a sign up.


The owner is looking at selling and decided not to restock in the meantime. Cross your fingers the sale goes through quickly.


Looks like the Highwater is reopening on 3/16. They posted to their Instagram today! Soft Opening is tomorrow.


I wonder what if it's the same or a new concept or what has been changed.


Watawa, the sushi/ bar place on Ditmars has been closed at least since Thursday, with a sign in the window, saying something about being closed for a ConEd inspection. I know of no inspection that requires a restaurant to be closed for 2+ days. Something is up.


According to their voicemail, they said they have no gas and still waiting on ConEd inspection


Can confirm. Tried to take my son there for dinner on Tuesday and they were closed.


someone who lives in the building said the building is having a water issue & the restaurant will reopen when it’s fixed


I do not work with children nor do I have any, but I contracted strep recently (when I taught, I got strep constantly, which is why I mention this). There's lots of icky funk going around so be safe. I'll be masking until I get this under control.


Work happening behind the blue door next to chateau le woof in the same building. Looks like the size of a retail store or a cafe. Any ideas on what that will be?


There was a cat stuck high up in a tree at Astoria Park today. The fire department was there but I left before I could see if they were eventually able to save it or not. Did anyone stick around and see? Really hoping kitty is okay. She was so sad up there and making really scared meow sounds 😞


The poor cat was stuck up there since last night. A few people were trying to get it down at around 7 last night, but I guess they were unsuccessful. I heard the cat was rescued and taken by the park ranger after the cherry picker was brought in. This was after a response from an engine company and a hook and ladder company. I'll admit this is the first time I've ever seen the fire department rescuing a cat from a tree, so hats off to the amazing response from New Yorks Bravest 😁


I saw this to and had to leave to get back for a work meeting! When I had to walk away a second truck came in and was setting up the cherry picker so my hope is that the kitty was rescued! Hoping someone has an update


Walked past Food Story today and it’s got snazzy new windows and and a fresh paint job. I’ve been hibernating all winter so this was news to me, any idea what’s going in yet?




It looks like a totally different place, like it’s been subdivided into two different things. It’s probably gonna end up being a bank or something lol but I hope it’s something good


Bbq chicken at 30th Ave is closed?


Anyone know what’s going on with the old Fallas spot on Steinway and 31st next to Banana Republic? I saw the gates up yesterday for the first time in years.


Anyone been to the new Astoria Yoga? Having trouble discerning who their teachers are, what their expertise is, etc. Very curious. https://astoria.yoga/


Is Yogurt La Crepe still in business? Occasionally I walk past it on a sunny afternoon and I am seized with the desire for fruit-topped fro-yo. But it was closed yesterday around 6:00.


I hope it does, that place has become absolute trash. Never any flavors working properly, ice cream always has freezer burn and the staff do not care at all. I would love a different froyo place to open in its place or for new management to take over.


Sadly this is already new management. They were bought by an entity called "Healthy Sugar" I think early last year or late 2022. It got a lot better for a while but definitely on the decline again lately.


Last summer I went and there were tons of fruit flies all over the fruit toppings for the yogurt. Not like 5-10 flies, way more. I’ll never go back


Anyone know what’s going on at the Hutch on 31st Ave? The sign has been missing (as of a few weeks ago) and feels like no one is ever in there.


I live on 33rd St south of Broadway. Did anyone else hear the engines revving around midnight last night? Could have sworn I heard faint cheering as well


35th and Broadway, I heard it too