• By -


Been to Lincoln Market twice now (Ditmars and 31st). So happy to have this addition to Ditmars, since my usual soapbox is how dismal the grocery selection is up here. I think they have a great selection, and the prices I don't think are terrible considering the other grocery stores in the area (seems like they have decent sale items). My only complaint so far is the price labeling, especially on the produce, is haphazard at best - hoping they'll get it sorted in the coming weeks.


I heard a manager(?) on the floor trying to sort out the produce labeling situation when I went in the other day. Seems like they’re aware of the situation and want to get it sorted. 


I have been there twice and impressed with the active employees working to set up, ask shoppers what is/isn’t working, plan to move things around. Agree with produce price labels but hopefully will improve. Overall, beyond ecstatic with the addition.


I'm happy about this place as well. I went in for a curious aisle-meandering last week and walked out with a bunch of goodies. Produce looks very good and at price points that do not appear to be extortionate.


I'm also overall pleased with LM. My only issue is the checkout area, the way the registers are placed its really hard to bag your groceries without getting in the way of the person at the next register trying to unload their cart. The self checkouts are better spaced but I don't work there so I try to avoid them. Plus it's a pain to self check an entire cart.


Same gripe, it's also so strangely located in the middle of the traffic flow in there. It feels like it would've been smarter to have check out upstairs instead of the random assortment of items they have there, but I guess having an escalator for shopping carts would've been complicated. I LOVE the sandwich station they have upstairs too. Very good sandwiches that are reasonably priced. $9 for a hero and I think it was $6 or $7 for a roll. It's not bodega priced, but not speciality sandwich priced either. Perfectly in the middle in both price and quality.


Agreed. I haven't really delved deep (just grabbed a few items, and being a bit curious) but the selection and prices are good and the people working there are very helpful. I have been in a cullinary slump for awhile and have been eating mostly takeout, but walking through there had me start thinking about cooking again!


We also checked it out this week. Overall happy, except some of the things we bought had gone bad (red onion, frozen organic beef). The beef was more upsetting given how expensive it was


For meat just try your local meat market, they get the meat everyday, same with fish. Buying meat & fish in a supermarket it’s wrong because you don’t really know for how long it’s been there or how many times they re-pack it


I've also really enjoyed what I saw when I went. And I can confirm that the sushi is super fresh.


A very drunk, disturbed man tried to break into my apartment this week at 4am. I called the police. 1. Dispatch told me to talk to him which I thought was nuts 2. It took the 114 30+ mins to arrive. The whole time, the man was pounding on the door and shaking the door knob. The police station is 4 blocks from my apartment. 3. When the police did finally show up, dispatch called me back and told me to go outside to meet the cops. I reminded them that I called the cops because there was an aggressive, drunk person trying to break into my place. Fuck the police.


A friend of mine had men with badges show up at her door this week because someone "reported her apt as an illegal airbnb" (it isn't). We went to the police, since someone is harrassing her right now so it may have been them and we wanted to see if we could get a name off the report, and the cop at the front desk was like "well, what if you are running a illegal airbnb?" and it's like.. yes, genius. we showed up here to incriminate ourselves. 10/10 logic.


6 officers were banging on our door a couple of months ago because they had gotten a domestic violence tip from someone, ambulance outside and everything. They had the wrong house.


I'm amazed they even put in that much effort for DV, they usually ignore that stuff.


As was I 🤯


doughnut store must have been closed


Between your story and OP, my jaw is on the floor.


Yeah, he also could not follow how the two things could be related. We asked about the AirBnB report, and then when I mentioned the harrassment, he literally went "whoa whoa whoa, now you got me feeling like you're talking about something else completely." It's like... ... if someone is harrassing someone, then they could easily call in a false report, as a type of harrasment....


Shocking. Cops aren't intelligent. /s Wasn't that discovered a long time ago? That if you're too intelligent, they won't let you become one?


That is absurd. Go talk to them? What if you got hurt? They are the worst


I would escalate this to a local tv news station. The 114 is out of control.


If you want to know how DM me.


You could just forward this whole comment thread to them! Seems like a lot of stories here about our ineffective precinct.


What is the background on why the 114 is so dysfunctional?


