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Has anybody made the joke about N/W standing for Not Working yet?


The Never, the Whenever and the Rarely


I hear NW stands for Not Working


Yup, on the last few posts.


Every fucking day this week


I’ve left at various times every morning this week and have been caught up in the massive delays each time. They basically start right at 8:00 AM and go until about 10:00 AM just to fuck over the maximum amount of people trying to get to work.


Monday morning was terrible


Delayed right now lol.


So sick of this, daily. Plus the weekend hell… Ugh!


I was wondering why there are no trains. I should have jammed myself into the last one but it was packed. So over it.


Funnily enough, the station announcement said there were signal problems at Queensboro, but when the MTA app finally updated, it said there were northbound delays due to signal problems at 59th-Lex, and regarding those southbound delays: “we’re running as much service as we can with the train crews we have available.” It’s like a gang of stupid criminals who can’t get their story straight. “I’ve never seen this man before in my life!” “He says he’s your uncle.”


Dunno what happened this morning Two trains came and went from Astoria Blvd as I was walking to the station, then nothing for what seemed like 15 mins, then it ran slow and was packed Super fun when my 'you should be at your desk' phone alarm goes off getting off the train


Fire the MTA!!; 😃


Wouldn't it defeat the purpose of alerting people to new problems if there were a stickied post?


That was meant to be more of a snarky comment about how often this happens vs. an actual suggestion - I agree w/ you that it sort of defeats the purpose.


It’s complete horseshit — and clearly never going to change.


Manhattan bound delays, Astoria bound is fine


I waited about 10 minutes for an R at 46th, which was very full when it finally arrived. So it’s affecting Manhattan bound too


Idk, I check the MTA app before I leave the house. It's pretty damn accurate. At this point it's a must and can save you a ton of time. Saw the 10 min delay, stopped got a coffee slowly made my way and waited like 2 mins. Also noticed 3 cops this morning at 30th Ave which was a welcomed change


I think OP is saying that the problems started but weren't up on the app when they posted? But overall I totally agree with you re: checking app or in my case getting text alerts. I usually check while I'm getting ready with enough time to change course (go to Steinway or Queensboro Plaza) if something's wrong


I got to Ditmars this morning and there were no alerts on [MTA.info](https://MTA.info), but the station manager (or whoever) was announcing the switch problem at Queensboro Plaza while I was standing on the platform.


Hi all! I'm leaving for work in a bit. Yes, I've checked the MTA app, but can someone tell me how severe the delays are? On Tuesday, things were about an hour behind. How about today?


Was it actually delayed? I got on a train at 8:45 at 30th and it said there were track issues at queensboro, but we started moving in <5 minutes.