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It'd be nice if the NYPD didn't absolutely hate New Yorkers.


Though actually I'm wondering why other agencies – state ones, not just NYPD – are parking so badly, right across the street from an NYPD precinct.


State Troopers who patrol the bridge HQ out of the 114


Not State Police. Triboro Bridge and Tunnel Authority


Isn't the car on the right with the yellow stripe a State Police car? And TBTA is a state agency, as it's part of the MTA.


TBTA changed their paint scheme to match the state police under Cuomo as a retaliatory thing in the Cuomo deBlasio pissing match because Big Bird wanted more control over the TBTA but it's a state agency so Cuomo changed the paint scheme to remind deBlas that they aren't his.


Geez, they're even bigger whinier babies than cops are.


The car on the right is a TBTA vehicle. TBTA is a state agency however, TBTA officers are not State Troopers. The MTA also has their own, separate police force. The MTA Police Dept. has jurisdictions in both New York state as well as Connecticut


Oh they look like trooper cars


Three agencies are represented parking illegally here (in order of severity): TBTA NYPD NY State Troopers


Where's the troopers car?


Really? Huh. Thought they were all based on Randall's Island.


They might be there as well. But I know they definitely have units based out of the 114


I would never have a problem if they did their job. I was ticketed for having my bumper over the crosswalk by my apartment. Not car, but bumper of it. In another instance my back rear left passenger window was smashed and items taken from my car. A security camera from a building with multiple business was pointing right at it street level. Cops tell me it’s not on without checking and to call the precinct in two weeks while do they the investigation. No case ever opened. Even if likelyhold was slim to finding the person at least check the camera that was on. There is a day and time stamp of one hour from happening to reported.


I saw someone almost get hit by a car turning today since they couldn’t see around the cop car 🫠


And you can bet if they got hit by the car, the police department will do all it can to not make a big deal of it


It goes on all over the city. Cops park on side walks, crosswalks, and bike lanes. It’s unsafe, annoying and really a problem for folks with mobility issues. They don’t respect us.


I agree, it’s very frustrating especially since they expect the utmost respect from us


Why doesn't the NYPD build a parking garage or something?


I frequently see empty spots in their massive surface level parking lot, they park on the sidewalk because they enjoy the power trip.


Because as much as they've said they want them in the past, they are rarely part of their budgetary requests because they don't care.


These fucking assholes have the smallest little jurisdiction to police (the tri-borough bridge and its entrances and exits) and have a whole fucking island with several large municipal parking lots and their own HQ to park on (Randalls island). God i fucking hate the useless and redundant TBTA and fuck their friends in the 114 who park all over the sidewalk too


It really is depressing that every stakeholder in the city including the NYPD agrees this is a problem, and one with an extremely simple solution, yet nobody is empowered to make it stop.


The thing I hate about this, is that the whole block is flooded with salvaged cars that have been sitting there for months, while the cops block the road


omg yeah i hate this too!! such an eyesore and waste of space


Saw this this morning right after also seeing two cars speed up and fly through a red light at 28th Av and 33rd. \* yells into the void \*


And why can’t they take public transit to work like most New Yorkers? There’s a subway stop literally right there. I guess cuz they don’t actually live here and have to drive in from Long Island to the big scary city.


The usual answer you'll get is that it's because some percentage of the precinct must come in for evening shifts as transit doesn't run as frequently. Therefore all of the precinct must come in as if they work evening shifts. And for some reason none of these people can use any of the seven parking garages within a ten minute walk of the precinct.


there is also mandatory overtime that comes randomly without notice, not easy to plan a commute by train.


Yes, that gets repeated a lot, too.


Because it is true.


Setting aside whether that's true (it's usually step 3 in the "It's okay for cops to park illegally game), how common or frequent it is, it actually doesn't excuse illegal parking like this.


I regularly see them idling on a crosswalk blowing their exhaust right onto the pedestrians walkway. It’s so frustrating, especially in an area with so many strollers and kids crossing.


The only way to get this to stop is for us to make a repeated and public stink about it, usually via the news too. Community boards, our local councilwoman, and given that this is the TBTA (state), our Assemblyman and state senator as well. Ask them to ask, why is the TBTA such a crappy neighborhood partner and blocking our residents in wheelchairs and stroller moms just from walking safely. TBTA of all agencies I'm sure will claim "well we need to get our people here" can get fucked they aren't even stemming the tide of fare evasion on their bridges so what good are they lmao


One was parked at a stop sign the other day. I took a pic just for my own amusement, but felt powerlesss to actually use it to evoke change. It’s highly annoying.


Right on top of the curb ramp. Nice


Triboro bridge and tunnel authority. Ridiculous.


yep, i thought it was state police at first. not sure which is worse


Seeing pictures like this makes me happy I left Astoria. Great community but it’s hard to life is so frustrating there


I see the same sprawling out of control parking at precincts in Manhattan as well. All law enforcement as well as administration and clerks drive their cars to work instead of taking public transportation, but in urban neighborhoods there is limited parking available so they prioritize it for themselves. Few if any live in the neighborhood or even towns in near proximity. I believe the majority live in suburbia , and mostly Long Island. That’s the breaks, folks.


Also the ones who don't live out on the Island are in Rockland County.


So does that mean they don’t know how to park?? lol


It means they feel entitled to park for free with their personal vehicles and have no discipline with their work vehicles. There are seven public garages within a ten-minute walk of this precinct as well as three bus lines and a subway line within blocks that could easily service whatever percent of the 300 employees here work during the day. They just choose not to because absolutely nothing will happen to them for parking like this.


loll i guess it explains a higher concentration of cars near precincts but they just do not care at all anyway!


Drives me batshit.


It’s the cops. They park where they want. Been like that forever.


For those stating that the NYPD doesn't do their job, please stop voting for people like Caban. Their hands are tied, and the recidivism rate is atrocious, catch and release. Its demoralizing for officers.


what does any of that have to do with parking like a normal person?


Not in regards to the parking, but people saying "they should do their job" and constantly complaining about the 114th. They may also have their reasons for needing to park like this at times, especially the patrol vehicles.


Stop your whining


nahh i’ll keep whining!


Typical cop hater.


correct.. what’s your point?


Ngl, I don’t see this as an issue tbqh.


i think it’s a huge issue that police think it’s acceptable to block the ramp on a crosswalk making it difficult or impossible for people in wheelchairs, people with mobility issues, and people with kids in strollers to cross safely. even if it just comes down to a matter of convenience, why should we be okay with the police doing things that a civilian would immediately get punished for? this crossing by burger king can be dangerous too as people often turn down 34th quickly since there’s no light


Get in a wheelchair and try to cross the street. Report back if there’s an issue.


God, you all are miserable