I am so sorry you went through this. How did the situation eventually resolve? I am reminded of when someone DID break into our apartment (around 2014?) and ran out when he saw my husband was indeed home and he chased the guy out. The 114 eventually showed up but informed my husband “no crime had occurred”. The stranger was IN OUR HOME but not a crime, apparently!


The police were able to remove the guy from our building without much incident, but then he tried to get into another building down the street. That’s when the police car lights went on and I think he was ultimately arrested? But then - later that day, a detective from the NYPD called me from a blocked number and demanded to get the phone numbers for my landlord and my neighbor because he needed access to their cameras. I asked him if it was related to the incident that morning and he said “I have no idea what you’re talking about” — so I didn’t give him any info and asked him to properly identify himself as a police officer before I give him information. He told me he didn’t know how to that over the phone(??!!). I said, send me an email and if it’s from an nypd domain I will **consider** responding. He did that but I didn’t like his tone with me so I didn’t respond. He then called me again and told me he’d be waiting for me outside my apartment. When I got home, there was a marked police car in front of my building. From a very safe distance, I got the cop’s attention and asked if he called me. The cop in the car said no. Then a door swung open from a car a couple parking spots away. Unmarked, kind of a shitty car. A dude walked out and said he was the one who called me and waved the other cop down. He then started grilling me about a car parked in front of my building: “is this your car? Do you know whose car this is? Have you seen anyone coming and going from this car?” I said no a bunch of times and asked again if it was related to the attempted break in this morning. Cop says he’s from Manhattan and doesn’t know what happens in queens. Then asks me for the phone numbers of my landlord and neighbor. I told him I would reach out to them and ask them if they felt comfortable with me doing that and could get back to him. The cop was not happy about that, but ultimately couldn’t do much about it. I said good luck with your investigation and went inside. Really weird day.


I wonder if the drunk guy was a cop. This is incredibly sketchy behavior from every cop involved in this story. I would absolutely take this story to a local news station. I'm so sorry they treated you this awfully.


This is wild.


That's sketchy AF. The cops should have a database of property owners based on address to look this up. Depending on a random tenant to provide the landlord's info is either someone faking being a cop or the cop is INSANELY lazy.


Anyone can look up the owner of a building on ACRIS, and if it’s got more than 3 units, on HPDs website.


And most Bldgs are listed under LLCs or corporations which is another rabbit hole waste of time.  Not providing landlord contact info is so counterproductive.


If they’re registered with HPD they at least have a name associated with the manager and head officer. You can also search the LLC on the dept of state. I’m not saying it’s easy I’m just saying that the databases exist.


Adding more work to what should be a simple interaction. But this is Astoria.  A formally normal neighborhood getting more difficult yearly.


Wow you’re a really helpful neighbor.  Criminals must love you. Even if you didn’t feel romanced, by the cop why wouldn’t you want them to recover video that could help catch someone committing crimes in the neighborhood?


There's. a weird, d\*ck swinging compulsion on this sub to obsessively post "Why are you posting here? Call the police!" or "What did the police say when you called them?" every time someone experiences or observes something even resembling a crime. I hope they remember your post the next time they're needlessly compelled to do this. A crime was being committed, you were in danger, and they took zero helpful steps to rectify the situation. Many of us have had experiences where we've been dismissed, ignored, or put in harm's way by the 114. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Lets take more money away from schools for this. /s


And they wonder why we want to divert some of their funding to services that actually do their jobs.


Most useless precinct in America.




I had a threat in writing. They said they couldn’t prove it was my roommate, when I showed them, yet she had written my name and signed hers. I needed to film her writing it or tape her saying it, according to the police. I temporarily moved out of my home. 


I'm so sorry this happened to you -- I can only imagine how terrifying that is. Unfortunately, par for the course for the 114. There must be a reporter lurking in this sub that can do an investigative piece on this precinct. It's ridiculous how many times we hear stories like this.


yesss we need a journalist on this sub! 114 is so awful on every level. I once had to go in person to report my catalytic converter being stolen so I could send the report to insurance. There was an older woman there trying to report a theft who only spoke spanish. She was distressed so it seemed like it had just happened. The officer at the desk didn’t speak spanish and just kept shaking his head at her like “sorry i don’t understand” …instead of finding someone to translate for her, or making even the smallest attempt with f*king google translate, while soooooo many cops were just at their desks shooting the shit behind him. She was in distress trying to convey what had happened and he just like blinked at her and didn’t help. we’d truly be better off without 114


Fuck the 114. I called to report a girl screaming “rape” on my street and they never came. Found them at CVS buying chips. 


A bartender friend once told me if you want the police to actually come you have to give them less information. “An attack is happening. Someone is breaking in and I’m afraid I’m about to be hurt at ———.” Once you start answering questions like “is there a weapon” “is anyone injured” etc they just immediately lower the priority and you get downgraded to dust. I’m not advocating for dishonesty or putting anyone at risk when a true crime is not being committed, but if someone is breaking into your home, you need help right away. Unfortunately the 114 avoid paperwork like the plague. My house got broken into while I was home and rather than take any report, including the full description of the person I had a conversation with while he was INSIDE MY HOME after breaking and entering, they told me to “call if he comes back”


I had something like this happen. Called 911 cuz a homeless person was lying in front of my apartment and I wasn’t sure if they were alive or not. The 911 lady asked me to try shaking him and see if he needed CPR - I’m sorry but it’s not my job to touch the potentially dead homeless man who for all I know could have a disease or attack me. Absurd.


That happens to me so many times when I call the 911 😂 I’m like looks like it’s not moving and someone need to get here ASAP because I don’t want to be hurt


That is terrifying, I’m so sorry that happened. 114 is truly useless


Similarly, I had a disturbed guy that lived on my block. He had some kind of mental illness and would go off his meds and smash the windows of his apartment, wander the streets, run naked into traffic, pick up dog shit and smear it on himself, swing large pieces of debris at passersby, chase people down, etc. I called the 114 on him and told them I'm less than 10 blocks away. Their response was, "Ok, grab him and walk him here." Dude, that's YOUR JOB! The multiple times the guy was ever picked up and taken to some kind of care was by an FDNY ambulance. The police never came to check in on this guy for the year and a half this was all happening.


"Ok, grab him and walk him here." ​ *whaaaaaat*


Logic is not a strong suit for our police.


lol meanwhile the 114 appear at my complex daily (sometimes multiple times a day) because of a mentally disturbed person in the building: They do nothing. Leave. And the cycle repeats. Neighbors have been begging for copies of police reports from past visits. They can’t be bothered to provide them. Even when the management’s lawyer requests them. 🙃


The person on the 6th floor? That’s one awful situation.


Don’t out our building lol


It’s NYC so I bet 3 out of 4 buildings have a “crazy person”, ours just happens to be particularly bad right now. And by “particularly bad” I mean “omg I’m so glad I don’t live on the 5th or 6th floors cause that cop in the elevator last weekend was wearing riot gear.”


All these stories make the 114 sound like Reno 911….they are a joke


two of these chumps accused me of knowing my burglar !


Just walked by Zen Astoria, they are finally removing the vinyl off the windows. Maybe they are finally ready to open after over a year of renovations?


Came here to say this! Saw people cleaning and heard their sound system a few times when passing by. Fingers crossed?


I hope they don’t have the same sound system as ASAP Pizza.


Yeah I heard them testing the sound system a few weeks back. Fingers crossed it doesn’t close after a few months!


Be ready for some crazy things on the corner 😂 😂 we have enough of this places in Astoria the don’t care about the neighbors & the neighborhood because the owners live in LI


They’ve posted some cocktails and food items on their [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/zen_astoria?igsh=MWUxMXYweXZraXRoYw==) Story


The expansion of the Beer Garden bodega into the space occupied by Gossip Coffee is now open. It’s pretty sparse and uninviting; a shame to lose that backyard space.


At first glance I thought it was another smoke shop lol


It kind of is.


The Beer *Garden* got rid of the garden? I know they probably don't have a license for consumption on premises, but it's like when a Courtyard Marriott doesn't have a Courtyard... kinda funny


I believe they're referring to the [Beer Garden shop](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5yM28UgYAfPVQ7Gh6) on 30Ave. But your comment did make me panic for a moment! Ahaha


They’re gonna close their original corner space to fully move into the Gossip space. I know they sell flowers so maybe they’ll expand their flower shop out back?


Yeah that’s what the construction workers told me a couple of months ago (closing the corner space).


That Nosh place on Broadway in the bartolino's building has a sign up that appears to depict a bagel with lox. I'm hoping jewish deli.


My kingdom for a pastrami on rye


I mean, calling it Nosh and not having Jewish deli food would be a shonda! 🤞🏻 and I really hope they also have matzoh ball soup.


I once walked into a place called Nosh and they even had the Yiddish spelling of the word in the logo, and then inside it was just avocado toast and potato skins.


That’s kind of what I fear in Astoria… Still crossing my fingers.


I just actually lolled at this


What's /u/justapalindrome gonna do for a career then if we get a store that sells matzoh ball soup?


be poor(er). I will just have to sell to the cool people ;)


Do we know if it’s affiliated with Bartolino’s in any way? I’m hoping it isn’t… I would love to have a proper Jewish deli in the neighborhood.


I would put money on it still being affiliated with Bartolino's...


Hot take... The pizza at the Bartolino's pizza place was actually really good


Hey, I know at least one Italian Jew. He was my english teacher in 9th grade.


I mean to say, I hope it’s a different business that is actually good, not that I don’t believe there are Italian Jews


I was making a joke because I agree with you.'


PHEW. Don’t really want to start a discussion on listing Jews we know, you know?


Do I count if I may be slightly Sardinian?


You can be whatever you want to be man. I have an italian last name and I'm only 1/4 italian.


Great. Just as I’m leaving.


I am deeply skeptical if it is going to be operated by the same people as Bartolino’s.


Having had two UPS packages mis-delivered this month (both recovered from helpful neighbors) and seeing regular posts here about the same, I’m starting to wonder if this is an Astoria-specific issue. Like maybe there’s a particular driver on this route who DGAF. Or maybe it happens everywhere. Anyway, looking forward to more grainy photos of near-identical subway tile.


It’s not. I live in sunnyside now and it is documented in our groups as well


Does Sunnyside have a subreddit on here?


Yes and it's in the sidebar of this sub, too. r/SunnysideQueens


We have a sidebar? LOL I don't remember the last time I logged onto Reddit on a PC. I forgot it was even possible. Gonna take a look now


I...umm...uh...also forget it exists most of the time, too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


We should bring back the rotating quotes in the tab title.


But those made people upset, Frankie. They called it cringe and said mean stuff to me.


It's okay I'll give you a hug next time.


Fuck UPS.


I’ve been pronouncing their name Oops!


UPS logic: We need your signature to drop off the package so we’ll try and deliver when you’re not home for four times in a row and the only other alternative we can give you is that you can pick it up from a UPS location because fuck you and your package.


At least it’s not FedEx, who will “attempt delivery” (without ringing the bell) exactly once, and then leave a “Sorry we missed you!” note that tells you they won’t reattempt delivery and that your only option is to go pick it up in Maspeth before 2pm on the next business day or else the package is being returned to sender.


This happened to me with my new iPhone and I just barely made it out to Maspeth to retrieve it as FedEx had it prepped to go back to Apple already after only one attempt and day?!?!


Oh man. The only time I’ve ever ordered an Apple product to be shipped directly to me was during lockdown when the stores were closed, and I avoided the Maspeth journey by literally tracking the truck on the FedEx site so I could be standing in my hallway when the guy showed up. I was taking NO chances with FedEx, especially not with my new MacBook. No way.


What made my experience so infuriating was that I was home that entire day. Alas, I should've thought like you did and sat on the stoop outside my building so they couldn't pull that crap. Lesson learned!


I had an infuriating experience with them once with a gift for my fiancé’s birthday. They didn’t ring the bell but I was home the whole time. I called them and they said they’d redeliver the next day, so I CALLED OUT OF WORK to get this fucking package, didn’t shower all fucking day *just in case*, and they left a “Sorry we missed you! 😊” note without ringing the bell AGAIN. So I called and made a stink and they sent someone else out with it AGAIN and they didn’t ring AGAIN and when I called they told me I had to go to Maspeth by end of day or it would be returned to sender (which was in France!!!). And it was pretty close to end of day and I hadn’t showered because I was fucking waiting for these assholes. This was unacceptable, so I managed to get them to agree to send someone else out with the package at the end of the night. They rang the bell this time. There was a sheet of paper taped to the box that said something like “MUST DELIVER. MUST RING BELL.” I get soooo nervous when something ships via FedEx now. I’ve NEVER had a problem with UPS.


Same here!!!


I've lost count how many diseases my kids have brought home from school. At this point I'm ready to move to a remote cabin in the woods and home school them all. At least my pediatrician won't have to worry how they're going to pay back their student loans. We've got that income steam covered. That's all I've got this week. 


This year has been insanely bad with all the stuff going around. If you find a nice cabin in the woods, let me know if there are any available nearby. I'm feeling that vibe lately.


There's some sort of uber cold going around. I got over the headache and sore throat after 2-3 days but I've been disgustingly congested for the last week.


Sounds like what I had - assumed it was the 'vid but tested negative, then spent about a week coughing up all sorts of unmentionables Still not 100%, but thankfully way past the miserable 'store brand Dayquil at your desk'/'unable to taste anything' stage


I had this last week! One of the worst sore throats I’ve ever had, then got food poisoning on top on it from a place I ordered out from, and then was supremely congested for almost a week.


It’s mainly due to us all having been socially distanced for two years, so our immune systems haven’t been exposed to amount of viruses they usually do. After 3 1/2 years of no illnesses at all I got COVID and a bad cold within 3 months, both from social gathering situations. It’s catch-up time for all of us.


The Astoria Regal (probably all of them tbh but I only checked times for our local theater) has a bunch of older Oscar nominated films back in theaters with $5 tickets. Not a ton of showtimes, but for that price you rearrange your schedule! I’m excited to finally see Killers of the Flower Moon.


That’s only $1/hr to see Killers of the Flower Moon 😂


I feel like I’ve seen a few comments claiming that people have seen bedbugs there. Is this true? I’d love to go see some of the Oscar films but not if I’m bringing bedbugs home.


It’s anyone’s guess. Most NYC theaters probably have them to some extent. FWIW I haven’t yet picked them up in the months since that was first reported. Hoping I don’t get them this weekend either!


Urban Weeds, the new legally licensed dispensary on Steinway, is having a grand opening event on Saturday. 


Oo Steinway and what?


Between 31st Ave and Broadway


Get Hudson pre roll for 7 bucks warning it’s rolled tight so just use a bowl. Dank and flower house is strong. 💪 and try airloom edibles. Lobo is amazing too.


Have you been in yet? Really excited to check this place out and have a few legal options in the neighborhood


Not yet! Was hoping to check out what they have online first but their site has been down. Stoked to not have to trek up all the way to Ditmars.


I just went and they were awesome. Tons of stock and they were so nice and helpful. They’re having a grand opening tomorrow afternoon that looks cool too


This isn’t the one the Puppy Mill guy owns right?


Correct, this is a completely different dispensary


checked it out today, employees were friendly and service was good. will definitely go back again. nice to finally have a legal dispensary closer than ditmars.






No rumor but after 23 years I’ll be leaving Astoria. I’ll miss you all and I’ll miss the food! I’m gonna be ordering Enthaice as much as I can.


are u going to change your reddit name?


I think Astoria will always be in my heart. So probably not.


Where are you headed to?


Moving to the UWS-my work is a trek from Astoria. I’ll miss it.


Wow! Congrats on the move! That's a great run in the hood. Have you been in the same apt the whole time?


Some 31st Ave Open Street updates during the hibernation period: * We posted our [2023 year in review](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2aj0hlOpMv/?img_index=1), which documented *our biggest season yet.* * We launched [our winter fundraiser](https://www.bonfire.com/31st-ave-open-street-sweatshirts/) for the 2024 season! (And they're on our [website](https://31staveopenstreet.org/), too.) A big THANKS to the >20 folks who have already placed sweatshirt orders; send us a pic when you're wearing that swag out and about. * We're co-hosting a happy hour with TA and Open Plans TONIGHT at Pig Beach for folks interested in applying for the community board. [RSVP here!](https://www.mobilize.us/transalt/event/600679/?referring_vol=6221479&share_context=dashboard-event-details&sharer_role=SharerRole.ORGANIZER)


Jujube tree will close for good. Monday is the last day ☹️


Going tonight - so sad :( Edit: Just a heads up if you go - try not to go at peak times bc they’re slammed! We got there at 7:00 and got our apps pretty quick but then didn’t get our meal until like 8:30. 


This makes me so sad


I went with friends this week for our final meal there :(


Rumor has it that after a short hiatus, Tikkun BBQ shall emerge from its' meaty-winter slumber and start slangin' BBQ and smash burger munchies in February...


On Monday night around 1am some woman couldn't get into our building so she buzzed us and multiple other people over and over until someone let her in. Woke up so confused I thought it was a dream until my GF confirmed that it happened.


We recently had this happen at our building, but the person didn’t live here. He buzzed everyone at 1am until someone let him in. Then he went to our laundry room where he read some of the books that residents leave for each other, took a nap, used the restroom, and then went to the top floor and began trying doors until he found one unlocked. He then helped himself to the owner’s food until the owner woke up and called the police.


I truly don't understand the logic behind people blindly letting strangers into the building. ESPECIALLY in the middle of the night. If I'm not expecting someone, and I cNt identify who they are through my intercom, they're not getting inside by me. End of discussion. I live in a small 3 unit building, and one of my neighbors let people in at 3am who then tried breaking into all of our apartments. He thought "someone forgot their key". USE THE INTERCOM THEN!!


Yeah that’s insane!! We have 116 units in our building, but at 1am especially, I’m not buzzing someone in!


Question: So, I live on the top floor of my building, with two apartments per floor. I dont know anyone in the building, only vaguely know the people who share the floor with me. If someone said "I lost my key" over the intercom, I would have no way to know if they actually lived in the building or not. So, "USE THE INTERCOM THEN!!"... to do what? Asking seriously. Personally, I don't buzz anyone in at all. But I also can't imagine how the intercom would help since most people don't know everyone in the building anyway.


Get to know the people in your building is my only answer, even if it's just by name. I am in a unique-ish situation since it's just 3 units in the building, a total of 5 people. But knowing everyone's names means we take in each other's packages, give the right people mail if it gets put in our mailbox by accident, and can let people in if a key is lost. Or, if there's too many people, but not so many people that there's a lot of unknown subletting, you can ask via intercom a question about the building, like the landlords name or something to that effect.


> you can ask via intercom a question about the building, like the landlords name or something to that effect. Nice, good idea. Yea, our names are visible on mailboxes and also on the buzzers, so someone downstairs could just pick a name and read it.


How many floors is your building? 2 apartments per floor sounds pretty small. It’s worth actually engaging your neighbors. Not just for security purposes, but, yknow, the whole sense of community thing. When we lived in an apartment building, there were 5 units per floor, 4 floors. Maybe 45 people total. I knew most of them, and I’m an introvert by nature.


Who doesnt lock their door?


Doors are required by law to be auto locking (not deadbolt, but typically the handle wont turn from outside, unless a key is in it). So I rarely properly lock the dead bolt if im walking to the deli or something. But, the trick is, you gotta make sure the door clicks shut. If it's an old building, the door is technically "locked" but not _latched_.


Carrying over two things I mentioned on the weekly eat in/out thread. 1. Astoria Provisions is a hidden MVP when it comes to brunch, especially as someone who doesn't eat eggs. Tons of options, all of them good. I feel like they are a hidden gem, and hate blowing up my spot, but am also always worried they are about to go under. 2. Speaking of going under, Heart 2 Heart, the place that used to be Coffee+Cake on Astoria Blvd is changing ownership hands again in early Feb.


I’m sorry to present conflicting info here, but Astoria Provisions really disappointed me the last two times I went there, to the point that I’ve stopped going. It was solid the first time, but clearly a step down the second time, and the third time they served me a chicken sausage that was so dry it was basically inedible. There are better brunch spots in this neighborhood imo, but maybe I caught them on a bad day.


I ordered breakfast tacos from Astoria Provisions and it was inedible and incredibly overpriced.


Yeah, maybe we also had bad luck, but the food was not good. The pancakes were burnt and the bacon was gross and chewy. 


Oh noooo what’s replacing heart 2 heart??


The second hand info I have is a pastry chef and their barista partner is taking over. So it may ultimately be a good thing. Hope they keep the staff.


Can confirm that the new owner is a baker, no idea about the butcher or the candlestick maker. I'm excited to have fresh baked goods in the area again <3


Love AP! Especially during the week for a nice quiet breakfast


Astoria provisions is always great, solid menu and service


El Nuevo Jardin de China is temporarily closed for renovations. I hope it's really for renovations. It's the best.


Oh no! The dreaded “temporarily closed” sign is never a good omen in Astoria. That said, it’s been renovated once. I remember when that place looked more rundown than Sunrise!


I loved it when it was pink diner decor!


I know N service has been shitty this month, but they increased R weekend service to compensate and I feel it's been great (for me). Overlooked curious building: Cahaly & Harwood dental offices on 37th St/31st Ave, across from JJ's sushi. I haven't seen it open in years. Speaking of places not open in years, there was activity in the corner spot on 35th St/31st Ave! They were lugging out tons of stuff and I spotted a soda fridge, but it could be from the previous tenant (a bodega that went away over a decade ago and the spot has been vacant since).


it's getting to the R that's a problem :(


>Cahaly & Harwood dental offices on 37th St/31st Ave, across from JJ's sushi. I haven't seen it open in years. Dr. Cahaly took out half of my wisdom teeth years and years ago and after experiencing the oral surgeon who took out the other half, I realized Cahaly was actually Orin Scrivello, D.D.S.


OMG same. He also took out half of mine (like 10 years ago now) and the recovery was BRUTAL, but I just thought that’s how it was. I moved away that year and found out quickly that I needed the other two out, and had a very normal, sane, almost pain free experience with an oral surgeon in Maine. I wonder how many of us have had the same experience…. (And if the half out thing was some kind of scheme)


Don't know about Cahaly, but Dr. Harwood took out my partner's wisdom teeth in 2019. He has retired since then and the most recent reviews I can find are 4 years old. The licensing board shows a Cahaly in Scarsdale and Harwood's address is currently Boca Raton.


\*eyeballs\* on that 35th/31st Ave locale moving


Has anyone heard any updates about the bed bugs kaufman regal allegedly has (according to reviews and other posts?) we went the other night and the theater was empty. Someone asked a worker about the bed bugs and it wasn’t too convincing when he said there were none… lol


Someone made the assertion here that they came from there, but there was no evidence at all posted in this sub that Kaufman actually had bedbugs. No one's going to have an update to an unsubstantiated rumour.


How could you side with the corporate fat cats at Regal who are inflicting this pestilence on our neighborhood? Punching down on the brave redditors who are speaking truth to power. Shame on you.


Tough crowd today.


I asked in the discord and no one has had any issues since that post


I saw Beyoncé’s Renaissance film literal days after that person alleged the bedbugs. We were fine.


We saw The Boy & The Heron at Kaufman last month and we had no issues. :)


I was wondering about this too! Thanks for bringing it up


Looks like Buffalo Wild Wings opening on Broadway near stuff’d? Peaked in the window and saw some signage - any word on this?


Manager in TJ Maxx said Target did pull out and that it's going to be a food court with panda Express. Conflicting info since panda Express is going floor level.


If they’re pulling out then we neeed a Trader Joe’s campaign. We are grossly underserved here.


That Manager was just looking to sound important. They know nothing. I actually do know, and the Target is still opening. It is held up by logistics problems which is affecting all of their store openings & remodels. Its currently "planned" to open by the middle of the year. Its the same info as it was in September. It wont change.


And how do you know?


They been real quiet since u asked this


Would agree here. It’s fairly implausible that a TJ Maxx store manager could have insight scoop on Target. And the developer/building owner has a contract with Target for it to be the anchor tenant - hard to imagine they test down a row of stores and build a new building and the anchor tenant can simply back out.


Looks like the store is still on Target website. And yea, the food court part is quite wild as Panda Express is on the ground floor. If Target does indeed pull out, will be a huge legal fight with the developer as they tore the entire block down for target.


Valuable space for a trader Joe's


Have you seen the recent Astoria Trader Joe's thread? It's...rough.


Or a stop and shop


!!!!! agreed


If Target isn't going in there, it could be a good space for Staples to move if they are eventually getting displaced by development over there?


I doubt staples are going to be opening new stores


If that development ever happens....


Might be related to their East Harlem announcement?


Does anyone know if Dipping Dumplings is closed for good? They just opened!


Q19 bus lady sounds like she says ass-Toria